David Porter's blog

Message to the general public and the winner is???

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After it's confirmed to the public that Obama Will retain this office, soon will come the revelations of the major events that those awake are eager to see fulfilled. However those who have not an ear for it will be shocked and overwelmed by the truths they are soon to learn.


Some will run and hide due to what is approching, some will want to take their weapons of "mess-distruction" and hunt down the ones responsible for the mess the Elite have put you in.


We are in the time that every eye shall see what has been hidden from us for a long, long time. What your are about to "see" won't be a pretty site indeed, but well worth the wait after the dust settles.

The ones involved with the Illuminati/cabal that up until now run you, own you and control you, will all be removed from their respective offices, some will be imprisoned and held for arraignment just before we the people rain on their evil heads, some will be shipped to other planets where they may best learn from the karma they have made, the most evil of them will be remove from Earth and incinerated.

The cabal was hoping for another "minion" in this important office that would follow their evil lead, but not this time. This will not be allowed as "The Highest Authority" of ALL has decreed that peace will now rein on earth for the next thousand years. There is no more nukes allowed to detinate for the purpose to kill and or distroy. War will soon become something of the past and forgotten.


The Bully on Our Playground

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This is an e-mail response by me to a very good old friend that seems not in resonance with my belief in the ETs and what they teach us through channels, being very critical of me about this to her, incredulous possibility.


The Beginning Is Near

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What you are about to learn will at the very least astound you, this is not if you will believe it, I promise you that you will if you are “listening” with “open” ears and mind.  


Sumarian, Aztecs, Hopi, Mayans, Hindu, Inka, Jews, Chinese, I-Ching, Gino Ratinckx, Egyptians, Albert Slosman, Robert Harrington, Sanskrit, Gnostics, Nag Hammadi, Zachariah Sitchin, Terrance McKenna, Christians, The Bible, Mother Shipton, Muslims, Annunaki, Nostrodamus, Edgar Cayce, Lori Tory,

Michael Gordon Scallion.  


The above are but a few of those who reference the coming of the “Age” we are rapidly entering just now. These and thousands more are congruent on the “Events” and in many cases to the “day” of what has and will take place.


Satya Yuga: (Enlightened Age).

Many others: The Golden Age

Bible: The End.

Mayans: the 13th Baktun, A.D. 1618-2012 (5th) root race, destroyed by one of the elements. The four races before destroyed by Fire, Earth, Air then Water, (Noah)…the next, us now, to be swept away by Ether, (wave of Light).


Plasma from the Great Central Sun to dissolve the dark energies, placed and activated, Oct, 26th, 2012.


“Lo I tell you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet.”


LOVE is the ONLY way out.


"We're on a Mission from God" by the Electric Blue Lightening Fire

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This mission is so vast that members of the entire Universe, multi and omni Universes have made our solar system a huge parking lot and their ships are the bleachers. What we call "ETs" are God and God is the group of Legions and He/They are on our side so to speak, if you are in fact on the side of the Light. Once upon a time our governments and leaders were contacted by "Them" and we ask, "Who or what is God, "Their reply was, "God is the Universe."


The incoming storms are coming from within, then you see them out here. The more significant they are the more potent the lesson and clearing, the more able we are to handle it. And the closer we come to the most major of the oncoming events.


I have had many sorts of flying, falling, floating and jumping high into the air types of dreams since I was very young. I’m always going around showing that I can fly, “come  with me, just let go and jump up and fly with me,” I would often say. But in my waking life when I am dragged down from drama, I fly lower and slower and have even got stuck in quick-mud before, just can’t get off the ground. When I was in my deepest meditations and or on very healthy type food plans I flew the highest and farthest and with the greatest ease.


For some time now I have been having the ~good flight~ dreams again.


To Hell in a Hand Basket or Heaven in a Rowboat?

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Does it matter to you? Do you care? Or do you wish to “ignore it?”

If you could assist in a major way at no charge to you, would you? To "ignore it" or being “ignor’ant” of something doesn’t make it go away.


The storms of all natures are incoming and will proceed as necessary for disposal and clearing purposes. They are not set in stone and can be altered, but that’s not in the status quo, is it? The more emphasis that the masses, which is just the wider version of you, me and all of us in this "basket," (see the hundred monkey theory) place on “To hell in a hand basket”  rather than “Heaven in a Rowboat” how bad it is, and “it comes in threes” and “could it get any worse than this,” is the very kind of thinking that sunk down to where we are to date. 


Heres a key for you. When you change you, you change your relationships, which changes the entire status quo of everything on your planet and beyond.


All you have to do to help with the fix is think. It cost nothing, it takes no energy or effort and it produces clean energy if the thoughts are clean. Allow me to elaborate.


Not only does it not require effort, but effort in thought will interfere with it’s implementation and potential manifestation. Thought doesn’t require energy, but attracts it, and directs it for use in forming or moulding the nature of it’s contents. “As a man thinketh in his hear so is he.” It’s so simple, not easy, but simple. It does take repetition. Every time you catch yourself thinking, speaking, acting or even feeling the “hell in the hand basket” scenario, stop right there on the spot and replace it.


The Unconscious Compentent...You have entered "The Danger Zone"

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When you were a baby, you were unconscious and incompetent. At least, to the outer 3D environment that was new to you.


Your consciousness that, of the Higher Planes from where you just departed for your Earthly jouney was still very much with you. Not only did the “blessing” of amnesia slowly begin to set in, but other means to challenge your intellect and intuition became a major part of your exoteric circumstances as well.


There is much that is not allowed to accompany us on our Earth sojourn. There are valid reasons for this, for now, another interference of our ability to acquire and then sustain conscious living came into to the picture. Here we call it parents. And then came the in-laws, the outlaws and the teachers and all the rest of the mostly well meaning ones that did a thorough job of making you comply to their belief systems and what they thought you should do, the way you should act, the words you should use, and not use, what you should have, and not have, and the way you should present yourself in the public eye.


Back to you the baby. Dad gets up, gets ready, ties his shoes and off to work he goes. You have no idea what he’s doing, but the child always watches everything. Mommy ties your shoes every day, but so far you are an unconscious incompetent.


You grow. At around the terrific twos you have been watching this shoe-tie thing now for some time. One day you try it, whoops no good, can’t do it yet but you become conscious of it being done. You have become a conscious incompetent.


You grow. You’re now about 3, 4, you know the shoe needs to be tied, and by now you can tie a sloppy bow. You have become a conscious competent.

Doorway to Heaven

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“I am the open door that no man can shut”


“lest you come as the child, you may in no wise have access to the Kingdom”


The child in you has never left, just put under the rug a bit, by bit, by bit. And just needs for you to breathe the breath of life back into her. Remember how mommy would provide all your needs, wake you, feed you and make sure you were ready for school.


You never doubted if you would be taken care of, and that is the memory that will best serve you now beyond anything you have ever learned as an “adult.”


There is a quick way of return to this state of mind.


You’ve been hearing, “let go, let go, let go.” My wife thought I meant of her new Honda Accord, the house, clothes and pets etc, not. By now I’m confident that you are quite aware of what needs to be released, it’s not like it hasn’t been making It’s appearance lately on a regular schedule. What is heavy on you, what pulls you down, what causes you to allow ill feelings, over and over again,,,,,,that.  


Relinquishment formula, it’s been called


Messenger of the Gods


~The all consuming Violet Flame~


The mantra

“I am the resurrection of the Violet Flame”


And or Ascended Master St Germain’s favourite,


“Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

The Violet Fire,

Transmuting all shadow into

 Light, Light, Light”

A Preview of Coming Attractions

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This morning I went for a ten mile run-about and noticed that the few chemtrails in the sky were dissipating quickly, the sky was 99.9% clear and beautiful. This told me “they” tried.


The reason I point this out is that this is a definite preview of coming attractions, as this is Saturday, Oct, 20th when witnessed this and is the day before profound energy influxes to us. Not to mention a 9.0M class solar flare. Why are “they,” the cabal not blocking this?


Are they running out of steam, low on ammo, funds, know-how, time, partners, minions resigning? Is a wall of seven billion people too tall to conquer when a significant number of us unite together? 


The ones that worked for the cabal by force or other means that remain because they are just at the level of frequency needed to qualify for a 3D vibratory environment, they will be on a planet or ship just right for them. Due to cercumstances, some may evolve higher as they may have been more in service to the Light than the cabal.


Although the ones that “enjoyed” their work with the cabal, will they be the ones now holding the sign out that says: “Will work for GMO food and fluoride water and can’t contract to dump anymore chemtrails, lost my job, so I’ll be Okay outside now.”


As for the leaders of these atrocities, they are due for, let’s be gentle, a reuniting into the Central Sun, a kind of spontaneous combustion of sorts. We can thank them later for all the kindness they showed in coming all the way out here just to show us what we no longer want.


Going Without? Try Going Within

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“We don’t see things the way they are, we see things the way we are”


When things aren’t the way in which you prefer them to be, what do you do about it? You fix them, right? You do something about it. You think it over then act on it. You may even call in assistance. You plan, you orchestrate, you audition, you interview. You push it, pull it, probe it, curse it, slam it, bend it, shape it, build it and make it come together.


Now life the way you prefer it is all better, whoops, got broke again. Back to the fix-it-drawing-board.


Did I mention that you sit for a while and meditate on the results you desire before you go slamming life together to fit? Sometimes minutes, sometimes hours? Oh no guess I didn’t mention that, Do you?


Our “Guides” in all their different shapes, styles, sizes and every conceivable way you can imagine are on duty 24/7 trying to “get through” to you. But when you’re entrenched in the “force it to happen” syndrome, they can’t get through, can they?


They have been all over us about meditation, not just a feeling that you may have missed, but written words, over and over. “They” know of the importance and benefit.  


Once you can sit in a room alone or in Mother Nature for longer and longer periods of time. The Stillness will begin to grip you, take hold of you. You will eventually get to where you look so forward to your "med-time" that you will begin to place the importance of it ahead of meal time, work out time, movie time, TV time, etc.


Ask not what your President can do for you

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Ask not what a political leader can do for you, but rather what this one has done for his family - all inclusive Earth Family. Ask within what the truth of intent is with the one in question. Whomever gets this appointment to run "our" affairs is no more important than one single individual, you. This one depends on us just as much as we do on this one.


Vote not for a person because this one has your bloodline, DNA characteristics, is your similar creed, gender or nationality, has your religious beliefs or came from your neck of the woods.


But rather place your intent in the pool of you and me and the ALL of us leading and guiding our appointed care-takers into the direction of our own “Guidance Systems” that of the “Spark" that takes residence inside your very Heart. The small, subtle, still voice that has always offered Her guidance to you. When you are still, and surrender to Him, you will know. Let This Wisdom be your Guide.


Follow your Bliss the Heart is where Bliss resides for your use when applied.


Ask what you can do for your Planet and Her Beings of all the other many shades of Love and Light.


To ask, seek and knock has not been hidden from you, but it is an option if you care to apply it.


May The Force flow through you into all whom you encounter.  



For further reference and enlightenment, read book one of the series:

 “Remember Who You Are” The Awakening, by David Porter


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