Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 13, 2017

One of the most nurturing things you can do for yourselves, especially during times of energetic intensity, is to consciously connect with the sun and allow the healing rays to wash over you and soothe you. You and the sun are so connected and it is playing a major role in your enlightenment process. It is a wonderful resource that we encourage you to utilize for your healing, shifting, and comfort. Ten minutes a day on your bare skin with the clear intention to receive its gifts and support is all that is required. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 12, 2017


As many of you are experiencing change, particularly feeling drawn to stepping into service, or changing your service, you may feel the need to find the one thing you should be doing. We are going to encourage you to look at things a little differently.

Most of you were raised to find the one thing you would like to do. You were asked often as a child what you would like to be when you grow up. There was an expectation that you would have clarity about what the one thing would be and would work toward that goal so you could be that one thing stepping out into the world as a young adult. To be too varied in your interests was deemed frivolous or flighty.

You are now experiencing multi-dimensionality, both within yourselves and with your interests. You are recognizing you are not just one thing, but rather, multi-faceted beings with many interests and talents. You are also most focused on expansion, growth, and pioneering, which involves the exploration of many different paths and activities.

This serves you well, as being drawn to many different types of activities, or offering different types of services allows the universe to provide a stream of abundance to you whatever the energies might be supporting.

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 11, 2017

Do you have a deep distrust of when things are good? Do you feel if wonderful things happen it must be fleeting? Do you immediately wait for the “other shoe to drop”?

You anchor things into your awareness through acceptance. If you immediately distrust when things are “too good”, you will instantly throw constraints on your flow. You will block yourself before the full beauty of what the universe is trying to deliver you can be fully assimilated and enjoyed.

Dear Ones, it is ok to trust in the good, in fact, it is highly recommended! If something works for you, give thanks to show your approval and acceptance and then open yourself up to the next wonderful thing that is now possible.

Understand if you have stepped into an energy of what is wanted, it is because that is what is in alignment with you and you can now see what else is possible from that alignment and take the next step into even better.

There are no limits! You get to choose, and choose, and choose again, all based on what feels good to you and opens up to you as new possibilities, as an empowered co-creator of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 10, 2017

There is a part of you that can connect with and anchor any energy that you wish to experience. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy, of All That Is, you have access to all that is.

Just as you can search your computer or a library for any topic matter under the sun, you can also seek to find whatever you wish to explore within yourself. It does not matter if the energy hasn't been used for a long time, or ever, it is still available to you.

As you evolve you will begin to play more and more with the energies that have always existed within you. You will move beyond your self imposed limitations by recognizing that everything has been there all along.

Enlightenment is when, with your free will, you decide to go deep into the exploration of Self and express yourself from the myriad of divine options you already hold, and that, Dear Ones, will be your most exciting and satisfying foray into mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 9, 2017

Dear Ones, stepping into your own mastery means trusting your ability to be the empowered expert on you. Other people may have many ideas about what you should or should not do. Most of that advice will come through the filter of what would be right for them. Feel into their advice, thank them for caring, but always do what feels right for you. No one will ever know your own path and soul's desires like you do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 8, 2017

Dear Ones, the universe is always shifting to serve you and to respond to your thoughts and desires. If you are getting mixed results, how can you further clarify what it is you wish to experience?

The purer, more consistent emanation and intention you can offer, the more consistently the universe can match that vibration until your creation manifests into the physical.

If you are feeling stuck, we advise that you surrender into creating beyond – beyond your doubt, beyond your fear, beyond your perceived blockages, which allows you to to energetically connect with the perfect solutions and outcomes that already exist and are simply waiting for you to discover, acknowledge, and accept as yours. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 7, 2017

Dear Ones, if everyone acted exactly as you expected, you would never have the chance to express unconditional love for others. Conformity is the foundation for conditional love. Diversity is the foundation for unconditional love. Only one can offer freedom and expansion for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 6, 2017

So many enlightening human beings worry if they are good enough. Dear Ones, there has never been a time when you were not! You are an integral and beautiful individuated aspect of Source energy. How could it not be so?

But we understand what you are concerned about – as human beings driving the shift of consciousness on the planet, you wonder if you are doing enough. And to that we answer you in two ways.

First, the shift is reflective of your internal work, of your own shift in beingness. If you are in the throes of your enlightenment process, you are absolutely being of service. Every single energetic shift you assimilate and embody is serving the whole.

Second, those who are not yet allowing their own innate goodness to lead the way are generally not concerned one bit about their goodness. The fact that you wonder if you are good enough, or doing enough, is, by itself, an indicator that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 5, 2017

Surrender is the grease to your flow. The more you can stay in a state of full surrender, the easier it is to move you to your perfect solutions, matches and creations.

So have fun with it! Imagine that surrender helps you have the most joyful, adventure-filled ride in the flow. Steer that flow with your gratitude and appreciation and start to see that surrender is not an arduous task, but rather something that is fun, exciting, and delightful.

When it becomes your preferred mode of operation, you will allow yourself to reap the many rewards it offers, and truly experience the magic and joy of co-creating with a universe that adores you and only wishes to serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 4, 2017

We encourage you to embrace being the creators and pioneers of your life expression. It is important to have clarity on what your dreams and desires truly are. This gives you a pure and undiluted energetic emanation which can then lead the way to your next great adventure and expression of self.

How do you know you have clarity on what you wish to experience? A helpful question can be, “What would I do if I did not know any other people in the world?” Many human beings have a tendency to temper their dreams for fear of judgment or wanting to please others.

If the answer to that question differs from what you have been focusing on thus far, you may wish to delve deeper into what your truest desires are. You can then find a new dream that far better honours you as well as how you wish to show up for others.

Remember, Dear Ones, if you do try something and you do not like it, you can always try again. That is the beauty of being in the realm of experience. ~Archangel Gabriel


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