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What Is in Your Heart?

God said:

I could ask you, What is on your mind?

I will ask you, What is in your heart?

What means the most to you in the realms of your inner heart? This is something for you to know. You may have been avoiding this area all your life. We well know your answer has something to do with love. It may well have all to do with love.

Perhaps you feel you have gotten your full share of love. You may well not have received all the love you deserve and should have had. What do you do about it now?

Here is the answer: You give as much love as you possibly can.

Make your own love go further. Generously give more love. There isn’t anyone I know – and I know everyone – who doesn’t welcome more love. Many yearn so for it. Some would steal love if only they knew how.

Radiate your love further. Give it away, whether someone has earned it or not. There are many who would be grateful for your honest love to buoy their hearts. When your heart uplifts another, you have given your love in its pure state.

All on Earth yearn for more love. Love doesn’t need to be mush. It just needs to be love. No need to spread the jam of your love thick. An intention will do. Sometimes a thought of someone sends your love to her or him, why not?

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Truth Vibrates in Heavenletters

God said:

Heavenletters are timeless. They are not based on time. Words that are true are true. Truth doesn’t change. Truth is true, or it is not Truth.

The Heavenletter published today was first written down months ago, perhaps with another Heavenletter or more, so, now, there are rows of Heavenletters lined up, waiting for their turn to be sent out and posted in the world. All who would like to read Heavenletters have the opportunity, and great numbers are finding their ways here to drink My fare.

In My Words, there is nothing old, and there is nothing new, even as Heavenletters have dates added to them and are timely whatever year they are read. I give out Eternal and Infinite. In addition to the basic Truth that We are One and yearn to know Our Oneness, every Heavenletter gives its own mark.

Now here is another thing about Heavenletters. No one knows what a Heavenletter will be about until it is written. Heavenletters are given as they come. A Godwriter has no idea what I will be talking about, what words I will use or the message of a Heavenletter until I speak it. Nor do you know what a Heavenletter, old or new, says until it is here in front of you, and you read it in the moment you read it.

Even as you read a first paragraph, neither you nor the Godwriter has a sure idea where the words are leading until you have read the last word of the Heavenletter.

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As If You Are Requesting a Certain Song

God said:

Whatever you can think of can manifest. This includes your happiest thoughts as well as your most fearful thoughts. What is there that cannot be conceived by the mind of man? The beautiful, the ugly, the noncommittal, the committed, that which you see and that which you do not see. The mind of man is powerful. The mind of man is most powerful. Whatever you think of takes form. It may not be an instant replay, yet it will be replayed on the stage of life sooner or later. Take care in what you repeat to yourself, even when you are not verbal.

Dreams come true, yet not always in the form you would consciously choose. Your words can come true. Believe, once and for all, that the Universe listens to your thoughts, words, deeds, and reactions. The Universe means to give you all that you ask for or hint at. The Universe is eager to please you. The Universe takes you at your word. What it hears you say, the Universe bends over backwards to give you. It means to dot every i and cross every t on your behalf. The Universe heralds what it hears you say and think. It doesn't second-guess you.

If you don’t want to have a rash, don’t exclaim about rashes. If you don’t want to be itchy, don’t exclaim about being itchy. When there is a war, it could be the furthest thing from your thoughts, yet someone is desiring war, and you happen to be standing where the war erupts.

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Love Is Justice, Beloveds

God said:

Your happiness is your own generosity to yourself. Your happiness comes from within you. The same is true of unhappiness. You are your own bearer of happiness, and so are you your own bearer of unhappiness. You are the hero, and you are the culprit. Don’t fault anyone, least of all yourself. Please do not harp on yourself.

If you fall off your horse, you are the one who fell. Now you are the one to pick yourself up. There is nothing to rue. There is no blame to accrue. Even if a firecracker went off and scared your horse, there is no one to blame. Remove the word blame from your vocabulary, and how quickly the world, as you see it, recedes and opens up to a vaster window. Be quick to embrace the finicky world.

The world, like an accusing teacher, may say: "WHO DID THIS?" And this may make you shudder.

Oh, the world may be accusing, yet there is no percentage in accusing.

Perhaps you looked away for a moment. Not a virtue, yet not a crime. No crime is perpetrated on you or another. All are innocent. Something comes up when it does. Don't keep accusations to you, nor cast them away onto another.

It is not for you to replay scenes from the past. Move on to the next scene. Erase the past. It has already gone past. What makes you think of wrongdoing? It is not to anyone's advantage to strew accounts of wrong-doing and make your vision small.

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You Are a Mighty Captain of Your Ship

God said:

I will tell you who your arch-enemy is. I will tell you who sets you up. I will tell you who gets you in trouble. Beloveds, it is you. This is a part of life on Earth.

You are the one who negates yourself. You may negate yourself from responsibility by holding someone else or something else as responsible. You remove responsibility like a shawl off your shoulders. How convenient. In mistaken fear, never are you responsible, no matter what. You see yourself as vulnerable, as if being responsible would be too much for you to bear. Beloveds, everyone is responsible. Acknowledge this.

What great crime is it to be responsible? Being responsible is your power, not your weakness. Until you are responsible, the winds blow you around, and you are hapless. Better to take responsibility for yourself. It makes you solid. It makes you more of a citizen, and less of a wayfarer. You do have rights and privileges. Better to be responsible for how you act and how you react in the world.

Inevitably, you steer your own boat. Stand tall, and take responsibility for your life. This is a main key to your evolution. You are the responsible person who sits at the helm. You are not poor hapless you. You are a mighty Captain of the Ship. You are not the one done to. You are the one who sets your course.

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Love Your Life

God said:

The unseen mechanisms of life work for your good. You and I do not always agree what is worthwhile. Do your dreams have to come true by your order of command? If they do, if by your say I have to jump to please you, if I have to follow your decree, what kind of God would I be? I would be your Yes-God and stooge always at your beck and call.

The fact is that I am always alert to you, yet I am not at your command. If you knew as much as I do, then Our Will in all matters would be One. If you could see your life from the long haul, you might well not be so eager to have Me at your command. You might even say:

“Thank You, God, for countermanding my will. I thought I knew. I was sure I knew, and I was mistaken. My view was short-sided. I was not able to follow Your Vision because I don’t yet see far enough, and I tend to think that what I see is all there is to see. I am not just mistaken, dear God. I am sadly mistaken.

“I do not see, for instance, what is the good of my being without a home or money or family. God, who on Earth would want to lose the love of his life, be short of cash, or lonely?”

My dear Ones, you state your position very well. Something that the world uniformly sees as unwanted may be for your benefit, however. You don’t see how. You can’t see how. With longer vision, you might. There is greater than all that you presently dream of. There are greater blessings than you dream of. There is a greater perspective than you recognize at present.

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Did You Say That?

God said:

There is trouble that seems to come to you that is, of course, just what you don't want. At the same time that you wouldn't predict difficulties for yourself, you also tend to invite them to yourself. You don’t want it, yet you bring it to you. How do you bring it to you? With your sense of bad luck, as if you have no choice. You may have given up on yourself and offer yourself blindly as a sacrifice to a fate you do not want.

Here is the sort of self-talk I hear you say. Such talk puts you down, and I ask you politely to leave off discouraging and defeating yourself with comments like this:

“When was the last time anything came easily to me? Why do I always get the short end of the stick? Why is life so hard for me?” And so on.

You make your own prognosis. It is not clear to you that this is what you are doing. You just don't see it. You see you are being forthright and honest. See now: By your words, you welcome difficulties to you. It’s like you say:

“Over here. Trouble, come right here. I have been expecting you. Over here.”

Beloveds, you do not hear yourself, yet you anticipate difficulties and so you invite them in as you might an old friend. Yes, you have formed a bond with that which you don’t want, yet you have such a familiarity that you keep beckoning to negativity, as if you wouldn’t know how to get along without keeping the God forbids right near you.

You might say:

“Do you see how trouble finds its way to me? Trouble chooses me. Even my computer causes me trouble half the time.”

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Sublimely True

God said:

There is a spark within each one of My beautiful children, a spark that lights up those others called others and onto the world at large. Notice I said every single one of My children, for everyone has that spark within him or her. You have this spark within you. This spark comes from deeper than deep. This is you in your Blazing Glory. You have this spark within you to brighten the world.

Someone who by the world's view is deemed beautiful has this Lighted Light that I speak of, and yet the surface beauty may pall after a while. Someone who in world terms never has had this exterior beauty, nevertheless, has this inner bright light that brightens the world that the exteriorly beautiful do. It is not original to say that surface beauty goes only so deep, yet there is this interior beauty that lights up the world like the stars. Really, what is so beautiful about the stars except for their light that shines out in darkness?

You may not know the light that bursts forth from you. As a baby, you have this light. Fresh from Heaven, you certainly are swathed in this light. And if you are paralyzed, this same light shines forth from you. There is light beyond the physical that is yours. When you feel love, you shine it forth. Light is light wherever it shines from.

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Who Is Responsible for Your Reactions?

God said:

You can always know that you are not alone. Whether your heart is aching or your heart is full of joy, you are not alone. The verse that says everyone laughs with you and when you cry, you cry alone, is simply not so. It may sound good, yet many laugh with you, and as many cry with you. This is how life is. No matter at what peak you are or at what low point you are, in terms of the world, you have much company. No one has been without pain, and no one has been without joy.

No matter how beautiful, no matter how wealthy, no matter how robust, no matter how unbeautiful, no matter how poor, no matter how ill, everyone on Earth has his good times and names them joy. Everything on Earth is relative. It has been said that no matter how great your sorrow, if you could have the choice to pull another’s troubles out of a hat, you would choose to keep the woes you already have. And, of course, you have made a choice to hold on to your troubles, as if you consider suffering a reward for goodness.

You would be reluctant to trade in your joys for someone else’s. There are times you may think you would, yet your joys are precious to you. Not for all the tea in China would you give away one millisecond of what is precious to you. There you are. Your life is yours. It belongs to you. Your life does not belong to anyone else, nor does anyone else’s life belong to you.

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Look for the Diamond

God said:

What you see is what you get. You may see that you are surrounded with challenges. That’s how you see it. I do not ask you to kid yourself. Life in the world is not always easy. Sometimes My children find life very difficult.

You can rearrange your thoughts and come from a vaster vision. At present, you can see only so far.

What I am suggesting is that you be open to the possibility that even on the hardest days of the drama you play a part in, life is a blessing. Certainly life on Earth is strewn with blessings. Life is a gift you are given. Even what you would undo if you could has the earmarks of a blessing within it. When the blessings are hidden, you can look for them.

Nothing is the undoing of you unless you kowtow to that idea and hold yourself up as forlorn. Naturally, you focus on your life, yet there are other lives out there, and you can get your mind off yourself and become your own blessing. It is inadvisable for you to look for fault. It is inadvisable for you to be on the look-out for anything you don’t desire.

Yet My children seem to be in waiting for misfortune of one kind or another to drop at their feet. Instead, anticipate good fortune, health, and sunshine. You can do it. Have you been waiting for the doldrums? Have you been waiting for an axe to fall? Have you been currying the favor of what you call mistakes?

Make way for happiness. Encourage happiness. Bet on it.


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