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Let Freedom Ring

God said:

There are all kinds of systems in the world. There is the solar system, the digestive system, the Dewy Decimal system. There are management systems, operating systems, medical systems, traffic systems, dietary systems, banking systems. You are surrounded by systems. It makes sense to go along with many systems within the society you live. Not everything is fighting over or protesting.
At the same time, it is not always auspicious to go along with the crowd. It’s fine to be your own person.
You are not meant to be an automaton. You are meant to have your own space to breathe and think in.

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A Dance of Atoms

God said:

As you grow in consciousness, you grow in confidence. This is a new kind of confidence. It is yours. It belongs to you. This is not your old kind of wavering confidence or possibly some kind of swagger. Oh, no. This confidence is more like joy. Of course, your confidence is joy now, for you are embodying Me.

You are not only more confident, you are more self-sufficient. You are more with Me and, therefore, less dependent upon Me. You are not away from Me. You are closer to Me. You sustain yourself. You are more assured of My Presence.
My Presence sits within you. You see that now. I, God, Who AM your Resource, is established in you. What more can you want? You know exactly where I reside. You grasp more clearly how it is that every human being alive is your brother and sister and, therefore, One with Me and One with you.
This sense of Oneness grows so strong that you begin to sense that Everyone Is You. You begin to know that Everything that you perceive as Existence is actually you, no less the birds and flowers and every twig -- you see All as an Expression of you.

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Wherever Your Feet May Land

God said:

You live under My umbrella, do you not know this? You live under a vast umbrella that covers the world. It is an Umbrella of Love. You cannot be cast out from under this umbrella. There is room for all. There is greater than room for all. There is love for all -- if you could only know -- if you could feel and live this --if you could be but content -- if you could but know that Love is Truth, and nothing else is – how happy you would be.

You are fearful that love absconds from you. You consider death as lack of love. You consider that you may never have been loved or loved enough. The crux of the matter is that you do not love yourself enough, and so you may feel like a lone wanderer in the world, isolated and insulated from God and your very own Being.

You simply are irreconcilable with what feels to you like abandonment. Sometimes, in your sense of loss and irretrievability, you may feel like an orphan of the Universe. That you are forgotten and unnoticed and undervalued is the song you sing. For much of your time on Earth, you feel this, and life in the world seems to support this. In fact, you are quick to point out all the evidence for this abandonment.

What if you could turn your attention even slightly to a beneficent world? Instead, you seem to have felt at the mercy of the world, even harassed by the world. You hold on tightly to your convictions. You would dearly love to change the world, and, yet, you set yourself aside.

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Behold Life on Earth in a New Light

God said:

Much of relative life in the world may seem to be no more than banter and running around, perhaps a mass jitterbug kind of dance all like traffic. There may be a place you have to be, and something you have to do. It is all banter, yet you have to be there, and you don’t want to be late. It is important that you have to be at a certain spot, and you have to be there by the clock. Ah, the immediate urgings of time and place.

You are obliged to answer to the immediacy of time and place that certainly exist for you as real, yet the physical is not real. All the ideas and performance of somewhere and some time are illusion. They seem to enter your life as they are on their way out.

Life seems to be lived in teaspoons of rationed time and space on Earth. There is hurry hurry, and there is slow down, slow down. Your body, which is not the Truth of you, lives in a penthouse or in a basement as if a building or a tent or under the trees is the extent of where you live.

Yet you can consider the same life as unbounded. There certainly is more than meets the eye or reaches your hearing. As it happens, not all of life as it appears is to your taste.

To your taste or not, your life is how you feel about it. Your day, an increment of your life, can elicit from you: “What a beautiful day!” or your life can elicit from you: “What now? How will I ever get through this day.”

What you take from life is what you make of it.

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Throwing Stones

God said:

It is to your Self that you are beholden. You are not in debt to Me, My beloveds. You are My Crowning Glory, for I know what I see. I am not hesitant to declare it. If you tend to see that I owe you and am in debt to you, you see a figment of your own imagination.

Between Us, there is no debt. We have the Free Will to love. You may, and often do, see perceived absence of love. It is your abstention from love which you perpetuate upon Me. Do you understand this? You would rather have a neglectful God to throw stones at than to look at the sliver in your own eye.

There is a propensity in My children to accuse others for what ails them. You may tend to proclaim less than wonderful upon Me. How simplistic. Everything you protest is an aspect of you. This is the straight goods. This is how it is. You don’t like to hear this.

I talk of how We are One, will be One. We are One now. Even as your eyes are cast down, even as you may reject Me as God on Earth and God in Heaven, you make Me your fall guy. You see an aberration of your wounded self, and you call it by My Name.

It is like I am a package that has been sent to you. You look at the package from every angle, yet you won’t open it up. You make declarations upon this unopened package which is a special delivery of areas within your little self that require attention.

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Unseen Opportunity Surrounds You

God said:

Opportunity flowers around you. Your life abounds with opportunity that you do not see. You may not look for it. You may avoid seeing it, so accustomed are you to receiving leftovers, nada, and, yes, what I will blatantly call neglect. I will tell you frankly that, often, and even once is too often for you to continue as you presently perceive.

You may well have not yet opened up to the idea that it is all right for you to receive your heart’s desires. You may well have instructed yourself that you are not to receive, that you are to be denied, that it is rightful for you to NOT to receive, that your rightful due is unattainment, and, one way or another, you make unattainment your reality.

Of course, if this is your case, you are a false prophet, and you perpetuate staying the same rather than moving ahead. You are so sure you are right. You are so sure you are meant to be neglected by the Universe. In this perverse way, you keep yourself a martyr of sorts. Sometimes, My children will do anything to keep things as they are.

You have fully convinced yourself that the Universe cannot and will not bless you. You have some satisfaction in struggling rather than receiving the blessings of the Universe.

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Peace Has Been Declared

God said:

I hear this cry coming from your heart:
“God, My Beloved God, why, God, do we, your children, require comfort? Why are we so uncomfortable as to desperately seek comfort from You? Why such a need for comfort in this world?”
Why? Because of the pictures you have in your mind. Because of what you have been taught. Because of what you believe to be true. Because of conclusions that the world puts together and perpetrates upon others, parts of life considered less valuable for silly reasons like physical appearance or family status.
Because of how you relate to the physical world and the existence of your body, your guard is up, and your heart goes down, and cruelty became established. Laws helpful to some and not to others were made.
Instead of loving all the wonders of the physical world and the Beings who make up the world, you feared life for its very temporariness. Individuals tried to make their temporariness permanent. Some elevated themselves by pushing others down.

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Living in Some Kind of In-between Land

God said:

Beloved, once again I hear you speak from the depths of your heart. I hear you say:

“Beloved God, where would You like to take me today? From what discouragement will You lift me and to what heights?

“It seems I have been sleeping all my life. I didn’t know. I was hardly awake. I didn’t know where I was. It’s like I was in some kind of in-between land, yet I was also suffering anguish and doing my best to ignore it.

“I also went through what I thought was joy, yet, it seems to me now, wasn’t that much joy, perhaps a little loosening of the ropes. The joy was made up. All of my life was made up in that I wasn’t really alive. I was passive and impassive. I was off somewhere, and I also wasn’t anywhere at all. I must have slept through life. Occasionally I opened my eyes and then closed them again. What I thought was enjoyment wasn’t really. It was louder noise or, perhaps, a break in the noise. I was locked in a cell of my choosing or that I had settled for. I want to know life as it is meant to be lived and meant to be loved. Help me, O God.”

Beloveds, how often you repeated this approach and reproach to life. You felt that life had passed you by.

Had all your dreams come true, you would be singing the same refrain, for you discovered that you had been a watcher. You were a watchbird watching a watchbird watch. You were an observer with, perhaps, one eye open.

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The True Thoughts You Desire to Be Yours

God said:

I overheard you whisper, not a prayer, but a realization that seemed to force its way into your heart which has been dangling for so long. You sang out:

“Beloved God, You Who Bequeath Yourself to Us, You Who Knows How to Love, You Whose Eyes Light Up When You See Us, I thank You for All Your Gifts to Us. Holy Are You, and Holy-Making Are You. I wish to be holy, not as a Saint, no, not at all -- like a human being desiring to be closer to You, God, and closer and closer until You bring me into Your Inner Courtyard, and I live Oneness with You.

“Where did the Littleness of me, the me I thought I was, go? I was a pretender to the throne. Now, with Infinite Patience, You have removed the Peacock Feathers from me, and here I am, melted into Butter, Absorbed in You, One in You. While I am on Earth, I continue to be a body that is not you. My body is the Dust unto Dust. My Soul is the Pure Light of God.

“Ego in the form of conceit just doesn’t live in this body any more. Ego simply couldn’t remain in Your Presence. Ego had to get out of me, for, of course, I had to transcend anything that was not the Truth of You, God. I had to let joy in through the Door of my Heart and ego out the door. “Shoo, ego,” I said, “Shoo.” Ego skulked out the door, and I, as God’s Pure Light, am left.

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Thoughts You Don’t Want

God said:

I hear your thoughts, dear wanderers. I hear you. I understand the Last Stand that ego makes. Do not make so much of ego. It is only ego.

I hear you say with trembling:

“Beloved God, You are so competent and savvy while I have an enormous lack of awareness of what I am doing and why. I do not understand what I am doing out in the fray. I am doing, yet I do not seem to be able to make sense of what I do or think when I am in the midst of life. I do not want to hear my errant thoughts. When, O God, will Your Beautiful Thoughts replace my soggy own?

“God, I read what You say. I think it through. I nod in agreement. I totally believe that I understand the heart of what You say. I am very simpatico with what I hear You say. My understanding You feels like a special blanket that covers me and protects me from trepidation. I get it, God. I truly get it.

“Then, when Your Words are not in front of me, it is like my thoughts are a Jungle of Thoughts, a Jumble of Thoughts, and my understanding and compassion vacate me, and I have no understanding at all. My thoughts use bad language. Oh, my state of comprehension and the living of Your advice are two different spins on life. Sometimes I forget I am dealing with souls who require pleasantness from me.


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