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The Truth of All That Which You Surely Are

God said:

Do you hear Me loud and clear? Do you hear My Voice over the throngs of other voices that run through your head? Do you hear Me now louder than Life? Do you hear Me, and do you listen to Me with all your heart? You have longed for Me all the days of your life. Whether you are aware of this seeking or not, this is so. This is your story. I am the basis of you, and it is I that you seek.

Time and time again, you have arbitrarily sought less. I have always sought you. I have always sought for you to know your worth. You have found this difficult to do. Hmm, I have to wonder why it is hard for you to accept your worth and even the worth of anyone's Life and the worth of all Life in the World.

You have bought fancy hats, and you have walked in parades, and yet you have veered from your purpose, following after one chase or another. All the same, you went off on tangents and forgot My Name.

Of course, it is not My Name you have to know. It is your name that you have to know, your name in Heaven beyond your known name on Earth. One way or another, you seek your Identity. You may run away from it, yet you are ever seeking to know Who and What you are.

You wonder about the meaning of stars, and you are entranced with one or another movie star. All the while, you have had the knowing somewhere within you that you were chasing fancies. At any cost, you absconded from your True Identity.

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Out of the Whirlwind

God said:

It would seem as if Life Itself has moods, yet Life just moseys along, doing what Life does. Life is not a snow plow, yet Life does seem to plow along without particular regard to who or what gets in its way.

Life isn't exactly obstinate, nor does Life exactly debate its choice. Whatever befalls, be it tornado or drought, Life seems to be impartial. Nevertheless, no one escapes Life, yet some seem to be more caught up in it while some seem to more observers from out of the whirlwind.

You can speculate and speculate on Life, trying to figure it out, yet Life does what it does. Life plays its cards, as it were, while it zips right along. Life doesn't look back. What can stand in Life's way?

Life has its work to do, and Life doesn't hesitate. Life does as it does and doesn't debate the turns it takes. Sometimes Life is great fun, and you roll down its hills. Sometimes Life seems to be helter-skelter. Life leaves in its wake what it leaves in its wake. Life doesn't diddle-daddle. There is nothing wishy-washy about Life. Life's rudder is set. It acts like the Ocean. Nothing can get in its way. Nothing is strong enough to stop it.

Life seems to have its instructions, and it follows them to the T without detour. Life does not hem and haw. Life seems to gallop. Life doesn't seem to ever be undecided or unsure of itself.

Life runs through the ramparts. Life takes no prisoners, yet Life can leave tumult in its wake.

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Choose Miracles, Not Worries

God said:

All of Life is a Miracle. Of course, it is. Therefore, it is clear that I am a Miracle-Worker. It may not be so clear to you that you are also a Miracle-Worker.

You may have no idea of how commonplace Miracles are. Miracles are rife, right and left. You are tripping over Miracles like sand on the beach. You may be oblivious. Likely, you carry heavy thoughts of troubles more than you carry Enlightened Thoughts of Miracles.

Somewhere along the line you put aside thoughts of Miracles and planted thoughts of worries instead. Thoughts of woe grew like weeds. You worked the soil. You overturned dandelions in good soil like you can't believe.

I am speaking of you. What I say relates to you, not just others. You have gotten good at promulgating worries. You seem to exalt worry. Of course, you are not the only one. That’s beside the point. You major in worry successfully. You are master of worry. It could be that no one is better at worrying than you. In any case, you are good enough. You pass all the worry tests with flying colors.

This is not to your betterment. Nor is this to the world's betterment. Nor is this to the betterment of history.

Grow a good crop. This is organic, beloved. You want to plant good crops that benefit all. What is Life-sustaining? Good thoughts. Fill the Earth with good thoughts that pull Earth up to Heaven. Enough of down-pulling thoughts. Make your mind fertile with thoughts to be proud of.

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God & Friends

God said:

In the loneliness of your hearts, I hear some of My children whisper:

"God, I do not feel that I have friends."

You may have a novel reader's idea of what friendship is. Friendship is something you are pulled to and also pulled away from. You want it, and you don't want it. You feel that there are many others in life who have a multitude of loyal and true friends that stay, yet not you.

You have had it with romance the same. You wonder why you invested so much of your heart in romance when romance never came true for you. Never lasted. Romance for you dropped by the wayside, and so you mourn, and so you rue.

There are those who share the Earth with you who may get disappointed in Me and even rail against Me, whereas, with Me, you are salient. If love were a ship that sails, I am that ship you sail on. You may be disappointed in Life yet never do you feel that I let you down. Come what may, you experience Me as here for you. I buoy you. Odd, isn't it, that you have such a resourceful relationship with Me and, yet, perhaps not so much with your fellow travelers.

Friendship is a challenge for you and a challenge that makes you sad. Without much to-do, you and I have an understanding. You understand Me. You feel My Steadfastness. You‘re taking comfort in Me.

You don't keep Me on a leash. People you tend to keep on a leash, and, therefore, you are tied up with what you see as disappointment. With Me, you feel enriched.

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Life on Earth Is Not about Certainty

God said:

It is definitely not a good idea to spend your life feeling sorry for yourself. By the same token, it is not a good idea to spend your life pitying anyone either. Feeling pity isn't good for you to send out any more than pity is good for you to receive. Feeling pity isn't an achievement. It's more like a dismissal.

Of course, naturally, this isn't to say you are to be hardhearted. Being firm is not the same as being severe. You do not always have to be the good cop. There is plenty of merit in the world for directness. Do not mistake directness for unkindness. You are not meant to be a sob sister in life.

Beloveds, what you see as someone's lot in life may well not be the way the person sees his own life. You know, be careful about making any kind of pronouncements about your life or another's. What you say may ring a bell of finality. Do not settle someone's life, nor settle for the world's distinctions of your life as if what the world says is your template to go by. Don't take a blotch on the surface of your life or anyone's life as the summation of the Life Itself.

Outer appearances are not a model to go by. This is why it is said, when someone appears at your door, be gracious, for the seeming beggar could be a Sainted Being. Have you not dismissed people in your heart because of their outer appearance? Opportunity isn't something you want to miss.

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The Playing Field of Infinity

God said:

What do I most want of you? I do not think so much in terms of superlatives as you may. I don't think of excluding anything from you. I do want you to undo any shackles you may have enchained yourself with. Superlatives, of their very nature, can only confine you.

Yes, it is My Desire that you be unbound. This means that you are to be free. Free of what? Not so much free of but free to. To be free to soar. To be safe enough to dare to be free. To be free from clutching either the past or the future as if past and future were the extent of you. In any case, you are free to let go. You are free to be free. You are free of all that may have held you back – and held the world back from its Ascension.

Fear has gone out the window. Any fear that you previously held tight goes out the window and disappears from the skyscape. You abandon fear on behalf of every Being in the world. Fear is no longer an entity that is going to pounce out at you, nor will fear grab at anyone, near or far.

You have reconfigured your Self. Now you truly star in your life.

With fear gone, you are a stalwart human being. You are strong enough to be benevolent. You are connected to yourself and to Me. There is no more tugging at yourself. There is freeing yourself. There is yourself freed. Struggle does not exist. It cannot even be conceived of.

Away you go, right to your Selfhood with Me.

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Do You See Life as a Great Trial?

God said:

You desire this, and you desire that, and what you desire may be at two ends of two different spectrums. You have conflicting desires. You want everything. You may ask yourself: “What do I want more than what I already have?”, and yet you aren’t sure how to choose between two wants that seem to cancel each other.

An example might be that you want a love relationship, and you also may prefer to live alone. If you could have a peaceful loving relationship, you would be glad, yet you fear to tread where you have trodden before where peace is not.

You want to fulfill all your responsibilities, and you would very much like plenty of free time as well.

This is how you are conflicted. You talk back and forth. You talk yourself into an idea, and, in the next breath, you talk yourself out of the idea. You convince yourself that you can't be or have everything. Therein lies the rub.

Come from the idea that you can indeed be and have everything you desire. Come also from the idea that you are not in need, definitely not in desperate need.

Focus on your desires and less on what you believe you may be denied.

Midway is not always the solution. There is always a solution. There is always a way to be found. A way will come to you. Know this: Maybe you don't have to walk both to the left and to the right. Maybe you don't have to figure everything out.

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The Cards of Life

God said:

Along with your long list of wonderful gifts you long for, add this one: Add that you grow to be humble and that you stay firmly so. You are not asking to be more humble than anyone else. You are not even admiring being humble.

When you are humble, you are basic. You appreciate what you are granted. You also are not outraged at what you see as Life not having granted you all your desires to date. You know that you are deserving. You know this as you know how to take breaths without counting or ordering yourself to take them. The ability to breathe without thinking about it is ordained. It is already yours, so no need to pant for it.

Humble, you don't get high and mighty. You are not perturbed. Humble, you take Life as it comes. You don't feel that Life must do this or that. You do not feel overlooked or misbegotten.

What you do is to take Life without affront. What a great talent you have when you do not take affront. When you do not take affront, you put the Cards of Life, as they are dealt to you, in their place. You do not harbor them in front of you. You do not take them amiss. Your feathers are not ruffled.

It may well be that you desire good for yourself and good for others. Good for all actually. That you deserve all is a given. If anyone deserves good, you know you do. Now, humbly, you know it is on its way.

When you are humble, what you gain is equanimity. Desire equanimity. Desire peace for yourself and give it to the Universe and all the throng.

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Let the Sunshine In

God said:

Yes, there are people who are like snapping turtles. And people in such turmoil sometimes pop up in your Life, and, sometimes, as the expression goes -- when you least expect it.

In theory, you understand, that this is about the state snapping turtles are in. You are not the cause of their snapping. No matter what they and others may think, you are not responsible, yet someone may hold you responsible, and you may hold yourself responsible.

Let yourself off the hook. You are not the cause. Snapping turtles may perceive you as the cause. Their perception is the cause. I speak of other human beings who try to find excuses to live the life of a snapping turtle.

That someone is troubled and troubled apparently by you, this is not your doing – unless you happen to mean to trouble them.

Your task is not to be laden by others’ annoyance. Their annoyance is not for you to carry. Their annoyance is for you to drop, just as you might let a book fall to the floor when you turn off the light at night and go to sleep. Just as when you are finished with a book, now, just so, put down your grievance and be done with it.

Go about your day. Go about what is before you to do in Life. This is your Life We are talking about.

If you can be smart when it comes to reading books, so can you be smart when reading people who may be cross and snap at you. Your Life isn't to be ruled by anyone's irritation, nor is your Life to be ruled by your irritation.

Dear Ones, the Rule of Thumb of Life is to come back to Love.

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The Main Requirement I Ask of You in Service to Me

God said:

Listen carefully, devoted ones. Let Me tell you what your service to Me looks like to Me -- how I see your service to the world, to Me, and to yourself.

There is nothing greater than service to Me, yet service to Me doesn't mean you are to cut yourself too thin. There is no need to over-perform. Nice easy service to God serves the day.

In joy, you serve Me best. In strain, whom do you serve? Not yourself. Not the world. Not Me. You serve an illusionary Ideal. Whatever you do in service to Me, I say in big print: ENJOY!

Give generously. Give with all your heart, yet not give the skin off your teeth.

Enough trying to prove your goodness. You don't have to be the Best Giver in the World. You simply obligingly give what is yours to give. You give your all, yet you don't knock yourself out. Come from happiness rather than servitude any day. Do you understand Me?

It is said that I rested on the seventh day.

It's okay for you to sit up once in a while and read a dime novel.


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