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Are the Innocent to Feel Guilty?

God said:

You are at a turning point. This is how it is every day. Every single day you are making choices. Every single day, you go in one direction or another. Of course, it is good for you to take Life in your stride.

Every choice has bearings.

Possibly, your choice of which coffee shop to go to this morning will have bearings on your Life. But, hey, there are choices that you can’t figure out, and you have to take pot luck. You cannot dwell on decisions overmuch, or you may ponder your Life more than you live it.

You cannot know ahead of time at which coffee shop you will find your own True Love or be discovered by a movie agent, and your whole Life changed – or not.

How can Life be figured out? There are no guarantees.

Even after the fact, you cannot always know for sure the meaning of what a whole story really is. Even a bona fide mistake is not a mistake, for you gain Life Experience.

Great difference or none, at the moment of decision and even in retrospect -- no one knows. Had you taken another road, you don’t know whether that road would have been for better or for worse. Again We come to the unpredictable and wondering what might have been. Was it all Destiny anyway?

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Room for All in the Universe

God said:

Talking about space which does not truly exist, even so, just the same, there is plenty of room for All in the Universe. Indeed, you, All My Children, are the Universe.

Exclusion happens in the world, and it has happened to you. This too happened to the Innkeeper who thought he was excluding others rightfully from his inn. Limited Awareness had taken him over. An adverse decision had been made, an adverse decision based, no doubt, on consideration of payment, as though a human Being’s worth is to be tied up in coin. A mistake was made without consideration of Soul and of My Will that there be Love.

Now, please, dear businessman, do not think for one minute that I do not understand how it is that the Innkeeper was caught up in his practical-seeming business needs. Therein lies the sadness that the Innkeeper did not know Who his Visitor was. He did not cognize that the Visitor was himself as well.

Uni means One. Verse could be considered to mean poetry. Then Universe means One World, one Line of Poetry. Consider the Universe as a Song Sung. It is indeed a Song of Oneness I Sing without end.

Now everyone is growing to the Awareness that he, too, will come to Sing the Song of Oneness loud and clear.

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Once-upon-a-Time Never Happened

God said:

“Until we meet again…” is a poetic way in the world to say: Good Night, Good Morning, Good Day, a loving way to say: So long, See you later, Alligator! in a rhyming casual fashion.

“Until we meet again…” The words are thoughtful. In terms of Earth Life, the words give sway to the world glance at temporariness. The words say, in terms of housed-in bodies, you are alive on Earth today. It’s not clear yet about tomorrow. Something risky could happen, and it might well be the end of you – Boom!

In Truth, you are never in danger of not Being, for day or night, in Sunshine or in rain, at play or at work, you are unending Being.

Life is made of more than Activity in the world. Life is made of far more than the physical. There is much to read between the lines that may have passed over your head.

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God said:

Good morning. Rise and shine. This is My Message to you today. Take it to heart.

As you begin your day, so goes your day.

You, be the Sun that rises.

Bring Sunshine into your Life and to the world. The world is you. We can tell the world by how you appear. You are the metronome of the world. You are the decider of the world. You call forth your day and spread your day around the whole world and onto the galaxies.

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The Real God Stirs within You Now

God said:

Yes and No about going along with where your heart wants to take you. Yes and No. There are times you resist going along with your heart, however. It’s okay! How do you know when your Heart is telling you true or taking you down the garden path? When is your Heart true, and when is it whimsy?

Sometimes you might like to fly off without any responsibility. You want to be free of responsibility at least for a while. You may go with your desires every now and then as a free spirit. Other times you may well have passed opportunity by and thought yourself wise. Once upon a time, you were perhaps sure or, at least, hopeful that there would always be better opportunity waiting for you down the road.

Perhaps the lure of partying egged you on. Nothing wrong with having a good time. Parties are a good thing. So is applying yourself. Years spun past you. Suddenly later seems behind you. Oh, no, where did the non-existent time go?

Maybe you took the easy road, and now you feel what you saw as a good future ahead of you no longer exists. You could have been a great athlete. You could have been a great artist or a good designer, yet you were off somewhere. What you were sure would always happen didn’t. Now you see through a long tunnel of what might have been.

I tell you what -- be glad for the Life you live now.

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Just for You – and Everyone

God said:

You don’t know what I am going to do next, do you? By the same token, much of your Life is revealed to you how and when it is revealed. You find out Life as you live it. There is no rule that requires that the progress of your Life, in the long run or day-to-day, is laid out. It’s okay to find yourself drawn to something here and there.

You may also be someone who loves to plan a week’s menu, or you always eat oatmeal on Friday mornings. Life also holds choices and change, and you also change your mind. And, oh, yes, Life holds surprises, and surprises can be welcome guests. Life can be fluid and not so hard and fast as you may think.

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God Describes the Process of Godwriting

God said:

Godwriting is an experience of Oneness whether you are aware of this at the time or not.

I, God, AM the Author of that which comes to you and flows through you. You hear Me, sense Me, vibrate to Me at a level deeper than seeming ordinary everyday thought. Godwriting is an experience of Oneness.

The process of so-called ordinary thinking is no less a blessing or outright miracle than Godwriting is.

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You Are Ever Sprouting New Leaves

God said:

You, who My Art My Created Beings, you do not stay the same. You cannot stay the same. You may want to stay in your nest with your favorite blankie pulled around you. You may want to stay safe and comfortable and not change gears. Dear Ones, what is the extant world about if not change? Life does not stay the same.

You may seek to dig your feet in because you desire to feel grounded and stable. Beloveds, groundedness comes from deeper than the evidenced world.

Let’s look at Heavenletters for a moment and their place in your further expansion.

This Heavenletter looks at how it it may be for all the dear assembled Heavenreaders as you read My Words.

On occasion, when Heavenletters appear before you, your Heart is so enthralled and light-hearted -- it is as if I kidnapped you! The world is so wondrous that you feel I hand-picked you for a certain Heavenletter, perhaps even that I wrote it expressly for you. Something happens to you when your Heart is taken by a favoritHeavenletter.

Sometimes it can be as if I race off with you at the Speed of Light. I twirl you around. You can hardly catch your breath. And then I plop you back down where you started from.

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Every Word Has an Effect

God said:

All your thoughts, all your words, all your dreams – while you are thinking them -- you are creating them before your very eyes. Everything is what it is, yet everything is more than what it may seem to be. You may stay still, yet you seem to move along. You may be wise to the world at the same time as you are without a clue, My Dear Ones.

Words make pictures. Words, whether spoken or not, are also vibrations. To say: Lie down in green pastures means more than the words themselves. There is a form, yet there is that from which a form is made. A form can assemble or dissemble. There is meaning greater regardless whether you catch on or not.

Songs are songs, yet a lullaby is not a march. Music is music, yet a harp and gongs playing the same notes are yet far apart in the paths they take. It can be said that music and you elope.

Even a made-up nonsense name has an effect. Every single word you speak or every single thought you think conjures up something somewhere. Hello! Every word, thought, action produces an effect that goes around the world.

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Not for Your Own Glory

God said:

In Life, there are times when you are to take a back seat, when you don’t have to be the Star of the Show, the Show Stopper, the Scene Stealer.

Sometimes, stay in the background. Sometimes, be quiet. The limelight does not have to be yours.

Sometimes, you don’t have to raise your hand first. You do not have to know the answers. You don’t have to tell the whole story.

Sometimes, be like the gloaming, a quiet time of day between sunset and dusk. It is the hush of a moment. You don’t have to be the amazing bright orange or purple or rose of the setting sun. You can be a quiet pause, not here to awaken the world to your brilliance. This isn’t to be a wild cheering scene. It is a moment when twilight becomes dusk.

Or, it is the moment when night recedes and ushers in the dawn. It isn’t High Noon.

You don’t have to go a hundred miles per hour.

There is no race you have to win.


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