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A Phantom Lover

Often you desire to improve yourself. You perceive a need to receive accolades from outside you, for you see accolades from the world as building you up. It is gratifying to receive accolades from the world. May you receive them. You have My blessing to receive them. They are lovely frosting on the cake, and how you like the sweetness of frosting. Of course, frosting is something layered on top.
Accolades from wherever they may come help to straighten your shoulders and keep your head held high. This is your natural posture. May you receive all the appreciation that the world has to offer, yet the essential accolades are the ones that you bestow upon yourself.
Your own reception of your self-worth is worth a hundred-thousand times more than any medals in the world. Your own recognition of your worth is what you must have. The more you require an illustrated picture of your worth from others, the more dependent you are upon the pictures other paint.
As you come to loving yourself as you are, then the more connected you are to My picture of you.
My picture of you doesn’t come and go. It’s dependent upon nothing but the Truth. It does not waver. It does not go up and down. It is solvent and assured. The world often attends to your ego. In any case, the world makes itself more important than it really is. What you think of yourself matters more than the highest projection from the world. Know thyself for all that you are worth.

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Moods Are Moody. Go by God.

Consider the varying seasons of your heart to be irrelevant. Seasons change. Moods change. Your moods do not have the say of you. Moods are not the bosses of the world. You do not have to kowtow to your moods. Moods are insignificant. Moods seem to come from how the winds blow. Moods are not to be the making of you. First of all, moods are not dependable. You can’t count on them. They come and go. You cannot take moods seriously. Moods are passing things. They really are not so high and mighty as they would have you believe. Moods are shifting sand. They are not meant to lead your life.
Not only do you not have to bow down to your moods, it also makes no sense to. Moods are like two-year olds. They must not lead you. They may well lead you astray. Anyway, moods are not reliable. Unreliable is the very nature of moods.
Moods may feel emotional and physical, as if they descend on you. Nevertheless, moods come from your thoughts. Something signals your moods. Your moods do not have to be in the forefront of your life. Put them in the back seat, or return them altogether. You owe them no loyalty. Moods deserve their comeuppance. Moods are not really a part of you. They are more like hitchhikers, freeloaders, vagrants looking for somewhere to latch onto. There is no need for you to cooperate with moods. They are chameleons. They simply cannot be taken at their word. Moods are slippery-slidey things.

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What Is the Difference?

I am the Creator, and We can say that you are the Experiencer of Creation. We can also say that you create along with Me. Creator and Experiencer, Experiencer and Creator are One. Two edges of the same sword, so to speak, except the sword is Love, and there are no two edges. Hold your Greatness and Humanness in Good Stead.
Would you, those who see themselves as across from Me, defame what I have created? Would you defame the Creator, the Created, and the whole process of living Life? All is not as you think. All is not as you see.
All My Children are Heroes of the Day. There is no least of you. There is no one who comes last despite what you believe. There is no fol de rol. Think of it, lives portrayed on Earth, and you are part of it. You are swept up in the Adventure of Adventures.
You are at a Feast, and you eat a Fabulous Meal. All of life is incredible in its Exquisiteness. Food is as delicious as the Queen’s Banquet, and all are guests everywhere.
Sorrow is an illusion, as if love can be lost or less than I say it is. 

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What Everyone Is Learning

Beloveds, it’s not necessary that you understand everything. Therefore, it is not necessary that you analyze everything or seek to explain everything in a logical fashion. You have a limited idea of logic. Life just does not fit into every category. You are asking questions that don’t have the answers you want.
Whatever I say, I understand that you are going to ask Why questions, yet, as you see now, questions that begin with Why look backwards. You want to go forward.
Ask yourself: “What do I do now? Now, where do I go? Where do I take myself in my thoughts and my actions? What’s my first step? Whatever caused what I see as a mess, how do I get out of it?”
The question: “What is my first step?” is a great question. You are not asking how you solve or resolve a situation. The fact is that you may not really know. You do know that you have to put it behind you.
What is one first step? There may be many first steps. Right now you want to grab one. The one you grab does not have to be perfect. It just has to be one you grab. Once you take a step, any step, you are way ahead. Your first step does not have to be an ultimate step.
It’s also possible that your first thought is all you need.
Beloveds, when you ask Why questions, you are often asking: “Am I to blame? How am I to blame? Who is to blame? This person, that person, God?”

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Rising to Greater Heights

To live for yourself alone has gone out of style. It doesn’t satisfy. Oh, for a time, perhaps, and then you find out that what you at first found satisfying isn’t satisfying any longer. It doesn’t satisfy enough. It is far from enough.
For one thing, you are hard to please, and you change your mind. Another thing is that it becomes tiresome to please yourself.  
It’s not that you are to forget yourself in the world, yet when you actually encompass the whole Universe, you understand that in service to others is how you do serve yourself.
By not always putting yourself first, it isn’t that you erase yourself, not by a long shot, yet you can no longer put yourself routinely before others. Your perceived needs just aren’t so important any longer. In any case, filling your needs to even the brim, does not satisfy, for I made you greater than that. You don’t have to come first. You have a greater Self. Nor are you to think that self-abasement is your choice. Self-abasement often includes putting yourself first in a more obsequious way. It is not that your consideration for the well-being of others makes you outstanding. It does not call attention to you. It does not make you noble. It makes you what I designed you to be.  

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Live God’s Dreams for You

Like breathing, life inhales and exhales. Whatever you are involved in, you are involved in life. If you are in a cave, you are involved in life. If you are in a crowded restaurant on top of the Empire State Building, you are involved in life. Wherever you are, whoever you may think you are, you are involved in life.
Life is the chair you sit on. It is the road you walk on. Life is the sky you look up at. You are not only the Light of the World, you are also the Life of the World.
We can say that you are a petal of each flower. Rose or dandelion, it doesn’t matter.
If We say that life is a bicycle, you pedal it. If life is a car, you drive it. If life is an airplane, you fly it. You are the sun in the morning, and the moon at night. You are the stars when seen or unseen. You are the Universe in all its glory.
You are Everything to Me. You are My reason for Creation. You and Creation go together. You are no more separated from Life than you and I are separated. Oneness is. There is richer meaning to Oneness than you may have considered. Oneness is far more than a cozy expression. It is the Ultimate Expression.

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Happiness As It Is

You ask Me for happiness. It is My desire that you be happy, yet you do not always recognize happiness where it’s right here before you.
Yes, of course, happiness is relative. What makes you happy today may become ordinary to you next week. What gives you happiness may not be what makes someone else happy. To someone, a crust of bread may be happiness. To you, a crust of bread may not be relished. You may even cut crusts off bread without a backward glance.
What you require as a precursor to happiness is a great and clear vision. This is not an intellectual exercise We are speaking of. This is not getting smarter. Happiness is about how and what you see. Where do you see from? See with a smile and not a pout.
Everything you do see and hear does not come labeled as happiness, you understand. Happiness is a twist you give to what you see. In one sense, happiness is your due. On the other hand, you are a participant in the discovery of happiness. It is you who embraces happiness. It isn’t exactly a coat you put on, yet it is something like that. You have to pick up happiness and claim it as yours at the same time as you do not demand happiness.
Sometimes you equate happiness with being pleased in the sense that it will come to you just like that, by a snap of your fingers. At the same time, happiness enters of its own accord. Set the table for happiness.

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Stand Tall

That you live on Earth is a blessing to Me and to you and the whole wide world. I am the Acme of Your Life. I am the Culmination, and you have Me right now arm in arm with you. I give you the Gift of Life. I sponsored you, and I sponsor you still.
How well I am aware of the matters that grind over and over in your mind and wear you out. You may treasure Me for the gifts I give you, yet you may not treasure Life Itself. You do not want to be so close to Life, so involved in it, so up and down in it like a peripatetic elevator. You are so caught up in the Stream of Life, and the lesser matters that you allow to aggravate you to an extreme over and over again, do you not?
I hear you cry to Me:
“Dear God, would I learn that what has been done and not done right is not worth the aggravation I give to it. I would love to be free of aggravation, yet, apparently, I jump on the bandwagon of being upset. I often think: If only others would think ahead, all the grief there would not be.
“Of course, if only I had thought ahead. If only I had. Every time I am the culprit, God. Yes, if others had done thus and so, it would be better. Yes, if I had done thus and so, it would be better. I wouldn’t be aggravating now.
“I am in a slump. It must be that I need to sit up straight and make room in life for myself. I must stand tall. I don’t want to make myself an ant any longer climbing up and down these little hills of upset that I make so important.

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This Is Worth a King’s Bounty to You

Know how beautiful you truly are, and you will know happiness every day of your life. Any dissatisfaction you have in life is based on your appraisal of yourself. Yes, matters in the world take place and irritate, yet your irritation is with yourself and not so much with life and others as you like to believe. You are quick to pounce on someone or something else as the source of your irritation when someone or something else reminds you of your own mis-perceived inadequacy.
Something or another in the relative world is awry at one time or another, no doubt about that. Someone or something will offend you or drive you to distraction. Nevertheless, if you were not so hard on yourself, you wouldn’t take life as seriously as you do. You would not take it seriously at all.
You have a wounded picture of yourself. When someone else makes a mistake, their mistake is like salt on your wound. With your irritation with others, you are really saying:
“Don’t remind me ever again, not even once more, of my human frailty. For this reason, I pounce on you and can’t tolerate your inability to be perfect. I cannot tolerate my own errors, and, therefore, I absolutely can’t tolerate yours. I cannot tolerate anyone’s errors. It is automatic for me to want perfection from you, and I respond automatically when you reveal any dimension of imperfection. The more imperfect I perceive myself, the angrier I become with you. I like to believe that it is you who causes me grief when I am the cause, the one and only.

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A Stream of Life So Pure

One theme of your life has been: “What is this all about? Is this spate of life on Earth really life? What is it for, and why do I have to go through it? Why me? Why anyone?”
Juries in the world get excused from serving. Why not you, you ask. What possibly brings you here and now? Are you really supposed to deal with all that you are given to deal with when, from everything you know, it is too much for you?
There seems to be no respite for you. You are in for a dime or a dollar. You serve for life in the world so long as you are relegated to the world. You don’t even know how long you are here for. You feel the burden of all that you do not know.
Sometimes life seems interminable to you. You fear making it through, and you fear not making it through.
Of course, you have other moments when everything is just jim-dandy with you, yet most of the time you seem to know only vagueness, as though you are a wanderer in a land you happen to find yourself wandering in. You find yourself on Earth, yet you don’t know what you are doing here at all. You feel that there must be an error, or a repeated error that somehow you make, and you don’t know how to get away from where you find yourself at the same time as you fear getting away from where you are.
You know your time on Earth is measured, yet where the exit is and when you actually exit are not at all clear.


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