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The Three Musketeers

God said:

There are not only three Musketeers who are all for One, and One for All. There is an Infinite number of Musketeers. No one is separate. The concept of separation is a world thing. It is not true. You, as you appear on Earth, are an individual. In Truth, you are Oneness Itself. Therefore, you are Everyone. You are One with All the Pictures of People, personally known or personally not yet known.

In a way, We can say that you as an individual seem to exist, yet that is a fraction of Who You Are. Oneness Alone exists. You and I are One, and that covers it. As We are One, there is Oneness Alone. You and everyone are One and the Same. Oneness takes care of the Whole Universe.

Oneness is definitely not aloneness. Aloneness is a figment of your imagination. Yet how strong is imagination.

Seeing may be believing, yet what you see does not mean that what you see exists as you see it. Singularity gives an impression, yet We are talking about Infinity.

In Infinity, there is Oneness and nothing but Oneness. Oneness is bigger than you can conceive. It's safe to say that Oneness and Infinity are One and the Same, so vast are We in Our Oneness.

You and your brothers and sisters are Oneness. A beggar or a rich man are annotations. In Truth, you are One with All. There is One Soul, and it is Mine. I am within you and everyone. One is One is One. There is no adding up. One exists, One Wonderful Oneness exists. God alone exists. This is the Vastness of Oneness.

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Divine Power Is Already Yours

God said:

What circumstances exactly are you waiting for before your Debut into Full Service to your Higher Self? The Spectacular Pre-Event you wait for, what is it? Thunder and Lightning? Night turning into Day? The Sky's Opening to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven? A promissory note? The Clanging of Bells? A Change in the Ocean Tides? The Stars' Waving to you? A Loud Voice of God Speaking in a Loud Deep Voice as if from a radio broadcast?

Do you fear being caught in an earthquake of great proportions? Or falling into a pit? Or simply not recognizing yourself? Or as if you are out of the equation? That you are simply gone you know not where, as if you have left your Individual Self behind?

When the time comes, your individuality comes with you. Somehow you got into a palace, and somehow it is taken as an ordinary thing for you to be there. It could be you do belong. It could be there is a Star Code on your back, and you are already in the House of God, accepted here, at Home here, belonging here as if you had never been anywhere else, which is, in fact, so.

You have always been right with Me. You saw the playground and tumult and didn't see Me right before you. Now you see Me. Now you shake My Hand, as it were, when, of course, Our Engagement is much more subtle. There is a sense of nothing being different except you are surrounded in solid gold instead of gold-plate. There is a glow. Your eyes have to get used to it.

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Surrender to Your Own Will

God said:

In a moment before dawn, you cried out to Me alone in the seeming wilderness: "God, show me, please, the way to go right to the core of Your Heart."
Dear Ones, you have yet a small resistance to surrender to your own will.
You want to attend a stag party just before your Wedding of a Lifetime. You want a little night off on the town, a futile resistance to the Enlightenment you were destined for. It’s like you joined the army, and you deign to go out on the town dressed in your own clothes for one last time. One little rebellion left as if against robes, and then, off you go.
Your commitment has always been to Me. Now, you want one last tumultuous fling, a little sputter you call freedom that signifies nothing at all. You can't go back to what never was. Now We wait only for your acknowledgement. You put off your acknowledgement of your acceptance.

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Love is Beautiful

God said:

Love is the name of the game on Earth. Love is of the essence, yet even Love does not have to be taken so seriously. That is, Love is meant to be light-hearted. Love does not have to be dramatic, nor does Love have to be veiled.

Love definitely does not have to be do or die. In no way is Love, covered up or dancing around, or Love Unrequited, meant to be tragic. Enough tragic romances have been written for all time. Now love is more like a song you burst into. Love is for everyone, no exceptions.

There is no lack of Love. Good Grief! You have My Love. Of course, you want Love and more Love. The thing is that Love fills your heart. Feel it? Notice Love.

It's not exactly that you take Love for granted, yet to take Love for granted is a powerful thing to do. At the same time, no big to-do has to be made about Love. Love Is the Expression of Life. You've heard it -- Love is Bloomin' Out All Over!

Even when flower bulbs are unseen in the ground, the flowers are all accounted for, all of them, the tulips, the lilies, hyacinths, the crocus. You name it. Even when Love, including your Love, is unseen, even when you don't notice the Love in Your Heart, even when your Love is fragile, delicate, timid -- it is still Love. Love is here, there, and everywhere, right and left, up and down, and every which way.

Even when windows are closed tight and you do not hear the Sound of the Sea, the Sea is nevertheless present, and the Sea is Roaring, and the Sea's Music Is Heard Somehow Somewhere.

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What Are Doubts Really?

God said:

You have questions. Some of your questions, you do not ask. Or you ask them in a round-about way. Your questions are often doubts in sheep's clothing. You ask your questions often to allay suspicions that lurk within you. What are doubts really but suspicions?

You may ask in your heart:

"Where does everything that comes to me and all of us on Earth Life go? If energy is never lost, where has my energy gone? Where is it? If human life on Earth cannot be lost, does that mean that energy, including mine, is not wasted? It seems to me that on Earth I do waste a whole lot of energy until I seem to run out and have no more for that day.

"God, I well know that beauty exists. I never forgot beauty, even as I have not always seen beauty before me. I believe in beauty, yet I also seem to believe in lack and in suffering. May my left-over energy of suffering disappear and only beauty remain.

"I believe that when my body dies, I will rise to a State of Beauty where suffering is not. I would wish that all suffering be removed. I come back again and again to doubting the value in any suffering. Is it really needed in Life? We're Your beloved children. We are ignorant. We are foolish. We don't know what we are doing. Couldn't we be enlightened on Earth from our first moment here? Do we really have to put in our time as we do? I understand that Life is a blessing, yet I do not want even a vestige of suffering, not even once more. Have I not had enough anguish?

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The Awakener of Love

God said:

There is one thought, and the thought is God. From the one Breath of God, sounds were dispersed. Language was born. From within the sound of God's Name, language was born. The thought of God multiplied and multiplies itself still into expression. We come back again to God, the Alpha and the Omega, and so the alphabet was born.

Language planted itself on Earth. Language became like a funnel. God thought, and sounds combined themselves. Thoughts burst into song. Notes reverberated. Thoughts became music. Music filled the Earth. Music displayed itself and shared itself. The Name of the Language was Love. Love was evident, and Love Prevailed. There was naught but Love.

If language is not a miracle, what is then? Love discovered Itself.

Babies practice making sounds. Babies understand words without a dictionary. They play around with sounds, and their little mouths form gurgling sounds which manifest as language and can only be recognized as Love.

Life is made of sounds vibrating. Sound the drums. Awaken the world to hear the pulse-beats. Hang out with the Language of Love. Swirl language around the Universe. Language meets. Language beats its gong. Trees bow down to language. Language is a different kind of flute that plays itself.

Birds sing. Even Silence speaks. There is nothing that is not meaningful. Meaning is declared. There is a truce among disparate languages. There is a language beyond language. A bell is tolled. And a nightingale sings.

Night and day are a matter of tone.

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Guilt Holds You Back

God said:

So much for time. It is true, Children of My Heart. You can't believe in time and all its repercussions, not when your eyes are open. A minute ago never was. You may legitimately be feeling heart-sore, down-hearted, down on yourself. Being down on yourself is naught but a parade of self-serving guilt. No more guilt. Guilt is not worthy of a Child of God.

I do not hand you a hair-shirt to wear. Don't give yourself more heartache with a view in mind of warding off what you may call your just deserts. Let yourself off the hook. You have punished yourself enough. Too much. End guilt now. Carry no medals of guilt.

Suffering is not – I repeat – NOT – your payback. Never. Immediately, excuse yourself from punishment. What is a sense of guilt but punishment? Sense of guilt is not a flag to wave. You don't make yourself more holy by lashing yourself.

Take off those thorns. Wear rose-petals instead.

Wear My Crown. My Crown is made of Golden Light. This is the same Light you radiate except you shroud yourself in clouds of self-reproach. You say you do not pass muster. You do not pass muster when you downgrade yourself. Stop this now.

Have you made mistakes? You have made some good ones. Get over them. Be done with them. Mistakes are run of the mill. Do not castigate yourself for mistakes. Reproach for mistakes is not worthy of you. Don't emphasize errors. Let go of them. You can't live your life entirely on the basis of not making errors and/or repenting them as if repentance were holy water.

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One Answer to All the Mysteries

God said:

You love a mystery. You love finding out what there is to find out. You are forever seeking more and more. You find the cherry on the top of the cake, and then there is another cake and another discovery to make – and another.

It is true you are never satisfied. You love to catch up, and you love to get ahead. It is yourself you chase. All that you search for is within you. You are the Finder, and you are the Found. You are the Treasure Who Seeks Your Self. You are the Treasure you are after. You are the discovery you make.

You are avid to bare your Soul. You want to know your Soul for your own Self. World fame is nothing next to the Reality of your hankering to know your Own Soul.

If Truth were known, you would know that you hold all knowledge within you, yet, as it is, you withhold your Grand Self from your little self. This is the skit you act in. Of course, you believe this heart and soul, yet it is, nevertheless, a trick you play on yourself as well as a trick you play on your audience. You are up to hi-jinks. You act as if you star in a play within a play, an actor within an actor.

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The Indweller of Your Heart

God said:

You murmur to yourself. You are so often chatting with yourself. You as speaker speak your heart, and you, as friend, listen to yourself. Naturally, I also listen to your murmurings. I hear you speak to Me:

"You are a God of Love Replete. Infinite God. You are a Miracle, and You tell us that we are miracles as well, although we are as if in two pieces, the Heart and Mind.

"The heart is my favorite, God. Fill my heart.

"Believe me, God, I am in awe of the Human Mind as well. We human beings are such a tour de force. It is amazing, all of it.

"We are so brave. We have no armor. We are defenseless, yet we defend. We block. We resist. We dig our feet in. We flounder for a sense of security, yet everything is moving under us. There is no solid ground. I have heard that we are made of atoms. We take a breath. We sigh.

"How good are we, after all, in managing life? It's like we were thrown onto a roulette wheel. We spin, and how we turn out, nobody knows. Well, ultimately, we know. You have told us. The route we don't know, even when we are sure we know.

"Maybe some people know, but I don't. I have never known. I am not at all sure who I am, where I am, where I have been, what is happening. So often I feel I am up a creek, God. I don't yet have my bearings. I muddle through."

Hear Me is what I say to you, dear child.

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Let Ego Play No More Jokes on You.

God said:

You, My beleaguered and heart-sore children, often ask Me for freedom and then beckon dependency to you with all your might.

Once and for all, give up overwhelming dependency upon words and actions from other people in the world. Be a free agent of your Life. Events and other people's responses in the world do not have to bounce you up and down. The world can be your happiness, yet your happiness is not dependent upon the world. Your happiness is dependent upon you. Have more confidence in yourself and Me.

If you believe in the idea that I, God, will provide, then lean back and let go of what seems to be your well-documented desperate reliance on smiles from the world. I smile at you. My eyes look into yours. You and I are all set to flourish.

I am telling you to give yourself freedom and not burden yourself with overblown needs. Get up from the ashes of disappointment, Cinderella.

Life sometimes seems to be biting. Despite all your gratitude for Life, you engage in one-upmanship. One-upmanship is equivalent to ego gratification. Do you really need your ego? Do you really require endless plaudits from the world?

Sometimes you feel chastened by Me. Perhaps every time your beautiful heart gets wounded, the worst is that you may feel that I have let you down. You feel that I use Life in the World and some of the people in it to give you a good whack when you wish I would not allow any such thing.

Hear Me now. Shrug your shoulders. Life is above the world. Say this to yourself:


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