Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 2, 2017

Judgement separates while acceptance unifies. So why do you judge and choose separation? Because there is something that you are afraid of – you are not feeling secure in your safety or empowerment.

Dear Ones, the more you develop healthy, loving boundaries and become responsible for your own balance, comfort, and satisfaction, the less you are affected by the wild card of what another may or may not do.

When you assume the role of being your own loving parent, best friend,and guide, you start to understand that you have everything you need to thrive. You will embrace your divine ability to co-create from that space of wholeness without fear. You will shift into self expression and mastery.

From that space of self responsibility, you will be able to accept people where they are without being afraid of their actions or feeling the need for them to change. You will fully understand that as a sovereign being no one can affect you energetically unless you give your power away to them to do so.

As you embrace your mastery, honouring your own capability and the capability of others, wherever they may be on their path, you will get comfortable in accepting it all as being divinely perfect, which will lead to the unity consciousness and unconditional love you are all wanting to experience as you continue to move forward in the shift of consciousness on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 31, 2017

I noticed someone shared this message from 2013 on twitter the other day. I figured it came up again for a reason, so I decided to make today a Throwback Thursday.

Dear Ones, if you are air do you worry about getting air? If you are soaking wet, do you fret about how to get wet? If you are a buffet of food, do you worry about being hungry? The same is with love. You ARE love. How can you ever be without something that, by your very nature, you are? Perhaps from that perspective you are now able to see the wisdom of BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 30, 2017

In times of energetic intensity, self care is key. Not just physical self care, but also emotional self care. Many old issues, wounds, fears, and concerns may come up for examination, healing, and release. This process does not need to be traumatic if you are approaching it from a place of balance and love.

If something comes up that is unpleasant or activating to you, we invite you to ask it the following questions. What do you need to feel safe? To be acknowledged? To be comforted? To be healed? To be soothed? To be integrated or released? What do you need to feel loved? What do you need to feel like you matter?

Imagine that you had a line of little children, all with needs that weren't being met. Most of their needs would be very easy to fix from the vantage point of your adult, empowered self. It would be easy for you to stop and ask each child and then assess and give what it is they needed for their comfort, reassurance, and well-being.

Why not do that for yourselves? Why not, from your more evolved vantage point, see each aspect that comes up for healing as an opportunity to bring peace and comfort to yourself? It is your love and care that will bring a greater sense of inner unity and acceptance, and restore balance within.

You do not need to look for trouble within yourself. As your own caretaker, you can create the environment for you to thrive and then simply address any issues that may come up with your wisdom and divine capability.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 29, 2017

Dear Ones, love is what you are. When you withhold giving love to yourself or others, you are, quite simply, denying your own truth and essence. Allow your love, your beingness to flow, and from there you will find yourself feeling a joy and satisfaction that is beyond what you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 28, 2017

Dear Ones, one of your greatest needs is to be seen in your innate goodness. Give this gift to yourselves. Give it to others. Shine a light on this core truth that exists in all of you. Water it, grow it, and celebrate it, and watch how it allows you all to bloom in your truth and beauty. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 27, 2017

Dear Ones, all growth is an internal decision. You cannot force growth in another, nor can you assume responsibility for what another person does or does not do.

Each and every person has their own soul agenda, their own team of helpers, and is masterful in creating the conditions that are essential for their own evolution and expansion. Sometimes that will involve the dark night of the soul, for it is often from the most painful experiences human beings will move from resistance to surrender, which immediately creates a shift which allows growth and expansion to occur.

We love you for your loving and caring hearts, but please understand that rescuing sends the message the person in question is not capable of taking care of themselves, while encouraging helps a person connect with their own innate power and wisdom.

You are guides on earth, and as such, we urge you to honour the free will of others. Share your advice and opinion if asked. Encourage others to find and embrace their own divine capability. Be powerful teachers by example. Give help in a way that is empowering and honours everyone involved. And know that there is divine wisdom to all of it. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 26, 2017

Dear Ones, we are always available to you.  Always.  As you will experience us most times as a subtle energy, your ability to sense our presence largely depends on your level of awareness.

Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware.  How can you tell if there are changes around you if you do not know how you feel in the first place?  Check in with yourself.  Are you warm or are you cold?  Do you have any sensations to note in your body?  Once you have made yourself aware of how you are feeling, then ask us to make our presence known to you.

What happens now?  Are there changes?  You may feel warm.  You may feel a breeze.  You may feel goosebumps.  You may feel tingling on top of your head.  You may simply feel loved or heart expansion.  You may feel a cool, mentholated sensation that is almost minty as you breathe in (this is called the breath or kiss of an angel).  Pay attention to the differences as this will become very recognizable as you consciously begin to work with us.

If there are no changes that you can discern, that is okay too!  Spirit energies are subtle energies.  So many of you have been taught to not pay attention to those types of energies, to dismiss them as “just your imagination”.  Be kind and gentle with yourself as you dust off those abilities that have been denied for so long and start to use them again.  It may take some practice until you start to really feel energy again.  You can always ask to receive energetic adjustment so that you can experience them more and more.

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 25, 2017

So many human beings ask us, “Tell me what I should do.” Dear Ones, when you blindly follow the advice of another, you are abdicating your power. And you are on the planet to discover, experience, and embrace your authentic power.

Being in the body is being in the realm of experience and free will, which is sacred above all else. It is through your free will that you grow and expand and serve the whole through your own unique preferences.

We encourage you to pause on the question, “What should I do?” and instead ask yourself, “What feels right for me? What do I wish to experience? What would bring me joy?” and navigate from there.

So how do we help you? How does co-creation fit into the equation? It is simple, Dear Ones. You decide and we support you in your desires. For example, you may wish to experience more fun in your life. Surrender into that intention, and then the many systems of the universe will cooperate to match that desire.

One of the greatest joys we have is watching you grow from wanting to be told what to do into embracing your right and ability to express yourself in whatever way is right for you. That is how you expand and experience growth, freedom, and mastery, and that is an absolute delight to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 24, 2017

Dear Ones, we wish for you to know that these energies are taking you somewhere. There is purpose and movement that you are all willingly participating in by being in the body at this time. Your job is to move with the energies – to ride the wave, if you will, until you arrive in your new vistas.

How you ride that wave is up to you. Some people are expert swimmers and love to slice through the water with nothing more than their skill to keep them afloat. Others might prefer to use a prop such as a surf board. And still others might need several floatation devices before they feel safe enough to surrender to that movement.

It does not matter what method you use to find your comfort zone in the flow, it just matters that allow it to move you. In fact, in big energies such as you are currently experiencing, you can resist right up to the last second until the wave picks you up and sweeps you along. But that is a much rougher means of movement when there are so many other options available to you.

You get to choose how you do it. But we would say to you, if you are going to go anyways, why not have the most fun with it? Why not invent your own style of surrender and flow that allows you to fully embrace the joy and excitement of big movement that matches what your soul wishes to experience? ~Archangel Gabriel


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