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The Simple Truth

God said:

Which one of My children is not a reflection of Myself in the mirror of the Sun, Moon, Stars, waters of the lake and so on? Which one of you can possibly be less than I say you are? Not one of you. If you think so, you dissemble.

You may think you are being modest. Do you think you are supposed to put yourself down and make yourself less than you are? What is there about pointing yourself out as small that seems so important to you? This supposed humility is an act of ego that calls your attention to your little self, perhaps even with tears in your eyes. Wake up.

Look, if I say you are made of Magnificence, just nod, and say, "Yes, God." Maybe the Truth will get through to you. You have nothing to gain by highlighting what you see as great humility. Humility was never meant to diminish you in the slightest.

Furthermore, why would You call me a Dreamer or a Spinner of Tall Tales, or a falsifier or some kind of scammer, trying to pull the wool over your eyes? Why? I am the Most Direct Speaker you will ever hear. If you cannot give me a vote of confidence, at least give Me your ear for a few moments.

What if I am accurate, and you are mistaken? Why be so mistaken about all that you don't have any idea that you are mistaken about? It is not a good idea to throw darts at yourself.

I, the God of Heaven and Earth, say strongly to you: C'mon, what is the point of contradicting the Truth of what I say? When it comes to Me, it makes sense for you to say Yes.

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You Can Change Your Habits of Thinking

God said:

How can it be that anyone would refuse happiness, yet this happens every day. You may not perceive this. Sometimes in retrospect, you may see how you did turn happiness away.

Perhaps you start in a certain direction, and then you feel tied to that direction. You started one way, and you don't quite know how to switch directions. You may not even think of switching onto a different track. Somehow, even if you think of changing tracks, you don't know how to switch in the middle so you postpone and wait for later.

It is as if you are in the habit of drinking black tea. You could try green tea, yet green tea isn't on your agenda. You may just like your creature comforts the way you like them, even when the past doesn't do it for you any longer.

It's not exactly that you are in a rut. It's just that you have tunnel vision. In a way, the ways you are used to are like your posture. When you have been slumping your shoulders, it's not so easy to revamp your posture. Yes, you have the posture you are used to. Yes, habit is the word I am looking for. Habit says a lot.

If you were fresh every day, if you would start anew every day, you would revolutionize your own happiness.

I know you want to be happy. You have begged to be happy. Sometimes happiness is thrust before you, and there you are, a recipient of great happiness. Sometimes you see happiness out of the corner of your eye, or you would wrest happiness from someone else if you could. Somehow you do know that happiness is meant to be yours.

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The Main Theme of Your Life

God said:

Wait until you find yourself calm and content without a fear in the world.

I don't mean for you to wait exactly. I mean rather to express:

Won't you be overjoyed when your internal eternal Day of Peace comes to you, and you know calm, even serenity. Certainly, you will simply know peace.  Certainly, you will not be in a frenzy about anything.

Yes, wow, look at all the emptiness of fullness you will have. There will be no time getting in your way. Space will be blank. Matter will not overwhelm you. You will be totally and infinitely settled with Me. We will be forever in Unison as We sing the Song of Life and create Odes to Life for the joy of it.

What a difference your life will make when you recognize Our Union. In Unity, there is nothing to take care of but to live life and love Life as it appears. Yes, let's sing an Ode to Life, for Life is Magnificent, and you and I make up One Magnificent Life. We are not just a part of life, but the whole of it. We are Life Itself. We are Life.

You win in the Lottery of Life. You win for all. You cannot win the lottery just for yourself, for you share Life like air. There is no withholding from others. You will come to know others as your Self. You will live Oneness. You will know only how to create a Paradise, and no less. There is no reason on Earth why you would want to create less than a Paradise.

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Peace Comes Shining Through

God said:

How does a dove bring peace?

By Being, nothing but Being. The dove is a forerunner of peace. You are a Dove of Peace.

Bringing peace is not a presentation. Certainly, have your desire be to bring peace, and then live life. You give peace by virtue of your consciousness. Making peace goes deep.

Now, don't fall into the state of thinking that you will fail at peace. Even failing to bring peace is better than putting the whole issue of peace aside. Decide to be a Peace-Bringer, and then let peace arise. Peace cannot be crammed in.

Your responsibility is to be real. Being who you are is peaceful.

Your desire is for peace. Intend, desire, look for peace – these I give you to disperse regardless of your state of consciousness. Peace is a background, a frame of reference. It is not a package you purchase.

Peace is a champion that simply appears. Peace can be lost in the crowd, yet peace, when seen, is recognized. Ah, yes, the peace that surpasses understanding. While peace is yearned for all over the world, peace yet may be traded for less than peace. In less than peace, you are out of breath. In less than peace, life is tense, hectic and agitated. You can't enter peace through uproar, only through peace.

Peace cannot be an issue. Peace cannot be forced. Thumbs up for peace. Make room for peace. Invite it. Cherish it. Peace forced does not amount to peace. An end to war doesn't always show peace.

Peace is beyond peace, and peace arrives on all fronts.

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Befriend Our World

God said:

Gentle. Be gentle to the world. Encompass the world with gentleness. Be tender love to the world. Give forgiveness before the event, and you will not take offense. Give forgiveness to everyone for everything. Giving forgiveness means that you will not take offense.

Sometimes you take offense before the offense. If you can cry before you are hit, you can love ahead of time as well. Your choice.

All of the world has not learned how to be a friend in advance. Much of the world has learned to be on guard, ever alert to prevent their being stepped on, trampled, offended.

Of course, I say it is better to be alert to embracing the world. It takes courage at the beginning to welcome everyone to you, sight unseen. Must it be scary to give acceptance ahead of time?

Some of My children, because of what they were taught or picked up somehow somewhere, learned to be ready for skirmishes. They had an aim in life to keep themselves safe from being taken advantage of. They learned to tense up, ready to be on the look-out for lack of respect.

Ah, pretty much, what you look for, you find. Look for reproach, and, by and large, reproach will be waiting there for you. Assume appreciation, and odds are appreciation will be lined up for you just as easily as well.

In any case, expect that which you desire.

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The Sun Emblazoned in Your Heart

God said:

The Sun clears the way for you. The Sun enters your heart and lights it up. In your mind right now, pick up the Sun in your hands and scoop the Sun into your heart. The Sun will fill your heart, and happiness will be yours.

There isn't anything you can't do with the Sun Emblazoned in Your Heart.

Where did you think the sun belongs if not in your heart? Vitamin D is all well and good, yet a blazing unmistakable sun in your heart is the Mainstay of a Bright Golden Orb from every heart shining out to every heart. This is love. This is You. This is what your heart is meant for – to send beacons of light, Light Crisscrossing from Heart to Heart.

And, of course, imagine too placing the Light of the Sun into your mind as well. When it comes to the Light of the Sun, your heart and mind are One, perfectly balanced and in tune with each other. Lit by the Sun, there is no argument between heart and mind. The heart and the mind don't tug at each other, trying to find themselves. Heart and mind are in perfect harmony. When there is harmony, where can disharmony exist?

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When You Win the Lottery, Life Is Okay

God said:

Acceptance and understanding are not synonymous. If you seek complete understanding of Life before you accept Life, you are then arguing with Life. It is wiser of you to accept Life as it is. It is better not to dispute Life. Take Life as it comes. You know very well you can't stand in front of the Ocean and stem the tide.

Of course, when you win the lottery, Life is okay. At times like this, you cheer Life on. Life is your good friend, and you are well-pleased. You call hitting the jackpot big time as a win. On the other hand, when Life drops something in your lap that is contrary to your will, you call it a loss. You see a loss and feel a loss as a tragedy.

You are opposed to taking Life as it comes when Life isn't what you want. Your heart is wounded. You take it personally. Life was not supposed to let this happen, let alone do it to you. And so you judge Life wanting and yourself as a victim. Tragedy lingers.

In the world, heartache is relative. You register heartache on some kind of scale. There are greater and lesser heartaches. Some are disappointments and last a day or two. Some are great heartbreaks, and you may never get over them, though, by and by, some of your bitterness fades. You may not get over it all, yet, as hurtful and even unbelievable as it is, the offense and shock are less.

The worst happened. Some of My children may get over it, yet not everyone can seem to. This is where you can turn the tide.

When Moses cried out, "Let my people go," the Pharaoh would not let the people go.

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Open, Open, Open

God said:

Break away from the idea of either/or. You do not have to relish opposites, nor do you have to dislike them. It is not necessary to have a mentality that relishes opposites to an extreme. You don't want to be so quick to throw out possibilities. Be open instead.

Where is it written that something has to be good or bad, black or white, happy or sad? Something can be good and bad, not black or white but in between or even closer than that. With words, you do not want to condemn one aspect of life over another. Everything is not as you may think it is.

People can be equally wonderful yet carry vastly different opinions. Better not to put too much stock in opinions. Opinions change. As you grow, what you make of something also grows. What you make of things in life changes. What is modern today is old-fashioned tomorrow and may well become a treasure later on.

You have heard of famous last words. An opinion of yours now may be opposite to an opinion once upheld or opposite to an opinion you may hold in the future.

We are speaking of the relative world. An outdoor temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit may feel warm at the end of winter and very cold in autumn after a long hot summer. What is old or young depends upon your age and where you are coming from.

Taste is a matter of opinion. Who is to say someone's taste is right, and someone else's taste is wrong? Most everything in the relative world is a question of taste. May opinions be considered as a matter of taste and not be judged, opposed, or slandered.

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Exceed Your Expectations

God said:

How can you be true to yourself when you cannot accept the Truth of what has always been and that you have not yet been able to see?

Much of the time you may well believe that you are on a Desert Island called Life all by yourself. You may believe that Oneness is Aloneness, and you have had enough of Aloneness your whole life long. You may see yourself as apart from life rather than a part of life where dreams come true and you are a valued human being.

You may feel that the worst is yet to come. Of course, you don't like such a picture. You don't like to think about it, and you would do everything to prevent yourself from thinking about the doom you have cast before yourself if you but could. Cast flower petals instead.

You mean to be patient with Me, yet you may think you know more than I do. You may think perhaps that I am a doddering old God Who makes up stories. Meanwhile, you nod your head courteously while you tap your foot and your fingers too.

You abide in a beautiful glade rife with life. You overlook this. You see in 3-D. You can't seem to get over your old beliefs dripping with tears. You hold an old mind-set. Get past it.

You have moved up in life. You have gone through other dimensions. Take another look. Pull away the veils that cover your happiness. Stop trudging up the same hills and rolling down again.

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As a Man Thinketh

God said:

Maybe you don't have any difficulties right now, yet life has had its bumps for you. You may be flying high today. At the same time, you can bet that there are those who are besieged with what the world identifies as difficulties. Every Heavenletter is for you sometime somewhere in your life.

If you are without what strikes you as misfortune, keep it up! Stay that way.

And if you are with what strikes you as misfortune, to whatever degree, turn the idea of misfortune into the idea of blessings to come. Be ready for good fortune. Good fortune falls to everyone too.

You got this far. I say you came shining through. The long and the short of it is that you are the one who diagnoses yourself as downhearted or oppressed.

You know very well that you may feel depressed or defeated or deflated today. Tomorrow nothing on the outside may have changed, yet tomorrow you could simply feel better. Your thoughts are the metronome of your mood of good cheer and equally of despair.

Of course, you may well argue this, yet what's the point? How does arguing the merit of your reasons for despair reduce despair? Hardly.

Work for yourself, and not against yourself.

Bless the world, and bless yourself.


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