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Love Finds a Way

God said:

Love is not an action. Love may be expressed through action, yet love is not something you do. Love is an impetus toward action. Love is reaching out. Love is wanting to connect to another aspect of yourself. Love is not a concrete thing. It is an essence. Essence desires expression.

A new toy may make you feel love, both the giving and receiving of a new toy. A new toy may move your heart and touch you and open your heart. In any case, you are glad and grateful for a new toy. In addition to the new toy is the love that accompanies the new toy.

Then there are new refrigerators and books and cars and even supercharged inventions, yet what you hold in your hand or sit on or a new refrigerator you find food in is not love. After a while, the new toy becomes an established gift, and it loses its shine. It becomes an object which it always was. The unseen that accompanies the toy is love. A great wave of energy passes love to and fro.

Poets can’t write about love enough. How many poems have been written about love, and still more being written? Poetry and love are exquisite. Every experience in life has its reference point in love. Even a verse that reflects the sterility of love’s leaving is love. Then that is called love lost and may leave you forlorn.

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The Beings God Made

God said:

It helps the Universe when you do not take happenings in life as an estimation of your worth. Because you do not win a prize you so desired does not mean you are less. Results in life are not to be viewed as your report card.

How many gifts you receive from Santa Claus at Christmas isn’t a scale that tells you that you have been good or bad. Do not believe this for one minute.

That you did not win the lottery yesterday means only this: You did not win the lottery yesterday. And, if today, you win the lottery, the meaning is simply: You won the lottery today.

In the world, you tend to draw conclusions. You do draw conclusions. You could draw a picture of a horse. You could draw a masterpiece of a horse. No matter how skilled an artist you may be, the picture is an idea. The picture is of a horse, yet the picture is not a horse. And this is how it is with words as well. Words carry the vibration of the meaning of a word, yet a word is not a complete entity of what it represents.

The word good carries a certain vibration. The word bad carries a certain vibration. Good and bad are judgments. Do not be so quick to judge yourself as lacking because something didn’t happen the way you wanted it to. Be cautious about making value judgments about yourself and anyone else.  
No matter how good you may be, you can fall down the stairs. No matter how bad you may be, you may not fall down the stairs.

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What Does Humble Mean? It Means You Are Open.

God said:

Come to the place where you love yourself. Love yourself as I love you.

I love you. I see the pure light that you are. I love you as Myself. You are Myself.

For you to love yourself doesn’t mean you consider yourself imperious. You don’t see yourself as above others. You are not the Queen of the May. You make mistakes and are not bound by them. You make no excuses. You are Being.

There is no separation between Us, yet there is separation between you and ego. Your ego is an adjunct you do not take seriously. Just when you think you know everything, just when you think you’ve got life down pat, that’s when you are riding for a fall. You no longer swagger.

When you love yourself, you are humble. You see the wondrousness of yourself, yet you are humble. What does humble mean? It means you are open. You are receptive to others. You are aware you still have much to learn. You are not a know-it-all. You know that everyone contains the same spirit as you.

The expertise of life is to love. You come from love. You don’t parade it. You are it. It is the chair you sit in. It is the view you see from. Loving yourself certainly doesn’t mean you are stuck on yourself. You can be awestruck at the wonder of you and the wonder of others and the wonder of God Who created you and everyone and everything, yet you are not exactly in love with yourself. You do not love yourself to distraction.

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To Your Own Heart Be True

God said:

Plow through. Sometimes you simply have to plow through obstacles. Yes, be a snow plow and keep going. Persist.

Because you have a hard time doesn’t have to mean you’d better stop. You may well be barking up the right tree. Don’t consider what you see as lack of support as a signal to stop. It may well be a signal to keep going, to keep going through rain and snow and floods and hurricanes, whatever the world throws at you.

The Earth persists. You are a microcosm of the Earth. Earth doesn’t stop because of obstacles. The world keeps spinning, and so must you. This world that may hamper you plows through.

Certainly, there is a reason for everything, yet you don’t know what the reason or reasons are. You can only guess.

In general, when you find life tough, you are being given an opportunity to become stronger. In a way, it is for you to become more committed to your service to Me. Even when wherever you turn, you are given no for an answer, or later for an answer, or a little pat on the head, for an answer, you can keep going onward and upward.

The key for you may well be to persist. You were in on a venture from the beginning and so you continue. If it is a business venture of your dreams, stay with it. Give it a good shot. If it is a spiritual venture for Me, stay with it. Most especially, when it is a venture for Me, persist and persist. If you are taking singing lessons and this is important to you, you keep learning to sing. You carry through.

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Start Over

God said:

Beloveds, I see disparagement for the suffering it truly represents. I am not hurt by unkind words. Those who feel they must raise their fists at Me are suffering such antagonism that their very antagonism becomes their extreme cause for living. They shake their fist and say: “You did this, God. You made me suffer. Now I will get back at You.”

To those of you who love Me and would defend Me from disdain, there is no need for you to defend Me. Nor do those who rail against Me have to defend themselves and be against Me. They do not have to resolve to oppose Me. They do not have to choose sides, for, in so doing, they turn their self-flagellation on Me Whom they blame for their suffering, as if they have been personally attacked. They are sure I did it.

There is nothing for anyone to take personally.

I know My children suffer. On behalf of those whose suffering won’t leave and they turn their suffering into opposition against Me, let it be known that they are free to make this choice.

So now I talk to you, those who may choose to rail against Me. I respond to you now:

You may be saying, how can I not suffer as a result of the conditions I suffer under?

I say: Suffering may be a choice you chose long ago, yet you chose it, and you choose it still. You may think you are under a yoke of suffering. Indeed, you have suffered, yet who put the yoke on you and told you to carry it as long as you can? Who claimed the yoke of suffering and placed it on you? Not I. I would remove it from you.

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As You Traverse the Earth

God said:

The name of the game in the world is change. In the world, everything is changing a mile a minute. In the world there is speed. Nothing stays the same, or, not for any length of imaginary time does anything stay the same. Even puzzlement shows different faces. Truth, however, does not divert. The absolute exists in the world, yet far deeper and beyond the surface. The surface of the world is surface. Surface life is a lot like a train that is rushing to get somewhere. And when the train gets there, the train is off in a rush to get somewhere else.

Satisfaction in the relative world flits around. In the world of God, stability exists. No one rocks My boat, beloveds. You may well not see the depth, yet the depth is running the show no matter how random life may look to you. From the deep silence, My Will is done. The surface is souped up and all over the place. In the Silence, I reign.

The surface of life can make you cross-eyed. You try to make sense of it, and, often, this is not possible. Nonsense doesn’t make sense. All you can do is laugh or smile and let what has no decipherable meaning go.

You may like the idea of staying the same, living in the same house, never growing old, yet, when you think about it, you don’t desire this either. You are stalemated. You don’t want to change, and you don’t want to stay the same.

All of life in the relative world is about change, and change upon change.

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Ego, the Opposite of Humility

God said:

To thine own self be true really means: To thine own SELF be true.

Now, this that I say next is delicate. To Thine own Self be true means not to follow your wee tiny little trumped-up ego! I am your Self. Follow Me.

Attachment is ego. Your first opinion is often based on ego. Your ego is sure he is right. Ego always thinks he knows better than anyone else. Ego thinks he knows better than I do. Ego has a high opinion of himself. Ego has many ways of dodging what I say, and ego does a good job of thwarting what is in your best interest. In every case, it is in your best interest to dodge ego and listen to Me.

Of course, I speak of ego as if he were a third party to you, yet ego thrives and is alive and well within you. Ego is not responsible for your antics. You are responsible for ego’s antics. Ego gains ground only with your participation, and, I must say, most often with your wholehearted participation. Ego may rub his grimy hands in delight while you look at him with approval. Whenever you want to get the better of someone, this is ego urging you on. Otherwise, you would be honoring another soul on Earth more than you may presently.

How necessary it is that you stay away from ego. Do not go where angels fear to tread.

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Be a Good Friend to Yourself

God said:

Do you file yourself into a compartment and give yourself a report card before you go to bed at night? No longer file a report on yourself. You are not to be an appraiser of yourself.

It’s bad enough when the world sizes you up and finds you wanting. You are not meant to spy on yourself and tell tales on yourself.

You may be indiscernible to the world. In the world, you may need a make-over. In the world, you may be sized up right and left. To yourself, be a friend who likes you. Why assess yourself as if you were an auditor who must latch onto something?

It is your nature to grow. You will grow and thrive better without self-criticism. You do not need to caution yourself. What you need is to love yourself as if you were a growing flower in an oasis even you may be in a desert.

What happens too often is you put yourself in a prison cell and order yourself to grow to perfection. You find fault and whip yourself. You try to beat fault out of you.

Honor yourself instead. Find the good you did today and never mind anymore whatever chagrin you may feel because you find yourself imperfect. I tell you that you thrive every day. You make it every day. Whatever labor or standard you give yourself, no matter how high you lift the rope you give to yourself to jump over, no matter how many times you miss and trip and fall, you make it to the end. Let bedtime not be a time of self-recrimination. This is a time for approval. Put that idea in your pipe, and smoke it.

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Let Your Heart Sing

God said:

Within your heart itself, there is no corner to hide in. Your heart is a throbbing energetic pulsating field of love. Your heart is about love and nothing else.

You may think that fear and other strangers of love lurk in your heart, yet not so. Fear and such may cover your heart. Fear and such may squeeze your heart’s expression of love, yet a heart is a heart is a heart. Your heart is a living beating hearth for love to warm its hands in. Your heart is the embodiment of love. It is a castle of love.

You may try to make your heart a moat that keeps you separate from other hearts, yet your heart is never a moat. Signals reach your heart no matter how hard you may try to be remote from the essence of your Heart of God.  

Your heart cannot succeed in being a stranger no matter how hard it tries to give that impression.

Take care of your heart. You are connected to it. Now take this truth as your premise and allow your heart to be the beautiful tulip it is. Let your heart be mobile. Let your heart capture itself, fall in love with its ebullience of lovingness. Let your heart be the track your life runs on.

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Life as It Dances on Earth

God said:

There are days you go through that seem to be beset with difficulties, one after the other. Sometimes it seems like you have weeks without sunshine in them.

One way to look at these times is that you are overburdened with them. Another way to look at these times is that you are quickly getting rid of a stock of difficulties that you would like to be finished with. Look at all the difficulties you can wash your hands of now. They occurred, and now there are fewer remaining difficulties to impose themselves into your life.

There are always other ways you can look at whatever you may be looking at. Let’s say you had a stock of 100 difficulties waiting for you. So now more of these pesky difficulties are out of the way. This could call for rejoicing. Why not? What is there for you to gain by deciding to be downcast?

You don’t have to greet difficulties with your chin out. You don’t have to let difficulties gnaw at your gut either. Accept difficulties in the palm of your hand. Take care of those you can. Those difficulties that you do not know how to solve, well, they, too, will go by the wayside.

You have heard before to count every difficulty as a blessing. You don’t know the whole story yet. How could something that causes you heartache possible be a blessing, yet this has happened, and this has already happened to you. The fish that got away can be good news. You may be luckier than you imagine.


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