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Pubblicato in data 31/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral

he Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another

To read the full message go to:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/brilliant-rehearter-assist-...

Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote Bin Laden book gets warning from Pentagon

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Los Angeles Times
David S. Cloud, August 31, 2012

Ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette, who wrote 'No Easy Day' about the Bin Laden raid, violated an agreement not to reveal classified information, the Pentagon says.

No Easy Day

Bissonnette did not submit his manuscript for review by the Pentagon as he was required to do under an agreement he signed in 2007, an official says. (AP Photo/Dutton / August 30, 2012)

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon formally warned a former Navy SEAL who has written a first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year, saying he has violated his signed agreement not to divulge classified information, and it threatened him with stiff legal action.

Switzerland pays the price for banking secrecy

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by Armando Mombelli, August 30, 2012

Attacks from European governments, investigations against Swiss banks in the United States and international arrest warrants against bankers - in the space of just a few years, banking secrecy has turned into a costly burden.

"Today I met several bankers in Zurich. They were all shaking their heads saying, ‘In 40 years of operations we’ve never had a crisis like this one – a war like the one being waged against the Swiss banking system. We’re in the artillery sights of every country and every day there are new attacks’,” recounted Paolo Bernasconi, a business law professor at St Gallen University and former Ticino public prosecutor.

To read the rest of this story, visit swissinfo.ch.


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It will begin suddenly,without warning. Many scandals that will disclose true backgound about how the System works will shake human masses. Disclosures about how international energetic megacompanies earn billions selling oil, preventing at the same time inventions of free energy to come to public. Disclosures about pharmaceutical trusts that earn money with "healing" diseases that are spread with viruses created in hidden laboratories. Disclosures about efficient cures for AIDS, cancer and other diseases that are known for quite some time, unkonwn to human masses. And about world media and censorship there, which is a logical consequence of a fact that few individuals own most worldly known newspaper, media and telecommunication companies. And finally disclosures about a secret world government that has most prominent politicians as its puppets and which creates profit out of wars and human suffering for millenia, a small group of beings that you work for in your jobs and voluntarily give them a significant amount of your monthly salary.


Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 31 August 2012

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Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 31 August 2012


MASTERS:    “This is the time of beginnings.  Humanity is in the midst of unlimited opportunities of mental and physical understanding of the universe and all of its powers and integrated productivity.  The wonders of planetary reconstruction that are now being felt and observed in your world are part of movements in your universe that will soon be observed on other planets that you are at least aware of at this time.  The Mars mission will be one of the first to observe the changing tides of frequencies as its roving machine picks up more than soil samples and records power surges not known or understood at this time by your scientists.


Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~ InLight Blogtalkradio ~ 31 August 2012

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Direct link to radio show

Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697


Listen 31 August 17 pm Central USA or mainland Europe 1 am  1 September 2012


CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.


Disclosure, as a global awareness event is now happening.  CVN is among the first to formally declare disclosure as real and peaceful.CVN will be an evolving program, adapting to the events unfolding upon, within and beyond our planet.

CVN will also address current events that support a shift to a peaceful planet.


A program to promote and encourage courageous dialogue worldwide, while preparing everyone to be re-introduced to our galactic families.


~Brilliant ReHearter to Assist Everyone In these Intense Energies~

Lia's picture





The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another




With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility

IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER  WE will meet you there


Christina ~ Finding Congruency Each Moment Is A Defining Moment

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Christina ~ Finding Congruency Each Moment Is A Defining Moment

Posted on August 31, 2012 by 


Golden Heart Dialogues | August 24 2012


Multidimensional Me ~ Christina Fisher 2012


The Shift of the Ages

The shift of the ages allows the inclusive empowerment of humanity. We are waking up from an unconscious existence and finding ourselves in unison with all of civilization. The shift of the ages is humanity’s defining moment, a historical juncture of unfathomable comprehension.

Each moment is a defining moment; each choice a defining choice. If we are caught off guard, what will we choose? Will it be the pinnacle of our liberation or the decline from our apex? Will we choose disempowerment through inaction? When we ignore ourselves, we ignore our inner personal ethics, which echoes the voice of our wisdom.

Self-empowered individuals are the hosts for global empowerment. The shift of the ages begins with empowerment from within. Global empowerment is predicated on each person’s awakening and seizing the defining moment. Every individual choice is a global choice. Choosing, at this important juncture, sets the course for our collective reunification. We are a global community, coming into wholeness at the same time. Lessons from the past remind us that this is the moment.

The defining moment is ours. Choose well. Choose quickly. Be the voice; be the instrument; be the tool for the empowerment of the ages. Be your limitless self, and awaken. Abide by your highest, most pristine inner guidance. Actuate each of your individual empowerments in perfect unison.

I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By 3 Androgenous Beings In Long White Robes.

Lia's picture

Kelvin Curnow has just emailed me this and asked if I would like to post it,I am honoured to do so,blessings Kerrie/Zoolithe


My name is Kelvin Curnow, and I live in Plymouth, England. I have had several experiences with celestial craft ( ufo's ) since early childhood, and have also had telepathic communication with these craft on many occassions during my lifetime. I have always felt very strongly since childhood, that I do not belong here, but have to accept the fact, that I answered a call, and incarnated here for a higher purpose.


Southern California town declares emergency over quake swarm

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Southern California town declares emergency over quake swarm


LOS ANGELES | Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:04am IST

Aug 29 (Reuters) - The southern California town of Brawley has taken the unusual step of declaring a state of emergency after a swarm of earthquakes rattled nearly 20 mobile homes off their blocks and forced a slaughterhouse to close, the mayor said on Wednesday.

It is uncommon for quake-hardy California cities to declare emergencies due to tremors, but Brawley mayor George Nava said the earthquake swarm is a unique case because it has lasted for days and caused millions of dollars in damage.

The cluster of relatively small quakes, which are caused by water and other fluids moving around in the Earth's crust, began on Saturday evening and climaxed the next day with a 5.5 temblor, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The tremors were continuing on Wednesday and geologists say there have been hundreds in total.

Nava said leaders in Brawley, a city of 25,000 residents south of the state's inland Salton Sea and 170 miles (275 km) southeast of Los Angeles, declared a local emergency late on Tuesday. Officials with surrounding Imperial County made a similar declaration on Wednesday.

Nineteen mobile homes were knocked off their blocks and their residents forced out, Nava said. The auditorium at Brawley Union High School has been damaged and closed off, and the National Beef slaughter plant in Brawley has been temporarily shut down due to damage, he said.

read more http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/08/30/usa-earthquake-swarm-idINL2E8JTCP120120830

Sophia Love – Who Hit The Replay Button?

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Sophia Love – Who Hit The Replay Button? – 31 August 2012

PictureIt’s like someone pressed replay.

In the last several weeks I’ve either heard from, or run into people whom I haven’t seen in years.  The first time it was interesting.  The sixth time, which was last night on a walk in the nearby park, it was sort of mind blowing.  It’s like a weird sort of family reunion, only it feels more like a review than a visit.  I am bumping into everyone who’s played some role in my life, however brief; sort of re-living who I was then, and then, and then, and then… Parts of me I had forgotten are once again saying hello.  Not all of these are welcome guests.  I’ve worked very hard to extricate them and thought I’d never see them again.  I was wrong.  I may need a twelve step program; Addictions Anonymous.


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