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The Winner in the World

Have you heard the expression:
“To the victor belong the spoils.”
In the old days, the soldiers who won a war had license to pillage the villages. The winners could take anything they wanted. They stole. It was considered that they had the right. It was considered that taking from another made the winner notable and worthy.
Spoils, in this case, mean the winnings. The winner gets the winnings. That makes sense only in the world because the thinking is that a winner triumphs, so he must win something. In Truth, whatever a victor’s winnings may be, he hasn’t won anything. The world says he won. What he has won may be nothing except a few pats on the back and a swelling of his ego. This is a poor profit from winning. The victor may have the wool pulled over his eyes. He has been fooled. Of course, people fool themselves. The idea of winning can become insatiable.
This idea of being the foremost reminds Me of Sleeping Beauty’s wicked stepmother who had to be the Fairest in all the land. She had to stand out. If she had to be the winner, others had to lose. She plied a certain kind of war. Her life certainly was made up of selfishness. In such a case, what can be won but controversy?
Nothing wrong with a good-hearted good-spirited playing of a game. Play well. One team won, the other lost, so the world says, yet both teams have played well. Congratulations!

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Unfolding Mysteries

Where does today lead? No one knows. Many can speculate.
Today may be winter, and there is a thaw. Tomorrow may be a blizzard. The best-laid plans, so well-thought out, may disappear in a moment. It is not that you are to hold on to plans made with so much consideration. You are to let go of them. Ride the waves, beloved. See where they take you.
Okay, now there is a tornado, and now you find yourself in a tree. What is there to do but to take finding yourself in a tree in your stride? Climb down from the tree, if you can. Otherwise, someone will come to get you. Whatever happens in life cannot be foiled. You can’t slow it down, nor can you hasten it. Do what you can do that helps you furrow through life. In any case, your story will continue whether it is known in the world or not.
On Earth, your life seemingly steps out from Infinity. You find yourself on a street corner. Regardless of how your life may seem to you, you are not away from Infinity. You have not been excluded from it. You are as much a part of Infinity as ever, only it is not clear to you while you are on this temporary stop on a corner of life. You are here for only a little while. It seems to you that you are on detour. The fact is that you are moving forward, and the particular path you are on will not occur again. Enjoy. Stop arguing with it. This is your chance of a lifetime.

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What Else Matters When There Is Love

There are many ways to believe. Whatever you believe, you may be sure there is someone who believes the opposite extreme. Life in the world is about opposites of all kinds.
Beliefs are one of them. And some people get fired up about beliefs. Some people with strong beliefs will hurt other people because the others’ beliefs contradict their beliefs.
People on Earth have separated people because of their color or because of the shape of their nose. Staunch believers are convinced that they are right, and everyone else is mistaken.  
They may change their minds later, but at any moment, they are firm in their beliefs. I understand everything, yet it is hard for Me to understand why anyone hurts another, that matters get so firmly entrenched in their minds that they hurt other human beings in the name of what they like to call truth.
Here’s what I wonder: I wonder what does it matter what another believes or you believe when there is love? Love is beyond believing in or adhering to.  
You must know by now that in life you do not want to be dependent upon what this one or that one thinks. That makes you live a life that may not really be yours. You sacrifice your own heart and mind because of another’s praise or criticism. It doesn’t matter if someone else in the world is considered an authority. Why would you make anyone lord and master over you? Will you agree that it’s not always a good thing to dance to another’s tune?

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There are those of My Children who see Me as a Miracle-Maker high on a hill. I am a Creation-Creator, an appointed Leader of the Living, a Conductor of the Orchestra, shall We say? There is a Great Orchestra, and you play in the Orchestra. We can say I am all the players as well. We can say I am a multitude of personalities on Earth, yet in terms of Earthspeak, We know that We are One and not separated one whit, yet in terms of reaching the hearts and minds of Individualities, We speak in terms of Thou and I.
Shall I say I pick Me up when I trip?
You know, My dear Children Who Art Myself, I do not go to such lengths. If We are One, and I say without equivocation that We are One, We speak in a simple energy-saving kind of way so that I may capture your heart.
We are talking about a manner of speaking. We are not repudiating Truth.  
If everyone on Earth were at the very Peak of Enlightenment, We would not have to speak at all. We, I, you, would communicate telepathically, or I might say that We would just know Our Oneness, experience Our Oneness. There would not even be a step to Our communication, and I certainly would not be rigorous about Proper Speech. Do you understand what I am saying?
We have nothing to prove in Our discourses. If We are One, We are One. If I am One, I am One and that includes you, the I of you.
We are not a ball of yarn that We must be very careful of how We wind and unwind and roll Ourselves up.

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Special Favors and Rescue

Beloveds, I talk to you firmly today. Many of your prayers are plaints. Plaints are pleas for something. Plaints are seemingly a more acceptable presentation of complaints. Let’s get right to it. I will tell you a common plea I hear from you.
On second thought, before I get right down to it, I had better say something introductory so there is no misunderstanding. It is better for you to present yourself to Me asking for a hand-out rather than not to present yourself to Me at all. In regard to this point, then I would tell you to complain to Me all day rather than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble to Me than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble mumbo-jumbo than to avert yourself from Me. Now, with that being said, let’s get down to it.
But wait. Why do I indicate a preference to your not coming to Me with petitions, as if I am a King you come to beg from, such as your wanting a land problem solved or money flowing in your pocket. In some way, you wish Me to intervene on your behalf. You want to be rescued, and you ask a special favor of your King of Holiness. In other words, you want to be singled out. You join a throng that asks for special favors and rescue. You come to Me pleading.
At first this seems humble, yet can you be so sure?
Before I get down to it, let Me repeat: Better to come to Me in any way than not to come to Me at all.

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What Is It You Surrender?

Beloveds, I hear your heart. Your heart speaks to Me. I hear you say in your deepest longings:
“You are My God. You are Mine. I say that strongly, knowing that there is no ownership, and that You are everyone’s. I do not possess You. I am in the palm of Your hand. When I think of it, and I think of it a lot – You created me, You made me Yours, God, as Your handmaiden. It is You I wish to follow. You are the One to follow.
“All this time I have followed others, having them recline on a pedestal in my heart. They were idols I placed before You. How could I? yet I did. And this is past, and that which is past does not come back, yet I find that I would hang on to the past even when there is no one and nothing in the world to hang onto.
“I had some beautiful dreams for a while. I was caught up in them. They came to naught. I understand now that what I thought was so wonderful was not real. That which is not real cannot last. All the while, You posted Yourself near me. You are here. You never mind the past. Your Presence is growing in my life.
“You are all that which is real. This that I have thought I am isn’t real. The world is not. You are the Permanent. You are the God of Truth as well as the God of my Dreams.
"All the while, I couldn’t touch You or see You full-fledged before me. I dreamt of You without knowing that it was You I was dreaming of and longing for. I accepted human beings to adore as approximations of You.

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Martyrdom Is Not Your Calling

Beloveds, now it is time for every single one of My children to let go of blaming others for the straits you find yourselves in. Others may not have been ideal, yet, it is not for you to blame anyone for a situation you are in. Rid yourself of the idea that someone or anyone is out to get you. If you look over your shoulder all the time, you are relegating yourself to what you perceive and may perceive amiss.  
We don’t argue that you are innocent, that you don’t deserve whatever it is. We don’t argue that, yet you have to let go of being victim, for, if you are victim, what is there for you to do but to accuse those who victimized you, or you believe did, or really did? Regardless, where is the benefit for you? You may be absolutely right in your innocence yet where does that get you?
Eliminate the word blame from your vocabulary. It just doesn’t get you anywhere. No matter how limited someone has been, you are the one lighting the fire that you attach to them. I assure you that those you hold responsible for whatever you hold them responsible of are not focused on you. You may have given your thoughts and your life over to thoughts of them and others that you see as like them.

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The Play of Life [II]

It is like you carry a theater in your heart. You have a playwright, producers, director, stage director, actors and more in your heart. Every day they come out on stage and put on a good play. You couldn’t think up what gets put together without even a rehearsal. Everyone prances out on stage, and the drama does its thing, and the audience, which includes you, travels through all the emotions known to man. Oftentimes you are surprised at the drama. Other times there seems to be nothing new. Watch out. There will be new developments. The theater seats are filled everyday.
Even when you go home, the theater is there, everyone in place and the next performance is all set to go. The orchestra plays, and the Play of Life has begun its gyrations.
Are you not one of the actors on stage? Isn’t it your theater? Don’t you enter the set ready for the comedy or the drama, all the scenes and characters set before you? It is a play ad libbed to perfection. If you had studied the play for years, you couldn’t do better playing your part – and, incidentally, all the other parts as well. It is, after all, your play and your experience.
There is even a catering service included. Sometimes you are pleased with the food, and sometimes you’re not. Almost all kinds of performances appear on your stage, and many are repeated in one form or another.

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High Intention

Many of My conscientious children want to do everything right. This is truly a human desire. However, it is unlikely that you will attain what is considered perfection in the world.
Now I will tell you what is the best thing you can do in all situations. This is it:
To come from high intention. Come with a high intention to serve. This is something you can do. You have a much better chance to steer your life with high intention than you have a chance of being perfect. In fact, you can let go of the idea of being perfect, for in the world, you are not likely to succeed. Perfect to whom anyway? To yourself? To another? Perfection, like just about everything else in the world, comes down to a matter of opinion.
And, then, you may ask: “What is the Highest of any and all intentions? How do we struggling humans know the answer to that?”
What I think is that you come from the high intention to serve. Desire to come from the Highest Intention to serve God. It’s also very fine to serve your children and family with the highest intention to serve them. Or the highest intention to serve your employer. The highest intention to prepare delicious and healthy food. The highest intention to drive your car safely and considerately for all.

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Playing Cops and Robbers

You are like an archetype with many faces. Most people would say you are good guy. Someone might call you bad guy. Someone might call you simple guy or complex guy; brave guy, frightened guy; secure guy, insecure guy; loving guy, unloving guy and so on. Some might just call you guy. How you are perceived depends upon someone’s experience, or, rather, their perception of their experiences they keep from the past.
Many of My children are bias-based toward their previous experiences with others, and their inclination or disinclination toward you really has nothing to do with you at all. You, also, do the same. How you see others pretty much is how you are looking at an aspect of yourself. You may see what you always see. You see what you think you see. You see what you once saw, and what you once saw made an indelible impression on you.
You may wish ill toward someone because of his or her lack of perception. Lack of perception is not yet a crime. It is not yet a federal crime when someone sees you a-miss, yet it would appear that you may often carry the idea that a mistake is no less than criminal. A mistake, yes. A crime, no. And sometimes another may perceive you a-right and you don’t like to concede to the possibility that you did indeed act in a certain way that does not present you in the best light. This is hard for you to bear, yet, on occasion, you have slipped. You may well be a good person who slipped up. Have you not on occasion slipped up?


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