David Porter's blog

There is no "we" in God

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“God is All, All is One.” A child can understand this. If you are an adult you may have to regress, as it were, back in time and put on your “child-mind” for a minute to collect this concept of such simplicity.

“The meaning here is that there is not, nor has there ever been “Two” of anything in all existence, there is but One. I AM That. There are vast divisions, segments and appropriations of The One, but They are All of The One.

When you can manage to make up your mind then “My Mind” will know which way you intend to go. So please stop holding “Me” back. When you hold back from that which it is you desire for what ever the reason, The I AM of You is directed to do the same. And when there is no direction then The I AM of You is in a state of inertia.

When “you” cannot seem to make a decision then please be kind enough to be still long enough that the “I” in you may come to the rescue. There is power in decision!  

“Let That Mind be in You.”

Recall this from your scriptures? Please do recall it and do that no less than once daily before meals and get plenty of rest.

My sole purpose to be here in your timeline as who “i am” to you is to show you pathways “HOME.” If you cannot keep track of them all then use the following one, as it will do it for you.

I AM YOU, as YOU are I. YOU are I as I AM.

That “Spark” of Me that is stationary in your Sacred Heart Center, The “Three Fold Flame,” “Trinity,” “Father Son and Holy Spirit (Mother God), Power Wisdom and Love, that is The Spark of I. This is You, this is I, this is All That Is.

"SOON" is about to HAPPEN!!!

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When you stop listening to all the prophesied “soon” s out there on all the places you can now find them, that come and go, and come and go and deliver nothing again and again, then you can have your cake and eat it too. So far it’s been all about “later” for many of you.

For the alleged ETs and Beings of Higher Societies that seem not to know our vernacular, timelines of 3D etc, please allow me to break it down for you. We go by Webster down here.

Webster: “SOON” Obsolete: at once: immediately: without undue time lapse: before long <soon after sunrise> Synonyms, directly, momentarily, presently, shortly and you all have a good idea of the related words. Soon is a few days or weeks maybe folks, not years.  

Don’t allow any teaching to keep you complacent in any type of status quo. Don’t ever wait for. Don’t ever allow your thoughts to ponder what it is that you cannot have, do not want or don’t have. This is your source of power, place them and replace them again and again on ONLY that which you DO WANT.  

Soon, very soon, imminent, shortly, “They” are even saying NOW. But still no NESARA (financial disbursements and improvement for all), no major disclosure, no mass arrest (containment now, mass arrest for the murders was too harsh a term for “Them”), no hi-tech toys, no free energy devises, no big event and no ascension/enlightenment again this year.

Aaron Swartz A HERO

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The cabal/illuminati/dark-hats/elite/controllers, would you like to see them contained or off-planet, permanetly? Arron made their "shake & bake" and you can help.


This has the power of 9/11, the difference is that the cabal didn't see this one coming, where on 9/11 it has become obvious to many now that the cabal knew what was coming due to the fact that we now know they constructed it long before they pulled the planted triggers for implosion to HIDE the evidence and divert our attention.


They planned that one out well in advance, not this one though; this one caught them off guard. "Whoops, we better make another building fall, stadium crawl, fed building-holding their records burn, school, theatre, church where ever the humans are, something of large enough scale to create fear.  


You see they know just how powerful "ATTENTION" is as they have obviously leaned how to use it for them selves and "on" us for their ends regardless of our sovereignty. And where is the mass human attention drawn daily? "They" have the media to do that job, do they not?


Let the momentum of this permeate these ones (cabal/Illuminate/elite) and expose them for what they truly are for "every eye to see." The Light is now turned on and to the "Peoples" favour this time. Let us flash this light on them so we can all see.


"Please release me let me go"

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“For I don’t need you anymore”


I don’t use you anymore and you may not use me anymore. To be upfront with you I must say that you make me puke, ill, tired, and sick, you get me in trouble over the most meaningless issues. You turn them into major fall-outs, break-ups, heart breaks, altercations, dramas, sorrow, pain, fighting and even war.


You are about to become powerless.


With your use, you have placed me in states of shame and guilt, you have made me loose connections with wonderful Beings, you have cost me jobs and careers, you have cost me large sums of abundance in many ways, you have been the most unproductive motivation in my entire life.


I AM a Being of pure white Light, and now that I have made this Higher Self discovery, I’m going to tell on you for what you really are, and I’m going to tell the entire population of all my brothers and sisters so you no longer interfere in my relationships with them and myself any more. Yes, it is discloser time for you.


This is due to the fact that I have seen you use every one of my brothers and sisters, as they have used you. Now it’s time for you to pay the piper as I hereby “pay-it-forward” to those that I Love beyond what could ever be measured.


I know that you are a sleigh, clandestine, dirty rotten scoundrel, and that you hide behind many titles and disguises, but “NEVER THE LESS NOT MY WILL BUT THAT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER BE DONE.” So I will now name you to all.


What does "6" have to do with it?

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The 24th solar cycle is happening now and is in a "6" year 2+0+1+3=6 as does 24, 2+4=6.

This number in numerology means, in part; Brings Divine consciousness, healing energies, service, order, social truth and vision.



David Porter's picture

Let the momentum behind his purpose be now served on the proper plates.


This has the power of 9/11, the difference is that the cabal didn't see this one coming, where on 9/11 it has become obvious to many now that the cabal knew what was coming due to the fact that we now know they constructed it long before they pulled the planted triggers for implosion to HIDE the evidence and divert our attention.


They planned that one out well in advance, not this one though, this one caught them off guard. "Whoops, we better make another building fall, stadium crawl, fed building holding their record burn, school, theatre, church where ever the humans are, something of large enough scale to

You see they know just how powerful "ATTENTION" is as they have obviously leaned how to use it for them selves and "on" our selves, for their ends and against ours. And where is the mass human attention drawn daily? "They" have the media to do the job, do they not?


Let the momentum of this permeate these ones (cabal/Illuminate/elite) and expose them for what they truly are for "every eye to see." The Light is now turned on and to the "Peoples" favour this time. Let us flash this light on them so we can all see.


There is great design and Cosmic purpose of the "New Ones" that are with us now. Our youth are the ones with the technical knowledge to do this very job and the cabal just attempted to make an example of, "don't mess with us we're the ones running things around here" out of one of these young up and coming "STARS" (Aaron Swartz) of our time that came to Earth on mission to expose them, and did he not serve his contract well??? 


~Let there be Light~

David Porter's picture

Light or dark--choose a side


In each moment you are adding to one or the other.

The world we live in did not come into existence with the notion of "Let there be dark."


All things begin with Light and all things will end with Light because that is what all things are in reality. It is your free-will “Administrator” that gave you the freedom to choose which team or side you will play on, on any given day or moment therein.

In the interim you may vacillate in-between these two extremes anywhere from the pure thoughts, words, actions and feelings of Light or that of dark. Love or fear, you may choose at any given moment.


For those that seem to have more doubt than trust in the process of evolution as it is just now and will continue to be.


I am directly boisterous and critical to the blogs or post that I believe to be "BS" or phoney, and don't at all appreciate the dark they attempt to feed the people and will continue to edit these.


The "ETs" as we call them or more advanced societies are in many ways just like us and lack in perfection in comparison to Highest potential that "They" too are evolving toward. Therefore we "They" have courage enough or non-experience enough to call the plays before they materialize and the play doesn’t happen yet or the way they predict it means not that "They" are against us, bad or of the dark.


How To Foretell Your Future

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First let’s go to your “tool” box and find out what you have there for tools to use for said purpose. Ah, there’s a prayer, meditation, exercise, knowledge, information, hammer, pliers, chainsaw, ah here we are, found a good one!

“Attention,” yours. Let’s use this one due to the fact that it is the most powerful one that exist in your tool box.


Yes, the most powerful “tool” that you have to create your reality is your attention. Use it wisely and with consciousness, that will bring to you awareness. Know when you are in use of this important tool. Know what it is being used on and for. Know that you can rest the tool when you wish. Keep close in mind that when this tool is not on leave, being rested, that what ever it is focused on is headed your way.


If you were using a chainsaw cutting a large tree down, you would certainly keep you eyes on it to know which way it will fall, right? Speaking of this all powerful tool, your attention, what is it on just NOW? Is it on these words, the concepts/meanings within them, or is it wondering, drifting from on event to the other in your past, present or future? Being in the NOW is the power behind this power.


When you focus this power on The Power that keeps your body at about 98 degrees, and life in it from mostly automatic breathing of the air all around you and making your heart beat perfectly for an entire life-span, then That same Energy will return the focus with much, much more power and energy than what you are giving it.


Acceleration of Ascension

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*The Awakening is proceeding NOW*


It is said that if you enter the day of 12/12/12 bringing with you no more than the Love known as “Gratitude-Appreciation” and “Forgiveness” to all, in your Heart, that this will prepare you for the oncoming energies of the “The Shift” into Higher levels of living of it on Earth.


This is the opportunity for you to enter “The Gates” of The Higher Realms of “True Reality.” This choice lies with you. This is all about the Golden Rule, if you apply it now, the outcome shall be most rewarding to you in your "later" exsitance. 


“They” (even the perceived enemy) out there are “you.” How you choose to treat “self” on this day will be seed for you in your future outcomes. “You” are “They” just in a different package. How do you want your future "garden" to look? What "seeds" are you planting just NOW?


You are an antenna-attractor which is about to be integrated with a Higher level of “Attraction Capabilities” of what ever is on you mind. This is DNA/RNA enhancement, it is now to be specific and selective of the thoughts you hold in mind, the words you utter from this thinking, the way you act it into being and the way in which you choose to feel toward any and all things.


All planetary grids (Energy Vortexes) except “ONE” will be “turned on” (activated) tomorrow 12/12/12, for the following 9-day period it is advised for you to remain in the Highest Frequencies of the Purest, Divine Love.


Bring the best of you, and leave the rest behind forever.


Happy trails ahead, happy entry

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Even if you lack in understanding of what is coming to us just now and in the concepts of the metaphysical disiplines. You can just think of it as "Heaven on Earth" is about to anchor here, 5D (Fifth dimension). Those who are in the Highest of "vibrations" on these "Portal opening" days will receive more of these potent energies of Divine Love arriving just now.

You may not note much change in your feelings or DNA, or mind etc at first, but over the days after this great event of the change from carbon based bodies to Crystalline based, new bodies, you will become quite aware when all of a sudden you float, or move something with your thoughts and one of the new "tools" you will be blessed with is telepathy as well, this one will fall more easily into use.

The energies of these days will download your personal "Soul-Forces" (Spiritual Gifts) into your DNA/Chakra system, a merger of sorts.

The most important and powerful energy-dates heretofore known to man-kind are rapidly approaching.

You need not do a thing and all will work out,,,however if you would be so kind unto "self" as to caress self with a bit with Divine Love, (Unconditional Love) you can make this upcoming shift work for you more gracefully and effectively.

Dates of concern: 12/12/12 and 12/21/12

On these days use these Ingredients: Gratitude/appreciation and Forgiveness. Hold these in your mind/thoughts, feelings, place them in your words and act them out in all your ways on said days. "Think of the area of your body called, "HEART" as often as you can staring now, hold this "area" in MIND all day, every day through this timeline. 

"Time" is deleting quickly, get in shape now, practice, practice, practice. This implanting, intergration, activation and acceleration of Higher Energies will continue to end of month, end year, end of clycle.

I love you, love you, love you dearly, ~Happy Entry~


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