David Porter's blog

The Bible, Fact or Farce?

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I am inspirerd to post this for the ones that are on the edge and still have the chance of making it to the fifth dimension (Heaven) by end year. For those who don’t make this level, 3D will be better than now, and if you are content here, no worries mates the opt will come again for you, but if you have contemplated taking your self out, then here’s a much, much better way than slapping the Giver of your life in His Face for His gift of life to you.

Bible, Qur’an (Koran), Yahweh, tawrat, Zabur, Injel, Torah, Bhgavad Gita’, Urantia, Hindu Vedas, Book of Morman, Talmud,,,this list is very long, there are hundreds if not thousands so who’s is right?

So what makes the Bible so popular in the west? The west does because that’s where you were born. Now why should it go viral and you recruit ALL the other humans under its fold? That is what you were taught to do by those who wanted all the members, and they blessed you with the title, “missionary.” Boy is the Lord gonna be proud of you, after the wars that you caused are all over anyway.  

More members equals more money, more money, more power, more power also derives from more control.

You say the Bible cannot be altered from its original version given to you by God Him Self. Protected by Him so if any man attempts to alter it, it’s the elevator going down, that fiery pit of hell for that one. Revelations right, they placed this one at the end to wrap you up in it for future teaching of it to you the listening audience.


Chemtrails - r - us

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We giveth and we taketh away. Let me exemplify this thusly.


For those of you who have heard this story, it is difficult to forget it, so please just go along to the other points in quest with us.


One evening a Cherokee elder told his grandson about a battle that was going on inside himself. He said, "My son, it is between two wolves....One is evil: With Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

The other is good: With Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith".

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The Cherokee elder simply replied: "The one I feed".


Yesterday, 10/09/2012, the day before the peak of the incoming energies evidently attached to even what NASA admits to, CMEs (Coronial mass ejections, Sun flares) hitting us then and more headed our way. I wrote a blog on my experience with chemtrails. This morning 10-10-12, (day of the peak energies headed to Earth) I went out for mediations in the grass, on the Goddess, as always I do.

Before I had the chance to begin sending thoughts of Divine Love to the planes I saw, which were four at the time I looked up. The first two that I noticed were leaving behind them, maybe a half mile of “contrails.” They dissipated along with the speed of the craft, as normal.


It's later than you think

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Indepencence Missiouri, (sub-Kansas City) 10/09/2012. This is the day before more energies and connections happen and peak, and wouldn’t you know it. When I went outside this morning I saw chemtrails crossing the sky, I paused and considered what I just read yesterday, it said "send love" to them. So I aimed my view at the two planes leaving very thick trails and sent them Divine Love from the heart. I am still prossessing what took place within seconds after doing this. I am sitting here at the keyboard, waiting for words???


I certainly know the truth but the other day as I watched videos of those trying to convince themselves that what they videoed were chemtrails dissipating due to unseen forces that are so to speak on our side assisting with this. The trails were dissipating, but very slowly and it didn’t seem to me in either video that anything was prompting it, it simply looked to be wishful thinking?


However, I will tell it like I saw it to be. The jet to my right, and first one I gave my attention to, with the thickest trail-clouds, approximately 20 seconds after my little prayer, as I began to notice that far behind it, the trail was breaking up, and just at that time my attention was brought much closer to the tail of this jet due to the fact that the entire trail was quickly dissipating, more so that even a contrail!!! This I have never witnessed and I have been watching chemtrails since alerted to them be a friend that I worked with named Mark back in 2007.


There were several trails in the sky when I walked out and next to none when I went back in just a little later.


The Wings of an Eagle

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“My people (Ligthworker/Wayshowers and all who choose Love as Their Source of Power) will be as the wings of the Eagle in the “end times.”


Did you know that the Eagle typically lives at 10,000 feet elevations?

The Eagle has “tunnel vision,” and can see clearly for many miles. When the mighty Eagle senses a storm approaching, he will stand his ground, spread his wings and await the storm-facing it head-on. His wings lock in at a specific angle, and the strength of them makes it nearly impossible for them to bend. At this angle when the winds of the storm hit him he is lifted up, up and above the storm-where he soars quitly and peacefully in the sunny blue skies above.


The Eagle intuitively knows that he can use the “storm” for a source of power for his “up-lift-ment.”


Know that your thoughts have great power

Know that your words have great power

Know that your actions have great power

Know that your feelings have great power

Know that your attitudes have great power


Know this “Power” is Who You really Are-externally expressing This Magnificent Self.  


Think of exactly what it is that you “do” want not of that which you “don’t want, as either have identical magnetic power to draw to you what it is that’s on your mind.  


Speak only of that which is uplifting and of that which is exactly what you want to unfold into your life, speak of nothing else.


An Attitude of Gratitude makes you a POSITIVE-ATTRACTOR

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An attitude of gratitude makes you a



When you show appreciation for what you do have in your life now, no matter of it’s nature or content. You are in admission of the fact that you brought it, therefore the creator of it. Until you surrender to this concept of your reality being the one of your own personal creation, you simply won’t “get it.” If you don’t own it, it doesn’t belong to you so you cannot change it.


When you are in a state of appreciation, you are able to more acutely or at least consciously recognize that what is with you today is your personal creation prior to this timeline. If you have “quite the mess” in your reality just now, by the use of the High vibration of gratitude, you can fix it. Give thanks for the mess and forgive it, and yourself and any other that may have influenced its appearance into your life. “Give thanks in all things,” this attitude has a most prodigious power in its psychological input/output.


The very Soul that you are will continue to reflect to you what it is that you have been creating, consciously, unconsciously, or subconsciously, you will learn from it eventually, but this message it to prompt the expedience of a process for you to make way for entry into a Higher level of living circumstances that you may not have been enjoying up to now but would like to.


"You have the right to remain silent"

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Or you may speak your truth.


What is your truth?


And is it yours?


For those of you who watch “TV,” this programming leads to the truth of another, intentionally induced in most cases. If that other was Divinely directed this would be a blessing. However if it’s based in EGO or of the dark side, this would be more of a curse. The cunning devises of the cabal/illuminati/elite or dark ones, will become more and more obvious to you all with the amounts of Light (knowledge) that is entering your arena now. “Every eye shall see.”  You are in the time of “The Awakening,” that has many titles, one other is “The Second Coming.” 


Many of you are donating your monies, efforts and time to what you believe to be worthy causes. And with that intent in mind so shall you be blessed. But let me advise you on something that many of you are somewhat if not completely unknowing of. Due to the fear that the cabal over millennia have contrived to instil in you, you dare not investigate the “metaphysical” possibilities for fear of being imprisoned, burned on a stake, or hung on a cross. Let me explain. In your now timeline these things are not as popular and mostly outlawed, but none the less your subconscious mind goes way back in timelines and the memories there of.


For those dear souls of you that have been taught that you have but one life to “live” rather than the truth of this written in your bible, “but once to “die.””


A "Spark" off The ol' Block

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The Presidential war, I mean debates were typical as ever, but that’s due to the original design of them. Democrat vs Republican. I think Romney looks great for 65, and they both seem sincere in wanting to assist us. This is not about who takes office. The referee to call him by his obvious acting roll, was instagating them, was he not? The most points next day go to the one that "battles" best, not to the one that shows the Heart that he is there to serve us the people that appoint him. This showed me quite clearly that we are in over our heads at the mercy of those that have been titled the elite, cabal, illuminate and the black hats among some titles. If we don’t have “Legions of Angles, (ETs) that are wiser and more advance as in love over war type scenarios, then we are in for some turbulence that we by ourselves have proven over and over for thousands of years that we stand little to no chance in resolve one more time again. Unless.


We need unity now as always, but now is a different now than the now we were in as the group Soul that we are. This now is about 70 days away from 12/12/2012, which is the beginning of the end of the 12/21/2012 cycle, which is a cycle, within a cycle, within a cycle, etc.


We've got incoming

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The ONLY reason that we don't all have an authentic download of the events that are in progress just now is due to who controls the media. So far I don't know what you may think or know about Mr. Obama, but many are giving him the short end of the judgment stick. What "they" (our allies in the skies) have told us about this Being is he is "on purpose" (Divine Purpose) and that it is essential that he retains office. Some of you may have heard “Who” this guy really is. I will spare you for now, but no matter your lines of belief, you must know that the Divine has perfect order to His plan.


Without judgment to Romney, this is one man, that if he did actually have power in the Oval office to make decisions without the cabals two cents in it, he is NOT one you or I or the rest of us would want to be running our affairs, I assure you. But if he was to make it in, he would gladly follow the lead of the cabal, because up to just about now they still have the money or at least a lot of the loot, tell me I'm imaging things? Do you have any idea how much money it takes to put chemtrails in the skies across the entire United State? He will not get this office as we are too close to a major timeline change over, no matter who’s calendar It’s base on.



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In the early stages of meditation the aspirant will notice a sense of loss, lack and emptiness, which is frequently most distressing. This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses. This indicates a sure sign of genuine progress in your meditations.


Slowly and naturally a measure of control of the mind emerges. You begin to sense the truth more clearly gaining greater compassion toward others.


Expansion of awareness, understanding, perception and emotional detachment heightens your senses, reducing stress and improving health, bringing peace, centeredness, self-discipline and a greater ability to focus. Visual imagery increases in conscious reception.


Regeneration of the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric  bodies, giving rest to the mental and emotional bodies that receive rest only during the conscious stilling of the mind, altering the process of aging.


One of the first positive effects of the meditation work is an increased efficiency in the daily life, be it home, office or any field of human endeavour.


Whether or not illumination is achieved, through the practice of meditation, the life of the individual will be greatly enriched. There will be much gained usefulness and power as a result along with an enormous increase in awareness, widening their sphere of influence.


There will come a quickening of your psychic nature. Leading to development of a new and subtle apparatus, by means of which you no longer see the vision of Divine reality as separate, but know yourself to be Divine reality.





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