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You Are the Chosen

God said:

Now it’s time for you to let go of the concept of debt. I am speaking of a personal sense of emotional indebtedness that may hammer itself within you, unrecognized from eons ago. I speak of the personal sense of what you may feel as a burden, such as: “Excuse me for having been born. Excuse me for taking up the space I take up on Earth which seems to be for naught.”

This may be a general sense of feeling that you do not rightfully belong on Earth, a sense that you are an interloper on Earth, as if you are in the way, a sense of not quite accepting that you have every right to be here occupying the space you do occupy, as if you are not worthy, as if you don’t have a God-given purpose to fulfill, or that only a few do.

Now it is time to let go of the idea that you are less than a full-fledged member of Earth, not only that you have every right to be here, but that you are especially chosen to be here. If you are here, you have every right to be here. More than every right, you are supposed to be here on Earth, and you are here on purpose with great purpose to fulfill. I say this again: You are here with a great purpose to fulfill.

Only you are bewildered as to what your purpose can possibly be. As it is, you cause yourself and others recurring heartbreak, sometimes incessant heartbreak, mainly because you feel purposeless. You feel like an obstacle in the way, a burden certainly on yourself and others.

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Go Ahead and Love

God said:

It is wiser to not take offense at anyone for, at the moment, all are doing the best they can at a particular moment. Also, at a given moment, anything can happen.

In this same way, give yourself a break. You do not have to atone for every gaffe you have made or think you have made. No need to punish yourself for being perfectly human. If it is not one thing, it’s another that you fault yourself with, is this not so?

You may say: “God, I would never punish myself for my error or any other’s.”

What are you doing when you rue something of the past whether it was your words or actions or someone else’s? What are you doing when you are weighted down with guilt? What are regret and guilt but slow torment you subject yourself to?

You are your own victim. When you are angry, it is yourself you are angry with. Honestly, you think you are the cause of everything no matter how much you try to pin it on someone else. You may go to great lengths to excuse yourself while you wind up pinning your arms back painfully.

There is no one to blame. There is no blame to put on another or upon yourself. I suppose you can blame life if you like. You can blame the world. You can blame your parents. You can blame your upbringing. You can blame your teacher. You can blame the street for having a pothole.

Get out of the blame circle. Take responsibility for yourself. Don’t make excuses for yourself or anyone else. Take responsibility but not blame. Blame is a heavy-duty word. It doesn’t do anyone any good.

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The Running Brook of Enlightenment

God said:

Enlightenment isn’t a race you run. You’re not trying to be first. You don’t win prizes for coming in first. You come in when you’re ripe to come in. Speed is not of the essence.

Look at the bigger picture.

If you are building a table, the first nail hammered in isn’t better than the last nail. Each nail serves its purpose.

And for those of you who are set on Enlightenment, you are not to miss the present moment. The present moment also serves.

When there are, let’s say, seven flights of stairs, you climb each step. You can run up the stairs, and you can go fast, yet it is not necessary that you run up the stairs. You don’t necessarily reach the top by going faster, nor does anyone cheer you for running up the stairs.

What is the story about the Tortoise and the Hare?

In any case, dear children, when you are ripe to become enlightened, nothing will stop you. Enlightenment is assured. You don’t have all the say. Enlightenment means a lot to you, yet Enlightenment is simply part of life. It will come in due time.

Enlightenment is like moving into a new house. You were you in the old house. You are still you in the new house. After a while, you settle down.

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Go for It!

God said:

Beloveds, there is nothing you cannot change. You already know that nothing is permanent in the world. All is temporary. If life, as you perceive it, can change in a way that you don’t like, life in the world can also change for, not only the best, yet also for the miraculous. You can go for it!

You cannot just pick up life uncherished and shake life as if through a sieve and make it what you want it to be. What has to be changed is something within you. Has it been intolerable for you to think of changing yourself? The change I speak of is becoming closer to yourself and not to this façade you go by. Renovate your perception. Deepen your perception. See the world from a different angle, even the slightest different angle, and what you see as needing to change will change within itself without further direction from you.

You do have insights on occasion, yes? Perhaps insights are to be acted on and not kept out of your yard. Insights come to you for a reason. Ah, but, yes, how do you know an insight from something that preys on your mind?

Quite right, you don’t want to be carried away and run off and elope with all the ideas that cross your mind. You don’t want to run away with the idea that you are a Super Being, even as you are truly a Super Being. Yes, love yourself yet not go ga-ga over yourself.

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Waking Up the Sleeping Beauty within You

God said:

You were always meant to be. There never was a time when you were not. Always you have been My beloved. Never have you not been, only now you are My beloved Sleeping Beauty.

I went Knock Knock, and one day you clearly heard My knock. The rest is history, as they say.

We are One Breath. We are superimposed upon each other, as it were. There is togetherness. We walk in Oneness. My robes are yours.

My children, you, the version of Me in the form of yourself, tend to get absent-minded. Your mind goes off on a tangent. We can call the world a tangent. It is a tangent. Nevertheless, it is a tangent that inevitably leads to Me, that is, inevitably leads to your Awareness of Me. We can call it a Meeting with Me as if for the first time.

You are catching up. You are catching up right to where you sense Our relationship of Oneness unlike any other. You never were the image you have had of yourself. You were not made in your image but in Mine, solidly in Mine.

Your desire for Me is My desire for you. We are Oneness. We swirl in Oneness. We do a dance of Oneness. You believe you sweep across the Universe and have adventures. We are the adventure, beloveds. Oneness is the adventure. We sit at home by the fireside of love. The figment called you sees pictures pass before you. We always are at Home in Infinity. We are established in Infinity. In Truth, there is nowhere else to be.

And then you ask: “Why this misadventure into the physical world then? Must we have it, God?”

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Dreams Fulfilled

God said:

Many beautiful occurrences and connections are on their way to you. I should say: Many more beautiful occurrences and connections are on their way to you. Goodness abounds. Get ready.

How do you get ready?

I will tell you.

Feel the anticipation in your heart. Know it is coming to you. You are supposed to have it. Have a good appetite for it. What is your favorite food? Just as your mouth waters for it, taste the new blessings on your tongue. Be the anticipator of anticipators. What blessings are you looking for? Look for them. Look for them on every corner. You will spot these blessings. Mark My words! Blessings are lined up. They are waiting for you to discover them.

Even so, keep in mind that you are an observer. You participate as an observer. All the good happenings happen. They come to you. They are not really yours. You do not own them. You are glad they are here. You may even feel glee. You receive the blessings yet not as the owner of them. This slant holds importance. You are not in the spotlight. You are not the star of the show. It is more like you are in the chorus.

All the good news that comes to everyone makes you a reporter of good news, not a possessor of it. An observer of the Empire State Building is not the owner of it. He is an observer.

As you see the dawning of an easily observable New World, in your personal life and in the life of the world, you see the splendor and you bask in it with a full heart. You are a participant in the joy of it.

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You Are God’s Desire Fulfilled

God said:

Certainly you know that when someone creates, he or she is in joy. Creating is self-expression. I expressed Myself in joy when I created you. You are My expression expressed. I wanted you. I want you still.

I see you as you really are. You see yourself in bits and pieces. Too often you see yourself as failing. I would love My Created sons and daughters to get over the idea that they are some kind of blasphemy or fool or miscreant.

How can it be that human beings, the Beings I created and gave the richest opportunities to, too often see themselves as unworthy. Many seem to carry around an idea of themselves as misbegotten.

No lion I know of roars at himself or claps his head and thinks: “What a rotten mistake I made. I am such a rotter.”

No cat I know of thinks he is imperfect.

No mouse thinks he doesn’t belong.

No animal that I know of plagues himself as My beloved human beings plague themselves. Human beings are good at misgivings. They excel at it. They can wrong and be wronged and live on the tears of their regrets as if their feelings of regret are food for the soul.

Too many human beings, instead of seeing themselves as the fairest of all, see themselves as the dregs. Let’s change this right now.

Be elated that you are alive. Do good, and when you err, don’t punish yourself for it. Go on. What you are guilty of is being a human being who questions himself over and over again. No matter what, do not indict yourself.

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Can You Give Away Too Much? II

God said:

Perhaps you are over-conscientious. Could it be that there is something in you that wants to give more and more and more to be in the image of a giver? You have to remember that you personally are not needed. You have felt you are needed. Who is needed? I AM.

Be careful that you do not aggrandize your position in life. You are worth a lot. You are worth gold, yet you do not decrease your own value in order to serve others and increase their perceived value.

Never do I want you to diminish yourself. This is not humility. Sometimes you overstate your value by giving too much of yourself away. Do you understand Me?

You are needed and welcome, yet you are not needed by everyone. You also need yourself and your life. You exist for the good of yourself as well as for the good of others. You are not to erase yourself. Humility does not mean ignoring yourself and your needs to the degree that you may. Giving too much leaves you in an awkward place. I do not ask you to be down on your knees to anyone. You cannot wash everyone’s floors. If you tried, you wouldn’t be able to wash your own floor. You know I am speaking of what may be your over-giving. Over-giving isn’t good for you or for the others. Over-giving is not to be your ideal. No one really likes you to over-give. It may be a burden on them.

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Can You Give Away Too Much? I

God said:

You can give away too much of yourselves. Sometimes you like to give away too much. Even as you know you are overdoing, you feel impelled or compelled to give away too much of your own hide. I wonder what it is that you think you have to prove. And to whom are you proving it? To others or to yourself? Is there something somewhere that you think you have to atone for? You didn’t get the idea of overdoing and sacrifice from Me, beloveds.

When you give away too much, you are exceeding. You are simply giving away too much. No one asked you to. Or, if someone does ask or expect it of you, still it’s something you ask of yourself or demand of yourself. You may feel this beforehand or afterwards and then you recognize and are dismayed at your lopsidedness. Still, you do it.

There is an expression: Giving your whole heart and soul.

Giving your whole heart and soul to Me is one thing. Giving your whole heart and soul to the world doesn’t carry the same ring. Your giving away everything is not the same as loving everyone. Perhaps somewhere in your psyche, you believe you have to make up for something, and you don’t know what. Let Me state this clearly and firmly:

I do not ask you to be a martyr. Martyrdom is not meant to be a conscious or unconscious ambition.

Your giving is not to subtract from you. If you give more than you can give, you are suspect. You may be making yourself into a self-induced self-proclaimed martyr. Yes, by all means, give. This does not mean to give all your life energy away.

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What Are All These Thoughts Doing Here, Anyway?

God said:

Ideas are your children. Ideas fall to you from above without your asking, or you reach up as high as you can and pluck ideas from above. Many ideas fall to you easily. Some ideas are not wanted. Some ideas you crave. Some ideas are tiny thoughts. Some thoughts are revolutionary. Some thoughts are brand-new, and some are recurring.

It could be said that new thoughts and their bigger brothers, ideas, surround you, and you run into some and not into others. We can differentiate ideas from thoughts, or We can group them, interchange them, exchange them. We can lump thoughts and ideas together and make them synonymous.

Many thoughts come uninvited, and you would wish them away.

Brilliant ideas may flood your mind, and then you can’t remember them. Oftentimes thoughts of your dreams from a sleep you just woke up from fly away, and you can’t catch them again.

Remembered or not, every electrical impulse of thought contributes something to you. Thoughts may flounder within you, or they may flourish within you, or they may drop off the edge of the world.

The whole world, as beautiful and defined as it may be, is an idea, a miraculous idea. Of course, you are positive that ideas are real and grounded while you have them. Ideas always seem to be dancing or cavorting or connecting themselves in some sense. Ideas are lively.

Ideas and thoughts can be heavy or light.

Thoughts are free for the asking, and some thoughts won’t leave, try as you may.


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