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So Much Depends Upon How You Read Occurrences in Life

God said:

Life in the world, as you see it, is a mixed bag.

You could be a saint, and your house or cave could still be over-ridden with ants who bite you.

Did you perhaps think that saints always have it easy? Did you think you are the only one on Earth whose life seems to do a number on you? Do you think everyone else is spared from annoyance and woe except for you?

Life also bestows blessings. It behooves you to accept everything life hands you and not read too much into it and be laid low. Hidden within every what you see as a set-back lies the hand of God, and God gives only blessings no matter what you make of life and what you say about it.

A blessing does not have to be a wish of yours come true. A blessing can also be a hard-time. From what you see as adversity, you may grow amazingly. Some day you may even see the blessing in it.

There is a story about a boy who was lame. The world considered this inability to run as an adversity. Yet the lame boy who couldn’t run away learned to face everything.

I have said this before, and I will undoubtedly say it again. You may see Me up in Heaven where everything is wonderful, and you may see Me as I sit on My mountain-top plotting what well-chosen difficulties I can make for you. Disregard these thoughts. I don’t plot at all. My aim is always directed at more than you. There is a whole configuration of life. I will make no apologies for how something seems to look like to you in your perception of the world. You and I both wish you would immediately see as I do.

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Welcome, Happiness!

God said:

Yes, I hear your moans and groans. Sometimes it seems that you major in moans and groans. And sometimes you face yourself squarely and say:
“Beloved God of Glory, to think that You notice us and pay great attention to us. To think that You love us, really love us, as we are, and that You love through thick and thin. Why are we not overjoyed? This is the biggest mystery in life, not that You love us, but that we are not the most joyous people in all the world. How can it be that all of us on Earth are not happy and pouring out gratitude for this blessing of life You have bestowed upon us.

"Instead we are grumpy, and we find fault with You and how You have put the Universe together. We are imperious, God. We correct You. We dare to tell You how You really ought to have set up the Universe. Are we an ungrateful bunch, God?”

Beloveds, I do not think either grateful or ungrateful. A baby is a baby. Understand this: You, all of you, just as you are, bring out the love in Me as naturally as the sun rises from the East. There is nothing difficult about My loving you. My love for you belongs to you. You are growing up. You are not growing down. As you live in life, you learn to respect and accept life as it is, and you plant flowers. You are putting aside your ignorance, and you grow toward the Sun.

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Tree of Love

God said:

Beloveds, this minute all My love for All of You -- which is the same as to say the One of You – is radiating out like flashing lights on sparkling bicycle spokes. Picture all this light pedaling on its way to you. If you had full awareness of all My love cycling to you, it would knock you over with its wonder. If My love were sparkling water, We are speaking of a Niagara Falls of Love pouring onto you and lighting you up.

You love to be dazzled, yet you may too often overlook My love for you. There is some kind of proof of love that you desire and never get enough of. If I sent you a dozen red roses every day, it might not be enough evidence of My love for you.

When you start sensing Grand Universal Love, it overwhelms you. You are grateful, and, yet, yet it is too much love for you -- and not enough at the same time. You then detract from this burgeoning love with worry such as:

“Well, I feel so much love reaching me today, yet will it still be here tomorrow? Alas, how bereft I am without sense of love. I have seen an overwhelming sense of love come and go before. It may be that love withdrawn hurts more than love not evident to begin with. Perhaps I have withdrawn all hope of love rather than to have love only for a moment.

“God, it seems that love vanquishes me. It is so precious to me that it can take over my heart, and I am undone. Love to or fro me has never stayed or stayed for long. Only forever would be enough. I don’t know how to maintain my glimpses of love forever, or, not even for a week or a day.

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The Last Word

God said:

Consider that everything that happens is okay. It’s okay. It’s perfectly okay, and you’re okay. The world revolves, and the world resolves. You don’t change the world by wresting others from their perception of the world.

Dear One, you have to come to the place where it is okay for life and the people mingled in your life to be the way they are. No one has to be your favorite flavor of Life on Earth. Anyone can be against blueberry pie or anything whatsoever he happens to be against, and he can be for anything he wants to be for whether you like it or not. You can’t very well disallow another from the freedom you so desire. This is acceptance. Acceptance may seem to be out of your reach.

What is the argument? Are you feeling that only you can be the decider of what another's views on life are supposed to be? If someone seems impossible to you, well, then, something in you has to allow him his privilege to think as he likes to think, to even be obnoxious, even to perceive you as difficult if that's how he sees it. You have no more right to infringe on another's view than he has the right to infringe on yours.

When you are dealing with people who drive you up a wall, remember it is your difficulty you are dealing with. Your distress comes from you and not from the other person who has innocently or deliberately triggered something within you.

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The Dance of the Universe

God said:

I hear you cry out in the wilderness of your heart and mind:

“God, what is this pull I have to exist in a body, to be seen, to be known, to make my mark, so to speak; to write my name on a tree; to be bound to another name etched in the bark of a tree with mine; to remain here on Earth forever? What is this need I have to plant a flower and love it into existence, one small flower that won’t last long, yet still I yearn for this one flower to experience Life on Earth and enrich the happiness of the world if only for a brief moment in the Myth of Time?

"Why does this seem so vital to me when it is only so momentary? Why do these moments on Earth seem so important to me and to every other person who is also my Self? What is going on within me, and what will go on in the world when it is without me? The time will come when I will not even be a memory for anyone on Earth.”

I say to you:

Dear Human Being, just as I desire to bring you to Earth and enjoy your humanness in a few moments of sunshine, so do you desire to have a flower grow and blossom. How long the flower lasts is immaterial. The longing of your soul is to plant a flower and nourish it and see it grow to the sun.

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Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life

God said:

One purpose of your life must be for delving into this mystery called life.

You can know that your purpose in life is to serve Me which is the same as to serve the Universe and everyone in it. One purpose may seem grander than another, yet that is not the way I see it. Purpose is purpose. The little boy who put his finger in the dike in Holland had a purpose. His purpose was to keep a flood at bay.

In the world, a purpose holds a certain weight, and another purpose is less and another greater, yet this is not how I see it. Every purpose is great. You are worthwhile. I say it again: You are worthwhile. YOU ARE WORTHWHILE.

What was that fable about the lion who was great and a rat who was small, and, yet, when the great lion had been caught in a trap, the rat chewed the rope that had kept the lion captured, and so it was the rat who set the mighty lion free. Every purpose is great, and every event is great, from the biggest to the smallest, no matter how the world sees it.

You serve no matter what the cost. I bring this up because I would like to suggest that you don't have to associate cost with service. Why? Dear Ones, why include the concept of cost with the service you give to the Universe? Neither pain nor suffering create exalted service.

Yes, of course, pain itself may serve a purpose, yet pain does not serve better than freedom from pain. Pain is not necessary to make your service noble. You can be a saint without pain. Have the idea that you don't, absolutely don't need pain of any kind.

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The Common Source of Anger

God said:

How is it that My children may be too tired to work on something yet, from all I can see, have the energy to be angry at the drop of a hat? Better to be quick to use your energy for your work and quick to send love than to shoot off anger. This applies to everyone I know, and I do know everyone.

Look, reasons for being upset to one degree or another are a dime a dozen. Reasons for peace within and outside are also available. Must anger be at the top of the list?

Put your energy to good use. Do you really consider anger as more important than getting work done or more important than rising to an occasion of joy? If all your spurts of anger were money, you might be a rich man. Consider rationing your anger. Some days you are like a little boiling teapot or like a little mighty Vesuvius puffing out how irate you are.

What is this craving for anger? You may say you don’t want to be angry. I have to ask then, why are you? Again and again, one incident after another, raises the shackles on your back. No matter how entitled you may be, anger seems to be a waste of your time and energy. What is the benefit of getting all steamed up? What benefit is there in getting upset? Anger only breeds anger.

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A Replay of Something in the Past

God said:

It is not for you to remonstrate against another because he knows less than you do. He may well have not been smart enough or well-intentioned enough to bless you and, therefore, the world. Yet this does not make you holy either. What is the good of being right when there is havoc in your heart, or hardness in your heart where warm palpable love belongs?

What justifies you to be less than you really are either? What justifies you to return ignorance for ignorance? Who are you exactly to return hurt for hurt? You, too, can offer kindness rather than righteousness. You can love Me, and love your neighbor. Love yourself, Love Me, and love your neighbor.

If you don’t love being offended, then stop being offended. Some poor fool wasn’t thinking of what he was really doing. He thought he was right in not considering how his words or actions or inactions would affect you and would affect him. What did he think he was proving by his unkindness or even ruthlessness? What are you proving when retaliation burns in your heart?

“He can’t do this to me. He has no right.” That’s just how the offender is thinking. You meant no harm to him. You were innocent. Now he is defending his lack of thoughtfulness, and you, My beloved, may be catching right up to him.

You are thinking: “How dare he treat me like this? I am a good person. No one has the right to treat me this way.”

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You Are God's Beloved

God said:

To think, what life would be if you could live without regret. As it is, you pile up your regrets. You trip over them.

There is a secret to being without regrets. The secret is to get out of the past. Let go of the past, and you will no longer be crowded with remorse. A sense of guilt is something you impose upon yourself. Imposing upon yourself is not a wonderful thing to do.

Regret, remorse, repentance are not noble or heroic. Insights are good. Have an insight, and then be done with it. Letting go is a great secret in life. Holding on is hanging on to the past.

You are not your past. The idea that you are holds you back. You are not even your present, dear one. That is not who you are. Who you are is your Being. Who you are is what you are. Your Being is something sweet and to be glad of, if only you would accept this.

I am your inheritance. I am your offering, and I am totally Being. It is not a myth that you inherit Me. From before your inception in this life, I have been yours. I am your hold on Reality. I am the Essence of you. You are My beloved.

The past, as you see it, is like a wolf who clutches you. The wolf is a proponent of your past. Don’t go there. Your past could be beautiful if you didn't let the past get caught in your craw and pull you down.

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Getting to Know God Personally

God said:

I have heard you say that you feel subtle resistance to Me. You feel you have come so close, yet you are still beyond the veil. Or, perhaps, you have felt always quite staunch resistance to Me rather than subtle resistance.

In either case, the last thread of your resistance has to go. It may be a thin thread, or it may be a thick thread. Nevertheless, just one more thread to go.

How can anyone be away from Me to the slightest degree? It is unthinkable. No matter how adamantly anyone is away from Me, it can only be by a thread of perception. The biggest resisters of God want Me so much. They really say:

“For Heaven’s sake, let me know You, God. Show me that You are here, and then I will admit You to my heart. I crave You most of all. I cannot bear any more disappointment in my life. I storm, hoping you will show Yourself to me and prove me wrong in my disbelief. I will be your greatest Supporter when You present Yourself to me and rise in my heart. Show me without doubt that You ARE. Then I can unqualifiedly be a Believer in You. This is what I want. Something in me has to insist that I not be mistaken. Is it You, God, in me that insists that You Yourself come forth?”


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