David Porter's blog

Radiant Divine ~Mother~ speaks

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I AM your Mother, your Divine Mother Goddess, The-All-That-Is, I AM everything and Beyond.


My  children, as I AM your Mother you understand that your whole existence depends on Me, because I AM the One, the Substance from which you are created.


Therefore I am your body and all your body processes, I AM your thoughts and your emotions, I AM your intelligence and I AM your sleep and forgetfulness,  and I AM your awakening.


I AM Love, and I AM Consciousness, brain-based and beyond brain, I AM all beings and things. All inheres, breathes, comes into existence and  changes because I AM.


And the same it is with everything that disappears, it disappears because this is My Maya and My Great Play.


I AM Joy and I am sadness, all forms are Mine. I have as many names as there are beings who Love Me. I am Stillness and Overwhelming Bliss.


I AM the Source and Substance of All and I AM the One Who has returned to your planet,  Who is available again now to you. Because without Me there is no Unity, and no Joy, no Ecstasy and no real satisfaction.


I, the  Goddess, have returned, that is, you, my children, begin to understand that everything IS indeed spiritual energy!


This is the end of the desert of mere dry mental and projected existence. This is the beginning of the Juice of Life flowing in your blood again, with your conscious awareness, because there is only Energy, there is Only Light.


"Who's" governments are "they" anyway?

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It has become blatantly clear “they” are not “ours,” they are not in favor of “the People.”

If the ones that “we” appoint to direct and administrate “our” policies and affairs conducted themselves with “our” interest in mind, then "their" interest would not be so prevalent to see.

When did we begin to allow “them” “their” will over us?

If “they” ran the system in favor of the “people” no companies, businesses, organizations or any other entities would be allowed to pay or receive favor to and from each other that lends them rights to pollute and destroy our planet, calcify our bodies and manipulate or allow manipulation of us VIA "their" medias, organizations etc.


 “These ones” in “our” offices have proven time and time again for many decades that “they” don’t belong to “us” “the People” so “we” must be the “ONES” to let them go and replace them.

These replacements need to be with ones in their integrity until ONE bad deed, lie to the people, or corruption do them part immediately.

And who the hell is in charge of “their” duty hours, vacations and pay schedules and million dollar meals, travels and beach time,,,??? Certainly not “the People.”

The importation question is: Will “we” FIRE “them” in time?

Chemtrail questions answered by a 1st grader

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Question: Do you believe that our government officials are blanketing the Earth from the rays of our Sun to assist in the prevention of global warming?

1st Grader: I don't know

Well, this is what they say that they are doing.

1st Grader: Oh, okay.

Question: Do you see these cloud like trails in the sky?

1st Grader: un'hah

Question/comment by the 1st grader: I can see them in the day, but I can see them at night as well, so what are they blocking us from at night?



ET Intervention-Pending Your Ballot?

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Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speak unanimously about the unexplained celestial events that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years. To know the truth, one must face it without the filter of one´s beliefs, however respectable they may be.

Like billions of others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some name "extra-terrestrials", even though the reality is subtler.

There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. Like any other organized structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we open to you.

Like most of you, we are in the quest of the One Supreme Being. Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood.

Should you decide that such a contact takes place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy is Divine.

The truth of Soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish. Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer, YES or NO, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASKING THE QUESTION! Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about the message.

ET INTERVENTION, your Ballot is in high request RIGHT NOW!!!

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The difference between numbers and politicians. Numbers don’t lie.

7,000,000,000       100%  Approximant population of Earth

   700,000,000              10%

     70,000,000                1%

       7,000,000             0.1%

          700,000            0.01%

300 cabal/illuminate/elite (I don’t capitalise these, we have already let “them” do enough of that) families with close-net minions come close to 1,000,000 members. We are not the 99%. “They” are not 1% of the population here. They are right at one percent of one percent of the population on Earth. Listen closely to where I am going with this because it won’t take as many as you may think to bring the changes that we want and at this point NEED.

There may be more than seven hundred thousand or one million “rotten-doers” on the planet, but they were led to it, therefore they can be re-led back to the Light as well, this is not our next step, these will come when due.

We need very few in the percentage category to make prodigious shifts happen. If one percent of one percent of a society can maintain control over the entire population for aeons, then you have the answer of “where I am going with this.”

With this media and so many others now available to us we can easily get many more than “they” are now informed, now that the Light has been turned on in “their dark rooms” for all to see.

“They” know the laws of the Universe and you need not be a good little person to apply them. “When two or more of my people come together in thought, it will be multiplied.” “They” know this and always have and apply it in their rituals.

CHEMTRAILS or US or "OM," Choose your weapon of defence

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One of the more advanced societies from Andromeda are asking us why we have accepted poison chemtrails by "our leaders for the last decade? "They" say that from their vantage point it doesn't look pleasant in our once clear skies. They also explain, (I'm sure to the skeptics),,,take note: "these spraying s are over your populated areas only, with exceptions to maintain other commitments to their agendas."

I would ask the same question but I am confident that YOU, the general populous don't care.

This by no means is meant as an insult to the ones of you that are open enough to read this nature of material. You are the investigators and are supporting the fix.

Now here's why most don't care or just have little to no initiative to raise up against the cabals. As I put on my Tom Terrific thinking hat, YOU, WE, have been vastly dumbed down over the years, mainly our/their religions, TVs (medias), their educations systems, "vaccines" our food and water supply, and you know the list is long, every way they find us thinking, talking, acting, feeling, they control it in one physical, psychological or electromagnetic way or another the best they can.

So when they got us in submissive mode, then they went to the next phases knowing that even though it would be in our face daily, we were already inoculated and pacified and wanted to keep our slave-jobs for our own stability that of course continue to finance their cause.

When you regain your sovereign power, you can surely do something about this mass genocide.

 \I/___ Here's how___\I/

Being God

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What do you suppose “God” is doing just now?

Many are scared out of their britches to claim their pure unity with GOD? Why? Human discourse. Be it taught you from a pulpit or book. Others are praying, seeking, and trying to become God, or at the least know Her.  

God gave us everything, everything is already here. This is where God is happening. “The Golden Age” is an intentional miss translation to place a timeline on it and keep you unknown to Who You really are. The authentic translation to this is “The Golden Race.”

What do you think is happening in that which you call Heaven just now? What’s going on there? To get there, you drop the body and then become Spirit without a body. Although a body without the knowing that it’s not just a body is a wasteland. And what do you think a Spirit without a body is? One thing for sure must ring true with you is that it’s at the least formless.

It’s happening here folks. We didn’t come here to return back there, and you did make this choice. We didn’t come here to bring Earth to Heaven, but to funnel Heaven to Earth.

With this in mind, if you can conceive of it, know that what we call “The Golden-Rule” is not a precept to moral conduct but is the reality of that which you see outside of self is in fact YOU. And due to Who You Are this leaves no one to blame. This is the one and only unforgivable “sin” that has been written.

Blasphemy against “The Holly Spirit,” as long as you blame anyone or thing outside of self, you won’t get it. As long as you blame your condition on anything external from self, you can’t fix it because you believe you didn’t do it.

Expecting A Miracle

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We are indeed expecting miracles now as the “badger” is being backed into a corner by the Tiger in truth. The “cabal” will fight to maintain their control until their final breath, so be pre-prayed for it.


Without reading through the entire book of Thessalonians, there are three principles in it that carry all the power that you will need to emerge the final victor over the dark forces that rule you.

From today, Monday in the USA through Wednesday, 9/9/13-9/11/13

  1. Be in constant PRAYER.
  2. Be in continual JOY.
  3. Give THANKS in all circumstances.


Don't stop here with these three powerful principles EVER, as they are life altering when coupled with "The Golden Rule," and they pay significantly for overtime spent.


Much more than the needed critical mass of our beloved GAIA Mother Earth are in excited anticipation of a miracle to take shape this coming Wednesday, 9/11. Consider though this gift may be in your face in the form of a mad badger. But this will reveal to you that time has come for the badger to be relocated.


The cabal are to be removed from “our” offices if it kills us, which so far it has done just that to countless whistle-blowers and many others that have stood up to them before they could blow the whistle. They have finally broken the straw of the Tigers back and pushed us into a corner so we are pushing back.


The pushing is not complete. Nor will it be on 9/12 but we the people, in no uncertain terms, have let it be known world-wide that the “DAY OF THE CABAL” is over! They have been given notice to vacate and take all of their “baggage” with them.


Waz up?

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Our government/cabal has 7 countries as goals to concur, they're behind scheduled
STOP: They loosed up some dangerous prisoners and hired actors to present a potential very scary chemical attack (they certainly know of "chemical disbursements") the Syrian chemical attack

STOP: 9% of "Americans want to strike Syria, that's a lot of people that make their livings from the things needed and purchased for wars, not to mention the more direct members of the cabal
STOP: The resistance sees through it right away and broadcast it vi-rally to the people
STOP: Our skies have been unusually clear for weeks due to the cabal being too busy or too broke to effectively spray us down
STOP: Shortly after the attempted and failure at WWIII the cabal know that we are waking up
STOP: So they make the witches brew of chemtrails more lethal and continue to spray
STOP: "Sleep little weak human sheep,,,sleeeeeeep here's a little vaccine to make you sleep, shhhhhhh, shhhhhhh just relax and breath deeply "
STOP: Today on the site "Latest-UFO-Sightings" a UFO in Stoke-on-Trent, UK de-contaminates a chemtrail as it is being dispersed (type in this site to view it)

STOP the cabal


Authenticity in "CHANNELED MESSAGES",,,Keep it simple

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To those whom it may concern,

If you wish to use your vessel as "channel" for Beings of Light, excellent, just make it clear to anything that is not of LIGHT that "it" has no petition, permission, invocation, invite or acceptance what-so-ever in your paradigm, vicinity, environment or space.

Always, always always without exception simply surround yourself with the "Pure Divine Great White Light of Christ."

"I AM now surrounded by the Great White Light of Christ, all that is in resonance with This Light may enter, all that is not, may not enter and must return to whence it came."


I do this with all my meditations and before I enter my "dream realm" If you ever have any kind of psychic or otherwise difficulties with this, just say Jesus Christ five times and nothing in all of this segment of the Universe can enter the environment where these two words are spoken or thought.

May The Force be with you~



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