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Who Needs Love the Most?

God said:

I hear your heart before you speak it:

“Beloved God, please take me into Your heart. Help me to feel You in my heart so that I never let You out of my heart. Fill my heart with Your capacity for love.

“If I am to love, it is through You. There is nothing without You. I’ve already been without You, and there is nothing there. Without You, life is empty of Fullness. You are love, and I also am to be love as You are love. I, too, am to love everyone.

“Even those who hurt others – I am to love. What heals but love? If I want the world to be a better place, if I really do, instead of pointing out the faults of others, I am to rise above the faults of others. I am to love even those who disdain the value of human life. They need my love most of all. Who needs Good Will the most? Those with rich hearts, or those with flagging hearts or cruel hearts? Which am I when I do not love?

“Just as water fills the lowest river bed, so is my heart to give love to those who follow ignorance. God, help me so emanate love wherever it is needed.

“I say this as if I were wise, God, yet I have been unable to follow what I know to be wise. Even in small things, petty things, I have not been able to live up to what I know. Especially in small petty things. Because of some little peeve, I shut my heart down. I know better how to live, yet I shut my heart down as if the one who peeves me deserves my holier-than-thou heart. Forgive me, God, I have been chintzy with love I am meant to share.

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Life on Earth Is Temporary; You Are Eternal

God said:

It takes courage to live on Earth. Every day you live, you have some awareness that it’s possible you won’t wake up the next morning. You could die without having a chance to say goodbye or one last kiss.

No one knows the moment when death will knock on his door. Death could be imminent, and then its arrival could be postponed. No one knows when the bells toll. Without notice, without warning, without a perused written or verbal contract, the life of your body can be whisked away in the blink of an eye. There is no insurance policy to prevent death of a body. An insurance policy would not be worth the paper it is written on. Sometimes so-called death has a quick-claim. Sometimes death reverses its decision.

Your body wears no armor. How much protection against death does skin give? No guarantee comes with your body. You have no certain lease on physical life. Uncertainty is your middle name. Uncertainty befits you.

You could have protested about life all your life-long, and, yet, at the moment of death’s arrival, you resist. You fight tooth and nail. Death seems to be like a bully and a trickster. Show-off death. You may not have wanted to keep your life that much, yet you sure don’t want to give it up now. Life was lovelier than you knew. Death has no right to take you away from this life. For all intents and purposes, this particular life is the only one you know. It is precious. Your life ought to have rights.

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Consciousness Is Yours

God said:

All are safe in My Heart, and you are in My Heart.

When you feel unsafe in the world, remind yourself that you are with Me. Feeling unsafe is ignorance, beloveds. It is like when you go to the grocery story, and you forget your shopping list. You remember some things, and you forget others. Remember Oneness. It is Ours.

You don’t like to hear that life is what you make it, yet your life is made from your thoughts. Yes, it seems like you can’t help your thoughts. You feel hapless. You feel a victim of your thoughts, yet you are the thinker of them. It is better not to cast blame on yourself or anyone, yet you hold responsibility.

Of course, as a young child, you were innocent. You rubbed up against certain aspects of life, and you adapted to them. It comes down to this, beloveds: You are the turner of the tide of your life.

If you have a lot of thoughts to overturn, then it is up to you to overturn them. From now on, you are the conductor of your life. If you play the tuba, you produce the notes. If you play the violin, you take responsibility for the music that comes from the violin. If you play the flute, you are the player of the flute. The flute music ushers from you. You are the composer of your life.

No matter what conditions out of your control brought you to this place in your life, the next move is yours. Do not equate responsibility with blame. Blame is a time-waster. Blame gets you nowhere. It keeps you where you are. If you want to be somewhere else, you have to hop to it.

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By Not Calling Attention to Yourself

God said:

Your heart and mind are vaster than their assigned physical locations. Your Greatness extends far beyond physical boundaries. The same is true of your DNA. It is greater than you perceive. For now, you are in your body specifically, yet you are greater than your body. You are greater than your dreams. You are greater than the grandest dream you ever had.

You are closer to Infinity than you are to your locatable body. Your body is most assuredly not the extent of you.

The Greatness of You extends far beyond the Earth. Your Greatness extends far beyond your wildest dreams.

You may have made a lot of your ego and overlooked the true Greatness of You. You are far greater than you have given yourself credit for. You sit on a Diamond of Yourself while you scramble on Mother Earth, while you dissemble on Mother Earth, while you flutter and fritter away life in avoidance of your Greater Self. You are embedded in a portrayal of your day to day self as you seem to be rather than Who you are. You are greater than your greatest imagining. You look askance from what stretches your imagination.

You may think you face facts about yourself, yet you flee from the good news. You accept half a loaf. You believe paltry is the best you can muster. Not that this means you are satisfied with dribs and drabs of your consciousness.

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Your Heart Knows the Unknown

God said:

I favor the heart whereas the world has favored the mind. I don’t disfavor the mind. The only thing is that the intellect generally tends to be seen as smarter than the heart.

Sometimes I see the mind as a saber or scimitar that slices through life right and left. Or I see the mind as a knife that shaves off the meat of the heart, whittles it down to the bone, as if the heart is too fat and needs to be trimmed down. The mind seems to like to think that the heart is a ruffian, wild and uncouth, more like an unruly teen-ager who feeds on emotion.

The modern mind has too often played down the heart as if the heart doesn’t know better or doesn't know anything at all.

Consider that the mind makes up its mind. The thing is that the mind knows only its own reasoning. The prudent mind knows limits and the past and what is already known. The mind sees the heart as rudderless. The mind overlooks that the heart is an ace when it comes to the Unknown.

We could say that the mind uses numbers while the heart uses feelings. The mind explains. The heart listens. The mind is filled with many thoughts. The heart looks beneath the surface. The heart surprises itself.

Make room for the heart. The heart has been given a reputation as unthinking, uneducated. Hello, the heart is an adventurer.

The mind has been a refuter. The mind readily says No. The mind is propped up by applause while the world too often tends to put down the heart and tell it to be quiet.

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God's Love Dancing

God said:

You wonder sometimes if Love, after all, is no more nor no less than Beauty. All the world needs is Beauty. What if you could really see everyone as beautiful, even the ungainly, even the shy and the bold, and, still, you see everyone as beautiful? As stars fill the sky, your heart is rampantly filled with Beauty.

What is recognition of Beauty but Love? What are Beauty, Love, Grace, Oneness, Joy, Light, etc. but My Love, My Love dancing, My Love marching down the aisles of Life? What is My Love but My Heart dancing and dancing because My Love cannot be stilled?

Who in his right mind would consider holding Love in, even keeping a drop of Love in, even catching it in the palm of a hand and forgetting to give it away? Who in his right mind would put Love on the mantle, display it up there to be admired from a distance? Who in his right mind would toss Love away rather than spend it? Who in his right mind would feel proud of himself for keeping Love away from anyone?

Who would not be glad to give out Love so high that it reaches everyone regardless of anything? Who in his right mind would spin anywhere else but in Love, Love for Me and Love for you? The Ones who love love themselves. They love themselves so much that Love overfills chalices, and Love spills everywhere.

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Blossoming Year of the Heart

God said:

Grades at school, test scores, accomplishments, appearances, cleverness, upmanship, smoothness of one kind or another have uprooted the heart, patted the heart disrespectfully on the head as if your heart were an unruly child, made the heart just sit there quietly on a wooden chair and behave and do as it is told. The good heart, smiled at every now and then, patted on the head in public – of course, goodness and mercy are okay now and then on occasion but yet, intolerably, the heart is often set aside in board rooms, ball rooms, and in private homes. The Human Heart has been undermined and has not been given its due, not really, perhaps given lip service, let out properly only when no one is looking.

The heart of the matter has, too often, not been attributed, acknowledged, or honored for its Truth and Magnificence. In novels, yes, perhaps in oratory, yet for any heart to sit waiting for its debut is, well, a little shady. Too much of life in the world has been hidden as if the heart were, well, déclassé.

Coming up now, like spring, is the blossoming Year of the Heart, and, from now on, this is how it will be. Like hyacinth bulbs from the rich ground that have been waiting, love is coming up. Hearts all over the world are rising naturally and triumphantly, breathtakingly beautiful, seen by all the world in ardor, recognized by all. This is it, the longed-for Revival of Love on Earth. Hear the drums. Love will be okayed. Love will sing from the rafters. Hearts will sing to beat the band. Birds will lead the chorus.

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Heir to God's Throne

God said:

It is easy to find fault. You’ve been trained in it! The refrain echoes through your mind:

“Find the flaw! Look quickly, there has to be something wrong with this, and something wrong with that. There is something wrong with everything. I must reveal flaws. Flaws must be ousted. Life is never good enough, not for long anyway. I’d better be quick at labeling fault. I can always suggest a fault. I’m good at it. I’m getting to be a master of it.”

There’s nothing wrong with the concept of making something better. However, finding fault tends to begin with tearing down rather than building up. Now, pardon Me for finding a fault. As a matter of fact, when you specialize in finding fault, you set a hard row for yourself. Finding fault pinches your nose and squints your eyes.

The other side of improving others or their work is that you become accustomed to being dissatisfied. Finding the fatal flaw may grow to be a way of life. The flaw is the part of life you pounce on. You have already engaged in other versions of the same story. There are better stories you can tell. Tell them.

Perhaps when you stumble on a flaw, you get excited about how smart you are! What a discoverer you are! How dedicated to truth you are! Nothing passes you by.

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Love Knows No Bounds

God said:

Into whose heart do you belong? In My heart, of course.

Who belongs within your heart? Everyone and everything. There is no one or nothing who does not belong in your heart. Of course, this includes Me. There is no drop of love that is meant to be left outside your heart.

Perhaps you have learned to stint on love. Perhaps you have learned to economize on love, for you don't want to be lavish with love and waste it. You will not be lavish with love. Sadly, you may get more and more into the vision that you have no love to spare. You wait for another time. Perhaps you eke out love as if love were water, and there is a draught on love, and you must take extreme measures to conserve it. Safety first, you say.

There is no end to love. You flourish with the giving away of love. Love is to be given. End of issue. If you could see love as unlimited, which it is, you would no longer hold back.

There is no sense in withholding love. Consider love a perishable. Love won’t keep. Love has to be given now, not later. And you are the one to give it. Give your love away. In giving your love away, you have to get away from the idea that you are owed love back as if a price tag is marked with the value of your love. There is no price tag high enough for love. Anyway, you can’t be mathematical when it comes to love. Why can’t you? Because then it is not love which is given with a limit attached to it.

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What Matters Most To You

God said:

What matters to you is love, and that’s it. Oh, yes, you think wealth matters to you, looks matter to you, your position in the world matters to you, where you live matters to you, health matters to you. Yet all these matters, next to love in your heart, these other matters are not the most essential even as you may so well think so. The flow of love is the most influential factor for your awareness of well-being. There is no getting around this.

When all is said and done, what matters most to you is the love you have given and give now and the love you have been and are blessed with. Love has come to you from all parts of the Universe, and love goes from you to all parts of the Universe as well. What you amount to, beloveds, is your love. All the other matters you put great stock in do not light a candle next to love. Remember love.

Did I leave out mention of Me, God? Nope, for I am included in love. You want to be glad for your blessings, and I am your blessing along with your family and children and all that have carried you and that you have carried and supported all these years on Earth. I am your Supporter, and you are Mine. We love.

It is understood that there are times certainly when you have felt that you were denied rather than blessed. Be wary of comparing yourself to others. You tend to feel aggrieved when you see a disparity. Comparing yourself to others is a trap. Be glad that others have what they have. You can be glad that someone else has all wonderful things to be glad for.


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