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Why Dream Dreams?

God said:

This is your day. Every day is your day. This is your day to watch your dreams unfold. Not someone else's dreams. Yours. The object of your dreams is to dream them and invite them to come true.

You are not a beggar of dreams. Within the seed of your dreams comes your fulfillment. You are the dreamer of your life. So, of course, I extol you to dream and to dream big. Dreams do not HAVE to come true, yet, certainly, the more you dream and the bigger you dream, the more of your dreams there are to come true.

You do not have to stick with the same dreams. If you want to jump from dream to dream the way you jump from one stone to another to get across a stream, why, that is perfectly fine as well. Dreams are not a business you must start and follow according to rules. Dreams are meant for you to dream. The object of dreaming is to dream.

There are no rules against dreaming. There is freedom of dreaming.

Dreaming is how you expand your horizons. Consider dreaming like eating. In order to digest your food, you have to eat. Unless you dream, your desires are left dormant. All of life in the world is a dream anyway. There is every reason to dream big. Your subconscious will make of your dream what it wills. Never was it intended that you be tightfisted with your dreams.

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So, Soar

God said:

Let go of old thinking, for old thinking keeps you where you are and where you don’t want to stay any longer. You no longer want to settle for status quo. I know you don’t. Unless you are on top of the world, why would you want to stay where you are?

If you want to be renewed, think again.

If, in life, you have been dragging your feet, think anew.

If you think life is not listening to you, get some new thinking under your belt.

New is not just a sales word. I do not look for some kind of recompense from you, unless you consider your reaching to greater heights as a reward to Me, for, of course, your flying high makes Me happy. You are far more than a sale I make, however. I do not look for you to increase My profit. You are My son or daughter. I am happy to be part of your growth. Very happy. This is My desire.

We are talking about new consciousness. Your new awareness equals the appearance of a new and faster direction in your life. New awareness works in your favor. New awareness means you influence your life in new ways. We are talking about your spontaneously reaching new heights by virtue of your new thinking, new dreams, new conductivity, a new you according to your desires. Think of deeper and higher heights and thriving inspiration.

New indicates a new take on life, a new understanding, and easier access to your deepest dreams beyond physical manifestations. Why not live a deeper and greater life? Let’s repeat this: Why not live a deeper and greater life?

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Desiring Happiness

God said:

No matter how difficult your life may seem to you right now, you are founded with My love, and the truth is that, not only do you have My love, you cannot escape it. Whatever you may be going through, no matter how dismally it assails you, no matter how rightfully or not rightfully, you have Me fully with you. I am a full-fledged God. I am not a retiring God.

Your life may go up and down, yet I am steady. Despite despair you may go through, you worry because you worry. You suffer because you suffer. Your heart aches because your heart aches. With affliction or without affliction, your heart finds despair on its own reconnaissance.

Although you often find support for despair, sometimes despair visits you without any sensible reason, yet, there you are, filled with despair. It’s like, somehow, despair got triggered, and you really don’t know what brought it on. Suddenly, despair is nesting within you. Yesterday you were pretty good, and today you find yourself in disarray. How, why, for how long will you continue to feel this way, you don’t know.

Dear Ones, perhaps despair within you gets covered up and sometimes, alas, despair leaks out and blindsides you. Somehow or another, despair lurks within you. Regardless of what outside events seemingly cause this Intruder Named Despair, the source is within you. Despair may capitalize on outside events, yet despair gets on center stage directly from inside you. You have carried despair within you for a long time, way too long.

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I Have Been Longing for You, God

God said:

Our relationship, yours and Mine, began way back. We did not erupt in this century, although I must also remind you that relative time does not exist except in the mind of man. Time is merely a backdrop to the world. Of course, inasmuch as We exist in Eternity and Infinity, We have been together Eternally and Infinitely.

Our acquaintance is not new. It is more true to say that you become reacquainted with Me. I have an inalterable memory. Your memory flashes on and off, yet you are regaining your memory. Sometimes your memory comes in a flash, and sometimes your memory recollects itself in bits and pieces. I am reminding you that your memory is not new. Your memory is not a flash in the pan. It is immemorial.

For some it may seem as though We have never met. The truth is that We have never NOT met. We have been together always. We have never been apart. We meet every day – no, rather - Our meeting is a constant. We always reverberate.

Yes, however, you are a good forgetter. In the same way as you can’t get some things out of your mind, you also have not been able to let some aspects of life enter your mind. Perhaps you think it would be too much for you, or that you might lose your identity, and you feel that you cannot live without it.

Dear Ones, without Our Identity as One, without your memory of Us, you have been missing out on a great deal of the Preciousness of Life on Earth. Our memory is the memory of count.

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The Lion and the Mouse

God said:

You may be a very High Being who has habits and mannerisms and ideas that do not reflect you as the High Being you are. This is how it can be said that the beggar at your door could be Christ. Outside phenomenon do not tell you the whole story. This is one very good reason why to be neither persuaded nor dissuaded by looks or by wealth or poverty or by anything at all.

Information may be one thing or another, may be valid or invalid. Appearances may be one thing or another. Good manners or poor manners may vary. We are speaking of your concepts and your percepts and what they mean to you.

The poorest may be the wealthiest. The wealthiest may be the poorest. Where are you looking, and what is it that you look for?

The most ordinary-seeming personage could be extraordinary. The most extraordinary-seeming personage could be a flash in the pan.

The wisest could be the most foolish. The most foolish could be the wisest, as seen in fairy tales where the know-nothing youngest son is the wisest of all and wins the day because he is innocent and truly sees what is before him. And so it is said: “Out of the mouths of babes.”

A most avid reader could be less aware than someone who does not know how to read. Someone who does not know to read may be better able to see for himself.

Yes, be very careful about getting caught up in judgment. Too often judgment – the conclusions judgment comes to – deny you the great favor of expanded awareness.

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Moored in Love

God said:

When there is love, how can there be conflict as well?

What can conflict be but fear of love? Perhaps fear in the form of holding tight to imagined ownership of even yourself. Beloveds, if you desire to sail, you have to untie yourself from the anchor. Know that you need no anchor. Be moored in love. Love, and be not tied.

The fact is that you are tied to nothing. You fight windmills. You fight freedom. Surrender to love instead. Let love take you by the hand. You don’t have to proclaim love. Be it.

Love yourself enough to love. Love yourself to pieces, and love will fall from the sky like confetti.

Get out of the details. You are not to be moored in a crush of details. Let go of the details. You don’t have to be caught up in them. Let details take care of themselves.

This means to let life be. Caught up in details, you tend to get caught up in difficulties.

Of course, I understand that life on Earth is made of details. The fact is, however, that you are to be caught up in the Greatness of Life. This is not a luxury. This is a necessity.

Unless you are caught up in love and revelation, you are caught up in the details, and this is where friction enters in. Details are minor. Love is major. It could be through friction, you cut love in half.

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Grab Those Stars!

God said:

When you have a view from your window, how fortunate you are.

When you live in a cave, how fortunate you are.

When you are alive on Earth, how fortunate you are.

Please don’t think because you live in the hurly-burly of life that you have been given a raw deal. If you truly knew what you have, despite difficulties and too many present dreams unmet, you would know you are blessed and blessed again. You are alive on Earth! You are alive on Earth!

Crowds of soul in Heaven jump for joy at the possibility of being alive on Earth. They thank their lucky stars. Consider that you are in an enviable position to be alive on Earth, an Earth filled with all possibilities. Yes, you live in a dream world. Dream your dreams. The sun does shine. Flowers do grow. Stars do come out at night.

What is not possible in this life of miracles in which you dwell? All, all of it, is miracle, and miracles consist of all possibilities. When you find yourself unhappy, you experience a kind of backward miracle in a land filled with all possibilities. The idea of suffering has been cultured on Earth and accepted as a certainty. Come, stop this now.

Once upon a time, you leaped with joy. And there are also times in this very lifetime when you are aware of your good fortune in having even one breath of fresh air, one moment on Earth as in Heaven. Fortunate are you to be alive.

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Fixity of Purpose Rises within You

God said:

Even in falsehood exist underlying kernels of Truth. Falsehood is false. What is false is not true, yet what is not all true may well be based on Truth.

What is a lie but a statement of true desire? A lie is a lie, and yet there is that there within the lie that is true. It may be stretching the truth, yet there is Truth nevertheless. Whatever you attest to, you want. All the costumes are in your closet. All the Truths are within your possession.

All are Seekers of the Truth Within.

Many seek the vainglorious, and, yet they seek to be the Truth they seek.

It is all illusion anyway. You live a myth. You are a mythical figure. You are Santa Claus, and you are an elf. You are the Giver of Love and also the Withholder of Love. There is nothing you are not. You have the power to encompass the Whole Universe. You are All.

Somewhere within you is Love Unsullied. Somewhere within you is Compassion Incarnate. Somewhere within you is the Song I Sing. God is your Parent. I am the Oak Tree from which you grow.

I do not speak of hope or possibility. I speak of certainty. I am speaking of Divine Truth. No matter who you are or what you have done, you have all of My Divinity. You are My Divinity. No matter how opposite you may appear, within you lies the Realization of God. Well, what did you think the meaning of Oneness was?

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What Is Love but Oneness?

God said:

I like to hear your voice ramble. Don’t you know you’re joy to Me? My heart smiles at your voice. It’s okay, absolutely okay to be you. It’s very okay for everyone to keep Me in mind and heart and speak to Me, for I enjoy every inch of My Creation equally. I enjoy. I enjoy every One and every thing.

I love to look at the clouds. I love to look at the seas and hear the roar of the ocean, and I love to hear every voice in My Kingdom. There are those who might consider the world My Carnival. I see the world more as My Kingdom. I gave you Free Will and continue to give you this Key to My Kingdom.

The world is the Playpen of My Kingdom, the School Yard of My Kingdom. The world is where you gain wisdom and the congruent Opening of Your Heart, the Easing of Your Heart, the Wonderment of Your Heart, the Blessing of Life in the World.

I have said and say again that I cannot be called patient nor impatient. I am neither. I know neither patience or impatience. This is inevitable because I am not under the thumb of time. I do not age. I live at a high point where time does not exist. Timelessness exists.

Come, join Me in Infinity, and you will be beyond the reach of any time-crunch whatsoever. Without time, who would ever be in a hurry? Without time, who would have to run for a bus? Without the vivid concept of time, who would have to count the minutes or lose track of the illusion called time?

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Who Has the Final Say?

God said:

You are entitled to your opinions, yet you don’t always have to say them or have them.

I must admit that some of My children are certain they have the final word on everything. They are experts. Be cautious about being an expert in your own mind.

Of course, if someone asks you what you think, it’s up to you to expound or not expound on what, sorry to tell you, dear ones, can only be an opinion.

You can use many words, or you can use a few. It’s possible that a few words are stronger than many. Not every time. Ah, if My children could get to the point of what they have to say without having to convince anyone to see it their way.

Anyway, why do you need the final say? There are so many human beings with varying thoughts who like to declare the last word. What is that quality in My children that they need so much boosting from around them? Someone else’s opinion may not matter to you that much at all, and yet you crave them to have a good opinion of your opinion, and you set out to receive it. You’re not the only one.

What is it that you need?

Are you more worthy when someone agrees with you than when someone doesn’t?

How much do you care really what someone thinks except you have the idea you have to have it? This means a lot to you, perhaps too much.


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