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Thoughts on Creating a Better World: Part I: The Reality Check

Nataliadiane's picture

I need guidance

hbwaht's picture

I need help. I know no one can help me directly and I know I need to find inner peace on my own, im just asking for some guidance.

Im from Nottingham in the UK. my dad has never been around and my mum was married to an abusive man that i used to fight with for about ten years of my childhood.

 About 2 years ago i started questioning what life was really about and i couldnt comprehend that it was just about getting a job, raising a family and dropping dead. I didnt understand why society works in the way that it does and I went through a phase of about 6 months where i was extremly depressed and dropped out of college and basically did nothing but smoke a lot of weed and just think.

About 3 months ago i stumbled upon a youtube series called spirit science (reccomend watching it). It really got me thinking, and it all seemed to make sense. I dont even know if this site is about any of this stuff but i just need guidance and help to find inner peace and i need to know if the world is ever gonna sort itself out. Or if not if theres anywhere in the world where everyone lives in harmony with one another. Theres too much suffering in the world when there doesnt need to be any. so please, any advice will be taken and who else feels the same way? 


Greetings to all on galactic free press

Ancientlight's picture

Hello friends, this is my first proper message and would like to say how wonderful and joyful it is to be part of something bright and colourfull, my colour is blue and my awakening is slow and steady I am 26 in this body but feel way older, I learned in the last 6 hard years that life wasnt what I thought it to be, (it felt like an overcrowded youthclub in kaos) but during this period I exprerienced many positive and negative things to say the least and wouldnt regret any of it (learning is fun), its amazing how connected I feel to things, people, animals, places, pictures, videos, movies and music its all so beautiful and creative.

Proving grounds, destination earth I can say I was there.


Things that make you go Woh!!

BelindaLove's picture

This morning I was walking down the street, Blessing everything.  

Then the idea started to form to be greatful, so I said Thank you for the Sun, Thank you for this beautiful day, Thank you for all the opportunities of people I am going to be able to show my light to, and then my heart and area around it started to heat up, and I started to get really excited about my day, which was going to be at work.  

As I was in mid thought about this, I crossed the street, and saw two really cute puppies with their owner coming towards me.

 They were being really playful, tugging on their leashes and making little jumps in the air.

 I turned towards them and just as I did, about 40 pigeons came flying out of a tree next to the puppies, heading straight for my head, all at the same time!!

I said WOH!  Really loud, and ducked for cover because the next thing that popped into my mind was uh-oh  I might get sh%$ on!  Work + Sh$$ = Not Good! 

I pet the puppies, talked to the owner and after marvelling at the spectacular pigeon event in my mind, I found myself giggling, feeling just like Allister Simm in that  Scrooge movie, must've felt after the rockin night he had...

I never even knew that pigeons liked trees, because they're always hanging around on the ground, but never saw them in a tree either until today.  

I also found myself wondering what this could have meant?  

Maybe it was the Universe saying "You're Welcome!  Good Start!! Keep Up the Good Work??

I was just wondering if anyone out there had any thoughts about this,  know if pigeons actually live in trees or not, and, also, if anything like this has happened to you in your life?






Thanks for having me

Anonymous's picture

Thank you very much for allowing me to be a member. I have been checking out this blog and posts from Mother/Father God since Jan. I feel at home here. I hope that I can contribute in a positive manner because I see so many examples of positive vibrations. I was afraid of rejection but now I embrace it. I am no longer afraid of who or what I AM. Thank you. Namaste


Mobile Version of the GFP

will's picture

We've just launched a new mobile version of the site! If you connect to the site with a mobile device and are logged in, you should see the option to view a version of the site specially created for devices with smaller screens. It's still in development, so if you find any bugs, see any problems, or have any suggestions, feel free to reply below.


Crows and Swallows

birdmandmr's picture

Hello there. I'm new to the concept of awakening but recent life events drew me towrds it.


My summer...


I was getting followed by crows literally everywhere I went. Leave my house the crows would start going crazy and wouldn't stop until I got to work which was about a 15 minute walk. The second I stepped outside, no matter where I was, crows would start cawing. But anytime I would break down or come to a realiztion these swallows would show up out of nowhere and fight the crows off. The first time it happened, was the first day i started getting back into to shape and right after a mile run, the swallows showed and in the air drove the crows away. 


This happned the entire summer, every time I would get my lowest the swallows would show up and fight the crows off. This one time I was feeling really low and literally tens of the birds filled the sky where I was looking out the window. They were cirling and flying and driving the crows away. 


I've been going through a lot emotion distress after a series of traumatic events in my life. And for about the last year and half of my life have made life harder and harder day by day. It really got worst this summer but after all this, for the first time in a while I feel myself getting better. And even the circumstances around my healing are bizarre. I've wanted to quit so many times but after all I've went I realize I have to keep goign and progressing.


I just wanted to hear what people thought of this or if anyone has had similar experiences.

Any adivce or comments are welcome. 



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