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Oneness of Light

You do not live as I do, for you inhabit space and time, as if in a space capsule. I do not live in errant time or space.
One way to say this is, of course, that I live in Infinity. I live Infinitely, and, of course, in Truth, so do you. Infinity is timeless. If, in the world, you could back out of space and time, you would be in Heaven. Freedom from the limitations of time and space would free you. The same world you live in now would, indeed, be a different world from the one you subscribe to now.
It is said that nothing is solid, that all creation is made of atoms whirling. What would atoms whirling be but Light, and what would Light be but Love Shining in All Its Glory? What would there be but Oneness, Oneness of Light and Oneness of Love? There would be no distinction between them. What would there be to analyze and dissect, and who would want to anyway? Who would there be to analyze anyway when the subject and the object are One?
Without space, there would be room for everyone in every heart. Without time, there would be no pause, no delay, no intermission, no slow, no fast. What would a heartbeat be then but easily identifiable as Love and Love Supreme? There would not be all these distinctions, nor would there be any use for them. Who would desire them let alone think of them? Oneness would exist without having to be counted or checked first. That’s as far as mathematics would go. What other possible use could there be for math when All is One, and One is All?

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You are Made of God’s Light

From your perspective, it is hard or even impossible to accept that you and I are One. Anyone can see so many variants between Us. You see that I know Everything. And when you are frank with yourself, you admit that you know Nothing. So, then, how can We be One and the Same and be so far apart? Helpless, hapless you and All-Knowing All-Powerful God?
To your mind, if you could take photos of Me and develop or download them, you can’t imagine a semblance. And beyond the surface levels, you also see a great leap between My capabilities and yours. It is too much to fathom. What other way can you take this far-flung idea but with a grain of salt?
That’s the whole thing, dear ones, if you could but know Who you are. If you could but fit that idea into your mind, well, how happy you would be. At this point, even if you didn’t know Everything, you would be grateful to know Anything that can stand up in this world and make sense to you.
So, then, am I saying that your powerfulness is hidden from you? Yes, I do say that. I’m well aware that you see yourself as a smidgeon next to Me.
You can readily perceive that you are a branch of Me or perhaps a twig of Me. You live a life for Me on Earth. You live through Me, and I also live through you. You weave tales of life and hold Me responsible for how your life turns out. Let’s be honest. Sometimes you see Me as the bad guy and sometimes as the good guy. What you make of life and what you make of Me is of your making. It is your story.

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Happiness from the So-Called Little Things

What, right now, right this minute, could make you happy for all time?
Quickly, you try to think. You think of this and that. You want to be happy, and you don’t actually know what would give your great happiness. If this is only one wish you can make, you would never want to waste it.
Happiness is elusive to you. You can’t hold it in your hand. As much as you might desire a new car, you know a new car is not your great fulfillment. Yet you are not at all sure what would be.
A true love perhaps? You have had one or two or more, and true love didn’t keep its promises.
A true mission would be good, yet, you ask yourselves sincerely, what would be enough to satisfy you?
You think the right answer must be God, yet you have no confidence in that answer either. You have had moments of remarkable closeness to God, yet where is it now? Where is that joy? It seemed to vanish. Suddenly, it wasn’t there any longer. You don’t know where it went.
A day at the beach is nice. Winning the lottery must be nice, yet when will that happen, and how long will that initial joy last until you come back down to where you started.
Right now you don’t know anything that will last. It must be God Who will be eternal fulfillment, yet God feels far away at this moment.

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In a Garden

All good is on its way to you. Are you ready to receive? This is the question I ask you.
You say: “You bet, God, I am ready to receive. Bring it on.”
Even so, you may have some attachment to having something to find fault with. Some attachment perhaps to being wronged and put upon. You are so accustomed to your life being a battle fought on all fronts. The fists of your mind are ready and waiting for a fight. You have your dukes up. What is the tenseness you carry with you but readiness to fight? What is tenseness but that? And what good does this tension-producing readiness do for you?
Have the idea that you do not need to defend yourself. Let go of need to defend in the same way you let go of need to offend. You don’t need either.
What if you could live in a friendly world that wants you here and wants to treat you well? If you would put your dukes down, you would come to see this as so. Let down your barriers. Tenseness is not your friend. You don’t need its protection. Tenseness does not protect you anyway. It rattles you, it makes you nervous. Put down your arms. Tenseness isn’t giving you much help anyway, is it? It does you no good. It keeps you in restraints.
If you want to relax, let go of any perceived need to be tense, and you will know relaxation. Take a vacation from tenseness. Be done with it. Why would you keep it? Don’t be a hoarder. Let go of all that doesn’t serve you or the Kingdom.

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Lean towards Love

It is natural to think of others and on behalf of mankind altogether. World thoughts for survival have mis-distributed the idea of loving others as yourself.

“Kill or be killed” is not the theme of your life, nor is it the theme of most people’s lives, although this theme is carried along less dramatically in expressions such as: “Look out for yourself,” and “Get while the getting’s good” or “Take the biggest piece of pie” or: “Think of Number 1.”
These ideas may still be rife on Earth. For many years, life has been for survival, yet you are here for more than survival. “For the good of all” is something to remember. Unquestionably, you are here on Earth for more than yourself. You are here for Me.

Bear in mind it’s possible that a woman who spends a great deal of her time in spas and on beauty treatments, by her very beauty, may inspire others. Of course, it might be a sound idea for this woman to treat another woman to a day at a spa. Love is what We are speaking of here, after all.

Some people may spend their lifetimes seeking enlightenment yet seeking enlightenment for themselves alone, the way others might seek a fur coat or a new car. They are desperate to have enlightenment and may not be thinking of anyone else.

There is a big world, and good hearts are to encompass the world. Less self-centeredness is part of being enlightened. If all the money in the world could buy enlightenment and someone who has been a “me, me, me” person all his life becomes enlightened, could he continue to be self-centered?

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If Life Were an Orange …

Lean back. Forget about what’s on your mind. Let your mind be free and your heart full. Life is not an ogre that you must run away from. Life stirs your heart. Let life stir your heart clockwise, not counterclockwise.
Life may keep you on your toes, yet life succors you. You may often feel that life is after you, and you wish life would mind its own business and be on the sidelines. The truth is that you are on the sidelines. You just haven’t learned this. Although you do set up your life and point it in certain directions, life isn’t for you to boss around. Life is not meant to be a call to arms. Life accommodates you as much as it can. Even when you feel steamrolled or railroaded, life isn’t steamrolling you or railroading you. It’s just that life has a different agenda from yours. In a manner of speaking, you are not meant to take life personally.
If you did not take life so personally, you would not be so fraught about life. There doesn’t seem to be any end to what you take on to worry about in life.

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You Know What Love Feels Like

Even as loving is the mastery of the world, you see absence of love too often and fullness of love too seldom. If you look at the newspaper, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt abandonment, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt unloved or unappreciated, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt misused or taken advantage of, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever disliked someone, you understand Me clearly. If you have ever felt sorry for yourself, you understand Me clearly. As a giver of love or recipient of it, you know what love feels like and you know very well what absence of love feels like.
Love does not have to be proved. You don’t have to prove your love to anyone, and there is no one who has to prove his love to you, nor do you have to prove that no one loves you. Have you not perhaps spent enough time and energy on your own sense of being unloved and unfairly treated? You might do well to get out of all the compunction you have for yourself, and put some attention on loveliness. Put on some new glasses, beloveds.
A tradesman has to take pride in his work, or his work will be sloppy. In order to do good work, a tradesman has to attend to what he is doing. He can’t take the line of least resistance. No matter if he has been heralded as a master craftsman, he still has to take pains with his work. He has to pay attention to details. He has to measure. He has to cut straight lines. He doesn’t leave his work up to chance. Is there anyone who would not agree with this?

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Que título Deus te deu?

Amados, não é necessário entender tudo o que se passa na vida. Não é uma exigência da vida, que tenhas uma resposta ou explicação. Oh, sim, seria bom entender tudo e não ter mais questões. “Então foi assim que isto aconteceu. Então é isto que isto significa. Agora vejo tudo do princípio ao fim.” Contudo, esta não é a forma como isto é principalmente na vida no mundo.

É quase impossível traçar o caminho da vida. Provavelmente, apenas tens que encolher os ombros e continuar. Tu poderás ter que aceitar. E o que significa aceitar?
Significa apenas deixar ir e seguir em frente. Isto é progresso na vida. Deixar algo ir e continuar a mexer-se para a frente.

Eu não te dei o título de Investigador da Vida. Eu não fiz de ti o Guarda dos Registos da Vida. Fiz de ti um viajante. Se o hotel onde páras esta noite não é da qualidade que preferes, levantas-te de manhã e continuas e procuras um hotel mais agradável onde possas passar a noite.

Amados, que mais há a fazer? Podes-te ressentir do hotel que ficaste na noite passada. Podias fazer dos hotéis bem avaliados uma causa. Podias processar. Podias prender a tua vida ao passado e pensar que és um cruzado.

O que se passa é o seguinte, amados. A vida não tem que seguir o teu esboço dela. Tu tens mesmo é que seguir a vida como ela vem e continuar a seguir em frente. Tu não queres regredir. Tu não queres viver no passado para sempre, tentando voltar atrás e arranjá-lo segundo os teus padrões. Simplesmente não sabes o suficiente.

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Sit Right Here, Near God

Weeping is a mechanism that lets go of sorrow. Yet you do not really want to be done with sorrow. You may say you do. You may think you do, yet you drown yourself in tears of sorrow, and somehow, and somehow the sorrow is a comfort to you. Weeping assuages something within you at the same time as it opens wounds and puts salt on them. When you don’t know what else to do, you cry. It is not a show-down. It is not coming to terms with your self-avowed heartache. It is just weeping, and sometimes you don’t really know why. You can list reasons, yet you don’t really know why.
It is not wrong to cry. If it is a release, it is a release you need at the time. You don’t know what else to do. Often your woe doesn’t have a name. It is an unnamed woe in your heart. There seems to be no end to it. When you turn the pages of your life on Earth, you feel abandonment. Time has passed, and loved ones are no longer with you. Your crying may come down to this:
“What am I going to do without my friend? I have lost a friend. I have lost mother and father and brothers and sisters and more friends that I can count. In many ways, loved ones are lost to me in a distance of time and space. Oh, how I would visit with my lost friends now if I could.
“I am bereft at life. Life is an ache in my heart. I am sure life is not meant to hurt so much.

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Crowded in Time and Space

Everyone on Earth is a Divine Being. On Earth, you are also a human being. In other words, you are Soul, and you are also human being. You are Divine and you are also physical, and therein lies the rub.
Yes, you can reach far further than you imagine, and you can accomplish far greater than you imagine. Yes, you are a Super Human Being, yet you are not yet Superman who can leap tall buildings in a single bound. In a body, you get bogged down in time and space. Truly, you are beyond time. You are Infinite. This is not a new idea to you, that you are Infinite. Of course, You can accomplish far more than you imagine, yet there is a bugaboo called time. So long as a clock is ticking, there are only twenty-four hours in a day, and there are limitations put upon you. You are unlimited, yet on Earth, you are limited by time and space. In time and space, you can be too crowded.
There is no way I ask you to over-extend yourself on Earth. Exhaustion is not a virtue.
Certainly, there are occasions when you exert yourselves. There is a deadline. You want to keep your job. An employee doesn’t come in, and you have to work a double shift. You are a doctor on call, and you give up much of your time to the care of others. You are a mother, and sometimes mothers work around the clock.


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