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There is an expression: The Moment of Truth. This expression is another way to say: “Eureka!” Both Archimedes and you have had insights.

Something becomes clear to you that was not clear before. Insights can take many forms. Insight is an apt word. An insight is not an out-sight. You can read an encyclopedia or look up something on the web any day of the week. It is no big deal. You can ask all your friends what they think, and they will tell you with great assurance what they think. But an insight, even an insight in a small pond, can be revolutionary. We can say that you grow by steps of insights.

And from where do insights come? From where does bright light come? Insights and light come from Me – what is referred to as Me as though you and I were two instead of One. We can more logistically say that the insights you intercept are from your Higher Self. And what is your Higher Self but Our Oneness designated as your Higher Self? Therefore, the Higher Self earmarked as your Spiritual Self is a picture of Mine that you pick up. Within every so-called personage on Earth am I.

I think it’s a good idea to remind you, the seeming you, that you are in Truth the God your intellect refers to as Above, and so your intellect separates yourself from its Very Self.

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Miracles That God Has Wrought

Tell Me, is there a moment of life that is not a miracle? This moment, for instance, as I commune with Myself called you, is this not a miracle appearing?

Here, with Our hearts and minds, We commune as if We are two when We have never been anything but One. Of course, you appear as a human being in a costume called a body. Right now as I appear as you, you are, in a sense, out of your body. I can say that We are having an out-of-body experience, for your body, the form you carry, isn’t present here with Us now.

It is your heart and mind, mostly the heart, that you commune with and that I also commune with as My One Self. And, oh, yes, there is soul which has no costume whatsoever. Your mind could fake, possibly your heart could fake with so-called others yet not with Me. You cannot even conceive of stretching Truth or gilding the lily with Me.

I wanted to talk about miracles, a hundred-thousand miracles a day. Isn’t it a miracle that you gather a body around you altogether that can be said to appear? That you can sit down or stand up? What on Earth exists but miracles? You can also sit up. You can stand down. You can grow. There are bicycles, and you can ride them.

You can read books, and you can write them.

You can imagine. You can remember, and you can forget.

You can have upsets. You can be furious one moment, and love the next.

You can laugh. You can cry. You can make sounds. You can make speech with your heart, mind, and tongue.

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Your Attachment to Permanency

Nothing ends, beloveds. Life does not end. Life does not end with the death of the body, you know that. Love does not end. Impossible.
There are those who say the world ends. Many of My children have lived through what seems like the end of the world to them, through Tsunamis and what-not.
Most are appalled to even conceive of the very idea that the world could end. No no, that cannot be.
The idea of dissolution of the world brings up a point I will get to in a minute.  
Even as you hear that someday you too will die, it is hard to believe. Oh, yes, your body will die. I tell you that this is no tragedy. The world is convinced death of the body is a tragedy. Otherwise, there would be no mourners and mourning. There would not be sadness. There would be joy instead that a loved one has come Home to the full splendor of Heaven. God is always.
For you to conceive that the world as you know it should end is blasphemy, even though you personally at a given moment wouldn’t choose to be here on Earth, even if you don’t much revel in life as you know it. Nevertheless, you are aghast and bereft at the idea of the world’s coming to an end. It is more than hard for you to comprehend this.
What would it mean? No planet Earth? No trees? No greenery? No oceans, no water? If the planet disappears, would all the people on Earth also disappear? Would there be no human beings remaining? Would all the beautiful books and movies disappear? Would there be nothing? And does nothing mean literally nothing?

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Life on Earth Is Not a Path of Control

Sometimes you don’t know what to do, is that true? This is a good time then to take a break. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything at the moment. Sometimes sit and take a break.
When the world seems to be too much with you, lean back a little. Smoke a little pipe and sit in a rocking chair on your front porch and watch the changing sunscape across the sky. Let the sun advise you. The sun has traveled, as it appears, day and night for how many years? Of course, the sun has stayed still, and Earth came to it.
We can say that for a while, at least, that you, in a quandary, do well to stay where you are and let a solution pop up for you.
You may say you trust the unfolding of the world and the unfolding of your life. Yet, as you say that, you may seem to live on tenterhooks. Trust is intended to free you from fear.
The sun is aware that the Earth spins. The Earth has never failed to take its daily path. What makes you doubt that all answers are not already in you and coming around the corner into your consciousness? Consider two steps of your progress like breathing in and breathing out. Inhale and exhale. You can never go wrong by choosing to breathe in and breathe out. This is a task you don’t usually have to think about at all. Your actual breath, like your heart, and all the systems of your body, is on automatic. What makes you think that the Universe is not on cue or that your mind does not already have all the answers you need?
Or think of this:

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Good soul

The world looks for superlatives. Who is the fairest of all? Who is the smartest of all? Who is the most foolish of all? Who is the biggest? Who is the smallest? Who wins what in the Guiness Book of Records? Who becomes Miss America in one year and then is forgotten soon enough?
What does any of this matter? What is all this but a passing fancy. Enjoy as you enjoy, yet what matters any of this to your soul? Now, listen, your soul likes you. Your soul enjoys you. In this way, your soul enjoys your distractions. It makes the best of the ride you take together. All the while, your soul beckons you toward a grander frontier. Will you come?
You carry your soul within you, yet you can also consider that it is your soul who carries you. Your soul jaunts off with you beyond the commonplace. The soul – your soul – is not always nourished in this land of Earth that sometimes feels far away from even acknowledging the existence of soul. Your soul doesn’t weigh much in terms of the gravity-filled world. You can’t wrap your soul in gold. You can’t even wrap your soul in aluminium foil.
Your soul doesn’t have interest in gold or food or all the matters - even the serious life-saving matters - that your mind and body are presently indentured to. Your mind and body are alert to danger and risk. Your soul is alert to God and a whole realm that you hardly dream of.

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A Wonderful Bonus

If you are too busy, you are too busy. Yet some are busier than others.
There is nothing to prove in being busy or over-busy or even over-worked.
Many of My children don’t know what it is to be overworked. There are lands where people work twelve hours a day for seven days a week. There are lands where people live where they work. There are lands where children work. There are lands where people know only work and think nothing of it.
It is true that I believe in rest. If you must work long hard hours, and you don’t get a day off, then rest your mind and what you feel as you work. Sometimes people think they must have perfect work that they would love to have. Be okay with or even glad to work whatever is and not begrudge your hours.
Whatever work you are working at right now, give to it your fullest without complaint. Maybe it is the complaint that wears you out more than the job.
You do not have to be over-tired. If what you are doing were named something else besides work, maybe you wouldn’t mind so much.
Maybe We should call work celebration. If you thought you were fortunate to work long and hard hours, if you thought it was a good thing to work hard and long, not to complain about it at all, how tired would you be?

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Write a New Script

Think of someone you know who is always calm. He or she never becomes rattled. You are lucky if you know one such person in a lifetime.
This person can have great responsibility at work, yet this person seems to take care of it all like a piece of cake. He doesn’t get harried. It doesn’t even seem a possibility to this person to have too much to do or to ever feel he is in a tight position.  He doesn’t seem to even get tired. He is bright, caring, vital, genuine, pleasant and never frazzled.
Oh, to have an employer like this. Oh, to be like this.
Of course, it’s possible that it never occurred to you to desire to be like this. Yet what a boon this person is, and you could be this person.
There are things you cannot ever be in this lifetime, yet this is something you can be.
I bet you anything that this easy-going person came to it. I bet he had his rough days, and everyone could tell. It took no special announcement so that you could notice.  Perhaps he clenched his teeth and perspired under the strain he felt. I bet you anything that this calm person you know today has really come to this point. He isn’t covering up how he feels. He simply learned along the way to take everything in his stride. He learned not to make a big deal of life as though the sky would fall if he were not tense. Rather, he learned to be calm as he went along.

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May Joy and Responsibility Unite

Take it into your heart that living life is not the same as running a race. Have you not had some sense of yourself as a choo-choo train that must crank those gears and get up a hill as fast as you can in order to mount another hill and another? There is more to life than this.
You don’t have to gallop through life, nor do you have to be a slow ponderous-seeming elephant either. You do not have to be slow-but-steady, nor do you have to be at a perfect in-between rate. Nor do you have to be the winner-take-all.
I invite you to live in joy even when there is a deadline. Deadlines are not a matter of life and death even as many experience deadlines as a matter of life and death, as though the world depends upon them, as if life itself is some kind of emergency.
To the best of My knowledge, it is I Who depend upon you. I depend upon you to sail and to fly and to enjoy and to work on this land called Earth I have set before you.
If I were to say that it is important that you enjoy, which it definitely is, you know I don’t mean to imply that you are to give up all responsibilities for joy. Joy is primary. You can be responsible and have joy. The idea is to take joy in whatever you are doing. Let joy be part of your life. Joy comes from inside. We have gone through this lesson before about where true re-creation comes from, not from outside but from inside.

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A Rose about to Blossom

Beloveds, you are a rose about to blossom, more than to blossom. Why more? You are opening up to your full blooming, bounteousness, and beauty.
How happy a rose is to bloom. A rose blooms and blossoms to her fullness, and yet stays rooted in the soil where she has always been. From the muck and mire, a rose grows tall. A rose doesn’t see the muck and mire distasteful as you do. The rose does not consider for a moment that dirt takes anything away from her beauty.
If some of the wet soil splatters on a rose’s leaves, the rose welcomes the spatters as she welcomes the brightening Sun. The rose thanks the nurturing soil and the warming Sun that shines Itself on the rose to let her know her own light and how much the Sun loves her. When the Sun is hidden behind clouds, the rose doesn’t mind. The rose knows that the Sun is beaming on her.
And when rain comes, the rose does not mind. The rose doesn’t gasp and say: “Oh, I’m getting wet.” In fact, the rose laps up and soaks in the rain. The rose feels enamored in nature and knows she has her purpose and place in the Universe and certainly belongs where she happens to be. The rose has confidence that she is taken care of.

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Robbie asked, “God, When Will the Happiness Come?”

Yes, Robbie, when will the happiness come? I will answer you, yet I won’t give you a date. 
It isn’t so much that I answer questions. I answer the hearts of people who ask questions. If I answer: The world will sparkle in amazing Divine Light on a specific date in 2016… this isn’t really a helpful answer. It doesn’t help you to grow. Let Me tell you more.
My children tend to think that happiness is an outside job. It is such an inside job, you have no idea. Heavenletters that emphasize this point already exist. You have read them. Still, you are waiting for happiness to be handed to you. I tell you not to wait.
Let Us just say as an example that you won the $280,000,000 million dollar lottery. Let’s just say this for the sake of convenience. You would be happy, yes? Extremely happy, and this happiness will last a while, but not forever.
The happiness you gain will last longer than the happiness you might get from a lollipop, yet the happiness doesn’t last forever. You find you have other problems to solve. You have people asking you for money. Do they like you for yourself or for your money? You still have to handle your money. Meanwhile, you still are longing for your true love.
Okay, let’s just say that you won the lottery today. You are very very happy indeed. Excited. Overjoyed. Delirious with joy. You even have a little smile on your face right now with the thought of it.


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