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Break Your Fears and Not Your Heart

God said:

You may have become comfortable with wrenching your heart, squeezing it, making your heart break. You may think that heartbreak is the lay of the land. You may think that broken-hearted is the only way to go. So much in life seems to have been taken from you, wrested from you, obliterated from you. There is even word for your suffering in romantic novels and in the world, and the word is drama. You perform in a tragedy.

Must you think this way about your presence in the world I made for you and gave to you?

Is it tragedy that your friends rise to Heaven in the everyday world, and you are left to miss them and want them back with you and find it very hard to get over having been left behind. It is too terrible for you to contemplate ahead of time, and too terrible to mourn after the fact.

It is too terrible for you to consider that everyone on Earth is temporary – a blink of an eye – and then, blip, gone somewhere, never to be seen again on Earth. Indeed, this is a world view. The Truth is different. The Truth is that you will meet your loved ones again by and by. You will be with them fully, and you will recognize them by their light.

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God and Prashant

Note: The dear gentleman who asked his heartfelt questions here, Prashant Kulkarni, Bangladore, India, made his donation to Heavenletters and asked that God's answer be published in Heavenletters. We thank Prashant for his openness, courage, and generosity. His questions represent the feelings of many on Earth. Please note that Prashant's heartfelt questions have been abridged. God’s answer is presented in its entirety. Heavenreaders, before posting your comments, please read and go by the guidelines for posting. http://heavenletters.org/terms-of-use-agreement.html

Prashant wrote:

Dear God,

First of all, I would like Your answer to this letter published in Heavenletters so many would feel at peace inasmuch as life on earth creates danger to so many species.

There are at least 50000 problem faced by human beings and increasing every year. It seems to me that most of the problems are due to how this human body is designed and created with severe limitations, and it is shocking to me.

Since the human body has so many needs like food, accommodations, energy, transportation, communication, entertainment, survival, pleasure etc., it has destroyed ecology. More than ever the human body is disconnected from so many dimensions of true nature, and massive suffering abides.

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What Are You Thinking?

God said:

You may think that life is hard and cruel. You may presume and experience that life is not easy, that life is full of pitfalls and incompleteness and so on. At the same time, life is more than you label it. You could swear a thousand times that life is the most difficult thing you know. You are convinced that your life has proven to be difficult. You could swear that you can prove it, and you could supply a long list.

That is one perspective. Open up to the fact that there are other perspectives. It doesn’t help you out very much to affirm that Life on Earth is a hard case. Why affirm it? Why would you ever want to prove such a thing?

Perhaps you will also admit that life is also a blessing. Transfer your thinking to those aspects of life that you would not pass up for anything. There are the big things and also the great little things. There is the birth of your baby, and there is the taste of coffee ice cream. There is your baby’s first word. There is your first love even if it didn’t work out. An insight. A dress you once had. The time you got a standing ovation in a college play. The sweet scent of flowers. The beauty even of flowers that do not have a scent. Your first touchdown. When you got an A in statistics…

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Back Up Your Dreams

God said:

Your dreams may be on the outskirts waiting to be fulfilled. Embrace your dreams. All your dreams do not have to come true right before your eyes. Having your dreams is a special kind of fulfillment. Dreaming the possibilities of dreams, big and little, is a desire fulfilling itself. Having a dream is its own kind of fulfillment. It’s like this:

Of course, you may receive the whole pie of your dream, yet you don’t have to have the whole pie. You don’t have to have the whole pie nor do you have to have half a pie. You don’t even have to eat one slice of pie. Looking forward to pie is its own joy. You can relish the pie before it is in front of you to eat. You can look at a pie in the window of a bakery and enjoy it. You can enjoy a painting of a pie and your mouth can water. You can enjoy beforehand. You are leading yourself to the prize of the pie you dream of.

It can be that you desire blueberry pie. Perhaps it is apple pie that comes to you right now. Enjoy the apple pie. You are getting closer to the blueberry pie. The apple pie is a forerunner.

The more accepting you are in life, the more the Universe will offer you of what you would love to accept. Refuse the Universe, and you may turn off your supply. Your ideal may be yet to come. Don’t refuse out of hand the beginnings of fulfillment of your dreams.

Yes, let your mouth water for the full pie of your desires. Of course, it is folly to deny yourself before the fact. Never say: “This will never happen. It is only a dream.”

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When You Need a Break

God said:

When you feel frustrated beyond endurance, take a break. Get a new perspective. Go in a different direction for a while. Don’t meet up with what is frustrating you right now. Put it aside.

Frustration is raucous music. You don't have to listen to it. Take a walk and restore yourself. Do something that you like to do. Consider you have a school holiday and make the most of it.

When you are consumed with frustration, look out the window, read a romance novel, take a nap, do something that you like to do and that gives you a modicum of joy and may get your mind off what ails you.

This is not running away. Too much is too much. Frustration is not intended to be an endurance test for you. You do not have to prove to yourself that you can withstand continued dire frustration. This is a time to break off this entanglement for a while.

When you feel you can’t hack the frustration any longer, this is a good sign that you can’t hack it any longer. This is not defeat. This is time for a truce, for, truly, you have been making war with frustration.

Many things, even most things, will heal themselves. Most frustration is going to go anyway with or without your pushing it away. The rain will stop. Electricity will go back on. A flood will recede. What is frustrating you won’t always be around. Divert yourself from your reservoir of overbearing attention on that which you find frustrating. Get your mind off.

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The Steering Wheel of Life

God said:

Your heart is meant to be the steering wheel of your life. Your fears are not to steer your life. Fears are of the world. It is as if the world inoculates you with fear. You grab onto fear as if fear somehow protects you from what you see as adversity that could well be on its way to you.

Indeed, life on Earth is an experience. You are supposed to experience. You are here to go higher and higher. Life will prod you one way or another.

You may say you desire adventure, yet you may rather desire to stay the same in an imagined comfort zone. This is a way you can keep life at a distance from you. You would rather keep life at bay. Some day you will live life heart and soul, yet, right now, you might like to keep everything in life in a corner, shuffled over to the side, not to get in the way of what you presently think is good for you.

You may tremble at the idea of living life. You may hardly dare venture out. Understand Me. I am not saying you must be the Life of the Party. I do not say your life must be riotous or that you must lead a parade. You don’t have to be a great extrovert. You do not have to be a great handshaker, unless that is who you are. When you are as you are and are not trying to be a different picture of your Self, you keep your life and your heart together.

I ask you to welcome life and be open to it. Don’t look the other way. Don't refuse to see opportunity or to accept it.

I am saying to you:

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Here Is God's Advice

God said:

There is a momentum in life. Sometimes you run up a hill, and sometimes you fly down a hill. You have a certain momentum in life. Sometimes the more uphill your journey is, the higher your energy lifts you up. Perhaps obstacles move you right along and get you hopping.

An easy life is perhaps what you might like for only so long, for resistance in your life gets you moving. Were everything to go your way, perhaps you would be like a sluggard sitting there with your feet up, waiting for all the goodies to come to you without your lifting a finger.

Too often your life does not seem to be your choice, yet, for all practical purposes, you may be choosing exactly what you get. You may see previews. You may partly know what’s coming when you stay as you are, and yet you stay. You saw the warning signs, yet you went ahead anyway. You practiced self-determination and were foiled.

Have no regrets. If you chose one path instead of another, no matter what hindsight says, you fulfilled something. Sure, you may have put yourself in a spot, and now you have a precise path before you to shake loose.

You have heard there is a reason for everything. Sometimes you can see a reason or possible reasons, and sometimes you simply can’t. You defy the turn in the road you took, and forget that you had choices, even as you may have chosen by default. No one put you against the wall.

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Forgive Others for Your Perception of Them

God said:

To forgive is to let go. To be unforgiving is to hold on with all your might as if an offense were essential to your life’s path. You have been holding on to not letting go. Holding on is attachment. Who are you to not let go of what you grasp to be an infringement upon yourself?

Someone stepped on your toe. At some point, whoever it was, stopped stepping on your toe. He may even have apologized. In any case, he took his foot off yours and walked on. He probably never even remembers the incident you remember as an event, a huge event of sorrow for you, and you remember it again and again. Even when it was a small offense in passing, you branded it in your heart. Somewhere along the line, you announced this passage in time as unforgivable, and you are unable to let go of it, so you keep it alive and ever raw, living it and reliving it, rubbing your heart as on a grater.

Perhaps the one you cannot forgive looked at you askance, and you never forgot that look. He may not have been looking at you. He may have been thinking of something else altogether. You thought he was directing himself to you. In any case, you continue to think so.

Who is the perpetrator here? Who keeps this going and won’t let go? Why, it is you who is holding on to the hilt.

There are amazing stories of people who let go of past trespasses, serious trespasses, not the little offenses that too often plague My children.

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Blessed Be You for the Good You Do

God said:

Life is ongoing. There is no interruption to life. So-called death is not an interruption. It is not even a pause. There are no pauses. Are there such interpretations in the world? Yes, there are such interpretations a-plenty.

Life on Earth is not an eclipse of Life in the Subtleties of Heaven. Heaven and Earth are ongoing. There is no interference except as perceived on Earth.

Life on Earth is filled with masquerades. Whole societies are built on masquerades.

There are even those of My children who sign up for what the world calls villainy. Others may choose to be recipients of villainy in the world. There are trades made. Whether you would choose life in the world as it is or you would not, life in the world is perfectly life in the world as it shows up.

Not perfect, yet perfectly displayed even as anyone possessed of his or her full faculties would not display the impulses that appear to sometimes take over in the world. 

Who in the world would deign to take over the hearts of others, and who would come forth as lambs to the slaughter? Who would think of categorizing seeming others as victims or victors and feel grand about it? How could any one of My children feel pumped up at another’s downfall as if another's downfall were some kind of victory? 

There are various currents in the Ocean paddled and peddled about in the ersatz world.

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Return to Grace

God said:

What if the word suffering had never been thought of, would you, as a mortal human being, identify life the way you do now? If there were no words for pain and all its ramifications, would you predicate your life as full of suffering? Is freedom perhaps absence of fear of pain? Is fear the culprit?

There is one positive word that makes up for everything, and that is love. The word love is like a banner in the sky on a clear night filled with stars.

At a very young age, children grasp the meaning of God and take God as a natural occurrence. Think of it, very young children not only understand the meaning of God and, also are on a familiar footing with Me that goes far beyond the known possibilities on Earth. As a young child, you didn’t forget from where you came. You lived Our Closeness and took Me as a matter of course.

What vibrations does the word God jog in young hearts and minds? You may believe that you now, as a parent, are there for your children, and, of course, you are, and yet your children are there for you to love and learn from as well. Your children may be the real teachers. May you listen to all their cues.

If you did not accept the idea that life is hazardous, if you did not accept the idea that your term on Earth is not a picnic, how would life look like to you then? Go ahead. Take leaps with your heart. Have the recognition that I am within you. I am within you at full blast. Within is a great word to sink your teeth into.


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