GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2015

will's picture

There comes a moment when nothing is in your mind, not even the question. The question has eaten itself up.

That's what happens in a Zen koan: an absurd question. And why absurd? - for this particular reason: if it is not absurd then the mind will supply an answer. And if the mind supplies an answer, out of that answer ten more questions will arise. And then it will be a regress ad infinitum; there will be no end to it. Hence an absurd question is given to the meditator so that mind cannot supply any answer. If no answer is supplied how long can you go on asking the question, how long? - one year, two years, three years, four, five, six... one gets tired. A moment comes when one is so exhausted with the question and the futility of it all, and one knows there is no answer to it. One day, out of sheer exhaustion, the question slips out of your consciousness. You are left alone, a pure mirror reflecting nothing.

The question has eaten itself; that is koan. The snake has started eating its own tail: now the circle is complete, the perfect circle. The perfect circle has been the symbol of wisdom. The question is the beginning of knowledge, the perfect circle is the symbol of wisdom.



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