God said:
The unseen mechanisms of life work for your good. You and I do not always agree what is worthwhile. Do your dreams have to come true by your order of command? If they do, if by your say I have to jump to please you, if I have to follow your decree, what kind of God would I be? I would be your Yes-God and stooge always at your beck and call.
The fact is that I am always alert to you, yet I am not at your command. If you knew as much as I do, then Our Will in all matters would be One. If you could see your life from the long haul, you might well not be so eager to have Me at your command. You might even say:
“Thank You, God, for countermanding my will. I thought I knew. I was sure I knew, and I was mistaken. My view was short-sided. I was not able to follow Your Vision because I don’t yet see far enough, and I tend to think that what I see is all there is to see. I am not just mistaken, dear God. I am sadly mistaken.
“I do not see, for instance, what is the good of my being without a home or money or family. God, who on Earth would want to lose the love of his life, be short of cash, or lonely?”
My dear Ones, you state your position very well. Something that the world uniformly sees as unwanted may be for your benefit, however. You don’t see how. You can’t see how. With longer vision, you might. There is greater than all that you presently dream of. There are greater blessings than you dream of. There is a greater perspective than you recognize at present.