David Porter's blog

The Eleventh Hour

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The practice drills are over. It’s now time to become sincere about your Light work. The end of the “Eleventh Hour” is tonight at one nanosecond after mid-night.


In the study of Numerology you will find that “9” is the number of Completion for it’s most basic of meanings. If you multiply it times any other number it will return back unto its self, try it.


9X1=9, 9X2=18 (1+8)=9 In numerology you add until you have one digit remaining. So you can multiply 9 times 987 Quadrillion of any other set of numbers and you will end up with 9 at the end.


Today you are in the eleventh month of the end of many coalesced or integrated cycles. Tonight you will go into a 9 cycle. Just after midnight tonight, or tomorrow morning, is 12/01/2012, 1+2+0+1+2+0+1+2=9. The month in the year of completion.


Tomorrow is also the beginning of the twelfth month, called the "twelfth hour." Linear time as you have know it to be shortens by the hour until its closing date of 12/21, "Zero Point."


On 12/12/2012 we go into the beginning of the ending of the most important and potent of the Transmuting Supply House of Higher Energies than you have yet to ever know. This day is the first of the “Mater Numbers,” 11. 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11. 11 is in its most basic meaning is Unity. This is also symbolic of where God returns to Self, Complete Unity.   


You have the right to remain limited

David Porter's picture

Anything you say can and will be used in your conscious and subconscious mind to place additional limits on or release an expansion to, according to the content of your “spoken” intent. What will benefit you to know, is this subconscious mind is the one that is always on duty, night and day, 24/7, and receives all input that it picks up through all your sensory receptors and preceptors, and it functions with 100% acute accuracy playing back the life and times of what ever you placed your self in the proximity of that could reach it VIA your senses.  


You have the right to sit and be still. It is your thoughts that bind or release you, according to their nature and the duration of linear time that you hold them in mind. The new energies that have come to us of late, now make them a 7 second download to your hard drive.


You have the right to an inner-journey, if you cannot afford the time for this, just relax into the inner flow (step into the natural stream of good will/Golden Rule) and one will be appointed to you.


You have been conditioned to believe that The Kingdom comes “later.” I ask you, how can a Kingdom that has never in all of eternity been “over there” “maybe later” come to you later when within its very own nature is no time, therefore always in the now?


You may have The Kingdom now as it is eager to sever you now, but you have been conditioned to believe that you must earn it, in the “what it takes to get there dept.”  


What pre-programmed thought forms, concepts and or beliefs limit you? How do you re-condition this condition? How do you unlock these shackles? How do you un-limit these limits?


You have the right to remain limited

David Porter's picture

Anything you say can and will be used in your conscious and subconscious mind to place additional limits on or release an expansion to, according to the content of your “spoken” intent. What will benefit you to know, is this subconscious mind is the one that is always on duty, night and day, 24/7, and receives all input that it picks up through all your sensory receptors and preceptors, and it functions with 100% acute accuracy playing back the life and times of what ever you placed your self in the proximity of that could reach it VIA your senses.  


You have the right to sit and be still. It is your thoughts that bind or release you, according to their nature and the duration of linear time that you hold them in mind. The new energies that have come to us of late, now make them a 7 second download to your hard drive.


You have the right to an inner-journey, if you cannot afford the time for this, just relax into the inner flow (step into the natural stream of good will/Golden Rule) and one will be appointed to you.


You have been conditioned to believe that The Kingdom comes “later.” I ask you, how can a Kingdom that has never in all of eternity been “over there” “maybe later” come to you later when within its very own nature is no time, therefore always in the now?


You may have The Kingdom now as it is eager to sever you now, but you have been conditioned to believe that you must earn it, in the “what it takes to get there dept.”  


What pre-programmed thought forms, concepts and or beliefs limit you? How do you re-condition this condition? How do you unlock these shackles? How do you un-limit these limits?


Message to us all just in, time for sixth sense ignition

David Porter's picture
This one just hit ground day after Thanksgiving, this may have to do with the incoming energies of the Lunar Eclipse/full moon.
Some meanings encoded:

The Star of David represents restoration of Earth. This includes us.
This is "calling card" of Ashtar of the Ashtar Command.
Protection from on High.
God in dominion of the 6 points, (north, east, south, west, up and down).

This is a double "Trinity" with two triangle stars superimposed on each other. In the simplest of words folks, we've got "Back Up" from all directions!!!

The Sleep Walk

David Porter's picture


Or maybe “Sheep walk” may fit this scenario best.

I saw a bumper sticker today, not worn, a fairly new one. This one on the left side of her vehicle was her display for the Catholic Church she obviously stood for, it said, “Support your Church.”

There was also a sticker on the right side, this one was a post against child abuse. It said, “Stop child abuse.”

Are you up with me so far?


Why do people continue to support the most notorious organization on planet that does to the children what they don’t want to see done to them?

She could save some bumper space by placing one bumper sticker in the middle that says, “Finance the organization that is best known for molesting your child.”

If you are of other religious orders, groups, cults or organizations, don’t go feeling all good about, “mine is right and theirs is wrong” just yet.


I still see bumper stickers nearly every time I drive that have “the fish.” Do you realize what you are representing? Look it up. The fish represents the astrological zodiac sign of pieces. The Piscean age in simplest of terms is one of control freaks, when abused for selfish ends anyway.


If you are one that likes to make your means of transportation look like a rolling advertisement bill board then and you have the fish on it, you might consider finding one to represent what you will be in next month, 12/21/2012, Golden Age, Platinum Age, The Age of Aquarius. The Final air sign that brings us water for a cleansing.


Love uses many cloaks

David Porter's picture


I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.


One of Her cloaks is discernment and is one of our "psychic gifts."


Love is here to assist us in getting out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into, right? You have heard the term, “tough Love” yes?


If in my words on the comment section affected you in a negative way, look inside for the answer to that. If my words have offended you, then that means that you have a “self-importance issue,” this you should attend to as it has everything to do with ego.


I am assisting a group of non-profit ones to get the air ways clear of unauthentic systems of information as well as we can and keep them that way. We have been miss lead and miss guided and miss represented long enough and who is going to step up and stop it? We the people are, or it simply won’t happen.


I will be the first one to step up to the plate of apology if anyone feels I have unnecessary, unneeded or miss-information, please come foward and give me your corrective criticism and edit. You may note in all my words there is and will never be obviously intended miss information. I would rather not say, than speak with a forked tongue. This is what I am here to edit, not only in this site but all of them. Once we find the sources of miss-information that’s where we go to address it.


Portal of Love

David Porter's picture

Today another Portal of Love opened to us all. Did you feel it?


I don't always speak in such abstract metaphysical terms but today I felt the Love so vividly all day long, something special has taken place on our "Homeland Ship," as She spins around our Sun with such graceful precession and acute proximity to it, thank You God.


Note worthy for the approaching and permanent energies that are integrating, permeating and assimilating in us, all the way to the core of our DNA~have you felt this YET? Tune into this station for best resonance.


I truly felt this most of this day and am still reviling in it. No passes please. If you want this you will have to "pay,,," attention on how to pur-“chase” it. You won't have to chase it far as it assumes residents just below your throat and just above your solar plexus.


You need not seek this commodity as if were to be your next meal, as you will find it by use of it. When you find it and apply it, you will soon notice on its application by you, that not only did you not deplete it, but the supply of it increased in proportion to how much you expressed it.


Isn’t it nice to know that this commodity, unlike groceries, increases as you consume it and or give it away? This is the one and only commodity that is limitless in supply in the entire Universe, as a matter of fact, this is the energetic foundation of the Universe.


INSTUCTIONS FOR USAGE: For best results use all day long and be sure to leave it in the reach of children as this is their most favoured of all consumables. If you do spill any on others, you can’t help but get a few drops on yourself.  


Bifurcation, Transmutation and Scopio Ablaze coming up!!!

David Porter's picture
On November 13th, 2012, a Total Solar Eclipse will occur in the House of Scorpio effecting a grand bifurcation and transmutation of all things upon the Earth. Beginning with and beyond this event positive, obvious, and powerful life transformations of all magnitudes will manifest brilliantly within our lives. The eclipse will provide the cosmic ignition to Saturn, setting its young transit in Scorpio ablaze, and it will have a crippling effect upon those who have attempted to subvert humanity’s predestined evolution. A vibrational divide will commence which will separate lower vibrational beings from their higher counterparts, to include, and especially in the physical sense. With rebirth being a potent theme, look for life to become far more profound beyond the shadow of this Scorpio solar eclipse!

Expect the following types of Scorpio solar eclipse synchronicities: supernatural psychic activations, literal and metaphorical deaths, total transformations of material circumstances, great transferences of power, investigations that shock and cause outcry, necessary and favorable conversions of resources, the relentless exposure of evil, crime, and secrecy, the purging of corruption, medical traumas and the sudden awareness of disease, sacred and paradigm ending revelations, sudden appropriations of wealth, great disruptions to secret societies, the breaking of entanglements, the deepening of spiritual devotion, breakthroughs in psychotherapy, the enforcement of accountability, public shamings, and revivals of health. 


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