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Ride Two Horses

God said:

Well, Beloveds, you have bet most of all your pennies in one direction when, all the while, there is another direction for you to go in – a direction that will take you to Greater Heights and Greater Depths for the Ride of Your Life. You will reach all these only so long as it takes you.

In your possession, you have one horse to pull you in your carriage and another horse for you to ride bareback. The first horse is named Earthbound. The other horse is known by many names familiar to you, one of which is Higher Awareness of Magnificent Love.

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Chock-Full of God’s Love

God said:

 On the Constant Occasion of My Love for you, I AM ever-present whether you catch on to this or not. 

 From My view, the Essence of My Love holds you in the Cradle of Love. My Love ever fully shines on you. This can only be because the Universe, Heaven and Earth, are chock-full of My Love. We can say it is My Radiant Love that shares itself with your Radiance. Awake! 

 Your Radiance is the same as My Love. I am certain of My Love. You tend to lack Awareness of Who you are. You may find Truth difficult to believe when you get enrapt in fiction and hold on to fiction as if to save your very Life. 

 You are encased in Love and full of Love, and that’s it. Love is what is and all that there is. There is no reason for you to ask for more Love except you bemoan that somehow you have covered up the Love that you hid away, waiting for your Love to come out from somewhere without your telling it to. 

 Wake up now to the Love that fills the Universe and fills you with Love from within and without exception. You are Love, and you are Love Pure.

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Riding on the Wide Waves of the Ocean

God said:

What would you like to speak out about today or delve into or forget about? Where would you like to start, and where would you like to wind up?

You may not want to wind up ever. You may just keep turning and winding around the imagined world you live and love in that seemingly revolves outside you for all the world to see, yet when does the world ever really see you?

By now, you know there is no world outside. There certainly seems to be a world outside, yet all is within. The world is all how you see it and say and express and live it.

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Which Side Is Your Bread Buttered On?

God said:

What if you could start an all new Life, start from now without holding anything over from the past that is unfavorable to you or to anyone who may have caused you or anyone heartache. If you could start over, where would you start from now?

If you could start over with a clean slate, what age would you be when you start over? Where would you live? What would where you live be like? Would you live in the same state or country as you do now?

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Why Two Sides, Beloveds?

God said:

It would seem obvious that it is better to love than not to love. I am saying point-blank that best of all in all the world is to Love. Do you believe that vindication comes first before Well-Being, before Health, before Freedom, before Good Will, and, therefore, before My Will?

Who wins in war? Is there any debate but that there are great losses even on the so-called winning side? When all is said and done, what can be won but ego, and what good does ego do for anyone but to make rosy their cheeks for a few moments in a misspent fervor of glory?

Who in his right mind would want to believe in revenge as something to be sought after and feel good to accomplish in the name of spitefulness? If there were something good in trouncing another, I would tell you.

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The Greater Joy You Are

God said:

It is like you walk on the Great Sea and a little individual Sea all at once when the Truth is that you are the Eternal Sea.

You are the Unbounded Infinite, and you are a drop of water who imagines that a drop of water is all that you are. Or, you imagine yourself as Everything and Nothing at all and all at once when you are ever truly Infinite.

The Truth is you are all-important. The Truth is you are everything I say, yet you see yourself as insignificant in a little land. As it happens, the Great Soul of you exceeds worldly Significance. You may play hop scotch around the edges of the playground that exist only on the perimeter of the Real You.

I am all for play. Enjoy. Yet there is greater Joy within you than you hardly dare squint at. Or you look at this Greater Joy as you might look at a Fairy Tale. You don’t yet quite dare to grasp the greater fields within you to explore, for these greater fields are not yet metered. You see them as uncharted while you perform a charade. In actuality, you are well-versed deeply in the Silence far more than the charades you enter into.

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Open the Eyes of the Universe

God said:

Of course, it does matter how you feel and what you say. Your desire to be heard, really heard, is great. What matters more is Who you are and what you consider yourself to be. What worth do you set on yourself?

There is nothing you have to be but Who you are. Words go only so far. Words are a lot, yet they are not everything. You are everything. The world view is nothing next to Who you are. You may demerit yourself.

In Truth, you are a different matter altogether from what someone may suppose. You are supposed to be you, not someone else’s estimate of you. To say you are worth gold doesn’t begin to state your value. You, the concept of you as you are purported to be in the world, may be a falsehood perpetrated upon you. Do not believe for one minute the world’s estimate of you, nor the world’s estimate of itself.

No one sees you clearly enough. Doubt is an epidemic in the world passed on from one to another. No one begins to know your worth. No one begins to know your legacy, not even your mother, and least of all you. Nor do so-called others, even those with the most bravado, know who they are.

I know what I wrought, and I know your worth. What am I worth? You are worth the same. No matter what the Earth ascribes to you, you are Heaven-borne and distributed on Earth as a Lighted Star.

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No More Hard Feelings

God said:

What is patience but waiting? That is, waiting without impatience.

What is impatience but being too excited to wait? Your anticipation is strong, or you are just too eager for something to be done and over with.

It is said that all good things come to he who waits. Sometimes you serve the world by catching a falling star just like that. You run to catch a star or a baseball and then slide into first base.

In the world, everything seems to depend upon something else or everything else, and who knows why there are fumbles? You may figure them out after the event, yet what good are explanations anyway, especially after the fact?

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Calm Is the Truth of You

God said:

The closer you come to Me, the closer you come to your Self. Come closer. I am the Door you open to show you the way to your Self. Here am I. Here are you. Here within lies Our Oneness, the One of Us, the One and Only.

Life on Earth is a play you take part in. Look, Life in the world is stagecraft, you understand. Note all the effort you give to this drama. Effort is a sign of drama. Effort is not exactly the Truth of you. Effort is contrived. To be is to be natural. It is easy. It is not effortful. A performance comes from effort.

Calm is the Truth of You. Stress is drama and far from the Truth of You. Nice and easy is the Essence of You and, therefore, the Truth of You.

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Dancing in Heaven with God

God said:

Each day is a miracle, yet not every day seems like a miracle to you. You like excitement of one kind or another, some stirring of excitement -- only so much of excitement unless the ordained excitement happens to be something you desire big time. You might not mind extraordinary excitement of the kind that would take you up to the moon. If you won the biggest lottery in the world, you would accept this yet not any of the excitement from being beheaded or tossed into prison.


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