David Porter's blog

What would God say

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The Awakening


Form My Almighty I AM Presence; I call forth clarity in my life now


I step aside and allow my Divine Plan to unfold, God expressed


Be still and know, I AM God, The Purest Christ, Divine eternal living Love and Light


I AM the resurrection and the Life


I AM the Christ, Son of the Living God I AM


I AM Creator, Creation, Spirit in it all


I AM absolute perfection of My universal law


I AM the wings of the eagle that he may soar


I AM unlimited universe and many more


I AM infinite, immeasurable, intelligence, Mind Divinity


I AM all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be


I AM the truth that will set you free


I AM the life inside the seed, that grows to be the tree


The same out pressing I AM in thee


You hear Me in your music

You taste Me in your sweets

You see Me walking down your streets

You smell Me in your flowers so sweet

You touch Me as you feed Me treats


I AM the feelings within your heart that beats


I AM every breath of air you breathe


Home Coming

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Not the one the schools are having this weekend.

What a “time” for such an event. This upcoming Saturday, September, 22nd, 2012 at 9:48AM is the “Fall Equinox.“

What else is special about this upcoming timeline?


Likely more than what you would believe until you see it with your own conscious-awareness. One thing of it that was said to us by Rai and Lona from Argartha, is that they will be making contact with some select ones of us this upcoming Saturday. I don’t know how much of our, behind the real scenes news this will make? But a “Home Coming” of sorts is what substantiates this contact.


Our return Home, the one that exist within us all, as soon as we Remember Who We Are, (awaken to full consciousness). But on the way to that state of exquisite bliss, we will find many experiences that we will cherish and some we will gladly release if we can let go.


As soon as you stop being a Christian, stop being an Islam, stop being a Muslim, stop being of the Jewish faith, stop being a Buddhist or Hindu. And start being who you really are, not led, taught, proscribed, persuaded by or shoved on you by “outside sources” then you may begin to see the Light that has always shinned “within.”


The Last Judgment

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Judgment/judgement day is upon us. Your day of judgment has always been with you, it begins as you awaken. This is judgement of thyself, to thyself, and by thyself. The judgment in quest here is that of a judgment placed by you upon that which you believe to be, in your limited thoughts, another. This judgment is incompatible with the vibrational frequencies of the fifth dimension, (Heaven).


Are you fit to enter the Gates of Heaven? Are you ready? Are you in vibrational harmony with what exists Inside of Those Pearly Gates? Is it a strong and predominate desire, thought, intent that you have? If so, do you entertain it daily? 


Let us have Mafu tell this story as He does it so well. Mafu is a Highly evolved Spiritual Being that came to us in July of 1986 shortly before the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987. Mafu explained to us how the endocrine system works and how we block it. Let us see the information in part that Mafu, channelled to us in the late 80s to early 90s had to say on this important topic.


“Jeshua Ben Joseph, known to you as Jesus was Christ Spirit. So are you. Each of you allow, that is Christ. Allow, Christ, allow, Christ, it is one in the same. It is allowance in totality of that which your are.


When you judge, it’s your altered ego, your anti-Christ. Anti-Christ and judgment are precisely the same thing. Anti-Christ equals judgment. There is not some entity with horns upon his head, hoofs upon his feet, who shall come to you riding on back of a lion with wings, indeed, and speak to you. “I am the anti-Christ.” Because the anti-Christ is here in the brain. The grandest embattlement you will ever see in that which you term to be the end of the world, will be in the mind, in the brain. It’s going on right now with you.

Winds of Change...."Congresssional Reform Act of 2012

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If only this was on the Ballot this year.

Winds of Change....

*Congressional Reform Act of 2012* 


Warren Buffet is asking 
    each addressee to forward

this email to a minimum of 
twenty people on their

address list; in turn ask 
each of those to do likewise.


In three days, most people 
in The United

States of America will 
have the message.

This is one idea that 
really should be

passed around.    




*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*


1. No Tenure / No Pension. 
A Congressman/woman 
    collects a salary while in office

and receives no pay when

they're out of office.


2. Congress (past, present & future)

participates in Social Security. All funds in the 
Congressional retirement fund move to the

Social Security system immediately.

All future funds flow into the

Social Security system, and Congress

participates with the American people. It 
may not be used for any other purpose. 


3. Congress can purchase 
their own retirement plan,


David Porter's picture


Obama motives. He is not the one doing the pencil folks, for those of you who think he is the one with the power making decisions in the "Oval Office" this won't apply to that level of consciousness. He knows what he's doing. The more chaos, the closer to The "ANNOUNCEMENTS" that up to date he has not dared to make on main stream media due to 'who' owns and or at the least controlls most of it. These announcements will imprison many who you believe to be working 'for' you.

If all 3D goes to hell in the hand-basket, which is well and obvious that's where 3D mostly exist, then he is to make the "DISCLOSURES" this Oct. These disclosures have to do with the ones that are responsible in the interference with the evolutionary process of Mother Earth and us. for those of you who have bought into the lies about war being what has given us freedom and keeps of free, you are about to wake up on a new side of the bed, the one that you have been so sound asleep in.

It was the movements of us in the 60s (hippies, peace brother) and then 1987, the harmonic convergence (humans holding hands around the entire world) that first began to rattle the illuminati's feathers, as they began to see those they wish to control don't wish to be controlled. And now we have stood stiaght up and proclaimed our soverinty as a human race, "I will occupy "MY" lands.


Worry Not-Waste Not

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I am attempting to CATCH YOUR EYE  ' ' Here try this: December, 21st, 2012, THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT TO BE!!! However, we are fast approaching the 'stabilization' of a 'NEW PHASE' if you will, of life on Earth, and a NEW EARTH as well. The Aliens in Missouri that I have previously posted here caught quite a bit of attention from you and some of you that are living in "FEAR" of our "Ancestors" yes our family members that have been called back to us in the major shifts that are now occurring and will continue long after the end of 2012.

But for now it is High time to get out of your states of 'FEAR' as this will PREVENT you from entering the "GATES OF HEAVEN" as most of you in the west understand it to be, or 5th Dimension. I'm not the guy with all the information, but have been blessed with the time to find much of the truth of what is and will continue to transpire to bring us up and out of the muck and mire into the LIGHT/CHRIST Energies that are permeating our Planet and won't be letting up anytime soon.

Did you know that CMEs or Solar Flares once they arrive that they don’t dissipate without leaving their new “mark?”  This new energy signature is Permanent. It changes everything from when it arrives into the new future that it just established.  

All the symptoms that you are experiencing are shared in differing ways by all of us now. I mean tell me that your sleep patterns and eating habits are body aces and pains are normal, I know better as I am one of you. This nearly constant stream of Energy coming to us now is causing the 'dark forces' to "SHINE FORTH" (Every Eye Shall See") in this LIGHT.

When Time Is No More

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When Time Is No More

We are 1/3rd done with Sept, do you realize this? In a way it’s like yesterday  that September  began, and in another way it's like it happened so long ago that you don't even consider that is just got under way. I am confident that I am not the only one that is finally in this realization of time as we have known it to be, even as gradual as it has been down sizing, is dissipating now more rapidly than we have ever before "felt" it to do.


From our past and the beginning of 'time' we had quad trillions times quad trillions times quad trillions of minutes to experience life on Earth in so many ways, but now we are down to little more than one hundred and thirty thousand minutes before 12/12/12, which is the beginning of the end of ‘time’ as we have known it to be, 12/21/12.

In a day there is 1,440 minutes, In a week, 10,080, in a month,43,200, and we are at this point down to little more than 130,000 minutes for usage. Then comes “ZERO” point, NO TIME.

How are you spending your ‘time?’ Are you glued to ‘the box’ having the mainstream lies continue to infiltrate your subconscious mind? Many if not most shows showing you how to compete with, hate in the kitchen, despise, argue with, judge, condemn, sue one another, Jerry Springer type shows, and a thousand ways to die. Let’s not place the commercials with their ‘buy more drugs and vaccinate that baby, in your face for now. Drama, drama and more of the same.

It is truly later than you think

You are my "SunShine"

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“The LIGHT of the body is the EYE, therefore if thyn EYE be single, thy whole body shall be filled with LIGHT”


The light (Christ Consciousness) of the body is the eye (Pineal Gland) therefore if thyn eye be single (focused on) thy whole body VIA your Crown Chakra and DNA/RNA shall be integrated with Christ Consciousness.


Each day fit in some of the minutes you are blessed with to sit in a room alone and simply and gently focus your attention on the center of your brain while thinking loving thoughts. You are increasing you Light capacity, now when you go out in public or your home “think” loving thoughts as you gaze into the eyes of others. Remember to think, speak, act, feel and emote (energy in motion) like God.


Unless you can think of some’One that you would rather mimic that may know more than He? Know that with each Being that you send Light and Love to you increase your reserve, you cannot deplete this commodity, you can only increase it by use of it.


Science is perplexed by what they are calling “charged particles.” Negative ions, positive electrons, neutrons, atoms, protons, ozone’s, bozon’s, quarks etc, etc. In the book “Remember Who You Are” The Awakening written in 1998, references the Photon Belt and that Earth and all on, in and near Her including the Solar Logos (solar system) itself, would be fully in this Belt of Light particles (photonic energy) by the end of the year 2012.


You are my Sunshine

David Porter's picture


“The LIGHT of the body is the EYE, therefore if thyn EYE be single, thy whole body shall be filled with LIGHT”


The light (Christ Consciousness) of the body is the eye (Pineal Gland) therefore if thyn eye be single (focused on) thy whole body VIA your Crown Chakra and DNA/RNA shall be integrated with Christ Consciousness.


Each day fit in some of the minutes you are blessed with to sit in a room alone and simply and gently focus your attention on the center of your brain while thinking loving thoughts. You are increasing you Light capacity, now when you go out in public or your home “think” loving thoughts as you gaze into the eyes of others. Remember to think, speak, act, feel and emote (energy in motion) like God.


Unless you can think of some’One that you would rather mimic that may know more than He? Know that with each Being that you send Light and Love to you increase your reserve, you cannot deplete this commodity, you can only increase it by use of it.


Science is perplexed by what they are calling “charged particles.” Negative ions, positive electrons, neutrons, atoms, protons, ozone’s, bozon’s, quarks etc, etc. In the book “Remember Who You Are” The Awakening written in 1998, references the Photon Belt and that Earth and all on, in and near Her including the Solar Logos (solar system) itself, would be fully in this Belt of Light particles (photonic energy) by the end of the year 2012.


Be still and know I AM God

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A friend e-mailed me this morning asking me what I think about the huge member Muslim meeting that just took place.


I'm not for or against any of mans systems of belief. But due to the massive pain, death and destruction the fundamentalist of the religions and institutions has caused over all recorded time, including the hanging of one Special Man about 2,000 years ago in their, then dark-age systems of belief. I highly recommend to go by what most of these faiths teach, without practice of, "go by that that prompts you from within you." This is where ALL comes from. Does in not make good sense for the child to go to Dad or Mom for her needs? And where does his Father and Mother live? Inside her “House." This is the child's Source, right? So what do we teach our children about where The Source is that brings them all their needs?


If it’s the teachings of mans beliefs it's no wonder that we spend so much time praying for them. If we teach them that they are carrier of Source at ALL times, then we would never, ever find ourselves begging in pray for these dear ones, would you? This is what our children and every adult that was deprived of this truth needs to be taught now. Without this truth taught and absorbed to all, by all we will continue to slaughter one another.



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