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You Would Love Something Wondrous to Happen

God said:

It may seem to you that I let you pass Go, or I do not let you pass Go. It may seem to you that just when you are crossing the draw bridge, it raises up, or some kind of axe does fall. You get skittery with life. You jump around here and there, and can’t seem to get past something and find your direction.

Life seems to delay you. People delay. Everything seems to conspire to make you wait for life to begin or, at least, for life to get up off the couch. It may seem to you that you are waiting interminably in the Waiting Room of Life.

How does one individual of billions on Earth jump-start his or her life? It takes great courage for you. It is not easy for you to feel that you are the Captain of Your Ship. You feel more like you are caught in the doldrums or in a swirling eddy, neither of which leads you where you want to be and who you wish to be.

You are sure that life was meant to be different. You hustle and bustle. You stay still. It doesn’t seem to matter, for your life seems to wait in line. It is like you have been caught at the starting gate all your life long.

You might like to light a fire under your life and get momentum.

You have been idling in a sailboat, and now you want a speedboat.

You feel that you and your life are staying still in a lagoon. Oh, how you want to get somewhere.

You may feel that you sit out your life in a rocking-chair on your front porch.

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Grace Appears in a Thousand Ways

God said:

There is more to life than the bare bones you mostly attend to. Life is more than what the world lets on. Life, as it appears to the world, is a hidden secret, which, down deep, everyone knows very well. It is like you skirt the issues of life and choose to chatter instead. The life you live has often been a secret you keep from yourself and that you go to great lengths not to see. What you don’t see can’t hurt you, you say to yourself, as you avert your eyes.

There is a door to open that you hesitate to open. You desire happiness and may accept frivolity or the appearance of frivolity with all you are worth. You may run away from the very life you desire and call that your destiny.

There are as many ways to escape life as there are ways to reach Me. You can hoard life. You can dance around it. Often you find life as a precarious situation and unreal. It is hard for you to separate real from fantasy. You don’t want to face life and the present emptiness that weighs heavily on you, which, so far as you know, you would not know how to do without.

Return to the little pleasures. The little pleasures seed your life. Let joy rise to the top.

Take to the woods, beloveds. Go for walks. Find Me. Find Me. We are One. There are no singletons. Life does not try to escape you. Life looks for you at every corner. Be here.

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Life Is Good

God said:

Tender is the Heart of God.

And, yet, some of My children, from time to time, or all their lives, see Me as an ogre who seems to get in their way.

It is good to remember that I am on your side, as if there are sides. There is no advantage to you or anyone in carrying the idea that I am opposed to you.

Life is not always an easy ride. This is no secret. Perhaps you have pounced on the difficulties you experience to the exclusion of your blessings.

I know what you feel and how you feel. It is the hardest thing of all in your reckoning to lose a child. I am well aware of the pain this creates. I do not fluff it off, dear ones. I am not hard-hearted when I must say that you hurt your own heart.

If you held your child in your arms for one year, or twenty, or fifty, will you not be glad for the days and years granted you? The alternative might be that you never birthed your flown-away child. Is this what you would choose? I don’t think so.

There is great pain experienced on the Earth. Everyone knows that. Do you think I do not know?

I do not set out to hurt you. Death may seem like the worst thing on Earth to you. This idea comes at your expense because, dear ones, you see death as an enemy. This is a mistake of the intellect.

You cannot believe that such a blow as losing a beloved one could happen to you. You would prevent or remove death from the face of the Earth if you could. You would wipe out death so that no one would suffer.

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Diamonds Are Diamonds

God said:

When does Silence come? When you listen for it, Silence will bless you. Silence will steal your heart. The Silence that cannot be heard will fill your ears. The Silence will fill your whole bloodstream. The Silence will be Home to you. Your heart will be compelled by it.

Compelled to what? Your heart will be compelled to give way to this Silence. The Silence simply overtakes, and you know Oneness. It is overflowing. It takes your residue of smallness and fills you to the brim with Oneness. You do not think Oneness. You ARE Oneness.

This Silence is like a flute from which all notes come. The Silence We speak of is music that overcomes you. All that you thought you were disappears. You hear nothing but Myself. You are nothing but Myself. You are truly out of this world of right or wrong, good or bad. You are out of this world. There are no questions. There is Essence, and you are the Essence. There is nothing but you – the you that is I, that is.

You are at the Source. You are the Source. You are what you have been seeking all along. You no longer seek that which is at your disposal because now you know wherein I reside. The Source, your True Self, has always been at your disposal. It isn’t that you are an alchemist who can turn tin into gold. Tin never was. Gold never went away.

Diamonds are diamonds whether you are aware they are diamonds or not.

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A Page You Turn

God said:

If you no longer hold onto emotional and stymied memories from the past, what then will your life be like? What will you be then? What will you be done with?
In this scenario, you will know your name. You will know all the things you need to know – where you live, where you work, the skills you have learned, and where your heart is. What will your life be like when you no longer try to relive your life again and again like a chant?
Your emotional pain will no longer exist! Ah, there will be no mourning the past. You will love. You will be aware of all the hearts that are no longer on Earth. It is your attachment that will leave. Love will stay, yet your sense of loss and need will go.
You will have joy. You will have sweetness instead the hurt that loved ones are no longer present in your life. You will smile at thoughts of loved ones rather than cry.

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What Is the Opposite of Worry?

God said:

Moonlight and Sunlight are both light. Moonlight is more subtle, softer. Moonlight is the reflection of the Sun. Life provides you with light both day and night, to say nothing of the light within you.

You are provided for. You are taken care of. You don’t doubt the Sun and the Moon, and, yet, you may still feel like an orphan adrift in the world, as if life is too rickety for you.

You may have a tendency to see the downside. You may have a tendency to cry Wolf before the wolf arrives. You may feel you live with the wolf howling at you by day and by night. You may have a tendency to feel forlorn or driven to distraction, sometimes day in and day out. You may find it hard to sleep, and you may find it hard to live life in the world.

You may have the idea that you are to rule the roost, and you hold on so tight to imagined control. You do this for self-preservation. Of course, the world you live in is filled with opposites. If you have to choose an opposite for the word control, the opposite could then be called trust. Yet how do you feel trust when you are so unsure of your place in the Sun?

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Who Are You?

God said:

Look, not everyone has to be like everyone else. Not everyone has to be outgoing. Not everyone has to be the life of the party. Not everyone has to go solo either.
It is perfectly all right to be as you are.
If you like your solitude, like it.
If you like your eggs fried sunny side-up, that’s fine. If you like your eggs in a omelet, so be it.
The theme for today is that you do not have to aspire to be like everyone else any more than you have to aspire to be different from everyone else. It could be that everyone else is trying to keep up with his or her own picture of everyone else. They may have left themselves somewhere along the way. Of course, you may desire to be a middle of the roader. Hey, this is up to you.

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Infinite Are You

God said:

In all the world, there is you, and there is I.
To you, it is as if We hang in space, and yet you have well-heard that space does not exist. Nor do you quite catch on to timelessness when your life, as you know it, is fraught with time. There is no space in which you wish to accumulate and no time which you must hurry or pause hurry in or pace.
What you really want is Infinity. Well, you have it already although Infinity can’t exactly be had. You want to know Infinity. You want Incredible Infinity as if it were in the palm of your hand. Yet Infinity cannot be in the palm of your hand, nor is Infinity vague. It is very real. Infinity is the Real, yet, of course, My children have confused the concrete and taken the impermanent as real whereas Infinity is eternal and the only real.

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The Story of the Sun

God said:

Will you agree with Me that love is your natural state? Do you agree?
If love is not your first reaction at present, what has interfered with this natural state I gave to you for safe keeping? Love is natural because I gave it to you. I gave you My Nature, and My Nature is to love.
The Love from Your Heart has been impacted upon. Your love moved over. You may feel your love was chased away or kicked away. Your Beloved Heart received signals that your love perhaps wasn’t valued. You did indeed receive the message that love is not a safe route. You could not be sure that love had been apportioned to you. You wanted and want to protect your love. You do not know how to keep on giving your heart away when your heart is perhaps kicked around and not readily backed up. You tended to hold your Divine Heart apart.
Perhaps, back then, whatever you did was not quite right or good enough. To be good was more important than to shine the light of your love. You learned the hard way. Yes, your heart felt tossed aside.
Regardless of the past, it is for you now to reconnect with your love and know its security because your heart, in Truth, is bigger than the world, bigger than hurt. Your heart is as big as the Sun. Your heart has all the Light of My Heart. What did you think it means that you and I are One? There is One Sun, and it sheds its Light on All irrespective of anything.

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On the Little Island of Your Small Self

God said:

Freedom means unconfined. Freedom means no barriers. Freedom means the opposite of feeling stiff and stifled. It means unlimited. It means flying. It means non-mechanical. Freedom means free. In freedom, you are free.
Just the same, freedom feels scary to you. What are you afraid of? Free falling? Earth does not feel so free to you. You may feel roped in.
The Truth is that you are not confined to Earth. You may hold on to Earth by a filament-like thread which is nothing to hold onto at all. Well, then, be unattached. And now you go full-circle, from freedom to barriers to freedom. Freedom means letting go, beloveds.
You clutch Earth when the Truth is that you whirl in what is known as space. You seek the freedom you are so afraid of.


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