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Catch the Sun

God said:

My children can always find something to worry about, yet worry doesn’t have to be a way of life. Forego worry. You don’t have to have it, one worry on top of another. This is not the way to live life.

Life in the world itself has tension in that there is an unevenness that you surmount, sort of the pull of goodness and mercy on one side, and friction on the other.

When you knit a sweater, both needles have a balance of tension. Tension is not meant to be lop-sided. The form of tension that you call worry is uneven tension. Sometimes worry even feels like panic. Fraught with worry, your tension is really askew.

Will you kindly remember that life offers much more than one of two choices? Please remember that tension is a decision you make, a path you choose, a rocky road with pitfalls that you practice on. You rehearse unimagined pitfalls. That’s just it. You do imagine fretful possibilities, and you have good imagination. Beforehand is always imagination.

Worry is not a comfortable state to be in. It is worry itself that is fraught with danger. When you go to a state fair, you have a choice of riding the merry-go-round or the roller coaster or cyclone and other rides in between, or you can also just walk around. Why choose a ride you don’t want?

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Light from the Stars

God said:

When you feel downhearted, you share with everyone in the world who is also downhearted, for you are not reaching for the stars. You are not aspiring enough. You are being too literal in the world. Catch the stars instead.

It is not for you to wait for the world-at-large to inspire you.

Stars have guided seafarers for ages. It’s time now for the stars to guide you and inspire your heart. The world isn’t enough to keep you sailing on the bounty main. There is a tendency for the world to inveigle you and then perhaps drop you off in the middle. Of course, actually it is you yourself who lets yourself drop. If the world is the hot stove, you burn your fingers on it over and over again. The world simply isn’t big enough for you.

The world may be too dense for you to swim through to the other shore. There is vaster than the world. Let’s face it. The world does not know itself either. The world hasn’t reached its depths nor its heights as yet. You are the same.

Your heart requires deeper. Your heart desires to go beyond the starting line. Your interpretation of yourself may be hiding out with the wrong crowd. When all is said and done, the mundane doesn’t begin to inspire you enough.

Inspire means to breathe in. It is necessary to breathe in more deeply. The world is more like exhalation, beloveds. You are to inhale and breathe in your True Self. You exceed the power of the world you see before you.

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Your Sacred Power

God said:

Here is a lesson in life. This is a great lesson for you to learn. It is a basic lesson. For a long time, you have not absorbed this lesson. You have flouted it, or ego has flouted it for you. Here is the message to uphold:

You don’t have to stick up for yourself.

In the world, as you imagine it, life demands that you stick up for yourself. It demands that you joust with words, for, as it seems to you, no one has the right to overlook you or insult you or demean you in any way.

You presuppose that what someone says or doesn’t say has the power to demean you. You may be quick to give away your own God-given power.

You may say to yourself: “This time I will stick up for myself.”

When you stick up for yourself, you think you are saying: “You must not affront me. You have no right to affront me.” Just so, you have given the seeming other the right. You just handed it to him as you say, “Look, you have affronted me.”

I don’t tell you to be a mouse. I am telling you that it is a mouse that squeaks. The seeming other does not have to get a rise out of you. You do not have to give away your sacred power. You do not have to give your sacred power over to anyone. Even if you are in prison, you can keep your Power to yourself in Silence.

Do you fear that being silent is acquiescing? Being silent holds a great deal of power. Or, you can respond, “Of course.” Okay means: “Okay, let’s go on with life.”

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You Are Illuminated

God said:

You are I. We are Self-Perpetuating. In effect, We are an Echo of Our One Self. We are a Reverberation. We are Thoughts made from Oneness. We are an Idea, and We are so much more.

On Earth, you present yourself to Me, somewhat as if you were at a cotillion. Yet you are a Princess in disguise who presents her Self as Cinderella. In Reality, you are a Princess who disappears. Just the same, the silver slipper fits. And hearts are true, and love is true and is found everywhere, even in the most unlikely places.

You are a parade of My One Self, a Parade of Oneness on Earth, an unfolding of your One Self. You are like one of those photographs where the shutter keeps clicking. You see the same still photograph fanned out second by second in milliseconds. You had a dream, and I had a dream as well. My dream of you came true. You are illuminated. My Light I bequeathed to Myself in the illusive form of you. You are light and nothing but light.

You are a still photograph of light caught in motion. You are an atom moving and assembling and reassembling. You are My Picture of Love. You go on about the business of life in the world as a shell of your Self, even as the Truth Is You Are Complete, Entire, Wholeness. Life can only count to One.

You seem to be a sequence, yet you are Wholeness. Wholeness is Oneness.

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The Tide Has Turned

God said:

There is a small distance, if distance at all, between exquisite beauty and exquisite agony. There is a meeting point where ecstasy is ecstasy regardless of the seeming cause. Both beauty and agony cut your heart up at this meeting place in which your heart beats or throbs or bellows or cries out: “It is too much for me to be joined to everyone and everything.”

The depth of bliss and the depth of pain seem to be the same to you. Exquisite bliss and exquisite pain hurt My beautiful children equally. You do not know where to find the shore.

Yet I, the God of Oneness, know no pain. There is no place for pain in My Heart of Wholeness. My heart is wedded to bliss and knows not the side you delve into. There is no darkness in My heart. Oneness is so deep it leaves no room for anything but the deepest joy accountable or not.

Yet you may well leave unfilled space in your heart and find great sorrow, wrenches of sorrow, sense of loss of joy as if joy can be tarred and quartered. Your heart aches by whatever name the ache is known. In the greatest joy, you experience the haunting of subtraction even as Oneness is. Oneness may wrench your heart when you are just verging on the Joy of Oneness -- this is the real story. Oneness seems to burst your heart open, and your heart cries for mercy. Such great joy is a heart-breaker until you get used to it.

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Whatever You May Say, You Love Life

God said:

You may have been seeking a panacea for life. You would like a cure. You might like to be on the sidelines, someone wise and wonderful who looks on life as if from a distance and nods sagely without being as affected by life as you presently are. Yes, somewhat above it all. Out of the fray. Out of the worry and concern. Simply a researcher doing research. “Ah, that’s how it is,” you say.

In a way you are an observer. You observe life going on right in front of you. You may feel that life hammers you, pulls you up and pulls you down. You don’t know what to expect of life. Life treats you as it wills, and you don’t quite grasp how to treat life as yet. You can’t quite get the hang of it. You’ve tried everything, yet you get flummoxed one way or another each time. You shake hands with life. You jump into life. You meet life half way. You run away from life, and you do the same things over and over again, yet life is always at least one step ahead of you. Sometimes you give up on life.

You may say to yourself: “Okay, I quit. I give up. I will expect nothing from life,” yet you keep on expecting right and left, and you are disappointed, disheartened, and aggrieved. You have an ax to grind with life, and you grind it. You grit your teeth. You just can’t seem to get a handle on life. Life outsmarts you with not so much as a by- your-leave.

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Can Oneness Hunt Oneness?

God said:

It is I Who is your servant, dear child. You protest. You say: “God, that You serve does not make You a servant.”

Beloved beloved, We are not We but One, and, so it is that the Served is the Server. Or, it can be said, that there is Self-Service, and this is all there can be. You have heard before that the Seeker is the Sought. The One Who finds can only find himself. If there is only Oneness, the Fullness of Oneness, then it can also be said that there is no one to seek. There is only the Found. That which you seek is Thy Own Self. Can Oneness hunt Oneness?

In this sense, grammar plays a part. There is a big division and intricate display of that which is named grammar. Only straight-out Being is True. You are the Be-er of Being. There is no action, interaction, or cross-action. Grammar tries to keep you in place.

It has been said that John loves Mary, yet love is not exactly movement. Love is Being. It cannot correctly be said that John loves Mary. It can correctly be said that John loves, the sun shines, water is wet, yet nothing goes anywhere or can land anywhere. In one sense, it cannot truthfully be said that Being is everywhere because there is no space for Being to go to. Being is full, yet there is no somewhere for Being to travel to or from or to be received or given.

Of course, science says that the truth is that everything is in motion as unseen atoms streaming when Life is still life. Only Stillness exists.

All speech is a manner of speech.

Existence is life.

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Whose Heart is Whose?

God said:

Everyone concedes that everyone wants love, craves love, has to have it. For some of My children on Earth, they would be glad just to be noticed, just to be seen, not even to be made a fuss over, but simply acknowledged for being on Earth and, somehow, making it through.

When you’re walking down the street, and you simply say hello to a stray person, you may have no idea of the good you do for that person and, consequently, the world. So I ask you to be kind, generous, and say hello to all that you see. Even if you acknowledge silently as one might give a grace before meals, do it for this seemingly unknown soul who passes by you.

The person you bless may not consciously be aware of your blessing, yet sometime during the day, there may be a quickening of his step or he thinks of something that is pleasant to him. Whether he notices or not, you noticed him on My behalf. You acted in My Name. You do not know how far or how deep your acknowledgement reaches.

What you can know is that it reaches, just as a breeze may pass by you, and you don’t give it a thought, so occupied are you with other thoughts.

It is such a little thing to notice someone. This isn’t a lot to ask.

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Your Will and God’s Will Are Ultimately the Same

God said:

A lot is said about My Will being done. This is not fully understood. That My Will be done implies that all of your life is a done deal and not open to your will. Not so. Your life is pending, and you have great say in your life.

If it can be said that I give mercy, it may also be said that I withhold mercy. There is a misunderstanding of terms, beloveds. That I give mercy may imply that I make judgments or even retribution.

It is for you to be merciful of yourself, and, therefore, everyone else.

Rather than My Will as a decision, I ask that you be willing. For you to be willing is a great thing. Instead of resolute, you are willing. You are willing to accept. You are willing to enjoy life and jam and butter. You are willing to let go of error. You are willing to give, and willing to give more, and willing to roll with life and eschew judgment. You are willing to let go of the concept of right and wrong.

What a boon it is when you can let go of judgment and condemnation and all that. Letting go takes a lot off your mind. Judgment is heavy. It weighs a lot. Without judgment, you lie by the still waters. Light is your canoe, and bright is the sun.

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The World Doesn’t Appreciate You Enough

God said:

Heaven is within you, not somewhere else. Heaven is not a place outside you, nor am I outside you. I am Within. I AM You. Where I am is Heaven. When you disavow yourself as One with Me, then you move yourself out of Heaven. Feeling isolated on Earth, you become a stranger to your Self.

I ask you to be your Self right now, just as you are within your human body. That I exist within you is fantastic, yet it is not a fantasy. Your present life is a fraud, a fictionalized fraud, as you walk uphill, carrying baggage that is not yours to carry. You are not this hapless character you profess to be. This is a part you play. This is to your betterment only in that, through this mirage, you will decide to discover your True Self and know that you are not relegated to the mere role you play as an ordinary human being.

Human beings are extraordinary. You are the extraterrestrial beings you talk about. You find yourself on Earth, yet you did not originate on Earth. You came here. You landed here. You came to help Earth and all the other extraterrestrial beings who live here for a while who, in effect, came in the same boat you did. You came of your own volition. You were not just plunked here.


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