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A Day Off from School

God said:

Every student loves a snow day, an unexpected day off from school. An unexpected day off from responsibility. What has changed? A day is a day is a day. Yet, when you get a day off, you may feel that you have won the lottery.

What has really changed is that you expect more joy now! A day in Earth terms is twenty-four hours, yet now you have a bonus. The idea of a day off lights your fire. An ordinary day has suddenly become a marvelous day.

It takes so little really for you to be happy, doesn’t it?

Somehow We want to make it so every day is a day off from strain and what others may want of you or even demand of you. You would love some days just to be! What is all this about fulfilling other people's desires and little left over for what you personally desire?

No one may have asked you what you want. You yourself may not know what you want and what makes you happy. You know a lot about what doesn't make you happy.

Here's one word that makes you happy: Opportunity.

And what does opportunity mean? It means you are free to explore, to wonder, to ponder, to find something today that rewards you for simply being you as you are and you as you desire to be.

When was the last time someone wanted to hear what you think, what you really think, and not what Copernicus or some expert far away from you thought once upon a time. You would like to know what you think.

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This Very Moment of a New Day

God said:

Sadness is somewhat like an old bathrobe that feels oh so comfortable to you. You've had it forever, worn it again and again. It holds sentimental value. How you want to keep this old bathrobe. You like to hold on to the past, even its sadness. Sometimes, especially its sadness.

Does this old bathrobe gave meaning to your life as it spotlights sadness? You don't want to part with sadness even as you wish you didn't have it. Of course, you could live without this remnant from the past. You can live without it, yet you don't.

You haven't been quite able to pack this old relic into the attic trunk. Nope, you seem to desire to make past sadness easily available when you happen to want to bring it out for old time's sake.

Somehow you relegate tears to this old bathrobe as if the tears were valuable diamonds. This old thing has worn well in the sense that it doesn't look so raggedy that you must throw it out right away. Your eyes mist over the holes the robe is full of.

This bathrobe from the old days never was beautiful. You never quite saw it as it really was, and so you hang onto this bathrobe of sadness now as though it were special. This bathrobe is a dime a dozen. Such bathrobes hang in many closets. They hang in too many closets.

You really can move out that old bathrobe now. Don't hang it in your closet any longer. What do you think you need it for anyway? You are already an expert on sadness. Your life really comes down to more than a piece of old cloth.

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Keep on Dreaming

God said:

I am big on dreams. Have them. Dreaming is setting your sights on what you would like.

Watch out, however, that you don't turn yearning into a kind of begging for leniency. You are My child, and not a beggar. You do not ask Me for a hand-out. You do not put all your eggs in one basket. You are not hapless. You are not helpless. You have a will.

When you say: "God's Will, not my will," this does not mean to accept poverty as your lot, for instance. For Heaven's sakes, it is My Will that you prosper. When you are in a desert and you are thirsty, you don't have time to theorize, to sit there wishing for a well of water to appear, so you get up to find water.

I can work miracles. There is no doubt of that. At the same time, let it be your will to get up and seek water. Relying on Me doesn't mean you just sit there as if you were incapable of getting up.

Remind yourself that responsibility is not blame. Don't blame Me for your troubles, and don't blame yourself, and don't blame anyone else. What you may be emphasizing in your mind likely needs an overhaul.

If you focus on need and helplessness, odds are you will have need and helplessness. Be patient with life while you also come up with ideas. Go for a new vision. Go for a new compilation of how you could see differently when you choose to. Be open to new ways. Desire, yet not be limited to desire. Take some steps. It may be baby steps you take before you see a new horizon before you.

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God said:

Do not always hold yourself responsible for others' growth or their reluctance to grow. I know you don't want to offend anyone, and, yet you do not want to jump around to please everyone else all the time. You may have done that enough. No longer do you want to put your personal feelings aside and spend your life pandering to others. This is the bind you may find yourself in. The tough question is: Whom are you going to represent in your Life -- you or every one else?

You may have an idolized picture of yourself spreading only joy to everyone. You would love that. As it is, you may have long followed the path of least resistance, going along with too many others' perceived needs over your own, for your not having learned yet how to represent yourself.

Enough of representing others to the exclusion of yourself, for then, you may find you may have built-up many little resentments for little things, and you react perhaps more than is called for. You overreact.

You begin to notice that you are irate inside, and you may start to infringe on another because, at the moment, you are caught up in making up for lost time, setting the world straight on your rights of representation.

You may see yourself as needing to rally around a cause. The cause may become your outrage to another and compassion for yourself.

You may feel the wind taken out of your sails. It may be that this seeming other had the wind taken out of his sails that has nothing to do with you personally, yet you may take it personally.

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The Sunshine of God's Heart

God said:

Life in the world requires a balance. Otherwise, you wear yourself out. Yes, be glad and grateful to serve, yet not ingratiate yourself. Life is for the living and giving, yet you do not spin your wheels. You are not looking to bow down to the world, nor is the world to bow down to you. You are free-wheeling.

Be careful of demands you make of others. Be careful of demands you make on yourself. You are not to outdo yourself. You are not out to prove your wonderfulness.

Naturally, you will keep getting better and better. It is natural to grow. It is natural for you to grow. Growing in life is not like going to the gym and following a regime. Yes, you grow and grant mercies in life, yet not to the extinction of your God-given Self and Destiny.  You exist eternally no matter what you make of it.

The Great Spiritual Ones simply put one step after the other. They did not practice sanctity. They did not do push-ups in a certain order. They did not sacrifice. They lived their lives. They gained spiritual weight which, in fact, is weightless.

Each child of Mine – every single one of My children – has his own life to follow, yet no one is given a precise map to follow. Life is before you, yet you set your own table. You learn and grow into your Life Purpose or Purposes. The path you walk on may wind before you. You stumble upon life. Your Life is strewn before you, and, yet, you find your way. You are finding your way. Meanwhile, you lead your Life as best you can.

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The Land of Enlightenment

God said:

You have a calling. You may not know what your calling is, yet your calling will find you. Life will take you by the hand or Life grabs you by the neck, or it grabs you by the ear, or it shoves you, and you are pulled or pushed forward. Ultimately, you have no say about it. Your calling will come forward. You might as well surrender now.

You are going faster and faster in this whirling Universe. You may be going so fast that you feel slowed down. Ho ho, you are really going faster until you know Stillness and only Stillness or Silence or Vastness or Infinity. Of course, the word doesn't matter. The Realization matters.

You, who are Born of Spirit, recognize your Self. Your Life, as you see it, is changed forever. You cannot go back into ignorance. You may try, yet you can't. You may want to sink into an old comfortable couch, yet you will find that the old couch is no longer comfortable. You just can't stay there.

A New State of Conscious arises. It can no longer be the old State. You are a Spark of Light lighted. Light is always new. You will become comfortable with Brighter Light. You will embrace it. You will run with it. You will soar with the Brightness of All That You Are.

You will look for Me, and you will find Me. You have been seeking Me all along.

You will surely enter the Land of Enlightenment. It may take you a while to recognize where you are. Being where you are and realizing where you are do not always keep the same pace. All the same, you are where you are – ready or not.

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Your Life Is Your Interpretation of It

God said:

Sometimes you would prefer to be in the doldrums. Perhaps it gives you an opportunity to feel left out of joy. This can be called self-pity or drama. Dismiss the idea of your "lot in life." Your lot in life is your prerogative. Your lot in life is up to you.

From the outside, someone may live a most difficult life, yet he or she may be happier than someone else who, on the surface, leads a most blessed life.

Your life is what you name it.

In any case, you are a self-made man or woman.

Of course, some things in life are out of your hands, yet how you receive and deal with what life hands you – this is up to you. Therefore, your life is up to you. You are the weaver of your life. You have a vision of it, and you live up to your vision. Have a Grander Vision.

Perhaps you have never thought you could have a joyous life. Take to heart the idea that you can and will have a very happy life. Don't go by the past. Don't hold on to it. Don't salvage old ideas.

You are ever on a new cusp of life. There is no separation between you and Me except as you think so. Oneness is true. Separation is illusion. The idea of separation between Us is a perception in the world. It is not Truth. It doesn't matter if the whole world thinks we are separated, it is not Truth. It is a weird fantasy you have told yourself, and this fantasy doesn't serve you. It holds you back.

You have heard the expression: Attitude is everything.

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God's Invitation to Godwriting

God said:

Whether I have or have not told you before  about your possible reluctance in hearing what I whisper to you, the fact is that I sing to you and everyone all the time. This is the meaning of Omnipresence.

I sing to you and spin a world and you into existence through My Consciousness of Love which is to say Our Oneness. I speak to all, not just a few who are esteemed. Only in the world is anyone considered a cut or two above anyone else.

You must know that judgment is not My Way of Thinking. Judgment tires out everyone. I love and welcome every single one of My children. I leave no one out.  Therefore, I am never tired.

There is a vibration I strum through the Universe. From My Vibration of Love, a sense of My Meaning reaches you, possibly an image of what I sing of thee to you that you can pick up at any moment. I am not philosophy. I am real. If I speak or sing to anyone, it is of thee I sing.

Hearing what I communicate to you is a natural event. It does not take training. If it takes anything, it takes daring. You see hearing Me as a far-off thing. You may never have considered it possible let alone likely. Once again, consider the possibility, for this possibility is a certainty.

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Give Joy to the World This Minute

God said:

It is one thing to want to always do good, to do your best, to wish to spread joy to the world. It is another thing to be under the thrall of fear, to be in dread of failing the Universe, or Me or yourself, and, thus, putting yourself in jeopardy. To live under the thumb of fear is not a joyous state. To fear making faulty decisions does a number on your energy.

How do We unleash you from the bounds of fear? Fear is not a good master. Fear pounds nails into you.

I would love to see the dragon of fear erased from the Face of the Earth. Fear exists nowhere else but in the minds of men. Withdrawal from fear, putting fear aside, getting out from under fear is a great unblocker of tension. No longer accept fear as your guide.

To even think of your mind and body rising above fear relieves your heart.

Do you imagine that I would want even one child of Mine to live under fear? What a harrowing state of existence. No, fear is not at all what I want you to major in. Undo fear. Look at fear askance. Fear has grabbed you by the neck, and you have held on to it tight.

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Greater Than the Eye Can See

God said:

It so happens that this Heavenletter your eyes fall on now was written on Christmas Eve Day, December 24, 2015. That is, I whispered these words on Christmas Eve Day, and five or six months later, you are now arbitrarily reading My Words at a particular time and place.

This gives you an idea about the relativity and impossibility of time. What is written today is good to read any day. And when you read what you read today a second time or another year from now for the first time or tenth time, it may strike you as even greater.

Yes, time is an apparition.

And, yes, two thousand or so years ago, a Prince was born. He was a special Being with a special path. I would like to impart to you what I have said before, you are also a Prince or a Princess. Born in a later era, still you, too, are Royalty born with a special path to follow, a deed to do or word to say that illuminates.

It doesn't require fame for you to be important. Fame is of time and space. You are greater than fame.

We are speaking of greater than time, and greater than space, and greater than the physical. We are speaking of a Mightiness that surpasses all you can think of.

There is not one child born who does not have a special-one-of-a-kind purpose. Your purpose fits in. You are a puzzle piece shaped in a unique way, fulfilling something vital and that only you can fulfill. Whatever your conscious ambitions may be, your special purpose fulfills much more.


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