Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 14, 2017

Sudden endings mean sudden new beginnings. This can be an indicator that your soul was ready to take a leap into new potentials or onto a new timeline that better honours your expansion, growth, and what your soul wishes to experience.

All movement is forward movement, Dear Ones. If sudden change has come upon you, it is a sign that your highest self has a plan – a wonderful plan that will far better match who you really are and take you to your next greatest expression of self.

This is not just about having faith and trust in the universe. This is about having faith and trust in your soul’s own incredible capability to lead you, guide you, and serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 13, 2017

People have an idea that boundaries are static and unmoving. In reality, boundaries are much more effective when they are malleable. There will be times when you need more self care. There will be other times when others need more care. If you are making decisions based on what will be most empowering to everyone involved, you will find a healthy balance and flow that allows you to give and receive, and serve with an appropriateness that honours all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 12, 2017

What if the stalls and issues that occur are beautifully designed to give you more clarity so you can fully align into an even greater manifestation than you thought possible? What if even the problems you experience are lovingly helping you along the way? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 11, 2017

Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is so much abundance for you. All of the things that you seek are right there for you. It is your level of allowance that dictates your experience.

Do you truly open up and accept love or do you feel like if you do you will get hurt, or used, or rejected in some way? Do you fully utilize the guidance that is available to you from your guides and helpers or do you decide to go it alone? Are you open to the universe bringing abundance to you in a myriad of ways or do you limit yourself by believing it can only come through certain avenues? If you have an area of your life that is not unfolding for you as easily as you would like, we suggest asking yourself what your limiting beliefs are about receiving that are constraining your flow.

Are you ready to shift into full faith and trust and acceptance to experience the vast abundance available to you? Are you ready to see your true worthiness and step into your authentic power as a co-creator? Are you willing to fully open up to the wondrous solutions and experiences that have always existed as for you that you haven't been in allowance of simply because you couldn't imagine they were possible? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 10, 2017

Discomfort before movement serves a great purpose. It prepares you to embrace change the second it arrives. If human beings felt comfortable all the time, they would never move! Expired energy prepares you to greet the new with open arms. It allows you to transition from one phase into another with much greater ease and excitement, willingly detaching from the old and embracing the new open-heartedly. It lets you experience change with relief rather than fear. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 9, 2017

As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very uncomfortable in record time. The more you evolve on your enlightenment path, the greater will be the need for freedom and having the ability to move with what the energies are supporting and whatever inspires you.

Because of this you will start to see society start to shift to meet that need. People will start to move more towards self employment and career paths that are focused on their passions. You may see people have several different offerings rather than just one, allowing abundance to flow with what the energies might be supporting at any given time.

Work weeks will become shorter with more flexibility in order to fit people's needs, and positions will be filled based on interest and aptitude rather than simply the need to make a pay cheque. The new measures of success will be more centred on experience, life satisfaction, and self expression through interests, innate talents, and joyful service. This will be another aspect of heaven on earth you have been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 8, 2017

Many of you are in the process of stepping into a new phase in your incarnation. In many ways, much of what you have experienced up until this point will start to feel far removed, feeling almost like a pastlife. This is why you are seeing people suddenly changing locations, careers, their service paths, or interests.

You have reached a new energetic platform, so to speak – a new level of mastery which begs the question, “What do you wish to create moving forward?” And this is exactly why old themes are coming up.

It is like the universe is helping you clean out your closet, as you prepare to move. It is holding up old wounds, old hurts, old patterns, asking if you would like to take them with you or let them go for good.

There is no need to get activated or upset. This is not a punishment or a sign that your energetic work has not been effective. Far from it! It is simply the universe helping you to be concise and aware about what you would like your new creation – your next exciting phase – to look like, and to be consciously aware of what you are bringing with you.

It might help you to detach from it emotionally if you could simply see it as a life review. You are reviewing, just as though you had just transitioned from the body, but you are instead staying, excited for the opportunity to move into a new phase, that for many of you will take on the feel of a brand new incarnation. Take the gift of the experiences and leave the rest behind because it is not necessary to replay the old in your new creation.

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 7, 2017

If you could only see what we see – the incredible job you are doing, the many ways you are of service, the energy you transmute and hold, the beauty of your soul, the phenomenal amount of growth and expansion you have accomplished in such a short amount of time – you would be awestruck. You truly are magnificent beings, each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 6, 2017

Dear Ones, many fears arise from the idea that you are a limited resource and someone can take away from you, leaving you depleted. This comes from seeing yourself as separate from Source energy. Next time you experience yourself in resistance to anything, stop and ask yourself whether your fear is valid or if you have allowed yourself to shift out of your balance and alignment that sees yourself as a fully capable and abundant creator. When you embrace your divinity as part of All That Is, you recognize that you are also an infinite resource. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 5, 2017

Dear Ones, when you have created a firm and divinely connected energetic foundation for yourself, your responses are authentic, balanced, mindful, kind, and loving. If others are unkind to you, it is indicative that they are out of balance - that their fundamental needs have been unmet, that they are in discomfort, and have not yet discovered their own truth, connectedness, or wholeness. Every action or response is simply an indicator of how far along people are in the discovery and acceptance of their own divine nature. ~Archangel Gabriel


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