David Porter's blog

The Director of Your Life is Your Attention

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“The only thing that can grow is the thing you give your energy to.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


One positive thought can cancel out hundreds of negative ones.


What if it is YOU and YOU alone that has the fate of earth and all Beings on Her in Her and above Her in you hands? “Superman/woman” of sorts.


And that in every prayer you say, or don’t, every word that you speak, or not, every thought you have, every action that you take, or don’t. That in just the very way that you “feel” in this moment dictates, forms, and creates the reality of not only YOU but of ALL Beings on Earth including Earth Her Self?


For those of whom have been waiting for events of their desires to manifest into reality. For those who have been guided to believe that you are the one that you have been waiting for. For those who have lived much of your existence in doubt and fear. No condemnation intended here. This is after all, 3D.


I interrupt this message to bring you a special announcement.  


“If you come to me with doubt, I will give you every reason to be doubtful. If you come to me with Love, I will show you more than your have ever known.” Mahamuni Babaji


Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Page II


This part will take more faith to comprehend than that of which 3D has to offer you in your vibrational reality here, with one exception, if you so choose to apply the needed amount of faith. Regardless, here’s the facts.


The awesome power of I AM

David Porter's picture


The Power of "I AM" has been kept secret by the cabal VIA the Vatican and all other major writings and religious orders, UNTIL NOW. 


It has been taught even through our old text, (bible etc) that it is a sin or crime of sorts to even utter this. The reason for this is the IMPOWERMENT that it gives you, therefore diss-impowerment as well. I will explain. 


The power within these two words "I AM," When stated by you these two words placed together, claimed by you, for you, and to you, coupled with the words and intent within. These being the following words spoken after the ignition of these two words, which "down-load" in you what will enhance that which you are claiming to be, have, or do.


NOTE: Always follow these two words with words disciptive of ONLY that which you want to come to you, never that which you do not want to come to you. 


For a powerful wake-up enlinghthenment, read "Remember Who You Are, The Awakening, by David Porter


Fear vs Love Hell vs Heaven

David Porter's picture


Fear vs Love, Hell vs Heaven



F   alse                                  L    et

E   vidence                            O   thers

A   ppearing      -OR-           V   isions

R   eal                                   E   xist



H   allucianations                H   ighest

E   xpressed                         E   nergy

L   acking            -OR-        A   an

L   ove                                  V   ibrational

                                             E   xperience

Remember Who You Are, The Awakening

David Porter's picture

The Power of "I AM"


The power within the two words "I AM." When stated by you these two words placed together, claim by you, for you, and to you, the words of intent within. These being the following words spoken after the ignition of these two words which pre-set what will enhance that which you are claiming to be, have or do. NOTE: Always follow these two words with words disciptive of ONLY that which you want to come to you.  


For a powerfull wake-up enlightenment to you, read "Remember Who You Are, The Awakening" by David Porter


This first book in this powerful series was released in 1998 and let you know then what will be happeining now in 2012, why, how and what to do with it and about it. 


Ingredients for success in all you do in this order: Faith, Surrender, Trust, Flow and Attitude. 


Power prompter decree, use at least once daily or more, by precription of a God or Goddess: "I AM Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Almighty, Unlimited God I AM." 


Good day


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