God said:
What is all this about the so-called old that makes limitations seem to be a foregone conclusion? Old age seems to have a narrow range of prediction, well, predicted only as… old.
The world may look at the so-called old as some lesser kind of being who descended to Earth shriveled and referred to simply as the Old as if they had never lived, as if they had never raised a family and moved youthfully in the world, as if they, the experienced, have no further contributions to make, as if the old have no future and couldn’t really have had a past. Is the world saying that the grouped old are no more than water under the bridge?
Oh, sure, certainly, older people have become good sports, pushed along in wheel chairs, facing a blank wall or the TV like good guests. I, God, pray to Myself:
“Oh, please, God, don’t be so willing to let life for the longest-lived be grim and that the world relegate them to a non-status. Must the so-called elderly be housed together at a way-station and just wait their turn before being shipped off to the wild blue yonder? God, what happened to Your gift of a purpose to every soul on Earth?
"Age does not have to be presumed to be as it seems to be today, as an off-shoot of life. What excuse is there for this? Come, paint a better picture. Who can look forward to old age as it is portrayed in modern times? Could You, God? Who could? Old age as it is seen today is nothing more than an idea. Can it be Your idea, God?