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The Focus of Your Energy

God said:

That which is good for you in Life is sure to be simple. There are simple pleasures that go far.

Whatever the day looks like, know that the day, this day, is beautiful. This way you can allow yourself to be surrounded with beauty all day, why not?

Energy itself is beautiful. Energy exists. Tremendous energy exists. Light is energy, and you exhibit great energy and light. Even when you feel tired, great energy and light radiate around you. We are speaking of pure energy, energy more powerful than you are able to imagine. Your energy is not less powerful than the Ocean Tide.

Beloveds, you have Soul. You are Soul. You abound in pure energy.

Even on your deathbed, you radiate Great Energy. Your body is mighty, yet your body is the least of you. You have seen the difference between a body containing Soul and a body whose Soul has ventured forth. Energy is an expression of the Divine.

Even when you are working out at the gym and sweat pours from you, you are, in Truth, Pure Energy -- energy free and clear, energy beyond the surface of life. You are never without the depth of your Soul.

When you are happy, this is when your Soul Energy is usually most noticed. Obviously, beauty is greater than skin-deep. Beauty is energy.

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Sometimes You Envy the Nomads

God said:

What is this about losing things, one after the other? What is the real story? Losing is more a question of not finding what you are looking for. It's more a question of your asking: "Where did I put it?"

Perhaps there is too much on your mind. Perhaps you have too much squirreled away. You put something away... somewhere, or you overlooked putting it away. How could you blank out like this? Something so important to you. It is somewhere. Or it never was.

Sometimes, another day, the missing item appears before you. Here it is, suddenly right in front of you. And sometimes it is never found, and you feel a chunk out of your heart.

Human beings misplace things, even irreplaceable things. Even when you are on track in life, you lose track. Oh, for the simple life. Once upon a time, living life was simpler. You are certain it was.

You envy the Nomads who rolled up their blankets, took a pot or pan or two, perhaps some corn with them. That was their collection. No bills came in the mail or on the internet. There were no train schedules, no reservations to make and to remember. Life was lived, as it were, at your fingertips. There were no sock drawers. There were no socks to lose. Such a catalog of items never crossed your mind.

It could be that your mind has had to balloon with a huge table of contents. How many items can you carry in your mind?

You don't want your mind to have to be an encyclopedia of information.

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Hey, Let Go of Suffering

God said:

Have you, somewhere along the line in life, perhaps at an early age, learned that suffering comes along with the territory of Earth? That you must surrender to suffering, that one way or another, suffering will reach out for you and pin you down? Have you thought you must prepare for suffering, that you must steel yourself against suffering?

You are prepared. Ready, set, go. You stiffen against suffering. It is not so easy for you to bounce back. Perhaps you are resigned to a fate of suffering. You invent unfavorable odds and give yourself slim pickings.

My dears, getting yourself ready for suffering makes you tense. Anticipated suffering and the actual onset of suffering both make you tense. Suffering and/or fear of suffering render you pain. For this lifetime, you may been geared to wait for pain. You have been on the look-out for it. Ready and waiting for suffering, you make yourself a ready target. Life hits the bull's eye with you.

Surely, no matter how deep your desires may be, the fulfillment of your desires still leaves you with inevitably more desires to be desired and, in danger of not receiving. You forewarn yourself. You have more yet to want, and all your desires and their fulfillment thereof may not yet have reached your door.

Perhaps you have been addressing life in this way. You have been saying to life: "Hurry up! Get on with it. I am suffering. I am suffering because I am made to wait for what I desire. Life, answer my desires now. Gimme gimme what I cry for."

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Fear Thoughts, Begone

God said:

I, God, ask Myself, whose thoughts do I hear? Are these your thoughts I hear rumbling through the world, such as:

"Dear God, how I seem to be surrounded with obstacles, all these dragons that hold me back, further and further and more and more. It seems I can hardly hold my own let alone move forward. I am so tired of frustration. All that You say, God – do I prevent Your Words from sinking into me? I can't believe that life is supposed to be so thwarting. I endure, yet it all seems to be beyond my endurance."

Dear Ones, sometimes you feel at the mercy of your thoughts, as if your thoughts, as unwanted as they may be, rule the roost, as if defeat were your middle name in capital letters. Even as you know this cannot be true, your belief in what cannot be true leads you down a dark alley.

Do you really say that adversity is your Master? Adversity is not God. Adversity is a mistake of your thinking like so many other thoughts. These thoughts of yours may come and go, yet there are too many wasteful thoughts that don't seem to leave you alone.

Is fear a thought? Fear must be a fearsome thought that you have the ability to shrug off yet, so far, have kept to you. Old thinking about your inability to rise above seems to hound you. Your wayward thoughts do not have to be so illustrious as you make them out to be. Serve Me, friends, and not your thoughts.

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Life in 3D

God said:

What are the building blocks of your life? The building blocks are love. If not love itself, a search for love or a rebuke toward love. Many a song and a dance pass for love even though love is being impersonated. Perhaps you thought that you couldn't do better, yet the feeling hangs over you that life sold you short, or that it is you who sold yourself short.

Where is love exactly anyway? Love is supposed to belong and exist in the heart, yet somehow you see love dressed up as in a parade. You went along with it. You see now that love came misappropriated and dressed up as love and passed as love, your love and others' love. It would seem that you find yourself with a false front. You would have never have expected this kind of love to be what you would get or settle for.

Of course, you want to be true to your heart, yet you may resist your love or feign it. You never want to be caught, yet you may not catch on to your self-deception, and so you cheat yourself. You deprive yourself of love, the Main Act of Love. Often enough, you may drag out your stories of love and play them to the hilt again and again – as if they were true.

Often, you don't really know what to make out of your life or even who you are as you play around in this sequence of events loosely referred to as your life. You may not have quite touched base with the life allotted to you.

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The Simple Birds on Earth

God said:

The next time you are tempted to complain about something, think instead of something to mark down as a windfall to be grateful for.

Are you telling Me you can't think of something to thank Me for? What if your life depended upon it, would you not be able to quickly think of something worth appreciating? Your life, for instance?

Or, what if you would instantly be paid a thousand dollars for remembering one thing that you are glad for, how fast would ideas flock to you? You might not be able to speak as fast as your thoughts trip over themselves in a mad dash.

You might want to remind yourself that you are thankful for birds that sing and fly in the sky, sometimes in echelons. Birds welcome the dawn of a new day. Every morning they sing. Why not you?

Just think of it, you have had the privilege of birds to watch and delight in. You are amazed at the different songs that birds sing, the sizes birds come in, the colors and designs that birds wear, the slight joy that they evoke from you when you deign to lift your eyes to look at the simple birds of earth, air, and love who take off in joy and then alight in joy. What is not joyful to a simple bird? What happened to you? Did you abandon joy and take dross instead? When did bitterness supplant joy, and I repeat: What for? What on Earth for?

Start over now.

Think of the nests the mothers build. Think of eggs. Think of how the baby birds peck through their shells. What an entrance!

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The Meanwhile Trail

God said:

What means the most to you in your life? Who are you really? Whose life are you living actually? Yours? Or are you attempting someone else's life? There is a tendency for some, perhaps many, to purloin the life of another as if you are a stranger to your own self. Live your life. Be true to yourself. There may be more than one path that is truly yours.

You may follow false ghosts all your life. You may emulate others and cast yourself adrift. Find out who you are, and follow your own steps, one step after another.

Surely, the meaning of your own life does not require that you follow the crowd as though the general population knows more about who you are and what you are supposed to appear as in this lifetime at whatever crossroads. No one knows as much as you do about yourself, even when you may be floundering. You do not have to be as others seem to think you ought to be.

Oh, yes, you may have gone along with someone else's thoughts.

Beloveds, you are trying out life. You are trying it out for size.

Don't buy any another's life for your own. What is the percentage in this? You are not someone else. You are you. You have your own star or stars to follow.

Furthermore, come along with Me. Follow Me. I will lead you to your path. Your path may surprise you. Your path is like no other. Your true path will take you to the top of the mountain. You do not have to take the long way around.

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Spread Your Wings of Belief

God said:

To live your Truth, to be in your Truth, to accept the Truth is no less than discovering a lovely glade in, of all places, right in your front yard. No longer is the glade hidden from sight.

You may have heretofore thought you lacked wondrousness. The Truth of you is that you are wondrous. To be a human being in a body reflects more of Heaven than you, at present, see. You do not see, yet you do merit.

You are what I created, and you are My Vision, and My Vision is true. Catch up to Me, and, therefore, to your Self.

I say you are a real-live breathing angel. I say you have the wingspread of an angel. You shake your head no.

You may tell yourself that you believe in Me wholeheartedly, while you tend to toss off what I declare as true, as if I am a nice misguided God far away in the sky somewhere. Do you indulge Me? Do you believe in Me, and doubt what I say? Do you say it is too big a leap to take Me at My Word?

Behind the Seen lies the Unseen. Stretch your belief in Me to believe, at the very least, in the possibility of what I say. If you have to use your imagination, then start with your imagination. Imagine you.

Sure, you are on Earth, and, sure, you are in a body. Nevertheless, you are Soul, and Soul, your Soul, has all the freedom in the world as in Heaven. You are, with body or not, a Free Soul. There are no heights you cannot climb. Spread your Wings of Belief. You are My desire come true. I more than believe in you. I created you as a Reflection of Me. My eye is keen.

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When Does Life Begin?

God said:

I read your thoughts as they run around, even as your thoughts spin around, and you don’t know who thinks them or reads them as from a list.

Everything in your life meant and means a lot to you. Every thing. You were impressionable. You are still. Life affects you. It has an effect on you. Life is like the hand that bounces you as you go along, you, and the Earth turns. Where did you come from, and where are you going?

You seek the Meaning of Life. You seek the meaning of your Life. You are the Meaning. You are the Meaning of all that you hold holy even as holy is a vague principle to you.

What does anything mean, and what does anything not mean? You have no idea. You are in a maze that does not exist. You are hardly amazed, yet you are pretty much stunned by life, this life that seems to hold you by the neck. It is all proprietary, this life that you make too much of, even as you shake it off.

You don't know how you got here, and you don't know what's going on. You play at a shadow-dance. Your feet are heavy on the ground even as your feet don't touch. Yes, you may feel you are a ball bounced around by an Unseen Force. You wonder if the Unseen Force really sees you?

There are times you don't exist. There are times that you are the whole extent of existence. Other times you are a mere onlooker or not even that. It is like you are the onlooker looking on yourself from a distance while not paying attention.

What is Life all about anyway? Where have you been?

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Seek Gently with All Your Heart

God said:

Be on the look-out for all that you desire and so invite more of what you desire into your life. You are inviting all goodness to you and greater understanding of the journey you are on, including how to spark others along the way. Seek gently with all your heart.

In your heart, you are free to ask Me to keep you on track. Request. It's fine that you are so desirous of growing that you make your desires known to Me.

Be clear on what you want. You are not begging. You are not asking for a hand-out. You are asking Me for the good I want for you. You are asking. You are not enforcing, nor are you wheedling. You are simply asking Me to point the way for you and steer you straight ahead to what makes you sing.

You want something great. You are not asking Me for an add-on. You are asking Me a fervent wish for fulfillment of a deep desire that accrues to the good of all. You are asking Me to help strengthen your receptivity for your deep desires. You are not asking Me for a half-hearted desire, nor are you sitting there waiting for Me to do it all.

And if your wish doesn’t come true soon enough for you, be far-seeing. Don’t get uptight about it. Don’t think for one moment that you have been deserted. For Heaven's sakes, don't bite the hand that feeds you!

You do not always have to get your way, nor do you always have to get your way right then and there.


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