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Where Have All the Good Times Gone?

God said:

What would make you absent yourself from Me as if I do not exist? Sometimes you may have shrouded Me in dark colors and pulled a curtain as if to close Me out, as if you could drum Me out of your thoughts, as if you could silence the beat of My heart and evict Me from your daily life or even the glory-filled heights of your life.

It isn’t that you want to do Me in, not at all. It’s just that you see Me as someone who is out to take your happiness away and perhaps browbeat you into behavior unbefitting a happy-go-lucky character such as you. Only, you are not so happy go-lucky, and you haven’t been in a long time, although you may try to persuade yourself that you are doing very well without Me altogether, even better perhaps than you would with Me in your patronage.

I am not your spoiler of good times. Good times used to be good times, yet now they may not be good times for you anymore. They are times that pass, yet something is missing. A meaning is missing. It seems that the good times are missing, or even that time is missing. Something has skipped a beat here.

Time doesn’t seem to stop any longer. It is just gone, and the hilarity is also gone, like the blowing out of a candle at the end of a birthday celebration. The celebration is over. Somehow something has trespassed on your good, and you can’t find your good. You can’t even pretend it anymore to yourself.

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Try Cooking Supper One Night

God said:

What do you want? Many of My children do not know what they want. Sometimes, it could appear that what many want most of all is to complain. It seems to Me that there is a lot of complaining going on, could this be true?

You are presented with a meal that those who haven’t eaten today do not even have a chance to complain about, and you find sundries to complain about. Have another ambition rather than to be a super complainer. Goodness knows, you are awfully good at griping about one thing or another. You may be a magnificent complainer. There is hardly pride to take in being a complainer. You have lots of competition for the championship.

To be proud of your complaining skills is like being proud of having a sour stomach. Burp, burp, burp. What are you proud of? Your discernment? Best fault-finder on the block? Excellent at finding that which to complain about every day of the week?

You can accomplish a lot more by biting your tongue. Tonight’s supper was not gourmet? So? Someone went to trouble. Thank Me, God, then for your food.

Complaints are sloppy things. I know you can do better with your life. Sometimes a little thank-you goes far. Give good cheer.

You could get good at making someone smile.

You could try cooking supper one night. Get good at making someone want to cook for you. Be a splendid guest. When someone makes a meal for you, consider yourself a guest. Pull out your good manners. Try them on. I encourage you to be explicit in your appreciation.

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What Cannot Be Dreamed of in the Human Heart?

God said:

Here is an idea I would like you to remove from your heart and mind and from the world at large. I beseech you to remove this false impression. You must. For the success of the world, you must.

Here is the idea I ask you to get out of your belief system. It is the idea that there is anything that exists that is too good to be true. There is nothing too good to be true.

When you embrace the concept that all good can be true, you lift a caul off the world, and you lift the vibration of the world.

Anything is possible. Anything. What miracles will you allow into the world? What miracles will you invite? What miracles will you reach for?

What are you thinking when you are convinced and seek to convince others that the world is filled with volumes of what you consider too good to be true?

Because you have not yet seen what you think may be too good to be true - because you have not yet witnessed ongoing miracles before your very eyes in the name of Truth  - because the world at large has not yet accepted the presence of miracles in daily life – it seems that you and the world deny the very evidence that miracles exist. Beloveds, how can what does not, in fact, exist be refuted!

I will tell you that many greatnesses have occurred, and they occur again and again. They will be seen to occur more often when the consciousness of the world does not block the very idea of them.

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Be Fun for Your Children to Be With

God said:

Fun is not a flighty unimportant part of life. It is an essential part of life. Children are supposed to have fun. Life is supposed to be fun. As it is, children are sometimes chastised for having fun as if the purpose of your raising your child is to squelch them.

If I were to give advice to parents, I would say:

Have fun with your children. You, the parent, have a good time. This is an exquisite time with your child. It will not come again.

This is a double-whammy, because as you have fun, you ensure that your children do.

When you and your child have fun together, you are raising your child well. You don’t need to think so sternly about raising your children. When your children have fun and enjoy with you, you are raising your children well. They will listen to you and respect you and, in turn, be loving and gracious to you and to everyone.

You are introducing your children to the world. Make the world a friendly place for your children, and they will know friendliness.

You are not spoiling your child by allowing him happiness.

As a parent, you need to get away from the idea that your child has to perform as the best behaved child at home or away. You are not spoiling your child by accepting and loving him. This is not letting your child go wild. Give your child the freedom to be happy.

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The Secret of Happiness

God said:

Take heart today. Take heart today with your head. You are on the upswing. Accept: This is God talking to you. With all My love and with all My heart, I speak to you today. BE HAPPY TODAY. I sing these words to you. Be My child who swims the Ocean on My behalf. What can you not do for God? You can be happy for God. Yes, you can even be happy for God. You can allow yourself to be happy for the love of God, for your love of God.

Here’s the secret of happiness. Forget yourself. Remember Me. Remember what you are here on Earth for. Not to serve yourself. Not to focus on yourself. Make Me happy. Even as I am happy always, be happy for Me.

You are here on Earth to serve Me. You serve Me very well when you are happy.

So, then, when you are blue, how do you become sunny? How do you change the color of this moment from gray sky to sunny sky reaching into your heart?

Be happy as you think of Me. This is not artificial. This is not pretending. This is not – absolutely not – forcing yourself to be anything. This is allowing happiness to take over your heart and soul. Look up. Think of Me. Think of making Me happy. Without obsequious attention on your own happiness, you will simply be happier. Without even polite or distant attention on your happiness, happiness will appear and thrive. Your happiness is your gift to Me. Be happy for Me.

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Silly You!

God said:

You know that life in the world can change at the snap of a finger. You also know that the phenomenon of life, of its very nature, changes right and left. Even when life doesn’t seem to be changing, it is changing. Life, as it appears, is ever-new. This isn't the first time I have said this, is it?

When you were a child, change changed right before you. You grew an inch. You learned a new word. The magnificence of it – you learned to speak a language. You went from baby to toddler. You learned to ride a tricycle. Life flashed between your eyes, and next thing you knew you rode a 2-wheeler, and then a motor-cycle and so on.

After childhood, changes are not so sudden-appearing. Changes become more like after-thoughts. They have been predicted as a standard procedure. Even as age is happening, as hair become gray, it doesn’t happen all at once. Then suddenly, it seems, the way spring appears, suddenly, your hair is all gray or your hair is sparse.

Silly you, these evidences of change appear like afflictions to you. Ideas accrue to what you notice. Now you have the idea you are growing old. The world tells you that this is reality. Even what you pronounce as reality is an idea, and, often, an inherited idea. An idea of reality is not identical to Reality. Pronouncements of Reality in the world may be off-base. Once flat Earth was considered Reality. There are those who would revive that idea. There are even those who say that this theory is still true. Someone says so.

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Want to Change Your Circumstances?

God said:

My children often wait for circumstances to change before they will make changes within themselves. Putting this wall up is how to stay the same. How closed or open you may be regarding how you view your Life may determine your progress or your status quo. You may prefer an old menu to the new one on general principle.

Want to change your circumstances? If you really want to change the externals of your life, something inside you has to give. Something of the old has to make way for the new. Of course, this will happen one way or another.

Don’t get up in arms now. It is so simple, yet I understand it isn’t so simple for you. In order to change within, to honestly change, you have to let go of something, and therein is the rub. You would let go of something if only you could count on life’s changing as you want it to. Yes, something has to give, beloveds – and it has to give within you.

Life isn’t a trading post. You can't make a deal. Not often, maybe never. You can’t say to life: “Let’s do it my way, Life. Give me a welcome change, and when all is assured according to my desire and my will, then I will give up something of less or equal value.”

I see - you want a deal! You want to strike a hard bargain. The thing is: Let something go so that there is room for greater.

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Doubt Leaves You in the Middle of a Forest

God said:

A great nagger in the world is Doubt. Doubt wears many faces. Doubt brings a whole array with it. Insecurity. Confusion. Conviction of whatever. Fatigue. Anger. Dismay. Dissatisfaction. Worry!

Beloveds, there may be no right decision. There also may be no wrong decision. Life is an experiment, remember?

What is doubt but wishy-washiness? Doubt likes to see you under its spell.

Doubt pummels you. Doubt is a wrestler, a boxer, a bully. Doubt undercuts you. Doubt ties your shoelaces together. It ties you up in knots. Doubt as a way of life is an error.

Not knowing is not exactly the same as doubt. Doubt tells you not to make up your mind. Doubt tells you to take forever.

Doubt dangles you. It diddles you. It runs circles around you.

Doubt niggles you. It is a tease, yet doubt is heavy-handed. We can’t call doubt a flim-flam because doubt is dead-serious about its self-imposed mission. I did not, definitely, did not choose doubt for you. Doubt will foist himself on you any day. Hey, doubt doubt.

Doubt will pursue you. It will run you ragged.

Doubt prevents you from taking a direction. Rather, you allow doubt to prevent you from taking a direction. Doubt says you are lost in a forest and don’t know which way to turn – can’t know which way to turn. What a fatalist doubt is.

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In the Story of the World

God said:

This will pass. Whatever it is, this is the truth in the world. The world is passing right before your eyes. This is how it is.

Procrastination is passing right now. Can procrastination last forever? What is happening is that your world is being turned upside down. It is like you have been thrown up into the air, and you haven’t quite landed yet. What does this mean? It means you are losing boundaries. You are becoming unbounded. You are gaining unboundedness. You are in the middle or muddle of freedom.

Sometimes you would avidly like to clutch to old times and old ways. You feel pledged to people of the past and to people of the present and to a way of life named Future. You have long wanted to get out of confinement, yet, suddenly, freedom does not feel so wonderful as you thought it would. Where do you rest your head? Where are all the seeming possessions and props that, yes, got in your way, yet were comforting to add up. And the people of the past who are no longer evident? You long for them. How you long for them.

The people of the past are lined up like paper cut-outs attached one to the other. There is no end. And I tell you also that there is no beginning. Infinity just is. It is like a choo-choo train you see from an angle. Life seems to pass before you, and, yet, life, without form, amounts to invisible atoms and molecules. Invisible spark plugs are moving. Yes, I suppose We can say that Light moves. It certainly sparkles. Hey, you, all you atoms and molecules out there, dazzle the world.

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Make a Beautiful World Out There

God said:

What is all this about the so-called old that makes limitations seem to be a foregone conclusion? Old age seems to have a narrow range of prediction, well, predicted only as… old.

The world may look at the so-called old as some lesser kind of being who descended to Earth shriveled and referred to simply as the Old as if they had never lived, as if they had never raised a family and moved youthfully in the world, as if they, the experienced, have no further contributions to make, as if the old have no future and couldn’t really have had a past. Is the world saying that the grouped old are no more than water under the bridge?

Oh, sure, certainly, older people have become good sports, pushed along in wheel chairs, facing a blank wall or the TV like good guests. I, God, pray to Myself:

“Oh, please, God, don’t be so willing to let life for the longest-lived be grim and that the world relegate them to a non-status. Must the so-called elderly be housed together at a way-station and just wait their turn before being shipped off to the wild blue yonder? God, what happened to Your gift of a purpose to every soul on Earth?

"Age does not have to be presumed to be as it seems to be today, as an off-shoot of life. What excuse is there for this? Come, paint a better picture. Who can look forward to old age as it is portrayed in modern times? Could You, God? Who could? Old age as it is seen today is nothing more than an idea. Can it be Your idea, God?


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