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While You Are on Earth…

God said:

I, Who understand everything in the Universe, do not really understand how some of my children are hard-hearted to others, perhaps deliberately hard-hearted without regard for the feelings of others --  as if I have never spoken about generosity from your heart to your neighbors and brothers and sisters.

This is especially confusing to Me when the same people acknowledge My Presence in their lives. As preposterous as it seems, there are even Heavenreaders who sometimes lapse into pride so they have the power to bend the branches of their relationships. Knowing better than others and feeling your superiority is one way wars get started.

Certainly, I don't mean to suggest you are supposed to kowtow to others. What I am speaking of is when you may be making a choice that may not benefit anyone, least of all, yourself. Perhaps your life could move forward in a different and better direction. This is your call.

When you leave a relationship and you must castigate the person you break with, I say, if you must leave, leave in good grace. You don't have to rationalize your leaving. You don't have to be so sure that you have all the answers and are justified when you are unkind. It's not okay for you to judge and leave heartache in your wake.

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Leading the Way

God said:

It is so easy for My Children to pounce upon trouble. You feel the weight of trouble so easily. As trouble enters the room you sit in, it seems to punch you in your gut, and, at your say-so, trouble lingers in your heart. It may take a long time for trouble to ease out from your heart. You check on trouble quite readily. Trouble becomes like a roast you have in the oven that, no matter how long you cook it, I doesn't seem to get done. You often take a peek at it.

May it be this easy for blessings in the world to overtake you in this way.

Be on the look-out for happiness. Consider that there is more happiness waiting for you than there is trouble egging you on.

Trouble seems to come in bright red and orange colors whereas happiness wears pastel colors. Happiness, unless it is overwhelming, seems to retire to the background while trouble yells out at you: "Gotcha! Look at me!" The Pastels of Happiness, on the other hand, mostly smile at you quietly.

Happiness is more like a pin dropping whereas trouble is like a ton of bricks falling.

Perhaps a scale is necessary to weigh happiness vs. trouble. Perhaps trouble doesn't really weigh as much as you think. Maybe you are just more ready for trouble than you are prepared to look for happiness. Trouble is more recognizable to you. It seems that you carry trouble in your heart more easily than you do happiness.

Perhaps you expect trouble to last, and happiness to flee.

Yes, of course, trouble, when it appears suddenly, knocks you over.

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The Embrace of Silence and Stillness

God said:

Remember you are not a performer, yet you are a doer. To one degree or another, you are a doer. A doer gets things done.

However, everyone is a Be-er. Everyone IS. Everyone on Earth, of necessity, exists. This has to Be. It is not by edict that everyone must Be. It is by nature that everyone is a Being. It is your nature. I bequeathed Being to you.

Even so, activity is part of life. In terms of the world, you have to be doing something. You are not a sculpture that cannot move of its own volition. It is not a fantasy that you are deep Silence and Stillness, and you also move around. You may do push-ups or twiddle your thumbs. You may move your eyebrows. You may pose. You may steal. You may squander. Nevertheless, underlying your activity and noise, you are the utter embrace of Silence and Stillness.

No matter what a doer you may be, you are, also, the Stillness of Being. There are no exceptions. You could be a non-stop talker – yet you are Stillness. I am not speaking of something you ought to adhere to. I am speaking of you as you are. You cannot change this. You may not be aware of your Stillness, yet it is infallible that you are Stillness. You cannot be otherwise. This is your Truth. No matter what, you cannot depart from this Truth of Being. If you were music, this is the tune and beat that you are. Only you can play your strain of music.

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The Real Story

God said:

There is a rumbling in your heart that calls you to Me. It is inevitable that you will come to Me. It is My Will, and it also is yours that you come to Me. We have no disagreement. You are the decider of when. Otherwise, there is no decision.

I cast My line into the sea, and you arise. You swim up to Me, and you say: "Here I am."

I say, "Here you are."

Only in your imagination have you ever been away from Me. It has been illusion that you have ever been anywhere else but with Me. It is an impossibility that you can be anywhere else or that there is anywhere else that exists where you can possibly be.  Only in your mind have you wandered afar.

Actually, you drifted. You didn't work at drifting afar. You simply drifted, caught up in the tales of a Day in Human Life. You are a Divine Being dribbling your fingers in the waters on each side of your canoe.

Another time you lie on the grass and look up at the canopy above, and you see that it is good.

Sometimes you have what you perceive as turmoil. Turmoil is manufactured. At these times, you may feel you have lost your way. Your way is with Me, and it is assured. There is no getting around it. We could say that We are made for Each Other, and this is true. Separation between us has no substance.

Another dimension of the story is that We are One anyway. You have been tethered to an idea that we gaze into each other's eyes when, in Truth, We look through the same eyes. Your lenses are smudged. Lets wipe them clean now.

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From Whence Flows Love?

God said:

When you squeeze your heart, this is when you feel anguish in your heart. Heart-squeezing is the cause of all anguish.

You make the decision to squeeze your heart shut. You may say that what you feel is out of your hands. Someone says or does something, and you may say you can't help how you feel. Who can help? I don't see anyone else but you.

So think again, dear ones. A buzzer rings -- you choose that this has to be a signal for you to respond to. You are the interpreter and decider of signals that go off. A smoke alarm goes off in your kitchen while you are broiling. You conclude the meaning of the smoke alarm. No matter how many times, the smoke alarm has been a false alarm, you jump at it. You react to certain signals in certain ways. Fear has been overdone, beloveds.

Fear certainly seems real. You react to fear. It may be natural, yet it is not inevitable.

Will you kindly turn your attention away from fear to love? Anticipate love. Have your heart set to a chime of love. Adjust your heart to welcome love, no more fear. Adjust your heart to a setting of love, love coming in and love going out.

Love is circular. Love does go around. Love is your connector to Heaven. Love is your true expression. Set your heart to love and joy. Set your atoms to love. Rejoice. Love is at hand. Love is here, and more love is on its way.

Let love be your choice. Let fear go by the wayside.

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Use Your Quiet Voice

God said:

Whatever you give, whatever service you perform, do it on My behalf. Do it in the Name of God and in the Name of Love. Be generous. Be gentle. Be gentle with all souls. At the very least, be a blessing to yourself.

Never mind righteous anger. Fury does not become you.

Life is not about raising your self-esteem. Life is not about showing you are worth as much or more than another. Your life is not about proving anything. You don't have to be drawn into drama. You can change the dynamics of your interchange with others who share life on Earth with you no matter how unreasonable others may seem to be or even prove they are.

Your life is more than about pride or gaining respect from seeming others. Others do not have to defer to you. You are not the King of the Mountain nor are you to be a warden of the world.

Your life is about serving. Serve Me. Serve Me with good nature. Good-naturedness is something that you are to offer to those around you. How you serve Me is by serving others. How you serve yourself is by serving others. No matter how subtly you may be disregarding others or outright stomping on them, you are dishonoring yourself and the great big world out there.

Learn other ways to deal with what offends you. Your habits in life have a bearing on the life around you. Look again.

I gave you Custody of the World. I did not give you a role as rule-maker. Be an exponent of how life in the world is meant to be lived. Use your quiet voice. Correct yourself and not so much others.

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The Door of What Is Next

God said:

Whether you are on dry ground or at sea, you ride the Waves of Life. You may feel like you are walking on stilts, yet you are swimming in the Ocean Blue. You are a swimmer of great magnitude. You are a Master of Divinity.

You minister to the world. You are at My right. I am ever at your side, and you are at Mine. There is no day without Each Other. No one is missing from My Heart.

You graduated long ago, even as you don't quite get it yet. In fact, you are catching up to your Self. Get ready for more new surprises. Of course, a surprise has to be new in order to be a surprise. Know this, however, your development is no surprise to Me. All joy is Mine yet no surprise. I don't require surprise. I am a Supreme Conductor of Life. I welcome All. Welcome to this Grand Party that I prepare in your Honor.

In your way, you have been working on this party with Me. You have been getting ready for your debut into the Real Goods of Life. Real Life has been calling you.

Your vision widens. You are beginning to see greater. Soon you will embrace inward and outward as the same. You are Light of Foot and you are ready, set, go. You are a thought of yourself.

You are letting go of boundaries. You do not need to hold on to them any longer. You never did. No longer do you require ballast. You require Freedom. You are reeling in freedom. Freedom is going to pour out of you. Vines are no longer underfoot.

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Embrace Oneness

God said:

If a photograph could be taken of Oneness, it would be taken with the Radiant Light of My Heart. A photograph would expose My Heart right out in the open. Even so, no photo could contain Me.

Oneness is not blurred, yet there are no edges. Wholeness cannot have edges, for there are no cliffs to be defined.

What would an embrace of Oneness look like?

You are very close to understanding the Oneness of Fullness.

You might see Oneness as a pin-dot in the middle of a blank screen. You might see Oneness simply as Fullness. There is no end to Fullness. No beginning to Fullness either. There is no middle, no half, no here, no there. There is no defining Oneness. Oneness cannot be delineated.

Heart Strings are loose. No matter what you name Oneness -- Infinity, Wholeness, Vastness -- there is no getting away from it. There is room for everyone and everything -- even as there is no space. There is the Nothingness of Fullness.

With Oneness, Fullness, Vastness, there is nothing to point to. There are no points, yet there is importance. There is a Clarity of Knowingness even as what I say cannot be grasped. It is a Knowingness. Enough said -- Knowingness makes an impression on you.

Hail to Oneness and all Great Fullness and Infinite Infinity.

No artist could paint Infinity. No child with crayons could color in Infinity. No sculptor could sculpt it. Infinity is Vast. There is no Vaster than Vast.

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The Stars of the Universe

God said:

Everything in the world is as you perceive it or misperceive it. There is understanding and misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions. Offenses came into being. Obligation entered the world. Heartache grew. The concept of foe grew. All the opposites were firmly planted. The unwanted grew. Weeds of thought took over. The world became haphazard and hazardous.

It hasn't been an easy thing to choose to leave Earth, nor is it always charming to stay.

Words expanded the Universe while words also cut the Universe down. People were construed in wild ways and struck down, sorted and classified according to who-knows-what.

How brief was life for a human being on Earth, and how long it took.

Time was bowed down to. Space cost money. Water became sparse and charged for. There were all kinds of shortages in the world.

There grew a shortage on Earth of heart. Hearts withered as though heartlessness were a sought-after treasure. Heartlessness was no rarity.

Blame was perpetuated upon Earth. It grew like a vine. It took over the fields. No one could escape the vine of blame although some blamed more or less vigorously.

Nevertheless, the daily miracles of life continued.

I saw beyond what you in the world saw. You forgot to look up at the sky. Wherever you looked, you saw errors, and you counted them. This is how you learned arithmetic, and the world told you that pointing out fault was a good thing.

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Life in the World Is Not Real

God said:

This Life in the World is not real. Your day-to-day experiences certainly seem real. Sure, they are tangible. You can bet your money on them, yet the tangible is not real. What you call Life is not real. The moments and what you spend them on are not real. You believe they are real because you like to have things to hold onto and never part with. You like to hold Life in your hands and stick to your story of it.

What is called death in the world is not real. You may dance over what is true and go to a page in a storybook as your authority. There is no death according to the commonly accepted concept of death.

Life is Eternal. The Earthly Plane is only one perceived level of a hardy existence, yet this level is like a coat of paint. It is a painted picture of light and dark.

Love is true. Love is true when love is what is happening – not bargained or argued about, but love without trying, love that arises by itself, following its own path. Love is not necessarily the words given for love on anniversary cards or on all the other seeming love etiquette in the world, touted as supposed to be, and, therefore, held out to you to be taken to be the Buzzwords of Reality.

You are love, and it is yourself that you try to catch up to.


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