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God Glows Even in Darkness on Earth

God said:

Pledge that today you will reveal yourself in all your glory. Intend this. See what happens.

You have predicted days when you will be in a slump. Now predict today as a day you will be Who you really are without all these other damaged pictures of you. Whatever you may think of yourself, today reveal the picture I have of you. You realize, dear ones, that My picture of you is authentic. The picture the world thinks you match is irrelevant, and it is not the Truth of you.

The Truth of you is, indeed, glorious, as glorious as the Sun. I made the Sun, and I made you a Shining Light as well. Would I, Who made the Sun, the Stars, the Moon and all Light make you less? Would I make you something else altogether? The same light that shines in Me shines in you. God shines. You shine. Everything has a God Glow to it. It cannot be otherwise.

Good grief, if mankind can make automobiles that sparkle and shine, I certainly can make My Greatest Creation shine brightly. Even pools of water shine in My Light, to say nothing of the Ocean Petals of Light. Do not misunderstand My Power and the Extent of Creation. In fact, there is no extent to what I can do. I am Infinite, and Infinite are the Realms I have created.

You are not only Light. You are Infinite Light. No longer dim the appearance of the Light You Are in your eyes. Speak for Truth. Engage in the world as the Lighted Being you are. You are not to gather dust on the shelf.

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Maybe the Scenery Is Moving

God said:

Life is easy. You think life is hard, yet life is easy. Life goes on as if by itself, sort of a wind-up toy.

You find yourself here on Earth. With or without your involvement, life takes strides. Your life takes strides. You can’t stop it. The sun rises, and the sun sets. You rise, and you go to sleep. You really can’t set life aside. You can’t control it all, and yet you have some say in it. You can commit yourself to certain directions. You can set your dial to what you want. Then, as with all dials, once you set it, you let it be and go about your business. Life has those elements that are as if you are riding a train.

You cannot set your life manually and manage every detail of it, for letting go is also a part of living life. Whether you let life be or you hold on tight, life goes its merry way and takes you with it. It is also part of life that you not know much ahead of time and be surprised at what life brings.

Once you lived in one town, and now you live in another. Or, once you lived in one country, and now you live in another country on the other side of the world. You may have made a conscious decision. Sometimes you wonder if you are the actual decider. You had say, yet it seems that somehow you got where you are as if propelled. You are riding in a jet plane to a destination known or unknown. You are all set either by your jurisdiction or by one kind of decree or another.

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Is Happiness Absence of Ego, Is It?

God said:

I hear you crying out to Me:

“God, You are God. I am in Your company. I am embraced by You. I feel Your love. It soaks into me. Your love overflows and changes me. You rescued me, God. You have saved me time and time again from my ego. It isn’t that You destroy ego. You simply set my attention on another track. Ego is obviated. I am oblivious of it. Ego? Who? What? I forget about ego for a while. Maybe this is what happiness is – absence of ego.

“My world isn’t quite so centered around me any longer, and yet, and yet, most of my thoughts are about how I feel and what is going on in my life. Whom will I see today? What will I write? To whom will I write? Who will answer? Who will answer my heart?

“I am preoccupied with thoughts, as if I need more thoughts in my head, and, therefore, more thoughts to forget yet thoughts rise to the surface whether I want them or not. Recurring thoughts take over. They swallow me up. Are they my thoughts or not? I am not sure. I am not sure whose thoughts run around in my head. I don’t want to claim all of them. Is my mind mine anyways, or is my mind something I found somewhere and picked up thoughtlessly?
“I yearn for the day when I am so full of Being that there is no room for squandered thoughts. I would not be blank. I would be enriched, yet wouldn’t have to eat. I will love and be nourished by love and reach the heights of travel with You, God.

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The Soul That You Are

God said:

Anger is a great stumbling-block. It is from ignorance that anger accumulates. I am speaking of unleashed anger, fury, extreme displeasure. No matter how justified the anger may be, anger is not virtuous. I know you wish you didn’t have anger. You know you could solve whatever needs solving much better without anger, and yet you feel anger and cannot seem to contain it.

When you are irate, you fly off the handle. Honestly, dear friends, you are not in your right mind when you are fit to be tied. Anger erupts. Anger is not a good handler of life.

Of course, I understand, that when you are angry, you don’t know how to withstand it. It destroys your peace, and you are volatile. Anger has overtaken you.

When you are in a fit of anger, that’s all you can see and feel. You don’t want to be angry. You know anger isn’t a saving grace, and that the anger belongs to you and not to anyone else. Someone triggered something in you, and you cage yourself in anger.

Anger alerts you to something within you that you need to deal with. Within you. Deal with yourself first. In a state of anger, you are a too hot stove. Let your temperature lower before you confront the assumed cause of your anger. You have an issue, dear one.

Others have their issues, no doubt, yet it is your issue that is for you to attend to.

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Fear Likes to Say “Boo!”

God said:

Have no fear. Be free from fear. This is not a new idea. What do you need fear for? Why put the shadow of fear over you? Why subject yourself to fear’s machinations? You must have had enough of fear by now. Fear’s time is up.

Fear is not chasing you. You are chasing fear, as if fear were an old friend who is dear to you. You keep on the look-out for fear. You are quick to welcome fear. You part the curtains for fear. No matter how uncomfortable you may feel about fear, you slap fear on the back and say, “Hey, come on in. I’ve been expecting you.”

Fear tightens your muscles and squeezes your digestion. Still, you sweep fear in as if fear held a fortune in glad tidings for you. I, God, am far more than an opposite to fear. I am beyond fear. Fear is a trifle next to Me. Choose Me over fear any day. How faithful you may be to fear and uncertain about Me. The world is, indeed, upside down.

Fear’s time is over. Fearless is not the same as careless. Fearless and careless are two different things. Dauntless doesn’t mean that you don’t look where you are going. It doesn’t mean you are foolish. If it is the cold of winter, you put on your coat when you go out. If what you are eating tastes spoiled, you don’t eat it. At the same time, it is not for you to embrace fear.

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A Thief of Peace

God said:

Peace is possible. It is not only possible, it is close at hand. There need be no enemies in your heart. Enemies do not exist except in your heart. And if you exist as a possible enemy in another’s heart, it is an affliction of the other’s heart. Enemies are a predicated illusion built on hot air balloons.

Someone you see as an enemy is a friend you have had a divide with. There is a misunderstanding and then a fall-out. Now your friend has hurt your feelings, and you block your heart. Now, your friend feels wounded by you. Each of you justifies your hurt with reason upon reason. You build an armory of offenses.

It’s a funny thing with friendships that have gone wrong. Blame arises. Blame arises when what you need is honesty between two or more parties and no blame. Honesty without blame is a beautiful thing. Blame is the enemy of friendship. With blame, one or both parties hasn’t heard what the other means to say and goes off on a wild-goose chase.

War is a wild-goose chase. War doesn’t give you peace in your heart. War exacerbates animosity. War is a schoolboy game where one country or one or another person is going to outdo the other. One country or one person will be defeated, and another will win nothing. The winner wins nothing but a sniff of pride of victory for a moment and the smashing of the other side. Who made two sides?

Nip wars in the bud. Where is the misunderstanding? Whose pride is hurt?

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The Blessings of Inner Grace

God said:

There is always communication with Me running through your bloodstream. I am never absent. I am always available to you. At the drop of a hat, I am available to you. I am available to everyone. Not everyone is wide open to Me, however.

If you are a human being, you are worthy of communing with Me. You just may have a window closed. You may even be fearful of hearing Me and coming closer to Me. You could be timid about letting go of your ego which you may consider as your joy in life.

The fact is that I AM the joy in your life. Connected to Me, you are connected to Me, and I am the sunny side of the street. I am what I say. I do not have any tricks up My sleeve. I am forthright with you. I say what is so.

There is a tendency to feel that you are giving something up in order to come to Me. You do have to give up the past. You do have to give up the false identity card you believe is yours. Your identity card may say: “Joe, computer programmer.” It includes your age, the town where you live, and a photo that is similar to the photo of a recently arrested felon. These are hardly your identity.

Your Identity is much greater. The I.D. card I give you is more like this:

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Let the Sun Come In

God said:

Naturally, We don’t want to emphasize difficulties. Naturally, We want Our attention to be on all the Goodness the world offers, and that you offer to the world, and that I offer to you.

My beloveds, you are indeed aware that the past is something to let go of, the blessed past and the disagreeable past, both. To hold on to them means a longing that you cannot fulfill. The past is over, and now you want to be done with it and roam in new pastures. The past cannot come back to you.

Of course, it is easy to say: “Let go of the past.” Yet it is not so easy to do.

There are times you would give anything to have the past back. Perhaps Christmas or Thanksgiving at your childhood home in years long past.

There are times you would love to never think of again that were unhappy for you. One time could have been Christmas when you were left out. There could have been a Thanksgiving Day when you were hungry.

Recalling the good times and the bad times equally remind you of a sense of loss. A sense of loss is a sense of loss. When you relive the loss now, you make it present, and so your sense of loss makes you a victim. You relive and carry on a tradition of victimhood. No matter how sweet you may find parts of the past or how bitter, you set yourself aside as a victim. It is poor you who has such beautiful memories now and it is also poor you who had painful experiences back then and somehow now have held on to, perhaps as a badge you wear, perhaps a button that says: “Poor me. Woe is me.”

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What Are Questions Anyway?

God said:

You are on a new level now. Your consciousness is on a new level. Then let your life and your thoughts and your actions and reactions also be on a new level.

I refrain from calling your new consciousness a higher level because along with higher comes lower and, so, a value judgment. So is it in the world.

You are not exactly the character of Jack and the Beanstalk who could climb to the height of a giant beanstalk that no one else could. In fact, no other beanstalk grew to that great height. That story is a story from folklore. At the top of the beanstalk Jack found a giant.

You will climb to your heights of consciousness and find God. You will come to find that you and I are equally tall. We could say, “Like Father, like Son.”

The point is that you are climbing hand over fist. You will keep climbing, and you will reach Me, and how happy We shall be. You will be the scout who climbs the highest tree. You will put your hand above your eyes so you can see through the blinding sun, and you will see the world from such great height, that you will see all from above and know all is yours.

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An Antidote to Worry?

God said:

There is no sadness in Heaven. There is no panic, no anxiety. There is a gentle knowing. Where could worry exist in Heaven? Heaven is worriless.

Remind yourself that your soul is in Heaven, and your heart is within Mine so you are heart and soul in Heaven. Worry and such is an added-on invention like a patch. Worry is not real, no matter how real-seeming worry may seem to be. Worry is like a hive of bees buzzing within you.  

Isn’t it odd that worry seems totally real to you and that I, the God of All, may seem unreal, as if I were an afterthought or add-on? The joke is on you, beloveds. Your placing your bets on worry instead of Me is the same as not knowing the difference between a pence and a pound. The difference is greater than that. The difference is as if you don’t know the difference between a penny and the biggest diamond in the whole wide world. Of course, the difference between worry and Me is greater than that.

There is no true comparison that can be made of what I am to you.


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