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The Rose of Consciousness

God said:

You are My Heart speaking to Myself. I speak. You speak. It is the same. You think you can’t possibly think up what you and the world hear Me say, yet We are One and the same. When you are shed of ego, there is no separate you or separate I to speak or to hear.

Speaking and hearing are the same. When you go beyond individual theater, here am I. When you accept your Oneness, you erase the boundaries of yourself. I am what remains. I was never missing. How shaky it is for you to imagine that I am your wisdom and that I reside within you. You prefer that I am a Great God Who Sits on a Mountain in the Sky and Who booms responses. You prefer Me to be a Voice Who Echoes in a Canyon. You prefer Me to be an outer Voice. You declare yourself as great enough to hear Me. This is how far you dare to go.

You feel that you would burst into smithereens at the actual thought that you and I are One. Where would all your ideals be then? You want Me to exist for you to adore, yet you hesitate to join Me at the Top of the Mountain. True faithfulness to Me is Greater Faith in your Self. No longer withdraw yourself from Oneness.

What do you think of God in a human body? Not all that much. What do you think of yourself in a human body? Not much at all. Not quite a scoundrel, more misguided, more stuck in a human body, yet this is another idea of yours, that you are stuck, limited, bound, incapable of wonders when you as I encircle the moon and beyond, aye, into Infinity.

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The Pure Glory of Being

God said:

The Truth of You bears no resemblance to the harried person you disguise yourself in. You are not this pressured person you think you are.

Sometimes you feel frazzled. However, frazzle is like a hot spell in the weather. There can be a hot spell in the weather. You can experience a heat wave, yet you are not the heat wave. You can have a hot spell, yet a hot spell is outside you. Frazzle is an addendum to the apparent appearance that is not you at all. If you were not hiding out in a body, you would have no clue as to what stress and strain could be. We come back again and again that you are not your body. Your body has temperature. The Essence of You does not. The Essence of You has nothing to do with up or down or any apparent change.

Consider stress like a sauna your body steps into. You are not a sauna. Your body enters a sauna, and your body steps out of a sauna. You can open the door, and you step out the same way you stepped in.

You, outlined in the form of a body, can kick up a storm, yet you can never be a storm. You can erupt like a volcano. You can be called a volcano, yet you are not a volcano. Your body can bear witness to a volcano. Your body can erupt, yet the essence of you remains Pure Being.

You can be called a spit-fire, yet Who You Are bears no resemblance to a spit-fire.

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What Might Have Been

God said:

My children, your heart aches. You yearn for the past, yet right now is beautiful, isn’t it? You have greater awareness, isn’t this beautiful? And your life, all in all, is pretty good, isn’t it? Yet you yearn for love. It is love you yearn for. What is your yearning to be young again but a yearning for the past and for another go at it when you now know better than you knew then?

Youth has nothing to do with you. Youth is like a motor. In youth, you were a newer motor. You are your same self unaffected. New, old, in between, you are irrevocably you, and you are etched in My heart. You are more than etched. You are embedded in My heart. What more can you yearn for? Nevertheless, you yearn to go back and write a different script. You yearn for what might have been.

You can’t have everything in life all at one moment in space and time. You can’t possess everything in life all at once. You can have it all, yet you can’t possess everything. You can’t be younger and wiser at the same time. You can’t be tall and short. You can be and have much, yet not all in the same fragment of life. You can only live as you live right now.

In your mind you would like to be surrounded by all your past loved ones, yet on Earth you wouldn’t know how to deal with all the past now. What would you do at a big party with a hundred or two-hundred people you would like to make amends with? You would be overwhelmed.

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Wars Have Risen from This Idea

God said:

As it is, people may deign to not listen to what I say – and they don’t have to, do they? - what makes you think people have to listen to you? What I say is Truth. What you say may be opinion, or it could be Truth, yet who asked you for your opinion or even Truth? You are not the superintendent over other people’s lives, no matter how well-intentioned you may be.

Wait until someone asks, or when it’s your place as with your growing children or a long-time friend who is open to what you think or when someone impinges on your life in some way. Then you uphold your rights by speaking up. You have to speak up. You may find you are not heard, yet it is for you to speak.

There are varieties of circumstances wherein it is your responsibility to speak up, even to a stranger. You could rightfully yell at a stranger who isn’t paying attention and is walking right into a car that is backing out and the driver isn’t paying attention either. You would do well to stop a man from beating his horse. It is not always clear-cut when you must, yet sometimes it is.

There is a big difference between giving advice when it is asked for and rushing in where you have not been invited. Be cautious about intruding on others’ lives.

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The Loving Opportunity of Life

God said:

I hear My children cry out:

“My God of Heaven, My Illustrious God, My Love, My Goodness and Vision, Entrepreneur of My Heart, My Life’s Blood, My Heart, My Teacher, You hold Me in Your Hand. You are the Light of the Universe. In one swoop, You hold us all in Your Hand, Your Heart, Your Soul. You are beyond Soul. You are Oneness. You are the Tie That Makes us One, yet You are not the tie that binds. You give us the Freedom to go beyond our little selves, these masqueraders who seem to overtake our lives. You are our Freedom Fighter, only You do not fight.

“You give us Your Being. You breathe Life into Us. If we are embers, You blow on our flame and keep us going. You have programmed our bodies, yet our Evolution, You deem it ours, and, yet, just the same, You push and pull us forward. You beckon. In sweetness, You beckon. You do not resist us. We resist You, yet at the same time, You are irresistible. You sweep us up in Your arms, and we recognize that You are what we have always wanted. We have felt alone and abandoned, yet it is we who have sequestered ourselves.

“We fashioned hairdos and moustaches, and we took our little selves oh so seriously, and we pranced and more or less pretended to play while we trapped ourselves in an illusion of danger. We have been so fearful. We have even considered ourselves an endangered species.

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Life Comes to You in Many Guises

God said:

In life in the world, you often feel that you are on the scrimmage line. You feel you are being put to a test, right and left. As if life were an audition while you have already been chosen for the part. You chose yourself.

When you look back, you will come to see that experiences you saw as misadventure did bring you glad tidings.

When you have seen yourself yanked out of one valued experience into an unwanted one, you were blessed. You may have experienced this in many ways. There is the gold in every experience, even in being wrenched from where you wanted to be. In some cases, you have already seen this. If this is what is meant as My Will, you begin to see that even that which appalled you was Good Will, not disaster as you thought.

You experience disaster because of attachment. Life is teaching you to let go of attachment. Life is life. Life is not attachment. Today you can live in the tropics. Tomorrow you may be in Alaska. Today you may be in the lap of luxury, and tomorrow out in the cold. Life is not so predictable as you would like it to be. You want your way. You want what you think is your way. Life is neither predictable nor preventable. Life comes to you in many guises.

No matter how fearful to you what occurs, there is good in it for you. You will grow from it. You would rather not take a step outside of your perceived safety zone. You call safety that which you already know. O, how My children like to keep life locked in place.

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The Realms of Sunshine

God said:

From the minute baby birds crack their shells and are hatched, their every need is taken care of. Then comes the day that the fledglings are dropped from their nest and must soar on their own. This is a natural event.

And now, about you, you probably just naturally evolved from your nest, and have been on your seeming own for sometime now. I say seeming own because Our ties are very great. Our ties is an expression of the world. It is really Our Oneness that is very great.

I could never toss you out of Heaven. Impossible. Heaven is where you abide. There was no fall. There was unfocused vision that you called focus, focus on this and that, focus on making a living and finding your way, when, My Beloveds, you, your Self is the way.

At the beginning – We can call it beginning, although you always were - there is a point or raveled edge when you discover responsibility for yourself and no longer expect to be taken care of quite so much. You begin to see that you may well create your happiness and sadness, and that you have the wherewithal to also resolve what seems to be an intrusion on you and go further into the Realms of Sunshine where the abundance of difficulties recedes. You may indeed be the resolver of all that gets in your way.

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The Days When Love Filled Your Heart

God said:

Perhaps you ask too much of love. You want love to be your servant. Beloveds, you are love’s proponent. You are the messenger of God’s Love, and so you are to serve love.

In one way, love is the most important factor of life, and you have been disappointed in love because of all you bet on it. Your great romances didn’t come through. You see each love as past and each past love as having left you bereft. Love did not stay. A loved one did not stay. True love in this lifetime did not come true for you. Love seems to you to be for other people and not for you.

You see a mix-up here between love and need.

Of course, the giving of love is essential. The receiving of love has swept over you. Your beef is that love didn’t stay with you. My darlings, it is you who must keep your heart beating love regardless of the outside circumstances. Where did your love go, beloveds? What did your love amount to? You held it tight, and yet the love you wanted did not stay. Another trial took its place and also fled the scene as if love could not be faithful to you. There is no going back. There is no finding past love any more. You don’t even know where your past loves are and why you were not given a lasting love. You never knew it would be this way, that love would beat you up.

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All That Which Is Beyond Thought

God said:

Thoughts are throw-a-ways. This is the nature of thoughts – here today, gone tomorrow. There is no saving or filing away all the thoughts you run through even in one afternoon.

In fact, you may have a thought so rich that you run to write it down. Before you reach your pen and paper or computer or shopping list, the thought has fled. It ran away without you, yet, where did it go? Where and what the thought is now? You have no idea. It already flew away, and, for the life of you, you can’t seem to bring it back. Of course, it could pop back into your mind at an unknown moment, and you may see that a thought is only a thought and not the great revelation you thought it was and perhaps is. Anyway, you have lost that thought now.

In one sense, We could say that your thoughts ARE the life you live. We could say then that your thoughts are as fleeting as life itself. You simply cannot hold on to your thoughts any more than you can hold onto time. Or, if you hold onto a thought, you have subdued it. You may have broken it down, and then your thought is like a bird on the wing caught and put into a cage and the little door of the cage closed. Whereas it makes sense to say that your life is made of your thoughts, this is not the whole story of your life. Your life also consists of All That Which Is Beyond Thought.

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The Life You Lead Is Your Reaction to Life

God said:

Sometimes you feel that a change in your life, a relationship cut short by death or by life - like losing your job, or becoming ill and so forth is equivalent to the end of the world. You take it hard. Death is not the end of the world. A tornado is not the end of the world. Nothing is the end of the world. A phase in life has changed. A phase in life is always changing. This IS the world.

You have a solid base, yet you may waver all over the place. You feel you are riding on a roller coaster while you are actually riding on a silent escalator.

Everything in life is moving you forward, what you welcome and that which you do not welcome. Life and its foibles are not to be taken so personally. Are you to be disheartened because life takes a certain course and not another? This is typical of life in the world.

You know, dear ones, you are not a cowboy, and life is not supposed to be a horse you are breaking in. Life is more like a horse you ride for pleasure. Life is not always predictable. Surprise yourself and roll with what you see as punches.

Life is meant to be capricious. Life is not always your knight in shining armor. Life may be a bucking bronco. It’s all right to fall off every now and then. And what are you supposed to do at those times? Why, pick yourself up and get right back on, of course. Keep riding, riding, riding.

If the terrain is rough, and you have to walk barefoot, then you walk barefoot.

And if you have to sit down and rest, then you sit down and rest.


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