God said:
The Setting Sun. When the sun sets, no one bemoans it. Everyone knows that, when there is sunset, sunrise follows and vice versa. This is how the world is set up. There is no past when it comes to life. Only in world thought is there such a thing as past. In Truth, there is no future. There just is Is-ness. Is-ness is Infinity. Being-ness is Infinity. Beingness is. Infinity is.
The World of Doing is the relative world. I do not put down the relative world. I understand very well it's enormous importance to you. Nevertheless, the relative world is the world of illusion. Illusion also serves a purpose. The world of illusion, regardless of its significance, is not Truth.
Sunset and sunrise are two aspects of what is referred to as contrasting or opposite.
In Truth, there is Oneness. Oneness runs on a continuum. There are no sections of Oneness.
When it comes to living in the world, you see life as having a finality, as if the exit of a body is all there is to life, that life itself ends with the end of the body. This is how it may look from the surface.
True, bodies die, yet no body is the extent of anyone you love or anyone you have never even met or anyone that ever was in the history of the world. Everyone is Infinite and Eternal. Life never ever ends. So long as you may live applies only to so long as your body may live. Your body lives on Earth. In what is called death and in what is called life, you are anchored in the Land of Truth where there is no cease to life.