GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2017

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These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended - you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one.


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Most of Us Are Ingesting Plastic Fibers Without Even Realizing It

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Plastic, once regarded as convenient and versatile, has actually become one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. It’s easy to see the extend of the contamination when you visit the oceanside. Even the most remote beaches are often littered with plastic debris. Now, new evidence reveals the problem of plastic pollution hits much closer to home. Microplastics, invisible to the human eye, are present in our drinking water, and as a result are polluting our bodies.

Study Reveals We are Ingesting Plastic Fibers via Tap Water

An investigation commissioned by Orb Media revealed that microplastics were present in 83 percent of drinking water samples. The study encompassed more than a dozen countries, including the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Lebanon, Indonesia, Equator, and India.

When comparing contamination rates, the U.S. had the highest rate at 94 percent. This means that researchers found plastic fibers in 94 percent of the water samples collected at dozens of locations around the country.

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You, Yes, You, Are God’s Glory

God said:

Beautiful Children of Mine, at the Heart of you, am I. Do not think that I glorify Myself, nor do I glorify you. You ARE My Glory. You ARE the Glory of God. This is how it is, plain and simple. This is Truth. This isn’t illusion or fanfare. This is not an attempt at cheer or encouragement. I am not spoofing you. You just can’t quite take in what I say, and so you scoff as though I make a joke out of you, limited as you may be in your trust in Me.

Granted that you are imperfect in your day-to-day enterprise, you are convinced that you are the ignorant. You have no doubt. Of course, this platform you come from is absolute folly. You just about respond with: “HA-HA.” You have not only convinced yourself of your ignorance, you prove true to it.

You would rather proclaim yourself outside Heaven’s doors than to bluff your way or take a chance that you can be more than you are generally thought to be. How you don’t want to fall flat on your face. You would rather not presume at all than to proclaim fabrication. You can lie about a lot of things, yet you feel preposterous to lie about your Identity so boldly on this Earth.

Honestly, you are not going to kid yourself and be caught out.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 12, 2017

Dear Ones, surrender with intention is your new go-to power tool as you learn how to work with the new energies. It allows you to beyond feeling helpless if you don't know the next steps, into empowered movement, utilizing all of the universal help available to you. It is the most efficient way to move forward into how you wish to express yourselves and your preferred ways of being.

More and more you will remember to redirect yourselves from engaging with the energy of problems or blockages into simply surrendering into your highest solutions, which is making the profound shift from victim consciousness into authentic power. This is consciously making the decision to use the new operating system that is fully supported in this next phase of your enlightenment process, which will lead you to the experience of far greater grace and ease so many of you have been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Now that you have been experiencing the current energy for a while, you are beginning to understand what it truly is and what is being accomplished.  During this ‘go, go, go’ phase, you may be tempted to push your human body beyond its limits.  Please understand and know that it is okay for you to rest!  Rest is not laziness, it is self-care!  Without your main mode of transportation (smiling), it will be difficult to continue your growth.  My dearest one; rest if you are in need! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2017

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Poetry exists somewhere beyond grammar - it is more music, less language, it is more a feeling and less a thought. It eludes, and that is the beauty of it - you cannot fix it. It is like a river moving, it is not like a pond. Prose is like a pond, poetry is like a river.


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A Hole The Size Of Lake Superior Opened Up In Antarctica, And Scientists Have No Idea What It Is

Image Credit: Nasa

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

On this truly auspicious day (10/10/10), news of the mysterious nature was revealed by atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus. Reportedly, a hole as large as Lake Superior — or the entire state of Maine — has opened up in Antarctica, and scientists are stumped as to why it is there.

Moore told Vice that the hole “is quite remarkable,” and that “it looks like you punched a hole in the ice.” According to the atmospheric physicist, areas of open water surrounded by sea ice are known as  polynias. Though they are common in coastal regions of Antarctica, this one is confusing to scientists because the polynia is “deep in the ice pack.” As a result, it has been formed by processes that aren’t understood. “This is hundreds of kilometres from the ice edge. If we didn’t have a satellite, we wouldn’t know it was there,” said Moore. At its peak, the phenomena measures 80,000 k㎡.

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Check Out This “Living” Chandelier Made With Algae-Filled Leaves That Naturally Purifies The Air

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective Evolution

Have you ever heard of Julian Melchiorri? In 2014, this design engineer, biotechnologist, and Royal College of Art graduate developed the first synthetic biological leaf, Silk Leaf, aimed to enable long-distance space travel. The leaf absorbs water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and, just like a plant, it needs light and a small amount of water to function.

The Silk Leaf project consists of chloroplasts suspended in a matrix made out of silk protein.

“The material is extracted directly from the fibres of silk,” Melchiorri explains. “This material has an amazing property of stabilising molecules. I extracted chloroplasts from plant cells and placed them inside this silk protein. As an outcome I have the first photosynthetic material that is living and breathing as a leaf does.”

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There Is Something Good Here

God said:

Everything changes, and yet nothing changes. Oh, yes, momentarily, every moment Life and change proceed. There is constant change that changes nothing. There are the seasons. The seasons do their thing, yet, inevitably, another season pops up, and here you are again.

Leaves on trees change all over the place. A leaf buds and grows green. A flower blossoms. The leaves change color. The leaves are covered with snow. The leaves are dormant. The leaves start all over again. These are no surprises, and yet there are anticipations.

Changing colors and buddings of flowers take your breath away. You have an idea of the miracle you are witnessing. It has happened a thousand times, and it will happen another thousand times and more. Nature is battened down, and Nature is freed. You can only look on in awe at a glance of Infinity in your observation and in your Heart, your Infinite Heart thrown out to the world as it may.

Change -- here today, and change -- gone tomorrow. Change seems to be unchanging. What is new under the Sun is unchanging change which comes out as no change at all even as it happens again and again.

Even as Nature is repetitive, Nature is ever new. Life will not be cold-shouldered. There is something good here even as Life on Earth is the same again and again and yet ever new as it blossoms and as Life folds its tents or spruces itself up.

The world makes you gasp in Joy. This is just right. Your heart bursts, and every moment penetrates your heart with enchantment and a certain disarray.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 11, 2017

Dear Ones, you have no idea how incredibly important you are. The grand shift that is occurring on your planet would simply not happen without you. You are the ground crew, the intrepid, loving souls who came to your planet to make a difference. Take a moment today to feel that truth, to acknowledge and thank yourself, and wrap yourself up in love for who you are, all you have done, and all you will continue to do. Bask in the knowledge that you are loved and honoured beyond measure, and that the entire universe is grateful for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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