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A New Idea

God said:

I sing a song to you every day. I sing a song of love. I sing My song of love from the rafters of Heaven and Earth. Even as space does not exist, I sing to you from everywhere. Even as time does not exist, I sing to you without cease. I sing an ode to you. I sing from My heart. This is the only place I know of to sing from. Hear Me sing.

Remove the idea from your thoughts that I judge you. Neither do I advise you to judge. I do not tell you one thing and Myself another. For what purpose would I do that? I am already omnipotent and all the other omnis you can think of. I have no need to be otherwise than totally up front with you.

You may put Me on the carpet. It is well-known that you argue with Me. I do not fault you, nor do I beat around the bush. I do not change My story to suit you. Did you think that I am obliged to?

You may trump up charges against Me when you feel assaulted by a turn of events. Of course, you know the answer I give you:

Beloveds, you simply don't catch on to all the nuances of life. You do not know all the underpinnings of your life. You do not see deeper reasons. To your eyes and heart, there can be no reason to justify what blows you have had. If you could see what I see, your eyes would light up. You whole way of thinking would change exceedingly once you could see as I do see.

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The Lagoon of God's Love

God said:

I hear you say to Me in your role of bewildered and perhaps harried Child of Mine:

"Beloved God, may my heart pour out in gratitude to You at every moment. May I be grateful to you for every task You set before me. May I be eager to serve You easily and without resistance. May a way for me to fulfill Your every desire present itself so that I serve Your Will as You will me to. Thy Will. I underline this, God. 

"May serving You be easy and swell my heart. May I have equanimity. May all be well in the world and for everyone I personally know or think I do not know. May I know everyone to the depth of my heart. May I see no challenges. May I see that I have only a little housekeeping to attend to in my land no longer do I honor the hustle and bustle that overwhelm me so much of the time. May I present myself to You, God, in good and hearty service. May I serve My fellow man happily in service to You. May I serve You. May I serve."

Now, know this:
You are My desire. I brought you into Being to fulfill My desires. Take Me at full value. What is this about your worrying about anything at all when you are set as My Crowning Glory? You are My Dream come true.

Like Me, keep your eye on where you are going and not on the past of where you have been -- even a moment ago. Yesterday is nothing. The seeming right now is everything, even as there is not really a right now. The long and the short of it is that what you perceive as the present is simply Infinity, no ifs ands or buts about it.

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Life Is New Every Day

God said:

What would it take for you to let go of suffering? What is suffering anyway? Suffering is an alarm that goes off. Suffering serves to give you headache and heartache. Suffering is a kind of self-medication that you take a big dose of. It would seem that My children accept suffering more readily than happiness. Suffering is your antagonism to the surface of life when life, as you see it, breaks your rules.

You convict life of going against you. You refute life. You are convinced that what hurts you in your Earth life is unfair and unacceptable. Dear Ones, whatever establishes suffering in your heart has already happened. You cannot overthrow life as it occurs. You might be turning happiness away and settling for suffering, or you may grab onto suffering as you might a life raft in the middle of the sea. You make a big protest. You refuse that which, in Reality, cannot be changed. You cannot prevent what has already occurred.

Move forward.

You can readily accept that the worst life can offer has been chucked at you. You are kicking and screaming. This comes from surface relativity of life on Earth. It is as if suffering is your defense. You protest and fight tooth and nail that which has occurred, and which you cannot undo.

Come from an understanding that life is as life is. Life has no vendetta with you. Life happens to all. No matter who you are, sooner or later, life will take away from you the physical presence of loved ones. Life isn't out to get you. Life means to move you forward.

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Aloha, Life

God said:

Whatever is on your mind does not have to stay on your mind. At the same time, you don't have to shoo away what's on your mind either. You don't have to make too much of your thoughts, nor do you have to push them away.

Naturally, you desire to find the answers to life. You toss many balls of thought up into the air. All of your thoughts are toss-ups. You catch what you catch, and the ones you don't catch fall where they may.

To you, this may seem like a penalty, yet, all this is life. Wherever the chips fall, it is life. This IS life. This is life as it is on Earth. Of course, you raise your eyebrows at the idea of life's letting you down! Life on Earth is momentous to you. Life is of the utmost importance. Life is made of highs and lows. For many of My children, a milder balance of life doesn’t seem to exist, or it gets too hum-drum for words. You may like the pot to be stirred and come to a boil.

When you make pancakes in the morning, however the pancakes turn out, they are pancakes and no more. Pancakes can't be more than pancakes. This is a workable way to deal with life. Life is what it is when it is. C'est la vie.

When the chips fall where they may, you are free to pick up the chips that fall where they may, yet what are you going to do with the chips now? It could be a good idea to toss them away. Their time has passed. Your time is now.

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Under the Umbrella of Being Realistic

God said:

It is not unusual for My children to fuss and fume about how they are treated, yet they may sentence themselves to frustration by predicting doom under the umbrella of being realistic.

Someone you know may have been treated unfairly. Perhaps you. In your reasoning – or rather unreasoning – you might determinedly predict unsatisfactory conclusions to follow. Your reasoning is often anecdotal. You would not accept an anecdotal example from a friend as a basis to accept a new drug, yet you might give dismal advice to someone based on what happened to a friend or something you read.

Let me put it this way: Do not, absolutely do not, be the voice of doom when you advise someone else and/or yourself to do or not to take an action.

Someone is going to win the lottery this week. Someone wins every week. It is interesting that everyone I know who plays the lottery run over what it would be like to win. Odds aren't in anyone's favor, yet every week or day someone wins big. Why on Earth would anyone say to a friend: "You will never win."

A friend may want to be admitted to a certain medical school, and you tell him all the ways he won't get in. Whatever the statistics may be, why would you discourage a friend from applying to a particular assuming he won't get in. What advantage do you see?

If a friend of yours wants to be a millionaire when he grows up, by what divine right would you tell him he never will make it. Are you telling your friend that others might, but he won't?

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When the Sun Sets

God said:

The Setting Sun. When the sun sets, no one bemoans it. Everyone knows that, when there is sunset, sunrise follows and vice versa. This is how the world is set up. There is no past when it comes to life. Only in world thought is there such a thing as past. In Truth, there is no future. There just is Is-ness. Is-ness is Infinity. Being-ness is Infinity. Beingness is. Infinity is.

The World of Doing is the relative world. I do not put down the relative world. I understand very well it's enormous importance to you. Nevertheless, the relative world is the world of illusion. Illusion also serves a purpose. The world of illusion, regardless of its significance, is not Truth.

Sunset and sunrise are two aspects of what is referred to as contrasting or opposite.

In Truth, there is Oneness. Oneness runs on a continuum. There are no sections of Oneness.

When it comes to living in the world, you see life as having a finality, as if the exit of a body is all there is to life, that life itself ends with the end of the body. This is how it may look from the surface.

True, bodies die, yet no body is the extent of anyone you love or anyone you have never even met or anyone that ever was in the history of the world. Everyone is Infinite and Eternal. Life never ever ends. So long as you may live applies only to so long as your body may live. Your body lives on Earth. In what is called death and in what is called life, you are anchored in the Land of Truth where there is no cease to life.

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A Mighty Child of God

God said:

As you rise, so does the world rise. There is a balance between you and the world. You are in the process of making peace with the world. You and the world sit on a fulcrum. You balance the scales. And Life on Earth is more than you have credited living in the world to be. You haven't recognized yourself, and you haven't recognized the world. You hopped, skipped, and jumped to illusion.

Now you are disconnecting from your old version of the world. Your old vision doesn't hold water. Be done with it. Let go. Regain innocence.

As you rise, fast or slow, wherever you turn, you begin to recognize Love and Beauty. There is nothing else there to be seen. There is only insight. There is no outer. The outer is the illusion. Nothing stands between you and the Love and Beauty and the Vastness and the Miracle of Life as all these rise to the forefront with you. Wherever you are and whatever you are involved in, you are rising.

No one rises alone. No one sinks alone. Everyone rises and falls according to the tune he  plays, according to his very harmonics. You -- and everyone -- want your vibration to be high, not purely for yourself but to also to serve as My Voice. All the Instruments of God, play High Notes.

Everyone can reach High Notes. No one is barred from them. Everyone can reach high, for I am so close to you.  I am your Very Self.

In Life there is this: Hearing My Voice so subtly. As you change your stance in life, everything is different. You don't make this difference happen. It is a natural happening.

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The Nature of Our Very Personal Relationship

God said:

When you are Godwriting™, you don't have to choose a topic. You don't have to have a pressing need. You don't have to pull out an agenda or a list of questions to ask. I am a God who does more than respond to your limited questions, and you are to be just an ordinary person intending to hear from Me which is My Godwriting to you. You pick it up. Your wanting to hear Me is a blessing any way you slice it.

What is Godwriting but your openness to hearing what I have to say?

Listen to this about Our relationship:

It's true that I am your Servant. I am your Servant, far more than you know. At the same time, you aren't My Enforcer. I am not obliged to do your bidding. Of course, you have sometimes thought that you are supposed to order the menu of life as you wish, and I am to hand you your desires on a silver platter. If I don't, you may think I am in the wrong. It is all well and good to be confident, yet confidence doesn't mean that everything has to go your way.

When you are sure that your will ought to be followed over Mine, you may come across as arrogant. The exact opposite of arrogant is not exactly meek, not obsequious, but more like humble. There is a certain haughtiness when you are sure your desires are to be well-met.

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Temple of God's Grace

God said:

Rise and shine. That's all you have to do. And, that, ultimately, is all that you are doing. You are rising to Life. Unbeknownst to you, you are like a ballet dancer on the stage. The dancer's body is folded, as if she is covering herself on the stage. She unfolds her limbs and rises to her full height. She may not realize the grace with which she does this. Nevertheless, she reveals God's Grace as she rises.

Or, it could be that you are a building being built. There is sawing and hammering. One day the building is built, and it is a Temple of Beauty. It is happiness to view this building. From wood and nails, bricks and mortar, time and energy, the Temple arises. Aided and abetted by other blossoming human beings, the building reaches its heights.

Or, you are My Dream, and My Dream realizes itself. You are the building that is a Haven for All.

You are already created in All Your Majesty. Your task now is to come to the Realization of Who You Are. You are not mere shards of Creation. You are Creation Itself. The blueprints of you were designed, and now you branch out as you remove blinders from your eyes.

You are a Dancer Rising. You are a Temple of Yourself. You are My Dream Fulfilled.

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Make Room

God said:

Take what I say to heart. I say you are eminently worthy of regard. You are to be welcomed and respected in the world.

At the same time, what the world says about you is not meant to be your point of reference. The world is not your God. I AM. Take what I say to heart. Do not take to heart whatever the world and those in it may carelessly make of you. Whether the world makes a lot or a little of you, the world is not the measure of you, nor is anyone in the world the measure of you.

It would be grand if the world would make much of you. This would be common courtesy. Look for it, and may you find it. From your side, be sure you make others welcome to this world. Wherever you are, everyone who walks in is to be made much of -- welcomed, hugged, treasured, regarded as a God-given soul. When the world welcomes you, you feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, you grow faster and feel strong. You blossom. When the world contracts you, your growth is contracted. What are you going to give?

I did not create you for anyone to make you feel small. I certainly did not create you to be taken aback and hurt by whatever anyone may say about you or begrudge you.


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