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Supreme Knowledge

God said:

While you are on Earth, you must dig into Life on Earth. Life holds much gold for you, even in those moments that you would skip over if you could.

You are here on Earth for the growth that Life on Earth brings you. On Earth, you learn to see through fog. You have the senses to help you. You have harrying and fictional time and space to help you see. Your angelhood in Heaven and beyond is oh so wonderful and fulfilling. In Heaven you are so happy and so free of the queries and cautions that Earth Life seems to hold in wait for you.

You might ask why you possibly require knowing about danger and fear and pain and all these matters that keep you hopping on Earth. Why do you need to learn about indecision and fragileness and the impermanence that you learn about on Earth seemingly again and again? Why must you go through the harrowing living and learning on Earth when it’s a breeze for you in Heaven? In Heaven, you have Supreme Knowledge down pat.

You may think that you would like to skip all that. You don’t like to hear any of the explanations for your being on Earth and learning suffering and the letting go of it.

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Two Quandaries

God said:

Sometimes you feel you cannot stand even one more moment of whatever it is you are going through. The situation is intolerable to you, beloveds, for you have judged yourself a hapless helpless victim. Do not judge. Do not judge yourself a victim. Do not judge yourself a martyr. Do not judge.

By far and large, you are a self-announced victim of your own thoughts, or you might prefer to say because of your lack of foresight and your preponderance of innocence. Yes, this is also true, yet it is wiser for you to consider yourself responsible for the situation you got yourself into and responsible for continuing to serve a self-imposed sentence of victimhood. You are the announcer of your own wounds.

If something is intolerable to you, why continue to carry its banner?

Do not think that I am saying life is a breeze. I say you are the one setting the price you pay. Beloveds, do not pay by suffering. Suffering is off-track. Do not accept suffering as a fact.

Often you think you trade one suffering for another. Sometimes you think if only. There are so many if only’s. Somehow, one way or another, you led yourself into a trap. You may think you fell into it when you may well have shoved yourself in.

Life is made of choices. Much of the time you have no idea what you are choosing and, sometimes, not even that you are choosing.

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You Are Made of God

God said:

What are you made of? What are you truly made of? When all is said and done, and all the nonsense is put away, what remains? This is what you are made of.

You are made of God. Yes, you, you are made of My Love. Ah, if you could but accept this and put away all of the toys you acquired along the way, how happy you would be.

Clutter, however, is precious to you. You have been side-tracked, beloveds. There is so much that is superfluous that you like to believe is essential to you, including all your idiosyncrasies. You cannot quite imagine what would become of you if you were less covered by your personalities. I say personalities plural because your personality is adorable and sweet and also belabors the world and you. Your personalities play around in the fields of life.

These detailed declivities that you run with keep you where you are. Of course, you would like to change this and yet, at the same time, you are attached to the old which you would do well to lay to rest and remove from the shelves of your past. Leave the past uncluttered. Let the past go to sleep.

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Your Frame of Mind

God said:

If you would accept that you are My Beloved, what would there be for you to ever worry about?

If you would chose My way of thinking, what could the matter be?

When you, My children, believe in your own beating hearts as much as My heart, what fears would you have and how many would you act upon?

When you have more confidence in your thoughts and the world’s thoughts than you do in My thinking, what are you thinking, and what are you predicting, and what are you cultivating?

In God you would like to trust. In God, you would love to trust, yet when you trust fear more than you trust Me, what do you expect?

Of course, you would gladly accept trust in Me if only you could. Without trust in Me, beloveds, you trust the mayhem of the world, that which you see, and that which you hear about and read about. Generally, mayhem is more noticeable than peace. To your eyes, peace is more of a blank slate or some kind of non-entity. Peace doesn’t hold the barriers that skirmishes do so it is not quite so easy to point out peace.

After the last World War – the world was innocent nevertheless – when peace was declared, there was dancing in the streets! What a Glory Day that was from war to peace. Peace was a stand-out.

Alas, peace became old hat and wasn't as dynamic as it was at first. Alas, other troubles grew and the momentum of peace showed down and was not so clear to see.

Can it be possible that My children look for trouble more than they look for Peace? Could this be?

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Invite the Sunshine In

God said:

Where you have clouds in your heart, invite the sunshine in. There are those cloudy days in your heart, and it is easy to succumb to them. It is easy for you to allow yourself to be swept right in, as if you had no choice. The gray clouds seem to act like a magnet, and the color of your day matches the gray of the clouds.

Where We exist, you and I – and We exist as One, and We are in Bright Light – darkness does not exist. Darkness is fantasy. In Truth, there is nothing to compare Light to.

Oneness leaves nothing to contrast with and nothing to compare to. There is no with in Oneness. No against, no opposed, no other. Imagine the sweetness of Oneness.

You may think you crave chocolate or chewy caramels. There is something more you crave. It’s true. Absolutely, you seek to find more Oneness. You’ve had more than enough of seeming Otherness. Now you are ripe for the Sweetness of Oneness which satisfies all hungers. Here, take some Oneness now. Oneness is everywhere even as there is no where.

Oneness is not pre-wrapped. It seems to enter by osmosis. Oneness sinks in the way the Season of Spring arrives. Suddenly, spring is here, and you spot a crocus and then more and more flowers join -- lilies of the valley, bluets, tulips. Dandelions pop up. You are surrounded by color, and you are joyous.

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Life Has Its Way

God said:

You have some stipulations about Life. You will go along with much of Life. At the same time, you protest certain arrangements, as if Life has no authority to settle things for you. You would like some binding rules and escape clauses. You would like to tell Life a thing or two about its wrong choices and endeavors regarding you. You stamp your foot. You are certain that Life is not to be the way Life is as you see it -- unpredictable, unstable, and unwarranted.

The fact is that Life can be any way it happens to be. There are no laws against what you protest. Life can get you in a bind. What recourse do you have? There is no escaping life. It’s bigger than you. Life isn’t trying to get you, or get you in a bind. Life is really minding its own business, yet, there it is: Life is bigger than Life.

If you only knew, you, too, are bigger than Life. Life kind of strong-arms you. Life does not always have manners. Life is a big guy, a muscle-guy. Life doesn’t ask you or anyone for permission. It doesn’t ask you to say how you feel about how Life is going. Perhaps you are just caught in the middle. In any case, it seems like Life is arbitrary. Yes, Life has its own way of removing or adjusting whatever may seem to stand in its way.

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Seeking the Word of God

God said:

I speak My Love to you, for you, My child, are the Inspirer of My Love. I need no inspiration, you understand, yet you are like the Sun to My Heart. As I inspired you with Love, as I blew the breath of you into Existence, you soared to the Stars and flew around the Moon, and the Sun did a number on your heart. I heard you say:

“Hurray, God, you created a world. You created the world with me in it. The deed is done. We are forever. The world is made. The rest is peek-a-boo, and Creation recreates itself in a cycle of Love and Beauty.

“God, You teach us to smile and to bless the world You made. You made the seas that rise and lap over waves of laughter. You activated surfing and all kinds of joy by the blink of an eye. You thought of everything. You covered us with Moondust. You gave us the magic power of love.

“God, You said, as I heard You:

‘I made for you all toys in the world. I made Moonbeams. You are caught up in them. You worship Me with dance. I gave you the Universe to dance on, and you sing with all your heart. You sing a song of God, and you are the song you sing. I sit still with My arms folded, and I nod My head as you perpetuate love and slap your knees and twang the banjo of your heart.’

"I, your child, I say thank You. Thank You. I remember You, God. I remember all the stories You told me, and the songs You sang of courage and heroes. You declared me. You announced me. You introduced myself to my Self. You whispered that I am Your Tribute. You told me that You made me for joy, Yours and mine.

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To Live in God's Garden

God said:

To be created by God, to be beloved by God, to live in God’s Garden and to take a journey on Earth and to return to Heaven – this is a golden once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to stir happiness on Earth. It would be happiness if only My children would relish the opportunity. Instead, the opportunity may brood fear. You may even mourn the opportunity as if the opportunity were a hot potato that causes fear and trembling or numbs you or puts you to sleep.

You may have more trepidation than joy. How do We change this? Where have you been?

Young children in the world know how to have joy. They excel in it.

How come stress and strain enter into My beloveds’ lives? Does it enter without your realization of it? Are you taken hostage by life? Where does all this fear come from?

How can it be that you would run away from life? You would like a way-station, a little out-of-the way retreat for a while, a pause so you could recuperate, and then go back to battle. Is this how you see life sometimes?

What are you battling? The generation of your dreams? The risk of them? I have to ask you: What is the risk to your dreams in your daily life? Is it daily life that gets to you?

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The Tide of Love Cannot Be Stemmed

God said:

You are love. Despite all the antics in the world you participate in or the Truth that you disavow, you are love. Regardless of anything, you are love, for, so, I made you. Every human being is made of love. No matter if you throw darts at love, you are made of love. No matter how you may set out to disdain love, you are the very love you disdain. You are the love you attack and would deny. You -- who want love so much -- you fight against your recognition of love. You declare non-love from the pillars. You distort love. You have twisted it. You rage against it. You sanction an uproar against love.

Can you rage against love so wholeheartedly unless love exists, and you love it or would love it if you were to believe in it? Love is such a topic. Confess you believe in love. It is yourself you rail against. Love is so important to you, you would destroy love’s very footprint in defense against love.

Is there anyone more foolish than you? Here you are, demanding love by your very disavowal of it as if love were a broken toy given to you, and now you throw it away as far as you can.

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What Matters

God said:

Often, when you experience a nose-dive of self-confidence and sense of success in the world, it can well mean you are just ready to take off.

The airplane of your life swoops you up, and, behold, you are zooming forward. The darkness of the night that captured you so dismally was simply the darkness before the dawn. Dawn exists.

There is an horizon before you. Whether you see the horizon’s light instantly or not, the horizon is there for you to cross over into the Bright Light of God.

It is like My Hand lifts you up at a dazzling speed, and you whiz past that bump that seemed to hold you crestfallen. You are your own inspiration, or you are your own crestfaller. Don’t be crestfallen. Rise to new heights. You are geared for new heights.

Be ready to take off. Be ever-ready to take off. Boost yourself.

In life, you are climbing a ladder. Even one rung at a time works. At the same time, you are getting ready for the ride of your life. Life is meant to be the ride and rise of your life.

We don’t care so much what the world thinks of you. We care what you think of you. We don’t care what the world makes of you. We care what you make of you. By We, right now, We mean you and I. We mean where Our Antenna are. Anyone can diss anyone. This is not what We’re about. We’re talking about your eyesight and Mine and what matters to you and what matters to Me, and, therefore, Us.

I often ask Myself:


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