The energies have been particularly strong of late in terms of bringing up what is ready for release. When the energies are strong, there is no mistaking what that energy is that is trying to leave. Why is this important? Because it is through your identification that you allow it to leave.
Dear Ones, you are sovereign beings. You are the masters of your own path. The universe is always seeking to assist you but ultimately it is your agreement and cooperation with that assistance that allows it to occur. The energies are bringing up things that are now ready to leave, but it is up to you to allow that to happen.
It is like the universe holds up an emotion you are ready to let go of as if to ask, “Are you ready to let this go?” You get to say yes, by identifying what you would like to let leave. By choosing not to look at it, you are deciding to hold it onto it for a while longer.
The fact that it is coming up does not mean you are still unhealed or broken. Far from it! The fact that it comes up means that you have healed to the point where it is ready to leave, which is a wonderful thing.
If you have an emotion that is ready for release, feel into it. What is it? What would you call it? Once you have labelled it, let it go. Wave goodbye to it and see it as tangible proof of the work that you have done.