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Peace Sparkles Its Silver Light

God said:

Some days you are happy to simply survive. You don’t even ask for happiness any more. You would be happy for the day to be over without huge anguish, broken heart and irreparable damage. You don’t ask to get off unscathed any more. You may be grateful to settle for life without happiness and perhaps a little less misery. You are even grateful for a day without catastrophe!

You don’t recall when this state of affairs entered. You do remember in the not too distant past when life cheered you up, and you looked forward to each day, and you had much elation. When joy started to make its exit, you do not know. Yet life turned into energy lost and hope denied, and you hung on for your next breath.

You felt suspended from life, almost as if you were hung from a meat hook. You were, We could say inaudible. Unhappiness had outlasted itself.

Joyous energy is coming back to declare itself.

You will become light of heart and light of foot again. Life is arriving for you now like a Cinderella carriage ready to carry you around Earth from an elevated height. You will be jumping from joy again. Your zest is returning. Life is reclaimed.

It seems as though there has been a torrent of tears shed or unshed, yet gallons of fear will no longer be spilled upon Earth. You will discover fun-loving resources within you again, and smiles will take over the Earth. You who have felt lost will be found again, and laughter will be heard once more across the land and deep in your heart.

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A Simple Ring

God said:

Up and down go your moods. You are high, and you are low. It is as though you are torn from pillar to post. In one day, your world can turn upside down and every which way and back again.

The resilience required of you is astronomical.

You realize, of course, that it is you who requires of yourself such astronomical resilience. You set the tone of your life. How you have wished it could be otherwise. How you have craved peace, and, then, something befalls, and you are agitated. You seem to prefer to have the tone of your day and life set from outside events rather than from within you.

No matter how hard you have tried to be calm, cool, and collected, trying hasn’t done the trick. How you have tried. Such success does not come from insistence, yet it will come.

One day you will not be so shaken by life’s inconsistency. You won’t be so riddled because you will not see what is happening as appalling to your well-being. You will reach this lovely place effortlessly and not by dint of will.

It is more like you drive up to a park, and there you are. You come to peace, or, perhaps, peace comes to you there. You find that you are no longer ruffled. Gratefully, you are beside the cooling waters. You come to peace because you come to it. You come to it because you are out of the turmoil that used to shake you up. Now you are unshaken. Now you reach that long sought-after equanimity. You’re here.

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A Thousand and One Tales

God said:

I Myself have used the expression from the beginning of time. The expression could just as well have been from the beginning of time and space, even as I have stated more than once that time and space do not exist, no matter how much they may seem to.

Closer to the Truth would be to say from the beginning of imagined space and time, imagined-space-and-time have been imagined. We could have said from the beginning of the dream, from the beginning of story, from the beginning of a very fluid made-up tale entitled: The Many-Volumed Imagined Tales of Life on Earth Taken Very Seriously and other such titles.

The platform, the whole thing, is made-up and not real at all.

Of course, some stories you would wish with all your might to be true, and some stories you would wish to be erased, and, yet not one of the stories is true. They may be what you call real, yet from Infinity and Great Vision not one of the stories is true. This is Truth I tell you whether you agree with Me or not, which you probably do not.

Infinity is true. Oneness is true. The stories the Dream tells are fiction. Fiction believed true is still fiction. A blank page would be more representative of Truth. This is hard for My beloved children to digest as well. When you stub your toe, it hurts! What you call real life is A Thousand and One Tales of Dreams Dreamed of on Earth. Only in the World of Dreams are there such actions and inaction, yet, within the Dream, there are Themes of Truth. Love is Truth.

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You’re Not Done Yet

God said:

Unless you are moving forward, you are simply holding on or perhaps going backwards. Past practice may consume your seeing and thinking and responding. You relive the past in the present. Pretty much you tend to play out the present as, once upon a time, you did the past.

You tend to hit the same obstacles. You flounder as you floundered before. Life presents itself to you the way it used to. It brings out the same things within you that it used to do. Beloveds, it is not meant to be this way.

Hit the road, Jack. Hit the road.

You are meant to see differently and then grow until you burst all boundaries.

Imagine all that you learned in the first year of your life. A bushel. It’s phenomenal.

Now that you are adult, your life is to continue to grow. You’re not done yet. To grow means to expand. To grow means to learn. To grow means to grow up. To grow means to change. Even when growing means you have to be sadder and wiser, grow. Grow in the direction you want to grow in.

You cannot stay the same. You can’t stand still. Not even dead matter stays the same. But you are alive. You can hang on to a rung of a ladder or you can climb up a rung.

When you’ve come this far, keep climbing.

This is how to gain independence. I won’t say going out on a limb, though you may see this as letting go of the limb you presently hold onto. Beloveds, there is no status quo. Move ahead or slip back. Go higher or fall back.

There is an expression: “Knock some sense into your head.”

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Frustration Gets Your Goat

When you are frustrated beyond measure, you are sure that frustration has to go away from you. No, dears, it is you who must unattach from frustration. You know I am not suggesting that you let frustration keep beating on you. I am saying the contrary.

You are speaking of frustration that gets the better of you, as if you have no say in the matter. What you can do, no matter how reluctantly, is to keep some distance between you and frustration. Frustration isn’t going to kill you. It is not out to ruin you.

For whatever reason, you have reached your limit. It is you who sets your limit.

Frustration comes from people and from things that get your goat. When the computer seems to have a mind of its own, the computer isn’t out to get you. It doesn’t have it in for you. In effect, the computer doesn’t know how to compute.

It is the same with people. They have a certain perspective different from yours. It is you who says you have come up against a stone wall. You have come up against something that takes you away from your purpose. Does your purpose have to be so thrown by disturbances in the world? When someone or something may seem to be blocking your way, what’s the first thing to do? Step around it, dear ones. You don’t have to meet frustration head on.

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You Merit Kindness Too

Give yourself a break. You may tend to be hard on yourself, too hard. You may tend to be a tyrant to yourself. To your expendable self, I hear you crack your whip and say:

“More more. Deliver more. Even if you have exceeded all my expectations, I will you to do better. And, then, when you do better, I will whip you to go even faster in order to prove something unprovable. What a hard taskmaster am I. I am insatiable. I will work you to the bone. I assign myself to illegal servitude.

“Maybe I am trying to prove to God that I am the hardest worker of all. Maybe I know only effort and strain. Maybe I think I’m not worth anything else unless I give and give. Maybe I think that to rest on the Sabbath is not for me. I certainly don’t seem to allow myself to both work and relax while I’m at it. I wouldn’t treat a horse the way I treat myself. I’m not even half so generous to myself as I would be to a horse.

“I would whisper sweet nothings in his ear. I would feed him the very best of the best, and I would make sure he has rest and does not work too hard.

“So what am I to myself? What kind of servitude have I sentenced myself to? What am I trying to run away from? What keeps me back from setting myself free? When is enough? When will I have earned my freedom?

“Why would I compel myself to overdo, as if whatever I do or how much I do cannot be enough? What have I done to myself, and why would I? Why do I set my expectations so impossibly high?

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Why Create Polarity When You Can Create Peace?

Did you ever think you would hear Me say that you have to face facts? I love to tell you to look at all the amazing possibilities in life. I certainly do.

What I am suggesting now is to face the fact that you may have growing to do. If you are going to grow, you have to start from a place where you are aware that you don’t already know everything or even what you are most sure of right now.

Just as you do not give yourself the true recognition of your great worth, you may close your eyes to areas of your life where you may need to wake up to, and to see from new eyes.

Here’s how it is:

On one hand, you are far greater than you give credence to. You don’t begin to know your capabilities. You are way out in left field in regard to knowing the great gift you are.

Yet there are other areas where you get stuck in your point of view, and that point of view is that you know without a doubt the rightness of your way of thinking. This is what I speak of now. There are areas where you are convinced of how right you are, and you won’t let any occurrences in life or anything change your mind. You don’t have to change your mind, yet you can listen to a different opinion.

There are occasions where you may need some shaking up. Life will do this - shake you up. Yet you may be convinced tooth and nail that you are right and hold on for dear life. You are adamant. Let it cross your mind that you could be mistaken. There is not even a shadow of doubt in your mind that you are 100% right. Your mind is made up.

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This Heavenletter does not apply to everyone. Nor does it apply only to others and not to you. It is for some. Perhaps many.

Now that you are grown up, no longer make a fuss when you don’t get your own way. Your own way is not due you across the board.

It is right and natural for a baby to kick and scream, but not you. Nor do you walk away in a huff. You may think you have to defend your rights, and so you may offer ultimatums. This does not make you big, for you are not thinking big. You are thinking small. If you have to be catered to, you are thinking small.

I have to suggest to those of you who are My dramatic children, if you must have drama and make ordinary life huge, then go on the stage! You will have a good career there. You can stomp your foot. You can kick up a storm. You can put everyone else in their place, that is, the place you assign to them. You may feel you are ruling the world.

If you feel this way, you are not ruling the world. You are not even ruling yourself. Whatever the debate is about, it was never about you.

Your honor is not at stake. Your pride is at stake. Ego is at stake. You want to win. You will even bully in order to win. No one wins a prize for being rude or unkind. Certainly, there is not a contest going on as to who has the greatest arrogance.

Know this: You are already important to the world. You are affecting the world right now. Of course, right now you may be limiting the world. It is for you to expand the world. Shine your light and hold your fire.

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Budge, Beloveds, Budge

Your heart is meant to take leaps for joy every day, every minute.

How much is life – your life – worth to you without enthusiasm?

What makes you happy?

Often the little things.

What are the little things that make you happy? Little things are big things in the life of a human being. And you are a human being.

Command your intention every day to enjoy!

Of course, finding joy can’t be orchestrated. In this case then, have the intention to keep your eyes out for joy. Keep your heart open for joy. Anticipate joy today. Hooray for joy!

I would invite you to say to yourself every day:

“Joy is mine today. My joy gives God joy.”

Off the top of your head today, what could bring you even a little happiness? Someone smiles at you, perhaps? Someone or something gives you some unexpected joy. You find a $100.00 bill on the street, and there is no one to claim it. You find your lost diamond ring when you are planting a flower. You hear from a long-lost friend. It is a beautiful night. The stars are out and blinking at you. Your child hugs you. The sun is shining. The air smells good. You hear some music you like.

What are the myriad events that could happen for you today that would make your heart light up and your eyes bright?

Excuse Me, dear ones, is there an end to the list of good moments that you can think of? Can it be that little happiness-making events are also Infinite?

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The Youngest Brother in Fairy Tales

Sometimes you do not quite understand what I write. That’s okay. I do not ask that you understand everything I write. It is enough that you read what I write.

You can, in life, hear some beautiful music in the background, perhaps an opera in another language. You do not know the name of the music. You don’t know who composed it. You may not even know one word of what the words mean, yet, you hear the music. The music may run through you later again and again. Somewhere deep within, you are getting it. This is how it is with Heavenletters.

Be assured that it is perfectly fine in life not to understand everything. In fact, it may be better so. It is not such a great thing to think you know everything and can repeat it perfectly. Not knowing everything keeps you humble and innocent. This protects you from arrogance and the possible thought that you know more than the person in front of you.

I assure you, no matter how great and wise you may be, you don’t know everything. The more you may protest that you know it all, you may be sure you are missing some salient points. And you will learn, and you will grow in humility. Humility is a fine thing to grow in. I recommend it.

I never asked you to be a hot-shot!

The youngest brother in fairy tales is the innocent one who doesn’t know much. Yet, who is it that winds up with the princess and the King’s treasury?

Know enough, beloveds, to know that you don’t know everything. Even the mighty fall. The mightier you think you are, the more you have to learn, and, probably, further to fall.


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