God said:
Grades at school, test scores, accomplishments, appearances, cleverness, upmanship, smoothness of one kind or another have uprooted the heart, patted the heart disrespectfully on the head as if your heart were an unruly child, made the heart just sit there quietly on a wooden chair and behave and do as it is told. The good heart, smiled at every now and then, patted on the head in public – of course, goodness and mercy are okay now and then on occasion but yet, intolerably, the heart is often set aside in board rooms, ball rooms, and in private homes. The Human Heart has been undermined and has not been given its due, not really, perhaps given lip service, let out properly only when no one is looking.
The heart of the matter has, too often, not been attributed, acknowledged, or honored for its Truth and Magnificence. In novels, yes, perhaps in oratory, yet for any heart to sit waiting for its debut is, well, a little shady. Too much of life in the world has been hidden as if the heart were, well, déclassé.
Coming up now, like spring, is the blossoming Year of the Heart, and, from now on, this is how it will be. Like hyacinth bulbs from the rich ground that have been waiting, love is coming up. Hearts all over the world are rising naturally and triumphantly, breathtakingly beautiful, seen by all the world in ardor, recognized by all. This is it, the longed-for Revival of Love on Earth. Hear the drums. Love will be okayed. Love will sing from the rafters. Hearts will sing to beat the band. Birds will lead the chorus.