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A Wooden Match Goes Up in Flame When It is Struck

Annoyance and anger just aren’t worth it. Do you really have to be upset again and again by mulling over the same occasion? There must be other recourses than being upset.

No matter how correct you are that the event may be uncalled for, you don’t have to fume nor do you have to erupt like a volcano.

You deserve more than to react and react and react. I say this to you so that you will know to grow to be the master of your life and not so blown by the winds of another’s inabilities. You may say that the people who cause you upset should know better. This may well be true. I’m not arguing with you.

I will also ask you: Is it possible that you, too, by now, could come to a better way of responding? Perhaps this other person is smarter than you because he or she is not nearly so bothered about whatever it may be as you are. This idea rankles you. What it may come down to is that something means more to you than it does to someone else.

You can talk about your right to be angry all you want, yet where does anger get you?

If We care to talk about efficiency and competency, anger is not efficient nor is it competent. You’re wiser without anger, do you agree?

No matter what the justification, what if you aren’t angry? What would you lose, and what would you gain? What if you had composure instead of blood boiling? What if you were true to yourself and wise and kind? What if you could be wiser? What if you were not a wooden match that goes up so easily into flame whenever it is struck?

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In the Stream of Timelessness

What does it mean to live in the moment?

It means you are where you are and not off somewhere else. You are not a minute ahead nor are you a minute behind. You are not past-oriented nor are you future-oriented. You are not thinking of something else. You are where you are.

If you are drinking a cup of coffee, you savor the coffee. You savor the people you notice in the restaurant and you savor the people walking past the restaurant. You are not cogitating past, present or future. You are in the present. In a sense, beloveds, you are the present. This is more than being in the present.

We can say that nothing exists but the present. You don’t think of a Universe. You have become the Universe. We can say that you don’t think about Infinity because you are Infinity. You are in the stream of timelessness. This is what this moment is. You are where you are, and you aren’t where you are not.

You are in certain surroundings, yet there isn’t static. There is no interference with what is now.

It is focus though I do not say that you are focused. This is a natural act. There is no effort. There is intention, yes, perhaps.

It is even away from the moment if you think you must focus. Now is focus without thinking about it. This is being where you are without thinking about it. You are Being.

This is being happy, for what is there to be unhappy about when you are alive and right where you are? Remember you are in Infinity whatever the shape it presents itself in.

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Life Has a Mind of Its Own

In terms of the world, you simply do not have enough information to go on, yet you have had the idea that you are to know all the why’s and wherefore’s of life, as if explanations are owed you. No matter how many times you may come up against the idea that you cannot have all your questions in the world answered to your satisfaction, nevertheless, you still hold onto the idea that the world must serve itself up to you and tell you everything you want to know in a respectful manner.

There are matters in the world that you just have to take for granted. You aren’t Sherlock Holmes who can put everything together and so solve all that you want solved. The world does not give you all the answers. This is hard for you to accept. Beloveds, you just can’t change the lay of the land according to your desires.

Of course, on some level hidden to you, you do know all the answers. The thing is that you don’t know how to quite reach the answers. You want to understand everything. You want to plow through life with all your lights on, yet you are not quite plugged in as yet. You know, and don’t know, and you are eager to know with certainty all that which you don’t know. And that’s a lot, of course, for, in the world, everything is in process of change.

Anyway, half the answers your conscious mind will not accept anyway because the answers may cut against the grain of what you call right. You like to make demands on life. Life dances a different tune from what you consider appropriate and acceptable.

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Be Good-Hearted

Love is a natural event. Love isn’t organized. It comes at a high vibration. Love doesn’t have to be tumultuous. Love does not even have to be pursued. If love is natural, it is naturally-occurring.

Love is not urgent. I am speaking to those who feel that love is urgent, that you must claim a committed love in order to be worthwhile. To you it may feel that you must be married or you will fall into categories such as dying on the vine.

The world seems to expect marriage of you, and you may be quick to respond.

Often, the observation that haste makes waste is truer than you missed the boat.

Have some respect for nature and naturalness and letting life come to you on its own terms. If you must pursue love, that may well be your course. Be seeking love then and sowing happiness while you are at it. You aren’t seeking love at the expense of anyone. You are not capturing anyone. False promises are false to yourself and to your own well-being. To thine own self be true. Being true to yourself and being true to others are the same. You need no pretense.

Romantic love has earmarks of illusion, yet it is not for you to make false promises to yourself or to another. What makes you think you would ever have to? Where is it written that you have to belie yourself?

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Roses Are Beautiful

What I see in your heart is love while you could be seeing turmoil. Beloveds, unless you are relaxed enough to love, what you have is turmoil. In order to love, all you have to do is to let go of turmoil by whatever name you call it - tension, franticness, haste, worry, regret, resentment, disturbance, stinginess. All these and more are words that represent blockages to love flowing freely in and out of your heart. The long and the short of it is that your heart, made from My heart, is here to love and nothing but love.

Nervousness, anxiety, fear and all the other equivalent words freeze up your love and keep it from flowing. On the whole, what these upsetting words represent blocks your receiving love as well as giving it. When a human heart is unlocked, love will pour in, and love will pour out. This is the natural lay of the land. Any repression of the expression and receipt of love comes from an inability to let go of what holds you back.

I understand that you may have learned to block your love the hard way. Years back you may have had no choice but to block your love. It may indeed have been that you had no other choice, yet, now, you are an adult, and you have choice. Don’t be timid about it. You are to offer your love and to be kind. How another person has been injured and may not be free to accept is not to hold you back from the free giving of your love.

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Out of the Forest into the Meadow

You are not your past. You are not your future. You are not even your present as you experience it. You think so many outer events accrue to you. It is the inner realizations that accrue to you. I am within you, and I accrue to you now. I look upon you with favor which simply means that I see the Truth of you.

Whatever I see, you can also see. You can be blind and see. You can be the biggest roué in the world according to the world’s appraisal, and, still, you accrue to Me. You are Mine. There is no one who is not Mine. That you are Mine means I hold you dear, and I hold you close to Me, so close that indeed, on the level from which I speak, We are One and the same. You are Mine, and you possess all the faculties that are Mine. You may rather like to pretend that you are not worth very much and you go so far as to want to lead others astray as well. What you imagine to be true and actual Truth are not always the same.

The more you see Our resemblance, the closer to Truth you are. You are not a book only kept in mind and never written. You are published, yet you haven’t read your own autobiography. You blank out the Truth of you. You simply don’t see what is in front of you. I am in front of you as you play your game of Peek-a-boo with yourself. Come out of hiding.

Of course, you likely have wandered from the Truth of you. You wandered off somewhere in a daze. When you wander off, you have the opportunity to wander back. You can find your way back to the Reality of Who You Are. You are wandering now.

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Losing Interest in Lollipops

This isn’t the first time I have gotten onto My pulpit, shall I say, and urged you to come from plenty and not from lack. The world has taught you otherwise. The world has taught you to come from lack which amounts to the same thing as coming from possession and attachment. You become possessed or obsessed with possessions. Beloveds, there is nothing you own.

Ownership is an illusion. You become a collector of what? Matter. If you have the Kohinoor diamond in your safe, you are not the owner of it. If you paid a trillion dollars for it, whatever a court might say, you are not the owner of it. You hold some possessions in your hands for a while, yet you are not the owner of what is in your hands.

“This lollipop is mine,” a child might say to a friend. “I have ten lollipops, and you can’t have more than one of my lollipops or they will be gone, and I won’t have any left.”

Lollipops will multiply themselves. In life, the more you give, the more you have. The world has it backwards. Possessions are not yours. You really don’t need to hold on so tight.

When you are attached, it’s harder to give. Do you want to be attached? I’m not asking: Are you attached? I am asking: Do you want to be attached? Wanting and being are often two different questions.

I’m guessing that you would say: “Oh, no, I do not want to be attached. I know attachment is a trap. It keeps me prisoner. I do know that, in life, it is better to not be attached.”

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What Is the Deepest Seeking of Your Heart?

When you come into life in the world, you have the five senses to help you learn your way around.

Your eyes may be closed. You may not see very well. You do not always listen well to what is being said to you, if you listen at all, for your mind is often thinking ahead. You may well not know what you touch or taste or smell. The thing is that much of your life is spent not seeing, not looking, not hearing, not listening to what is said and so on. You prefer to have your mind set irrelevant of anything that could change your mind. There is a tendency for you to hold fast and not rock the boat of yourself.

This is part of your holding on so tight. This is part of your attachment to attachment. You may well think something will be at stake if you opened up to new seeing and hearing.

One way or another, life will open you up, and you will, indeed, change your mind.

How do you grow and learn unless you change your mind? You may have given your mind responsibility to hold tight. You could let your mind grow loose. You could let the refinement of your heart and soul lead the pack. Your heart, the beloved growing bulb of your throbbing heart, is meant to steer your boat.

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Like a Thousand Stars

Feeling sorry for yourself supports the idea of being a victim. There is more to life than being a victor or a victim. One of two ways is not the way to look at life. Life is not a question of Mine or thine. Life is not a question of kill or be killed. Life is not a question of right or wrong. Life usually isn’t so clear as a Yes or a No. Alas, what are opposites but judgment whether of another or yourself? There is no scale sensitive enough to weigh wonderfulness or lack of wonderfulness.

Either/or exists in life in the world. In the world, something is or it is not. In Truth, there are ripples of opportunity. Either/or is fiction. Between black and white, there are many shades of color. This is where understanding comes into the picture.

Good and bad are not so structured as the world would have them. What is mercy but seeing more possibilities? What is understanding but understanding greater than opposites? That which is called wrong action – what is it but misunderstanding or lack of understanding? In the darkness of viewpoint, it is so easy to mistake a tree for a goblin.

It is better to include than exclude. Whenever you feel yourself dismissing someone or something, pause and think again how this serves you, the seeming other, and the world. Or does it serve judgment?

There is intention. You do not always see what another intends. Another is not always himself aware of what he intends.

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Out of the Past

Many times I have said that everyone is you, and you are everyone. You are the Great and you are the small. You are the Princes, and you are the rascals. You are the Mighty and you are the weak. Whatever there is in the world, it is you – an aspect of you yourself. Physicality exists outside you, yet every Being is you. You are the lion, and you are the lamb.

You are also the One who does not see Who loves you the most, and this is I. You are also the person you love most of all on Earth. You are also the person who loves you the most on Earth. You are also the person who disrupts your peace and drives you to distraction. Yes, you are the person you can’t tolerate for one moment. You are all of these.

You are the person who is loving and kind to you. You are also the person who puts you down the most. You are everyone you come in contact with. You are an aspect of all you see seemingly outside you. There is no outside you. All is within you.

The consciousness that is identified as a country also contains within itself its most beloved ally, and also contains within itself its worst enemy. If you want to know what your country is like, look at the mirror image of its so-called enemy.


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