God said:
To live your Truth, to be in your Truth, to accept the Truth is no less than discovering a lovely glade in, of all places, right in your front yard. No longer is the glade hidden from sight.
You may have heretofore thought you lacked wondrousness. The Truth of you is that you are wondrous. To be a human being in a body reflects more of Heaven than you, at present, see. You do not see, yet you do merit.
You are what I created, and you are My Vision, and My Vision is true. Catch up to Me, and, therefore, to your Self.
I say you are a real-live breathing angel. I say you have the wingspread of an angel. You shake your head no.
You may tell yourself that you believe in Me wholeheartedly, while you tend to toss off what I declare as true, as if I am a nice misguided God far away in the sky somewhere. Do you indulge Me? Do you believe in Me, and doubt what I say? Do you say it is too big a leap to take Me at My Word?
Behind the Seen lies the Unseen. Stretch your belief in Me to believe, at the very least, in the possibility of what I say. If you have to use your imagination, then start with your imagination. Imagine you.
Sure, you are on Earth, and, sure, you are in a body. Nevertheless, you are Soul, and Soul, your Soul, has all the freedom in the world as in Heaven. You are, with body or not, a Free Soul. There are no heights you cannot climb. Spread your Wings of Belief. You are My desire come true. I more than believe in you. I created you as a Reflection of Me. My eye is keen.