
E.T. Encounters, Special Ops, Alien Craft Recoveries and Sighting

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The late Lt. Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens, a renowned UFO researcher, shared his lifelong journey in ufology, detailing encounters with extraterrestrials, exploring US military special programs, and revealing intriguing cases of Alien craft sightings and investigations.

DOD Report Discounts Sightings of Extraterrestrial Technology

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The Defense Department's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office today released a report detailing its review of nearly 80 years of reports on government offices and special access programs related to unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP—a new term for what was once referred to as unidentified flying objects. 

"AARO has found no verifiable evidence that any UAP sighting has represented extraterrestrial activity," said AARO acting Director Tim Phillips during a Wednesday briefing at the Pentagon. "AARO has found no verifiable evidence that the U.S. government or private industry has ever had access to extraterrestrial technology. AARO has found no indications that any information was illegally or inappropriately withheld from Congress." 

The 63-page "Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" provides conclusions drawn following an examination of historical documents and conclusions drawn by U.S. government programs that did work related to UAP dating back to 1945.


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Concerns Grow Over UFO Pushback Effort, Whilst Whistleblowers Remain Silenced

Observers are increasingly apprehensive as the former Director, currently serving as a consultant to America's Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) office, seems to be taking on the role of its shadow spokesperson, bypassing established communication protocols within the Department of Defense (DoD).

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, now an unpaid consultant to the UAP office, located within the DoD known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), recently informed New York Post journalist Steven Greenstreet that a forthcoming historical report on UAP would likely be made public “before the State of the Union [address on] March 7.”


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