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Set Sail for Happiness

God said:

Have an outcry of Love. No longer echo hardship as a matter of course. Okay, you have a pebble in your shoe. Okay, you have a sliver in your finger. Locate the Heaven you ache for.

I hear this outcry from you over and over again:

"Beloved God, I'm so tired of my heart's aching. There is so much for me to be utterly happy about, yet I'm not. God, how do I remove my angst? Once and for all, can't I be done with heartbreak? Must heartache be the permanent state of my malcontent as if it had been bequeathed to me?"

Beloveds, burst through the angst. There is another way for you to think. If you truly don't want the angst, let go of it. You don't have to keep it. You don't have to keep opening old wounds. It is an old wound that stabs at you. It is an old wound that tells you: "You are being left out of the party."

There was something that was supposed to be yours, and it was given to someone else. You were overlooked -- again. You find yourself in a tizzy of being overlooked, as if being overlooked were the worst thing that could happen to you. Yet somehow, you are the one who overlooks yourself.

It is sort of like tearing your own heart out. How many times and variant ways can you snip at your own heart when you could be giving your heart happiness? When you are so fussy, it's hard to be happy. You make yourself displeased. It is you who does not treat yourself well, for then, why wouldn't you bequeath yourself happiness in an everyday tempo?

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Flowers Bloom Every Year

God said:

Nature does not see problems. Leaves and flowers and trees and fertile fields come into bloom. If there should be a frost, nature knows that leaves and flowers and trees and all desires will reach up again. Tell Me, what does nature have on its mind? What on Earth does Nature worry about, I ask you?

Nature does not congregate and call a meeting about what to do concerning frosts or too hot heat waves! Nature doesn't think that way. Nature doesn't make lists of what to watch out for.

Nature flourishes, and this is the Story of Nature. Nature says strongly: "This is just fine. Tangles work their own way out."

Nature does not call a board meeting. Nature doesn't print out a newspaper saying: "Tut, tut. What problems there are. We must advertise them and make sure that everyone is in on the news and upset and wary."

Who says that all the untoward things in the world must be highlighted? Campaigns do not have to be started and alerts called. Nature just moseys along. Nature is about goodness. No alarms go off. No sirens travel around the Gardens Nature provides.

Nature is calm. No panic attacks. Nature is itself a balm. Nature loves. Nature refreshes and replenishes. Nature gives itself a High Five.

I wonder if you have been dancing a war dance right along as if war were propitious and called for.

Nature does not look for bad news. Nature never heard of it. Nature is not on the look-out for bad news. Nature is enjoying all over the place.

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The Transom of Life

God said:

An image appears to Me of My Children climbing through the Transom of Life. Another way to say this is that it may be that you enter Life less directly than is necessary. You may object to clear sailing. You may choose hard going or a roundabout way. You may row in Life obtusely. You row furiously, We could say.

You may have put on the apron of one who pounds an anvil when all you need is to smile and gather Life to you as, some day, you might gather your beloved grandchildren around you.

Has Life been irksome and difficult for you?

I ask you squarely: Must your life be like this? Must you be a penitent? Must you dig deep ditches? Could you not favor your True Self more?

You could declare today a holiday. You could choose to lead a favored life. You could choose peace. You could choose more than you have been choosing.

What if you could forswear difficulties in life? What if you could be a bird and wake up singing every morning? What if the song you sing speaks of the arrival of dawn? What if you would sing to your heart's content? What if you declare the day you will engage in with joy in your heart?

What entanglement were you perhaps in this morning? What did you record on your bandstand? Can you not conduct the music you want? Who does choose the music that becomes your life?

Be friendly to Life. If Life has been arduous for you, sing a different song. Get yourself into a different groove.

Begin to see your life differently, and you set yourself up for joy.

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What Questions Could a God in Heaven Ponder?

God said:

I hear My Light Workers cry out to Me:

"Beloved God, please help me to help make Your dreams come true. Of course, part of me feels silly to think You need anything from me, yet here I am, feeling that I am to take care of You, do for You. What can I do for You? You are the Doer. I am not the Doer. You do not even have to do. You ARE.

"Of course, God, with or without me, You find a way. With or without me, You triumph. Maybe the thought that You need me is my silliness, or, maybe You give us assignments to keep us from getting into trouble. It is most likely that You are thinking of us and not Your needs at all. Of course, You have no needs. What needs can You have, God in Heaven?

"I have to remind myself that in the Heaven in which You live, dear God, there is no time. You don't rush. You don't have to hurry. Where you are, hurry does not exist. From Your point of view, all is already accomplished. It accomplished itself. There is no doing at all.

"From Your perspective, there is no when or how or any of the questions on Earth that Your children ask so pitifully. It is smooth sailing for You. You set a dial, as it were, and all is done.

"God, You experience Totality and Infinity, so what questions can You ponder?

"Is it only here on Earth that human beings believe there is unkindness going on, smallness and the futility of war? How can mayhem exist when Purity of Heart and Mind encompass You? You don't seek a Vaster Vision. You already have it.

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True Joy

God said:

Do you know what ego is? Ego is pettiness. It is short-sidedness. If you knew your worthiness, you wouldn't bother with ego. As it is, you may feel overlooked, unimportant in the world, and you have an urgent desire to feel important. This is where ego steps in, ready to hornswoggle you and take you for a ride.

You tend to believe that importance is what you must have, as if importance in the world's eyes could be the mainstay of happiness. Not by a long shot. Seeking importance is the key to pomposity. Feeling you have to be first, ahead of the crowd, noticed, admired, dazzled makes you ripe for ego. Ego is a very small thing really. Ego reveals you as egotistic. Ego offers you fame and glory. Ego doesn't deliver.

No matter how engaged you may be in self-importance, ego falls short. Ego plays a trick on you. Ego doesn't enhance you. Ego knocks you down a rung or two. Ego comes before a fall.

You feel a need to be blown up. There is a full stature you would like to attain. Ego doesn't have the ability to give you this. The best ego can do is to fill you up with hot air.

If you truly want to be something in the world, you have to get out from thinking so much about how you are perceived. Let there be great things you want to do for themselves and not for the presumed importance you believe you must have. Think better of yourself to begin with. You don't need the posturing of ego.

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Out of Time

God said:

If you, like Me, were free of the burden of the concept of time, you would, like Me, never know impatience. As it is, you know impatience quite well. We can say you are an expert in impatience. The song you sing is Hurry, Hurry. Funny, you believe fully in time as a power, and then you see yourself as running out of time. Out of time, you tap your foot on the ground, and you tap your fingers on the table.

If you were without focus on time, you would be without anxiety or worry. You would not insist on right now. You would not talk in terms of later or late or too late.

Your headaches would disappear. There would not be a column for endurance or suffering or the concept of HAVE TO HAVE. Whatever is would be A-OK. There would not be waiting. There would be Being.

You would never be undone. You would never bite your nails. There would never be the question of When, O God, When?

You would not look around every corner with expectation. There would never be a lack of expectation either. Expectation would not be a question, for all would be yours, not in good time, yet always here and available. All would be open to you. There would be no keys to close locks.

Without time, doubt would not exist. There would be no emptiness. There would be no time to contend with. All the coffers would be full, and you would reach in as you willed.

Without the arduous concept of time, you would not age. Oh, My, how powerful are beliefs and concepts.

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Reaching Heaven While You Are Still on Earth

God said:

"Beloved God, will You give me energy in abundance to serve You? Will You give me the clarity to free all my Love and Responsibility to the Universe that you have already bequeathed to all of us?

"Clear my mind. Fill me with overflowing energy. Help me to be clear. Help me to let go of my focus on needs. Let me not pay attention to the slings and arrows and errors of my Life.

"If I want love in my heart – and, oh, how I do want love in my heart instead of the chatter that goes on and on over and over again. I am tired of being meager in heart and vitality. My mind will not stay still. It races all over the place. Give me tranquility.

"I am tired of challenges. I am tired of incidents here and there. I am tired of how I react to so much of life. Help me to climb the ladder to You. Help me to reach Heaven while I am still on Earth.

"I am grateful for the Life You have given me. You have given me great happiness, and, yet, I am not happy. I feel sullen and overlooked. I do not know what would make me happy. I am disjointed. I hover over life and cannot seem to settle down. I read every word You say, God. I agree with You with everything You point out, and, yet, here I am feeling rag-tail instead of inspired and inspiring. Oh, yes, dear God, please give me strength and inspiration. Fill me and everyone with the grace to receive.

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Let There Be Light

God said:

Welcome yourself to Planet Earth. Perhaps you have felt that your feet do not belong on Earth. You have wondered what you are doing here. Sometimes it has seemed to you that you are serving a sentence in darkness. You would prefer to have your feet off the ground.

You are on a trip, dear ones!

While you are here, you belong here. You are a visitor here. You were not born and bred here. In one sense, it can be said that you belong anywhere and everywhere. If you are here, you can know you are meant to be. Of course, I understand that this does not have to mean that Life on Earth is your cup of tea. You may indeed be bewildered.

You do try to get acclimated here. Most assuredly, you have tried.

This is good news, not bad news. You are someone who tries to be at home and to help others also be at home. You are a guest here on Earth for a limited time. You might as well make hay while the sun shines and make Life on Earth easier for all the bewildered ones who stand near you, and those who stand far away from you as well. In terms of Infinity -- where near and far do not exist -- everyone is near you. Rather, everyone is you.

Sometimes you do feel the pain of all, not only your own, except all pain in the world is also yours in any case.

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Life Is the Wonder

God said:

With the words Beloved God – even as I say so Myself -- what a way to start off your day! Do you know a better way? Do you know another way so golden to start your brain waves and your heart so simply and in such a lasting uplifting natural way? Two words that set you on track for your day.

Start off your day with the words Beloved God.  You can elaborate if you like. Remember this isn't a prayer or a request you are making. You are talking to Me. It is Truth. I am with you. Your pointing to the Belovedness of God reminds you of Our Connection. To start off at a good place – which is to say to start off strong -- grounds you in the Kingdom of Heaven wherein you truly abide.

Have you not on occasion started your day with: "Oh, no, I just want to go back to sleep."

In addition to not wanting to get up at all, have you also sometimes wanted not to go to work or to school or have to do anything that involves your going out into the world? Oh, how you may want to lounge in bed and not have to face the world! On some days this feels Heavenly to you!

Yet, in Life as you may know it, there is no break from the world, the world which you equate to be Life.

Sometimes you may wish to be someone without feelings, without even the most joyful of feelings for a while, for you feel that Life exerts equal pressure relevant to gladness and/or painfulness. At some point, you may just be ready to dispense with all kinds of feelings, inasmuch as one kind of feeling seems to require and bounce off another.

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God said:

Dear Ones, of course I know that you think of spending more time with Me. You do know I await you. You are sorry for the long breaks you may take away from your attention on Me. You say that you are too busy. Then, in the next moment, you confess under your breath to Me:

"God, what is the matter with me? How can I say I am too busy for You? Yet I do."

Ah, hello, this is life in the world. Life in the world pulls at you and teaches you busy-ness and hurry-hurry. And you step right up, ready to accept tearing your life in two.

The world is an instigator. The world at large is very good at promoting itself. The world sure knows how to market itself to you as of supreme importance. And so the world I made tries to steal you away from Me and, sometimes, too often, succeeds.

The world gets in your good graces. Well, hey, you live in the world. The world is of utmost importance to you. The world appears much more time-sensitive to you than I may seem to you.

Of course, I will always be waiting for you. There is always a later-on. Later, after everything else, you can get around to Me, for I am in Infinity where there is no hurry-up. It is so easy to skip over Our Relationship while the world is hurtling away, speeding down the runway, and you try to keep up with the frenzy of the world.

The world asks too much of you and takes away too much from you. It gives you deadlines, and you get your comeuppances when you don't meet these deadlines. The world calls out the way Henny Penny in the children's story did:


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