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Life Is a Flowing River

Sometimes life is like riding a wave. You are a surfer in life. You choose, yet it is not all your choice. You choose to plunge into the Ocean Deep, yet how big is a particular wave and how you ride is something you find out. Sometimes you ride a perfect wave, and sometimes you swallow water.

You might say that there is a foregone conclusion, and yet the conclusion is not a sure thing to you nor is it necessarily the conclusion you desire. From your perception, life is definitely not a sure thing. Where you will end up, nobody knows.

Yet in life, you don’t end up. There is no end to life, and there is no end to your life. Get in the habit of thinking that life is ever anew. You are ever anew. You are ever a pioneer. You are ever going down a path without knowing where you are or where the path leads. Perhaps this spells danger to you. What? Is safety the only desired aspect of life?

Life is a flowing river. When you set out, you don’t know the course or where it will take you. Inevitably, the river will take you to Me. This We know. How long paddling down the river will take, whether there are rapids or byways, you can only find out as you go along. There is no inevitable course or what you might call a safe course. Moving isn’t 100% safe. Staying still isn’t 100% safe either. You can take a-hold of your life, yet you can’t steer all of it in the direction you want. Life in the world is about not knowing. Life is not altogether in your command.

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An Everyday Kind of God

Be a blessing to yourself. Make the world easy and brilliant for you today. Truly, make every day a day of rest.

As it is, you seldom make Sunday a day of rest. Perhaps We want to define rest. Here it is:

Resting means letting go.

You know you could sit in an easy chair with your feet up, yet that doesn’t mean you are resting. You could be very anxious. What kind of rest is that? You can go to work and be anxious. You don’t require Sundays for anxiety and worry. You can engage in anxiety and worry any day of the week.

Rest is letting go tenseness.

You understand I mean to say that rest is more than absence of activity.

Ideally, whatever you are doing and involved in, you would be free from tension. This is possible. It is not impossible.

I am not separate from your activity. I am not singularly found in isolation and not in activity. I am not reclusive. You can have great bursts of Light with Me anywhere at any time.

You have likely felt that you have to go away somewhere to get closer to Me. That’s fine. I am Everywhere. I can be found anywhere. I can be found at an amusement park. When boundaries come down – your boundaries – I am easily accessible. I can be found on a sunny day and in a thunder storm.

Where am I not found? Surely I am in a cave, and surely I am in heavy traffic.

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What is a Leader?

Today We talk about what it is to be a leader. First of all, everyone is a leader, and that means you. What is a leader? A leader inspires. He appreciates. He encourages. He uplifts. He sets an example. A leader, by example, straightens his backbone, and straightens others’ backbones as well. A leader lifts his head and his heart, and others do the same.

If you are an employer, you are a leader. If you are an employee, you are also a leader. All of My children are way-showers.

It has been said that the blind lead the blind. This is meant to look squarely at leaders and leadership. The Emperor who wore no clothes would be an example. The idea is that most or all people can’t see beyond the nose on their face - or don’t quite dare to.

My interpretation is that everyone is learning and growing. There isn’t a set-ness to life in the world. Everyone is learning from everyone else and continues learning from everyone and every experience. Sometimes the King learns from his subjects. Sometimes the King’s subjects learn from the King. Sometimes the subjects may learn from the King how not to lead a kingdom. If a leader desires respect, he must be respectful. If he desires honor, he must honor.

What you desire, you must be. How you want to be treated, you must treat. King or pauper, enlightened or not enlightened, everyone is learning from life and that means everyone is learning from everyone. It is not only appointed leaders who lead. Everyone who reads My words is a leader. Everyone is a leader. Now lead in the direction you want others to go.

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Wake Up. Wake Up Now

I would like to think of something that would make you sit up and laugh. I would like to say something that would make you get out of the old molds you have been fitting into. I would like to wake you up to a new world.

Beautiful life on Earth has had a bad rap. It has been called a world of suffering. The thing is the world can be anything that you choose to think of it.

Not for one moment do I say you have called all twists and turns and slings and arrows of life to you. You may have. That’s a possibility, yet it is not a certainty. Where you come in is how you fuss and fume over what has happened, and then continue the same. There is no question that you may have been injured, and then, in life, you are injured for all time because you choose to limp around moaning. Being unfairly treated may become a theme of your life, and you will certainly discover or latch onto unfair treatment again and again.

Everyone does at one time or another. Everyone has been tripped or been told tales about or outright libeled. People have been stolen from and lied to. You probably have a mental list of affronts in one form or another of offenses to yourself.

People have been kidnapped, and people have been killed. How does your latest run of being trod upon rate in your scale of harrowing experiences now? Out of 10, what is your rating? Have you perhaps made your latest insult bigger than it is? Have you wrested every inch of heartache from it. Really, couldn’t you have tossed it aside? Couldn’t you have said: "Nuf,” and let it go?

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The Sea of Your Eyes

If you and I, the One of Us, did not have language describe the apparent you, I would draw pictures of My concept of Myself in the form of you. What would I draw of Myself as the illusion of you? Would I draw you as a rose, a primrose, or a cabbage rose? Or would I draw you, the manifestation of Me, as one petal or one leaf, or one drop of dew?

Would I draw you as an acorn or a 100-year old oak tree in its phases? If oak, would I draw you in autumn and paint you in bright autumn colors or more muted colors or in summer fullness with green leaves sparkling in the Sun?

Would I draw you as a bunny or lamb or as an antelope or giraffe grazing or ambling in a prairie or a forest?

Would it matter what I painted you as?

Would I paint you as the Empire State Building or as a toy car? What difference would it make?

Would it matter if I painted you as the deep blue sea or as your eyes as I see them when I look into the sea of your eyes?

I would not paint you from memory, for I look into your eyes every day anew. I look into your eyes every day, and I see into Infinity and Eternity. I wonder if I could paint all of Infinity and Eternity? Probably I would paint just the entrance of Eternity and Infinity as they reveal themselves in your eyes. To paint all of Vastness, well, there is no paper big enough to paint all of Vastness even as I see into it in the depth of your eyes.

Wherever I turn there is beauty surmounting itself.

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Tame Your Ego

You do admit to having ego, don’t you? Yet if I were to offer you help in removing your ego, you might choose not to have it removed. You might suspect that, if I helped, this would mean extra pain for you. There is a tendency for you, My children, to focus on other people’s abundance of ego rather than on your own.

You might as well know that with or without your request, reduction of ego is going to take place. The idea of seeing your twittery ego in front of you is painful. Beloveds, life on Earth seems to be about taming your rampant ego. With or without your request for ego-reduction, ego will show itself to you and fight to the end.

You have an intention for a happier life. I respond to intention. One of the ways for you to be happier is for your ego to get out of the way, yours and others’.

See about accepting so-called others as they are without resentment. The same as you are, they are trying to make their way in the world. All of you pass out of this world. Everyone is learning. Why resent and fuss? How valuable really are your hurt feelings? Sometimes it is like you chew on a cud of your aggravation.

Why do you aggravate over what is temporary?

Here’s the answer:

You aggravate over what is temporary so you will learn that it is pointless to do so, and so that you can stop fussing and fuming.

If you really want to stop, why don’t you? Why does anything offend you or put you off or make you unhappy or exhilarated even?

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Image vs. Truth

Oh, the little pin-pricks of ego. Dozens a day. The sense of being overlooked, ignored, not honored fully, not even thought of, slighted as if you were unimportant and not worthy of notice, made small of or nothing of, uncared about, as if you were of no consequence, undermined, neglected, as if you don’t even amount to a hill of beans. Is this at all familiar to you? Do you have moments or even days of this? This is ego at its best which you know by now is at its worst.

I will tell you frankly that you deserve greater and higher regard. All of My children merit. You may have the idea that, if you were important, had a high position, perhaps were extremely wealthy, or a famous opera singer, movie star, leader of a country, you would have the regard you so desire and deserve. If the red carpet were laid down for you everyday, if your presence parted waves in a crowd, if you had a parade of governmental cars with flags before and after you, you still would yearn for a true appraisal of you and not just your perceived status.

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Knowing the Boundlessness That Is You

You are drawn to beauty, aren’t you? What can be more beautiful than My Creation? You are My Creation, and I Who Created you from My Very Self am also beautiful. You are soul. Remember, your body is only a covering, yet, My children, how much you tend to equate yourself with your physical dimensions, as if the physical body is the sum and total of you. The physical body is an outline of you, yet you are not confined within that outline. The physical body is like a sketch made on paper with a pencil. You sketch an outline of yourself and sign your name to it. The Truth is that you are dimensionless. There are no borders to you. There are no limits to you and no limitations. I am God Who tells you this, yet, for all intents and purposes, you say, “Yeah, yeah,” as if I speak only to hear Myself talk. I am giving you the straight goods. Sit up and listen.

What keeps you from knowing the boundlessness of you is a disbelief in yourself and Me and what I say. For the most part, you don’t take seriously what I say. You feel so far from it, and you may think of Me as an old grandmother who goes on and on with old memories and imaginings. I do not imagine you. I know you. I know you truthfully as Myself. I know what I created, while you see yourself as flotsam and jetsam. You look here and there, and your eyes do not settle on Truth. Your eyes keep looking at shining tinsel that waves in the breeze in the fields of illusion far and near. You miss the boat.

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Do You Think God Is a Genie in a Lamp?

In the midst of today, will you think of Me? What will you think about in regard to Me? Will you be asking Me to do something for you, to ease your way, to lighten your load, to send you your true love and make all your dreams come true?

Or, before you begin, are you convinced that I am not devoted to you and will not ever give you what you desire? If this is the case, there is a misunderstanding here as to what We are to each other, the way Our relationship is mostly considered in the world. Are you not considered the one in need and I, the One to fill your needs and do your will, and if I do not, then I am remiss and have let you down?

Dear Ones, I am not opposed to your will. I don’t toss a coin. I don’t look for you to be disappointed. There is a bigger picture I see that you do not see. This is how it is in the world.

You understand that I can do anything, yet there is more to consider than your desire alone. You look for explanations sometimes as though I’m supposed to be under your thumb and report to you for your approval or disapproval. We really can’t discuss what you may see as a verdict against you. We don’t get anywhere. It is as if We speak different languages. Often you do not understand Mine. Do you think I don’t understand you? Do you think I cast you aside?

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What You Seek Is Yourself

Remember Me during the activity of the day, and remember Me during the stillness of the night.

I won’t say that I remember you day and night because you are never out of My mind in order for Me to remember you. You are always in plain sight and reverberating in My heart. How can I be reminded of you when I never forget you, so intimate are We.

Do you possibly think I am not capable of this? Of course, I am capable. I, Who created all the world you know and the worlds you do not know, I can do a little thing like keep you in mind without cease.

In a sense, We can say that I create you still, for you are never out of My mind. We are One. Oneness means We are never apart, not for a minute, and not for an inch – as if there were time and space or anything but Me anyway wherever you turn.

Oh, yes, that which We call you - as if We could be separate or opposed – it is simply your awareness that can be lagging. Even if you think I am not in your heart, I am deep in your heart. Perhaps you have not been looking. On the other hand perhaps, unbeknownst to you, you have been feeling feelings that you do not know how to name. I know you feel something you know not quite how to name. You have an unseen vision of Me, an unheard hearing of Me, a far distant echo of something true that pulls you, you know not what and you know not where.

You get hints of Our association. No matter what else you believe you long for, you long for Me. Anything else you long for is a drop in the bucket.  


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