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Seek Truth

God said:

We come back again and again to your not taking life so seriously. There is no end to life. There is nothing that stops life or even pauses it except as your thoughts prevail.

You announce life to yourself. You see life as a matter of life and death. You say so.

You see emergencies. You see urgency. You see hurry, hurry. You gasp: "Heaven help us."

You see provocation. You may slur over blessings, so caught up are you in slights and injuries of life as you perceive them hastily right off the bat on Earth.

If you could look back on life – not that I am telling you to do so – likely you would remove 90% of those incidents you named Dire Casualties and move them into the category of Lesser Incidents. You would. You know you would.

You assail yourself with your thoughts, accusations really.

You tense yourself. You waylay yourself. You put your dukes up as a ready measure.

You are an alarmist. You alarm yourself. You are ready to cry "Wolf" at the drop of a hat. You are fraught with danger. You hang out with danger. You would like to get out of the way if only you knew where the safety zone were.

You string yourself up. You pull the rope. You ring the bell.

You do choose flight or fight any day of the week.

You are your own marauder.

You are the Call to Arms you hear.

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You Are a Dancer of Light

God said:

You're not waiting for the world to inspire you, are you? Better that you inspire yourself, and so inspire the world.

This is not a performance I speak of. You are a cheerleader, yet you don't twirl a silver baton. Greater than a cheerleader, it so happens that you are a Being of Consciousness.

When you light a candle, the light from your candle shines on all. Furthermore, because of you, others have the ability to light their candles from yours. The light you bring to the world is multiplied hand over fist. Your consciousness lights up the world. Consciousness lives!

Do not hide from this lighting up any longer.

Beloveds, you are not on parade. You are not a production. You are the Real Thing. You are a Light Bearer. You are a World-Brightener. You are the Light of the World that was announced so long ago. Be it.

You don't need horns and trumpets. When you are lit, the room lights up. Your light serves. Your light isn't privately owned. It is impossible not to share your light. Get out there and share it.

If I am Light, it is you who are shining My light.

You are not to hide it. You are to spark the world. You are the light switch of the Universe. Your Being reflects My Light.

Take a deep breath. Be comfortable with lighting up the world. It is inevitable that you will do this. It is automatic. You are Divine Light, and so you shine.

This is everyone's destiny. This is your destiny. Your light is going on all over the world. Spectacular!

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Light Bends

God said:

Light even bends, yet it is not said that Light gives in. Light conserves energy. This is Light choosing the opposite of wasting energy. Light steps over or steps around an obstacle, big or little. Light isn't selling out. Light isn't caving in. Light isn't submitting. Light isn't giving up its ideas. Light isn't capitulating. Light doesn't fight to the end. Light bends and moves over and goes forward.

When it is possible to bend a little, stubborn resistance doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense for My beloveds to fight the Course of Life as with sword and spear.

It's okay to bend a little. In fact, when it comes to life, and a deed is done, no matter how opposed you may be to an Act of Life, once the deed is done, it cannot be revoked no matter how you storm. What sense does it make to fight with all your might that which has already occurred?

The bending We speak of here is the same as letting go of the past. You know -- what is done is done.

Pride doesn't enter in. As a matter of fact, this is how you are undefeated. Life is not a matter of winning or losing. Life is not to be thought of as defeat or victory. Life is Life.

It is not that you are compromising yourself with Life either. You simply let go of kicking and screaming. You pick yourself up, and you keep going.

When you don't get your own way in Life, it means only that, in this instance, you didn't get your own way or the way you thought was yours. You don't just keep sitting there trembling.

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God Texts You

God said:

It matters very much that you reverberate to the sound of My Voice and the corresponding beat of My Heart. Hear the rhythm of the Messages I vibrate to you. There is more than words. There is nothing more than Love.

You are revitalized with My Love. You are opening up to All That Is. We rebound. We surge. We connect. The whole world is plugged into Our Love. Love is Our Message.

Listen. Do you hear the Bounty Main of Our Love? Our Love flows. All love flows to and fro. This is the concert We listen to. Hail to Love, the Concert of the Love of the Universe. Free Admission. Twenty-four hours a day. No day skipped.

There is a Perennial Song that has been sung again and again. This song can never be heard enough. It certainly cannot be heard too much. The music gets louder. The music is taking over the world. It is sung to the High Heavens. The music comes from the High Heavens.

Celestial music is within you. There is a Whirlwind of Music that is taking over the world. The beat is unforgettable. There is no escaping it. This music is coming to the forefront of the world. Everyone can hear. It takes no special tuning. Everyone is attuned to this music. You were always attuned to it. You are flooded with this music that sweeps you up. You do not hesitate. The absorption of this music is automatic. This music cannot be withstood.

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The Adventure You Are On

God said:

When you think about it, what can transpire between your heart and Mine but love? Most of the time, you don't really think about it. Sometimes, you may come from an affront of some kind. You are taken aback. You may not even notice or believe in the goodness that you are steeped in. You may feel that you have been persecuted in some way, to the point of which you may disown your life and your fealty to Me.

Better to have Equanimity with Life. Better not to argue so much with life. Don't set up your guard. Life is comme ci comme ça.  Does this come as a surprise to you? Life in the relative world is up and down, back and forth, in and out, and often you find yourself out of sorts, pouting as it were.

It is fairly easy for you to get out of sorts. In fact, it can take nothing at all, a minor thing, to get you out of sync with life and into an unbecoming mood.

Must you be so ultra-sensitive? You could roll with the punches of life. In any case, you don't need to be aghast at every turn in the road. You are not intended to be life's whipping boy. Every little upset is not around to wreak havoc on you. There are matters in life that do not have to be made big. Rather, there are matters in life to be made less of.

That's the thing. Everything in life in the world is relative. Everything in life does not have to be made a lot of any more than life has to be glossed over. Cannot minor occurrences stay minor? Must they be blown up out of proportion? Must you be out of balance?

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Heal Your Own Heart, Beloved

God said:

If I were a military general, I would pin medals on you. For every deed of yours of goodness and mercy, I would honor you with a marching band and drum rolls. Of course, I am not a military general, and I bless and honor you heart and soul. Even if you mess up, I am not deterred.

Messing up even serves. When you gee instead of haw, or haw instead of gee, you may know better next time.

I know your perfection. I have always known it. You may learn hit and miss, yet you are learning. Learning and growing is reason for honor and celebration. Do not think of me as a hard-nosed God. I am a God of Love.

If I were not a God of Love, how would you learn to love under all circumstances? Letting go is a form of love. Letting go of a grudge you have held doesn't say that someone has committed wrong-doing that makes him beneath you, and that you are lofty to say: "I who stand above you mercifully let your sin go this time."

Forgiveness means you let go of your judgment. You are not high and mighty. High and mighty may mean you demean yourself begrudgingly as you try to pardon another from looking down on another. To forgive is divine because you let yourself escape from a downward spiral of thinking. As you let go of negative feelings, you free yourself. It is your own hard feelings you are to let go of. You no longer insist on hammering nails of hard feelings into your heart, beloveds.

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Sign Our Contract Agreement

God said:

Oh, yes, I hear you cry out:

"God, am I ever going to be content in life and with myself and others? Am I ever?"

You think you have the answer. The answer you carry around with you is "No, never." You seem to be stubbornly attached to a hard time.

Dear One, you have always had yourself climbing hill after hill, struggling to reach a peak. It isn't easy for you to recognize how high you have climbed. Recognize this now.

There is no the top. There is more to come. You don't have to crave it, yet you will have it. You tend to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. This means you don't or won't, for the life of you,  go through life in a carefree manner, is this true?

Of course, even this is okay, for you are A-OK.

You are magnificent in My book. You are a golden diamond that has come to visit great blessings. You and I, We are a Circle of Oneness. Like a kite, We fly around the world, heaping blessing upon blessing. We wrap ourselves up, and We take off on a magic carpet for high places as One, flying together on the One Same Flight Plan.

We have a journey together. We stay in one spot, yet We journey far. Distance does not exist. We are at no distance, yet it seems so to you, whereas the fact is that We are contained within the other. Not contained, no, that's not it. There is no other. We ARE. We are IT!

Oneness alone is. There is no getting away from this illustrious news. We are One, even as you conjure up a tale of woe. Try conjuring up a tale of wonderment.

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Joy I Am

God said:

The material world is not as important as it is made out to be, yet this is beside the point, because the material world is exceedingly important to everyone as you find yourself living in it. The world is a mammoth enterprise.

Non-space and non-time are something you hear about and take with a grain of salt if you take it at all.

If you are in a prison cell, you are in a prison cell. Okay, okay, you are told you have freedom of thought, yet it feels so urgent to you to get out of the confinement of the drab cell you somehow locate yourself in. You may give lip service to freedom, yet when you don't feel freedom, you are not experiencing freedom, and you are not free. You do not kid yourself here and now.

Maybe, possibly, some day, you will experience Divine Freedom. When you do, you will look back and say to yourself:

"All I did not see because I did not consider such seeing as real or even reachable. All the energy I wasted my time on to my detriment when I could have loved living in the World of Illusion. If Life on Earth is all illusion anyway, why do I think I have to be so strung out and wound tight?

"It seems I was wired for suffering instead of for joy. I did this to myself. I have tended to spend my Life either proud or ashamed, inflated in pride or overwrought in disgrace.

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You Have a Decision to Make

God said:

Heartache is a habit, beloveds. Alas, you may say you feel heartache, disappointment, and misery. You may feel a lack of peace more often than you feel peace. You are right when you say that life isn't supposed to be like this.

Certainly, you are in the habit of reacting to life with a certain amount of drama. It is safe to say that your beautiful heart is not so beautiful when you preoccupy yourself with your perception of the dangers lurking around for you in life.

Metaphorically speaking, you are ready to fall off a cliff. You are chased by lions and tigers. You are on the verge of darkness. You are lost in the forests of danger. You fear attack, and you feel defenseless.

You may think you do not have the courage, yet you do have the courage. However, you go out into the world every day, not to seek your fortune, but to stave off what you see as danger. You are ready for danger. Be ready for good fortune instead.

If you are immersed in the idea of protecting yourself and you have no armor, you are wary of danger. Life is not fun for you when you are in the process of protecting yourself from fear.

You may consider this as practical. I have to ask you: How practical is it for you to perceive danger when you feel defenseless? So, you may hunt danger and run away from it at the same time. You are out in the world bare-chested, and the sky could fall on you.

What is the point of protecting yourself when you see danger around every corner and feel so vulnerable? What is practical about this?

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Be You

God said:

It is all right to be different from everyone else or not even like anyone else when this is how it is for you.

You have the right to be you and the right not be like everyone else or, however, everyone else may seem to be. It's even possible that others are trying to catch up to you when you may perhaps be trying to catch up with them!

Love your neighbor, yet you don't have to keep up with your neighbor. It is even possible that you desire a contrary life, a simpler life, a life that motivates you and perhaps not anyone else in the world you know of.

It could be that your father and your father's father and all your brothers and uncles and your mother and your mother's mother and sisters are all college professors – and your heart draws you to become a fisherman. So be it.

Of course, you don't have to be contrary in order to proclaim your independence. To follow your own heart is your Divine Right and not anyone else's to say.

Some people find their career, and they stay with this one career. They don't want any other. Other people may find a line of work that gives them happiness, and later, their hearts move on to something new that now suits them better. No one is obliged to stay in one field. And no one is obliged to change.


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