Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 4, 2017

Dear Ones, the unfoldment is always serving you. Have faith. Trust. Be open and curious. Allow yourself to move forward without resistance. Understand your soul is always seeking expansion and growth and knows exactly what it is doing. You can rest assured that all movement is ultimately forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 3, 2017

If you wish to make a change in your life, surrender into that new way of being and then start doing whatever you can do in each right now moment to support that change. Surrendering activates your team of helpers and opens you up to new potentials and possibilities. Making choices that support that change keep you in a state of cooperation and creation and also start to anchor the energy of what it is you desire. Both surrendering and taking whatever action may be available to you continue to support your intention.

As always, Dear Ones, it does not need to be grandiose. Your surrender simply needs to be consistent, which means staying in a space of open acceptance, faith, and trust until the universe can show you the next steps to take. Your action might be visualizing, meditating, making a vision board, educating yourself on a specific topic, or any other activity that allows you to experience the energy of your dream.

Embracing both surrender, and whatever action you are guided to take on your part, is the core of co-creation. Combine that with appreciation (which is your feedback tool and the steering wheel of your flow) and you will find yourself becoming very adept with the manifestation of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 2, 2017

Compassion is a response to another in need of support that comes from your own divine essence. The more you are in touch with the divine truth of your own beingness, the more you are able to meet others with a compassionate response. For many human beings who have not yet discovered their own endless wellspring of love and connection to Source, it takes greater triggers for them to activate their own compassion. This is the purpose of disaster and other extreme events.

As the world continues to evolve and more and more people awaken to their true divine nature, compassion and love will become your natural go-to responses, and the way you wish to offer connection with others. You will not need extremes to remember your own truth and beingness, and will begin to walk the gentle compassionate path that comes from navigating from your own sacred heart. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 1, 2017

Your holidays are so rejuvenative to you because they are days filled with expansion and joy. Because you are navigating the day through enjoyment and flow, you become much more present and expansive. What would happen if you started to infuse your day to day life with those same elements?

What would happen if you asked yourself, “What would bring me joy?” every single day and then made a point of adding that element into your routine? We will tell you. Your health would improve. Your mood would improve. You would become lighter and much more joyful. You would experience satisfaction much more consistently in your life. You would prepave your tomorrows to be far better matches to you through your presence and appreciation.

Living a life with sporadic enjoyment was never the plan for you, Dear Ones. Your interests are there to help you navigate your life expressions. So live. Experience. Follow the joy. That is what we wish more than anything else for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 30, 2017

It is very common for enlightening human beings to take the high road or the more spiritual response to any situation. This is wonderful and a beautiful sign of growth, if it is done in such a way that does not ignore your human response.

How many times have you ignored how you feel to be “more spiritual”? We love that you are taking a mindful approach! But we also urge you to honour ALL of your feelings. Any parts of you that have missed your attention will continue to rise up in their need for your care and love.

It is never too late to go give yourself what you needed at any given time. For example, if you ignored some very understandable anger over being treated unfairly, go into meditation back to that time and allow that emotion to be labeled, expressed, and ultimately released.

Don’t forget to give your human self love and reassurance that they are still good and evolving even though they had that response. Any emotion you have judged and deemed not spiritual enough still deserves your acknowledgment as a human being, rather than being shunned which will only perpetuate separation within yourself.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 29, 2017

Your survival brain is always concerned with what might happen with change. It likes to look at worst case scenarios so it can be prepared for any potential dangers. This is not necessarily a bad thing! It is only detrimental to you if you stay in the energies of what may go wrong.

In fact, allowing your brain to play out the potentials and have a plan should such an event happen, can reassure you that you are well prepared. But your focus should not end there. Now that you have weighed potential dangers, you are free to start playing with the energies we would call, “What if wonderful happens?”

It is fine to be cautious before moving forward. But don’t allow that to paralyze you! Once that first phase is taken care of, the fun part begins. Start to imagine all the amazing potentials that can open up to you. Know you are protected and prepared and then start to create in earnest! Allow your imagination to flow to wonderful, positive places. Get as creative in your exploration of the good as you were in the not so good.

If you can begin considering the weighing of risks as simply prep work before you move into the true joy of creation, you will be able to step forward with the cooperation of your inner worrier because it will be honoured and appeased. You will then be able to surrender and play and create joyfully and openheartedly to your heart’s content. Your focus will then be shifted onto how the universe can serve and delight you with what matches you and your truest desires. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 28, 2017

Dear Ones, it is not your job to figure out how things will come together for you. Your job is to choose what you would like to experience next that will bring you joy and expansion. You are the expert of your life expression and where you would like it to go next. We are the experts of honouring and matching the energy of your desires and laying out the most direct way to get you there. Do you see? You are part of a team of masters who all have their individual roles and expertise in the process of co-creation, so trust and enjoy the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 27, 2017

What allows you to experience the energy of peace? How often do you feel it? What can you do to grow that peace, to make it a more consistent and predominant energy in your life? The more you can anchor the energy of peace as part of your own personal energetics, the more you will assist the planet in birthing a new era of peace on earth.

We remind you that the great shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet is the accumulation of many human beings waking up and choosing to embody what they wish to experience and then pioneering new potentials by allowing their preferred energy to lead the way. That is how powerful you are, each and every one of you, so never underestimate your ability to positively affect the whole through your consistent and mindful choices. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 26, 2017

As you continue to deepen into the recognition and acceptance of your own truth and divinity, that becomes your predominant energetic emanation. It allows you to lead and serve through your own beingness, anchoring a stability that others and the planet can benefit from. It becomes profoundly beautiful love and purpose in action. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday June 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you have the idea that if you are going to create change it has to happen all at once. But the reality is true change is a process of unfoldment, a blending and coming together of many different elements, many of those happening behind the scenes in preparation of when it all comes together in a tangible way.

You can participate by making small choices that support what it is you wish to achieve or experience daily. Those small choices may be staying in faith and trust, using creative visualization, surrendering, asking for help from your guides and helpers, immersing yourself in the energy you wish to experience more of, or any other action that incrementally moves you toward your goal.

It does not need to be complicated at all but the more consistent you are, the greater the benefit. Staying surrendered, fully present, and using your appreciation as a feedback tool to the universe helps tremendously to continue to steer your flow to your next satisfying co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


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