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As You Rise in Life

Naturally, it is to your advantage to turn your attention away from spending time wondering and worrying about how you feel. In your life, come to the non-space where you are not looking at yourself so much and defining how you feel at a given moment. Instead, alive on Earth, you will serve. You will serve as easily as you breathe.

Being good-natured is a way of serving. Being content is a way of serving. Content means not demanding more than what this moment gives you. You are not thinking that you are missing out and have to have more than what this moment offers. You are fully served regardless.

When you are in the stream of life, you’re not thinking past or future. You are not even thinking now. You are alive now. Being alive doesn’t mean thinking about yourself - your perceived self at the moment. As you rise in life, you are not so aware of your individual self. You are not so entranced with yourself.

Now, it’s likely you’re thinking about how you are and how you feel or you are predicting about how you will feel and all the possible pitfalls before you. You are likely focused on possible risks rather than possible blessings.

How you may feel and who you are can be pretty much counted on not to be compatible - almost assuredly won’t be compatible. Who you are is not the same as how you feel. Would you ask Me, God, how I feel? “God, how are Ya feeling today? What problems are Ya working on?”

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Be like the Ocean

Much of the time you are using a microscope in your view of life on Earth. Incorporate a telescope into your vision. Add to your view. Take a look at the big picture. Look at a wide swath of life. You will gain greater insight. You will not be so caught up with one portion of life. You will gain greater insight and a greater outlook and vision.

It is not the end of the world when your child flunks a test. Surely, you must know that. Yet, in your household, what you make of a flunked test may be seriously disproportional. You may make way too much of it. It’s unwise to make too much of anything.

This is what most of My children on Earth are doing all the time. Oh, that scratch on your new car. That car, no matter how beautiful and new as it is now, is going to wind up in a junk yard. How world-shaking is that scratch now really? If you want to be upset by something, there are bigger fish to fry.

Please understand. When I say, even when you are on the verge of your body’s dying, I mean to put it all in place for you. It’s not really the big deal it so overwhelmingly seems to be. I am not diminishing your feelings. Death simply isn’t the tragedy everyone thinks it is. Nothing tragic has happened. That something is tragic is your idea. That you don’t want this to happen, I am well aware.

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Closed Hearts Can Open

When days are short and your temper is short, too, what do you blame your temper on? You can find many things, and, yet, you latch onto one or two, often other human beings who seem to thwart your perceived needs. Perhaps the real lack is that you perceive that you need and need desperately from other people who are not capable of filling your perceived needs. There is an expression: You can’t turn a stone into a turnip!

Yes, you can! The lame can walk. The sick can heal. And closed hearts can open.

Everyone wants deep true love and wants to feel this in his or her heart. It is common for My children to see that others block their love. You are the only one who can block your love. It seems otherwise to you, yet you are the blocker of your own love. It is your attachment that blocks the smooth-running of your love. Love without attachment, and you will be in a different ball game.

If you were not attached, you wouldn’t interfere with your own happiness. That may sound too simple. It is very simple. The hard part is for My children not to be attached. Unattached, you wouldn’t make the demands on others and yourself that you currently do. Unattached, people can do or not do as they do without your feeling offended and being on the defensive. If you were not so easily offended, where would difficulty lie? What would there be at stake for you?

Every personality leads his own life. If you take offense, it is you who takes offense. It’s your ego that takes offense.

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Expand Your Horizons

Your long-term and short-term purposes are for expansion. Think big. Expand your horizons. Expand your horizons, and you expand your consciousness. See bigger, and you think bigger. There is nothing you have to hold onto for dear life. The fact is that you have to let go for dear life.

When you hold on tight, your arms are closed.

When you let go, your arms are open.

Of course, now We speak of heart and mind being wide open. If you can open your mouth wide when you are at the dentist, what would keep you from opening your heart and mind wide when you are with Me? And, of course, you are always with Me.

Closed thinking compresses you. Open thinking expresses you.

Whether you physically travel or not, your heart and mind are destined to be on the move. Your eyes do not look in one place. Your eyes try to catch everything in sight. Your eyes work with your mind and heart. Your eyes are like gatherers. Your heart and mind are hunters and gatherers, always on the hunt for new fields of exploration. Whatever you have discovered, there is more for you to discover. Even if you stay in the same house, the same job, the same everything, you are exploring further afield. How else can you grow and learn unless you expand your horizons? There is always further and greater to expand to.

At heart, you are not a settler. Your heart and mind are avid pioneers. They have a great appetite. Go out and get them some good food, something they have never tasted before or never tasted in exactly the same way.

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Let Go of Holding On

Forgive ahead of time. Whatever you hold onto that hardens your heart, empty it from your heart right now. You know hardness does not belong in your heart. Your heart is meant to be unfolding, not tightening, not stiffening. Why would you do that to your heart? Don’t strangle your heart. What do you think you are doing?

It is yourself you are to forgive for being hard-hearted. The one who carries hurt has to let it go. There is no other recourse. Whatever was said to you or done to you, even if it were the worst imaginable thing in the world, you have to let it go. Don’t keep it with you.

You know better. The one who offends you may not know better. Consider the one you were offended by as having dropped a stitch in knitting. Consider he spilled a blot of ink. Consider he was hard of hearing and simply didn’t hear you.

Think a moment. If he knew better, wouldn’t he have done better? Just as you may find it difficult to let go of hurt no matter how grievous or minor, the other person found himself caught up in the momentum of a direction, and his brakes were faulty.

You upon whom the offense was perpetrated haven’t gotten over your offense yet. You are just the same. You know what it is to go in a direction you are caught in.

Are you caught in a race for stubbornness? Are you trying to find out who can keep his jaw gritted the longest? Isn’t this what lack of letting go amounts to now?

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Find the Key Within, and Turn It

Sometimes, for many of My children, frustration is like a plague. Whichever way you turn, you can’t seem to get out of the loop. Sometimes it seems, and it may well be, that something repeatedly blocks the flow of completion for you. You may feel that you are banging your head against a stone wall, and you can’t tolerate this another minute.

You seem to have no say. You rely on people who are not coming through as promised. You feel disregarded, disrespected, and your needs and needs of others who are important to you are being cast aside, as if your needs are unimportant. They are all- important to you.

This pattern is like a death knell to you as it keeps you immobilized. In life, either you move on, or you go nowhere. You have been treading water for way too long now. You are continually promised results, and every time you hope, and your hope is left dangling.

It does seem to you that, if only you had the wherewithal, your true needs would be filled. If you had the money, for instance, you believe you would not be so restricted. That is bad enough yet, worse, you feel powerless and humiliated, and you don’t know where to turn. Your powerlessness does not earn you respect from other quarters nor does your powerlessness help you with your own self-respect. It is like you are on a washing-machine cycle that keeps going around and around and doesn’t finish.   

Ultimately, you are the one who puts yourself and others through the wringer.

With wealth, dear ones, you would still be you. You would be you just the same but with money.

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What Is the Fuss About?

How much difference is there between getting upset and angry? Perhaps getting upset is the same as anger, only upset appears milder like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Something has disrupted a modicum of peace within you. It may not have been a whole lot of peace, yet it was all you had. Whether it’s a person or pot hole, you allowed the idea that someone disrupted you from your sense of ease. You have the idea that someone did this to you.

You know there are also the times you seem to have set out looking for something to get upset over. You were ready for it. Some steam was building up within you, and you were ready to pounce. You took the initiative all right. Taking the initiative is usually a good thing, but not always, certainly not when you’re looking to be perturbed.

The person before you is not really responsible for your upset. Odds are that he or she is an innocent party. He or she happened to be right there to pre-empt your readiness for a storm. There are certain themes or issues that you put your dukes up for long before the one you blame entered the horizon. Will you admit to this for even once in a while? On occasion? More than once!

I suppose that anger raises a fire and sparks fly out, and the embers keep burning.

We are talking about irritation, would you agree?

Sometimes you just have an itch that you’ve got to scratch. Sometimes you have to call out the fire department in order to put out the fire that blazes within you.

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Well, Who Are You?

Before you can follow your star, you want to know where your star is.

Before you can reveal to yourself who you are, you have to know who you are.

In life, you strive to find the star you swing on. No matter how many moons you have lived on Earth, you are trying to find out this answer.

You know all you are not. You are good at that. Too often you don’t know who you are or what you really like nor do you begin to know what you are capable of.

It is as though you were in summer theater. You put on a costume and wear a hat. You play a part, and yet the part you play is hollow.

You put that costume and hat aside, and next summer you put on another costume and hat and act in another play, and all the while you wonder where your star is to wish upon.

All year and your whole life, you have wondered when you will find the ship that is yours to sail, and, you wonder, when you see it, how will you know it’s yours?

It has been said that you find yourself by losing yourself. Lose your search for identity and belonging, and you may well discover your star as you are not looking or looking so hard.

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Silence, Deeper than Thought

Try one day without words, and see how much closer you come to Truth. Words are beautiful things, yet words and conversation often take over as though life takes place in words. Words may prance and dance along the stage. Words may start to vie with each other, and the original thoughts may get lost in words the way leaves cover the trees in a forest and you can get lost.

Deeper than words are thoughts. Words try to approximate what thoughts mean to say. Words and thoughts are sketchy and impermanent.

Sometimes words lose or reverse their meanings. True meaning can get lost in the shuffle. Sometimes you may want to make words pretty, and they dance off the page of their perceived meaning.

In the world, words are often not direct, and can be taken in many ways. Words can be noisy, and words can try to soften what is really rough wool. How can what is called bad news in the world be softened? Bad news can’t really be kept hidden. It has to be told just as the wind must blow. From the human perspective, there may be no way that is best. From the outside, how can heartache be erased?

And here time that does not exist may absolve itself. In the illusion of time, shock lessens. So jarring is what you see as reality (and yet is not,) it takes time for you to reconcile with what you see. Therefore, the illusion of time gives you the illusion that time erases all. The tide washes the sea to shore, and the tide takes the sea away from shore.

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One United Beautifulness

You are here on Earth to serve the Universe. You serve mankind, and you serve Me. You are simply a vehicle on Earth, and you chug along, a train that stays on track whether you know it or not. You are a deliverer. You carry God’s love.

It is to everyone that I say this, for I appear within every single being on Earth whatever the mythical Human Beings make of this or not.

Whatever you are doing all day and all night or not doing all day and night, you are a representative of My love. There is nothing else for you to represent but My love. And you do it without a formal report card and feedback. What can you be but Myself?

We could say that life gives you feedback, yet that is not quite accurate because you are a simple train or one who walks on foot or even one confined to bed, and you are a messenger of the God Who created you. By whatever name you know Me, you know Me. And if you have no name for Me, you also know Me.

We could say you know Me by default. I would say rather that you do know Me yet may not always recall Me. You know how memory is, how sometimes you draw a blank. That you may not recollect doesn’t mean that your DNA doesn’t carry all memory of Me. I am established in your DNA. My memory is impeccable and reachable. Your memory is also impeccable yet not always reachable.

You are here on Earth in search of this memory that you temporarily forgot but which is on the tip of your tongue.


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