God said:
Ideas are your children. Ideas fall to you from above without your asking, or you reach up as high as you can and pluck ideas from above. Many ideas fall to you easily. Some ideas are not wanted. Some ideas you crave. Some ideas are tiny thoughts. Some thoughts are revolutionary. Some thoughts are brand-new, and some are recurring.
It could be said that new thoughts and their bigger brothers, ideas, surround you, and you run into some and not into others. We can differentiate ideas from thoughts, or We can group them, interchange them, exchange them. We can lump thoughts and ideas together and make them synonymous.
Many thoughts come uninvited, and you would wish them away.
Brilliant ideas may flood your mind, and then you can’t remember them. Oftentimes thoughts of your dreams from a sleep you just woke up from fly away, and you can’t catch them again.
Remembered or not, every electrical impulse of thought contributes something to you. Thoughts may flounder within you, or they may flourish within you, or they may drop off the edge of the world.
The whole world, as beautiful and defined as it may be, is an idea, a miraculous idea. Of course, you are positive that ideas are real and grounded while you have them. Ideas always seem to be dancing or cavorting or connecting themselves in some sense. Ideas are lively.
Ideas and thoughts can be heavy or light.
Thoughts are free for the asking, and some thoughts won’t leave, try as you may.